Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey

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July 6, 2016 6:56 pm

For sure, somebody has all the emails. My guess: China, Russia and Israel plus a possible free lancer or two. Any possibility the could be purchased ny an interested party? What would the major powers gain from the possession of this info? Blackmail potential which would eliminate the need for bribery. The Chinese know her and Bill from long ago, things are cosy there. Israel knows it will always come out ahead no matter what crises or “black swain” appears no problem. Russia is there any chance Shillery Clinton will blunder into a Wesley Clark type showdown hoping to humilate Putin and back him down?

July 6, 2016 7:07 pm

For sure, somebody has all the emails. My guess: China, Russia and Israel plus a possible free lancer or two. Any possibility the could be purchased by an interested party? Inquiering minds want to know. What would these major powers gain from the possession of this info? Blackmail potential which would eliminate the need for bribery. The Chinese know her and Bill from long ago, things are cosy there. Israel knows it will always come out ahead no matter what crises or “black swain” appears no problem ever. Russia? is there any chance Shillery will blunder into a Wesley Clark type showdown hoping to humilate Putin and back him down? Would Putin like a new cold war? Why be coy? Release it and help us try to get free.

July 6, 2016 1:23 pm

Yes Mr. Q, precisely what Madame Deficit (aka Marie Antoinette) believed right up until the blade was unleashed on October 16 1793.

And here we are just eight days away from the 227th anniversary of the French people saying “enough is enough” and storming the Bastille. Gov. Bernard-Rene De Launay, protector of the Bastille, had his head removed, placed on a stick and paraded through the city by the fed up mob. Now I’m not suggesting anything, but……….When is enough enough? The elite’s treatment of the citizenry in our ersatz Republic is nothing short of disgraceful, despicable and disgusting.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 6, 2016 1:32 pm

I hope that video doesn’t become a Trump campaign ad, because the goofy background music takes away the seriousness of this whole sordid affair.

July 6, 2016 2:09 pm

Does the brown on his mouth mean he and Hillary are going steady?Move over Huma!

July 6, 2016 2:10 pm

Just a sneak peak at why they want peasants right to arms abolished.

July 6, 2016 3:42 pm

Many in the EU wish they had the right to own guns. They know the Islam scum will bring in illegal weapons and bring death and fear to the Europeans (white). The police will do nothing.

July 6, 2016 5:36 pm

Maybe Comey’s just smart enough to realize going against the Clinton’s has a tendency to be fatal.

July 7, 2016 12:40 am

Just absurd, and, and, almost beyond comprehension.
FBI says she broke the law but she didn’t intend to break
the law. Furthermore, why do all her jackets look like Walmart Rugs?