Bodycam footage of unarmed Dylan Noble released by Fresco police

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July 14, 2016 6:39 am

Another cold-blooded murder by CopFucks.
Once on the ground after being shot, the POS CopFuck was in no danger; None; Nada; yet he pumped two or three more bullets into a defenseless citizen.

It is just possible that the guy was inebriated. The CopFucks knew who the guy was.

July 14, 2016 6:52 am

You should watch the video.

July 14, 2016 6:51 am

He asked for that. Suicide by cop. Still reaching to his waist under the shirt after shot three times. He will not be missed.

July 14, 2016 7:04 am

Indigent….you are one stupid fuck. Apparently, you’ve never watched other vids of people getting shot and Tased – they are in a different physical and mental state. They cannot be expected to process the Gestapo commands as if they were in a normal state.

Think you can understand that you fucking moron.

July 14, 2016 12:13 pm

So he got shot before he got out of the truck? He wasn’t doing himself any good right from jump. And did you listen to the call come over the cop radio? Listen and rewatch. Save your insults. Argue the video.

July 14, 2016 7:05 am

Not much sympathy for the victim. All he had to do was show his hands and follow directions. Was he deaf or fucked up?

July 14, 2016 7:08 am

Hail the Police State – Just Obey (or die.)

July 14, 2016 7:15 am

Diogenes….”Not much sympathy for the victim.”

I can agree with you before he was initially shot. Once he was shot and fell to the ground, if you expect the victim to react to Gestapo commands (like you would as you are on your computer) than you are as much a dumbfuck as Indigent.

July 14, 2016 12:16 pm

How would you have handled it? Your ability to insult exceeds your ability to make a reason filled argument.

July 14, 2016 9:56 am

He was unarmed, Dio. Polish the cop’s shoes while you’re down there.

July 14, 2016 3:00 pm

He was unarmed, ed? Holding one hand in your waistband behind your back pretty much says I HAVE A GUN. Bluffing like that might work on some of your fellow gangbangers, with a cop, you’re getting shot.

July 14, 2016 7:55 am

Obviously fake, no blood running everywhere, no muzzle flash, no real recoil, etc.

If not for TBP posters here I would never have learned how to spot a fake shooting.

harry p.
harry p.
July 14, 2016 8:02 am

when in doubt i typically fall on the side opposite copfuks but his right hand kept going for where a person would appendix carry, looked like a fair shoot initially (first 2 shots). the guy might have continued to reach for a piece but he probably was grasping at his wounds so its fair to get pissed about the followup shots. Also taking cover behind the tailgate isn’t smart, better to put the portion of the vehicle that has the engine block between you and the suspect/perp. this will allow the cop to also be less likely to shoot out of fear.

ultimately this is what happens when the cops are on edge.

HSF eluded to it a few days ago (order vs diversity). if we don’t want a police state we have to ditch the idea of diversity, it creates unproductive conflict that often can only be resolved through violence.

July 14, 2016 8:34 am

I guess it may have been in the video and I missed it, but why did they pull him over in the first place? Did the cops draw their weapons in the patrol car while still driving?

The first shot seems like one could argue for its justification, but shooting a person for trying to cover the bullet hole in is hard to justify. I want to know why they were ready to shoot him before they stopped their vehicles. That is the decision point that ended up with this guy dead.

July 14, 2016 8:42 am

Is carrying a rifle a crime? I know this was California, so it may be.

Dead guy seemed drunk, drugged or otherwise mentally impaired. None are good reasons to be shot repeatedly by the ones sworn to protect us.

July 14, 2016 8:51 am

I think everything related to having a gun is some kind of a crime in California.

If something isn’t, I imagine it will be in short order.

harry p.
harry p.
July 14, 2016 9:16 am

probably right about everything involving a gun being a crime in Cali, except if police use it…

July 14, 2016 12:26 pm

I hear the radio talking about victims and someone bleeding from ears and mouth after they call in the plate check.

July 14, 2016 2:21 pm

And five people all wearing red (bloods)

July 14, 2016 9:08 am

Kokoda I agree with your analysis after he was shot. I get the feeling the guy was stoned out of his mind or just wanted to be killed by the cops.

July 14, 2016 9:26 am

While sad, dude was an idiot. If he was impaired he’s a double idiot. IMHO, cops are just trying get through day like anyone else.

I always assume cop thinks I want him dead. Last time I got pulled over I was doing 60 passing a heavy truck in a 35 zone just after dusk. It was two lane my direction and one lane opposite direction. Safe pass, state cop was behind me but I didn’t know it, and speed limit went to 50 not long after I got around truck. Waited to pull over where I could get off shoulder. Stuck both my hands out window until officer was standing at my window. Spoke politely to him and he was very polite as well. Got a verbal warning after my paperwork checked out.

I’ve known several police officers. One followed his dad into Washington, D.C. police and ended up committing suicide. Once was a county cop, female, drug enforcement, quit as soon as her 20 years was in. Another was a state cop who ended up shooting some dirt bag while off duty. He quit force once he realized that shooting was going prevent him from advancement.

We used to target shoot all kinds of weapons about once a year at my mom’s until neighbors complained and county cops showed up. Never had a problem.

I don’t blame these officers. I blame those responsible for the deplorable state this country is in from sea to shining sea. It’s what any rational person should expect when Almighty God is rejected by more and more people. They are just like any sub-population with lawless tendencies. We’ve reached epic lawlessness levels and it is either going to get better or we go into abyss as a nation.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 14, 2016 9:55 am

He was a good boy.
He didn’t deserve to die like that.
He used to make pancakes for his grandma.
Look at this picture when he was six.
Now his children don’t have a daddy.
He was turning his life around.
He had Skittles.
He was thinking about getting his GED.
Police be hunting us out here.
Let’s all go and block the freeway.
Cracka ass Donald Trump’s fault.

July 14, 2016 9:56 am

Is it real? RT has a scoche more credibility than the full ‘merikan propaganda outlets, but not really. I thought the narrative was only poor innocent blacks were killed by the Praetorian? Putin must be behind this . . . trying to ease racial tensions by showing that all lives matter. I just knew that ex-KGB prick loves us! Thanks Poots!

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
July 14, 2016 10:01 am

Yeah I’m not buying it. The guy gets shot with a 45 at about 10′ away and he doesn’t get knocked back. The cop is aiming at his chest but the guy grabs his lower stomach then releases it to brace his fall. I think training video.

July 14, 2016 11:12 am

Couple of stories to put the incident in perspective, for anyone who wants to learn more about the entire incident.

July 14, 2016 11:38 am

I don’t have to obey lawful orders of the police. I can resist the police and do what I want. They have no right to tell me what to do. They can’t do shit.

Oh! all of the above is wrong. If you get in touch with reality you probably will live longer.

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
July 14, 2016 11:54 am

Dumbass was probably playing Pokemon Go.

July 14, 2016 12:08 pm

Ding! Fries are done!

How many fucking opportunities did he have to comply? Impaired or not, he was clearly able to display *one hand* for the cops to see, why not the other? I don’t necessarily agree with what happened there but how many readers here would have acted like Dumbshit Noble did?

As I’ve said, it’s going to get MUCH worse before it gets better. Live your life accordingly.

I’m traveling again and yesterday I was haulin’ ass down the road at 81mph in a 60 and encountered a cop in an unmarked pickup going the opposite way. He flashed his headlights three times at me and I slowed down while watching the mirror. He was braking but continued on his way. I assume his rear facing radar confirmed I was slowing down.

Several years ago I encountered a cop about twenty miles from where I encountered this guy yesterday. I was speeding and he simply wagged his finger at me as I went by. Message received.

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
July 14, 2016 1:10 pm

It is unlikely that was a trooper- sounds like another motorist warning you about a trap ahead.

  Yancey Ward
July 14, 2016 1:24 pm

No, he had the uniform and full compliment of “gadgets”. He was a sheriffs deputy actually. The one a few years back was a marked trooper. I’m tellin’ ya, cops round these parts are not the devils they seem to be elsewhere.

July 14, 2016 3:05 pm

I think of cops the way I thought of the FAA(Federales) when I was flying: they are not your friends. They have the power to take your life or liberty(cops), or take your license and thereby your livelihood(Feds). That’s a simple fact of life. Don’t go looking for trouble, obey the rules as best you can, show some respect when dealing with them and chances are you’ll be ok.

July 14, 2016 3:25 pm

Buckshot into the pavement a few inches in front of this guys feet. Dude laying on the ground ready to cuff. Fuckers just want to kill somebody for non-compliance. Thugs and cowards.

July 14, 2016 5:47 pm

Isn’t use of excessive force still a serious charge for a cop to face?

If I was on a jury viewing this, here are my thoughts:
Yes, the guy did not get on the ground, and yes, he reached behind himself, and yes, he was walking toward the officer. So yes, the first shot was borderline justifiable.

To me, the second shot was at least excessive use of force. The shot after the guy was on the ground, I would debate as falling between manslaughter and Murder 2. The last shot looked like a premeditated ending of a life – a ‘just to be sure’ moment. Murder 1 in my book, whether the guy was still breathing or not. That shooter was and is unfit to be a cop anywhere, anytime.

July 14, 2016 8:05 pm

This will not bring any additional respect or regard for the shooters. If all it takes to get killed by the police is the “truck peeling out” behavior, many more (on both sides of the law) will be dying soon.

Shooting him three more times after he was blown to the ground is reprehensible. I realize folks on crack / PCP can do wild things, but he was still a dozen feet away from the cops when he was shot up. There will be no mercy once the truly angry and frightened have to defend themselves with little time, little training in combat. I may have to look into a Barrett; it’s hard to get shot with a .45 pistol when you’re a couple of hundred yards away.

July 14, 2016 9:50 pm

It looks like a training video. As a deputy who knows firearms. Is like the poster above states officer shoots center mass and he grabs his abdomen. Where is the rear sight on the shotgun? What the hell is that? I’ve never seen a department 870 or such with no rear sight! At a few yards 12 gauge buck or a slug would destroy his chest and pieces would be flying. He certainly would not still be moving ! No blood? This whole vid feels and screams training vid. What the fuck are they expecting people to really believe anymore . I’m telling you folks something sinister evil this way comes.

July 14, 2016 9:58 pm

The RT vid does NOT show the officer with the shotgun. Go to Liveleak to see that POV and then ask where is the rear sight on the shotgun. Or just google Remington 870 picture ( standard issue for most departments. You will see what a real one looks like . This shit is FAKE. Then the weirdness of the other shootings should make any logical person ask what is going on?

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 14, 2016 10:18 pm

I told you of the time that kid went for the Deputy’s gun, he got shot to death. He was drunk and irrational. More recently, some few years ago, I watched a video of 3 yutes, Mexicans, the cops made to stand with their hands behind their head, one got tired and dropped his hands, complaining of the mistreatment. He got killed on the spot. Not following an officer’s commands and simply moving when you are told to stay still is reason enough for a cop to kill you.

Kinda makes you long for the days when a cop pulled you over on a routine traffic stop, and the worst you could expect was he’d take you to the next town for an impromptu colonoscopy.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 14, 2016 10:29 pm

La ley fuga is a standard Western theme in Mexican movies. It goes like this: cops catch bandits, make them dig their grave. At the end the cops have a change of heart. They offer the bandits a chance to escape. The bandits run away real fast. The cops apply the fugitive law and shoot them in the back.

There was news of some kids who were being chased by the Federales. They ran off the road, crashed their car and jumped out running into the Chihuahua desert. They got some hot slugs in the back.

A trial is reserved for people of means, Poor people get their justice at the wrong end of a gun. It’s the new normal, get used to it.

July 15, 2016 4:09 pm

I figured either deaf or really stupid. I was with the cops on this one.