Is The Fix in?

Trump is no dummy.Trump lead

Because he did not pick Newtie.

Had he done so, he might as well have put Romney at the head of the ticket and retired to Mira Lago. The selection of Pence shows that while Trump is no Libertarian, he’s not another “bipartisan” – and so Born to Lose  – Republican.

With Pence, Trump makes his victory in November more rather than less likely – as would not have been the case with someone like Newtie as his Better Half.

This is smart politics, regardless of our (as Libertarians) approval of his politics.

Trump needs the snake handlers and tongue-talkers – just as Hillary must have the Millennial Redistributionists and Social Justice Warriors.

Like it or not, that is brass knuckle electoral reality.Newt Gingrich

Pence appeals to the snake handlers and tongue talkers because he is one himself. A “born again” guzzler of the theocratic Kool Aid. Newtie panders to the drinkers of the Kool Aid – and while they may be addled, they intuit his fraudulence just like the pod people in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. They know he doesn’t read The Good Book (except perhaps for its entertainment value) and doesn’t care which body parts get put into what other body parts, either. He is a smart, cynical, utterly corrupt DC insider.

Just like Romney.

And just as unelectable at this critical mass moment in American politics.

And so, Trump picked Pence.

Yes, he’s a warmonger in addition to a Bible-thumper. He not only supported the unprovoked attack on Iraq (a la Germany and Soviet Russia into Poland in 1939, a war crime according to the Nuremburg Tribunal, for which the Nazi neo-con leaders were hanged while our neo-con leaders get book deals) he supports further unilateral attacks on (among others) Iran. He opposes closing the American gulag at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He supported the American version of Germany’s Enabling Act, which like its historical antecedent suspended civil liberties in this formerly sort-of free country.

All of this is understandably appalling to Libertarians but necessary for Trump to secure the support of the people who will decide the election in his favor. Without whom he cannot win.

And if he loses, so do we.Hillary

We get Hillary.

And probably Mr. Justice Obama.

The certainty of Obamacare forever.

That the Second Amendment will become like the Fourth and Fifth and Tenth Amendments – a nullity. We can look forward to yet more “diversity” at gunpoint. The likely criminalization of dissenting views. Carbon taxes. Et cetera.

Pence is no prize, either. Among other things, he is afflicted by the priapic urge to rain bombs on people in faraway lands with preferences for alternative religious fantasies and forms of political tyranny that differ in structure from the democratic ideal. But he will be vice president – not president.

He will help elect the president.

After which, he becomes a superfluity.

Trump, after all, is no Chimp. He will not be a front man for the real president (as Cheney was on behalf of The Chimp). Trump is many things, many of them not admirable. But a tool, he isn’t. Trump is no one’s second banana. Certainly not Pence’s. While Trump’s commitment to liberty is hugely debatable, his need to be Number One isn’t. Therefore, Pence’s most egregious and dangerous impulses – such as his lust for global war, which Trump doesn’t appear to share – would be blunted.

This is no small thing.Clinton puts her arm around Kissinger after he presented her with a Distinguished Leadership Award from the Atlantic Council in Washington

Keep in mind (like a mantra, because the stakes are that high) that if Hillary wins, we will get more war and very possibly a global one. Hillary loves war (so long as she’s not actually in the line of fire). Whether her VP shares this sickness is irrelevant. Because Hillary is also no one’s second banana. She is worse. She is this close – after a lifetime of scheming and waiting for her moment – to being in a position to pull the proverbial trigger herself.

And her finger is very itchy.

Trump could have asked Ron Paul to come out of retirement and accept the largely ceremonial office of VP. This would have swelled the hearts of Libertarians (including me) who cringe at the prospect of Hillary laying her murderous fingers on the levers of political power – but who are also rightly leery about Trump’s also-authoritarian tendencies.

But then Trump would have assured Hillary’s laying her murderous fingers on the levers of political power – and probably (among other things) Justice Obama a year or so from now.

By picking Pence, Trump has made this less likely.

As Sarah Palin used to say, you betcha.


Notify of
July 15, 2016 2:06 pm

Should have been Newt.

July 15, 2016 2:09 pm

Damn, Eric has went to huffin glue, then he has done fell and hit his head. This the first time since I’ve been reading his blog that he has written something completely retarded.

Dag, Eric. I told you that bouncing on the Trumpoline could cause severe brain damage. I tried to warn you, son.

Now look.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 15, 2016 2:43 pm

I’m not sure Trump gave it that deep consideration. His criteria was simply who is not going to upstage Trump. So he needed a gray-haired, pasty face, politico. Newt is to flashy for Trump’s taste, he might even seek to promote himself. No, he needed somebody who would shine his shoes and dish on the capitol hill gang.

Go get your shoe shine box.

July 15, 2016 2:12 pm

Pence has too much of a neocon stink about him. fix is in and we are still screwed.

July 15, 2016 5:37 pm


Pence is pro TPP.

Pence made fun of Trump’s position on keeping out Muslims.

Sooooo, wtf??

Anyway, Pence is a thousand times better than Phatfuk Christie.

July 15, 2016 9:28 pm

I’m not too crazy about Pence. He’s a phonie.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 15, 2016 2:13 pm

The Rump owns Hellabeast (among others) If he loses he still wins.

3rd Generation
3rd Generation
July 15, 2016 2:30 pm

Stick to writing car reviews, Peters.

You’re embarrassing yourself and waay out of your league here.

You’re Welcome.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 15, 2016 3:36 pm

The thing that made Pence the right pick (not in my opinion but others) is that the Evangelicals will eat him up with a spoon. Only Jeebus would have thrilled the Christian crowd more. The bible thumping will now begin.

I may have to rethink if tRUMP can win this thing……but then Hitlery has not unloaded all the Trump dirty laundry to the public as yet. And she has a semi-load to put out there. More on that after the DEMO convention……….

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
July 15, 2016 4:43 pm

Bea, Paul decided to confine his message to the gentiles after the apostles sewed up the field in Israel. The Republicans likewise were left with the Christians after the Democrats sewed up the minorities and assorted pervs. They keep looking to expand by taking in more minorities; illegal immigrants and sexual deviants.

There is a reason Trump is trying to limit the influx of more heathens, Muslims. The only way the Republicans can increase their base is to go out and convert unbelievers to the Christian faith. They do not help their cause by alienating the pool of Christians otherwise known as Hispanics. Too bad.

Maybe when the Republicans abandon the Trump Party in droves this November, us believing Hispanics will find a real home.

  Bea Lever
July 15, 2016 5:23 pm

Ann Coulter anticipated this as the most grievous Trump mistake, Newt ir Crispie Creme would be worse and Ernst or Blackburn probably were over classed. Larry Flynn,Jim Webb and Tom Cotton have military experience but don’t seem to spoil for a new war. Webb and Flynn are democrats who oppose Hitlery, the cross overs are essential to offset the sit homers and the so called conscience conservatives. Any of the three would have appeal to independents. I can’t believe a single independent will be encouraged by Pense. Not sure if he was a Ted Cruz supporter or not, but if Ted is forgiving, he possibly could make that fantastic data base and walk in the snow, rain and gloom of night, foot soldier Army available to the last gasp for the USA. You can not only deal with those you like and the perfect is the enemy of the good. We can rest assure that Bernie’s FSA supporters and data disks are at Shillary’s disposal for her coronation in USSA.


Big Dick
Big Dick
July 15, 2016 3:51 pm

The name of the game of thrones is Win and destroy your enemy any way you can. Trump needs a Pence to ascend to the throne and then he can put the dirt rag of corruption lying Hillary in jail along with her dear crumb bum husband.

July 15, 2016 4:56 pm

I e – mailed the Trump organization and volunteer my service as His Secretary of Defense. If I am chosen you can be your libertarian ass there’s going to be a war on Muslims. There’s going to be a wall between America and Mexico.I will also freeze all immigration and assets held by immigrants .Probably arrest those trouble makers at The Burning Platform.That’s just in my first week of service for my nation.

July 15, 2016 4:59 pm

Damn anonymous is on the warpath .You go anon.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 15, 2016 5:04 pm

I like his libertarian proclamation: “You can be your libertarian ass.”

July 15, 2016 5:00 pm

who the hell is Pence?
you all seem to know, so i can rest easy in my ignorance.

July 15, 2016 5:44 pm

Hannity tonight will be dedicating his hour long show with Pence.

I haven’t watch Hannity in 3 or 4 years, not even one minute. Really. But, I’ll be watching tonight. Cuz I don’t know anything about Pence either.

July 15, 2016 5:08 pm

Pence? The fix is in? Geopolitics will determine the future, the American election is of little importance. We Americans find it hard to think globally, all we want is free wifi and entitlements. Turkey has just had a coup, does that mean anything? It means we ain’t seen nothing yet. Our state department has been clueless since Vietnam, start preparing for dystopia!

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 15, 2016 5:08 pm

Pence is a cardboard cutout from one of Tom Tomorrow’s cartoons. He is about as interesting as anybody from Indiana can be expected, he’s a human grits. Since I believe Trump is toast, his choice of grits is most apropos.

Eh, Bea???????
You like, my friend?

  Full Retard
July 15, 2016 5:57 pm

If I asked you to write everything you know about Pence, could you even write a short paragraph? If so, you would be ahead of 99% of us.

What I am saying is, give the guy a chance before you jump his shit.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 15, 2016 6:02 pm

Well, he’s pro-life. That’s a plus.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Full Retard
July 15, 2016 7:10 pm

Full Retard

Where I come from there is saying,” he is about as exciting as a plate of cold grits”.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
July 15, 2016 9:04 pm

Really, why would anybody give you a thumbs down for this comment?
The morans are out in force today.
They will be experiencing some cold turkey when Trump loses like a one-pump chump.

July 15, 2016 5:58 pm

And I should care about a vice CEO of the US corporation pick why? This whole reality show is such a blatant scam. I really don’t get why people pay it any attention still today and give it an air of legitimacy.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 15, 2016 6:11 pm

Pence will be praying nothing happens to the Donald lest he be LBJ’d. You pre-conspiracists are a marvel of imagination. Maybe you really ought to jack off more often.

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 15, 2016 7:17 pm

3 thumbs down is hardly a ping. My personal best was 9. Nowadays, the Trumpeteers won’t read my comments, they have each others dick firmly in hand and they are busy jacking each other off with every fawning comment they make about Trump. It’s hard being an anti-Trump here.

They must think TBP stands for Trump’s Blowjob Party.

  Full Retard
July 17, 2016 10:12 am

Shit, El. I got 17 downers on one comment. May have been more later once it dropped below the fold. I don’t think I ever gave either of you two a downer, but I will if you need it. ahaha

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 17, 2016 10:54 am

We iz shameless shit stirrers, we expect downers. Now watch how many downers this comment will receive but SSS still holds the record.

July 16, 2016 1:41 am

Yo- I agree.
Pence is Johnson.
Pence is Truman.
That big wheel just keeps spin’in, round n round.

July 17, 2016 1:22 am

IMHO, the clock is ticking. Fukashima Diachi occurred on 3/11/11 and I believe is a warning that we are nearing the end of this ‘system of things’. I read a lot of blogs. I read that Mr. Trump plans to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem should he be elected. IMHO, this is very important information and bears watching.

It should be clear that there are powerful forces at work. It should be clear that these forces are centered in Washington, D.C./City of London/Vatican. Three city states within ‘sovereign’ nations. Washington, D.C. resides on land donated from both Virginia and Maryland. Think: Virgin Mary.

Now might be a good time to read ‘A Revelation’ where your lord and savior, Jesus Christ, revealed a few things to the apostle John. All praise, honor and glory to Almighty God for ensuring His Holy Scriptures are available for your reading pleasure. Please note that this revelation was given to Jesus Christ by Almighty God.

“A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented (it) in signs through him to his slave John who bore witness to the word God gave, and to the witness Jesus Christ gave, even to all the things he saw. Happy is he who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and who observe the things written in it; for the appointed time is near.” -Revelation 1:1-3

Full Retard
Full Retard
July 17, 2016 2:35 am

I almost felt bad for writing this last night but then I considered it for a while and thought the Republicans brought it upon themselves. They had help from the Democrats, though. Really, Obama drove away the whites from the party and this unwashed mass converged on the unsuspecting Republicans. Knowing nothing about Republicans, they voted in the primaries according to their disgust with Obama and Trump played to them like a Grand Dragon to the KKK.

Anyway, that was my thinking when I wrote this shit last night:

The Donald knows all about renting out his name and he has rented the Republicans name for the moment. The Trumpeteers are not Republicans, they are Trump partisans.

Look at the way Trump speaks to them, in 3rd grade terminology. He knows he is addressing morons.

He merely borrowed the sheep’s clothing of old line Republicans because the Republican party is dead. The Donald is using their name since it is still a nationally recognized brand.

Imagine that the old money has rented the Donald their luxurious house for a party. They leave and come back a few hours later only to find drunken hillbillies tearing up the place, midget wrestlers and assorted couples having sex on their bed.

Shocked, they ask, who are you people?

Why, we’re Republicans, jes like you, and we’re going to make this country great agin, you’ll see. The Donald is going to win! Happy days are here agin!

They call the Donald. What are these filthy inbreds doing in our house?

Why, they are my supporters and we are going to win this election for all Republicans, not just the rich folks.

The rich house owners lament, we really must be more careful who we allow to call themselves Republicans, can you believe these morons have so invaded our party that they now call us Republicans in Name Only, like they were the ones who built this party?

Curse this nouveau riche Trump for bringing more of these inbred scalawags into the party, we should have built a 30 foot wall at the Mason-Dixon line a long time ago !

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 17, 2016 11:05 am

Being for Trump or against Trump is like being for or against rain. Trump is a natural phenomenon, like Clinton, a product of circumstances, not acumen or skill sets. He arose precisely because of the political climate that disenfranchised and alienated the majority at the expense of a small minority. Damn up a stream someday and see how long that works. Eventually the water is going to undo your best efforts precisely because you’ve tried to do the impossible- alter the Nature of something.

People are not choosing Donald Trump, they are rejecting the establishment. He was just in the right place at precisely the right time.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  hardscrabble farmer
July 17, 2016 11:29 am


And the owners made sure he was there at precisely the right time, nothing ever just happens and that includes our discontent with the establishment.

Just curious, what did you see in the photos of the Eiffel Tower burning?

  Bea Lever
July 17, 2016 4:07 pm

Similar to Barry the Hope and Change “outsider” used to channel the anger and resentment manifesting itself in the Ron Paul movement.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  hardscrabble farmer
July 17, 2016 4:45 pm

As old Sarge said, If it wasn’t you, it would be somebody else. He also said, If you weren’t here, you’d be someplace else.

Song for the day: