Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Advice For Donald

Donald makes his acceptance speech on Thursday. 

Q: What strategy and/or message would you give him?


Ms Freud and I watched all the theatrical proceedings so far. She is mostly non-politically oriented.  Nevertheless, at POTUS election time she’s almost always voted “D”. Not this time.  She simply can’t stand Hillary.  That being said, she’s not sold on Donald either.  At this point I think she’ll be staying home.

She made a great comment last night while phatfuk Christie was “prosecuting” Hillary.  “This Hillary bashing is getting tiring. Why doesn’t he give me reasons to vote for Trump?”  Brilliant, eh?

I think it’s fair to divide the actual voting electorate into thirds;

— 33% will vote for Cankles no matter what Donald says or Cankles does.

— 33% will vote for Trump no matter what Cankles says or Donald does.

— 33% above are on the fence. This includes true Libertarians and Independents. It also includes both Democrats and Republicans who, so far, are going to sit this one out. This is your target audience.

It’s been a fun and interesting convention to watch so far. What’s not to like about reaming Hillcunt a new vajayjay for four consecutive hours? It’s pure red meat for the Believers.


But, enough is enough.  Hopefully, that strategy ends tonight. And if it does not, then Donald is fucking up his chance to bury her. The Unconvinced are getting tired of it.  Donald needs to give the many people such as Ms Freud a REASON(s) to vote FOR him.

Don’t tell all the Ms Freudian types to go read the Republican national platform, or go to Donald’s website, or go digging and searching through endless articles on the internet.  Most people won’t do any of that. They anticipate that 40+ million will watch Donald’s acceptance speech.  The time is NOW … THAT day … a make or break day …. no other day.  So, again, how do you advise Donald?


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 20, 2016 1:27 pm

What difference does it make?

July 20, 2016 2:43 pm

My advice for Donald:

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 20, 2016 1:27 pm

I would offer an anecdote or two about the de facto unfair trade policies to which the US is being subjected by other countries. Example: only 4% of the Japanese auto market is cars made by non-Japanese companies. That 4% is not only US automakers, but cars from all other countries, Germany, UK, Korea, etc. That’s the result of non-tariff barriers. “That’s the US being played for dummies – and it’s going to end.”

I would point out that it’s been THIRTY YEARS since Simpson-Mazzoli, which was supposed to be a trade-off where we granted amnesty to illegal aliens and got a secured border in exchange. The amnesty happened. The border is still WIDE OPEN. “We’re finally going to get the sealed border we were promised 30 years ago.”

“We’re not going to take in so-called refugees, who in some cases made be sleeper agents, from countries that are hostile to secular democracy.”

“We’re no longer going to shoulder the burden of defending half of the world.”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 20, 2016 1:33 pm

Take the honorable route, be the genuine article. Do what it takes to save this republic.

July 20, 2016 1:44 pm

Never visit the Ambassador Hotel.

July 20, 2016 2:07 pm

Advice for the Donald tomorrow night:
• Use the teleprompter, you don’t want to lose your train of thought and you need to stay on point with your message, no wandering and falling back on clichés.
• Do what you supposedly do best, look America in the eye and sell them on who you really are, not what the majority of the MSM wants America to believe about you, but who you are. Your family has set the table for you brilliantly now it is time for you to seal the deal and close.
• You are not going to do all the hard work yourself, tell America that you will be bringing in the best and the brightest people in each area of expertise to figure out the best solutions for the problems the American people are dealing with.
• Prioritize what you will be dealing with first and foremost and put some meat on the bone as they say when you do. You have smart people writing this speech for you, they know they have to give the public something but they have to reign it in some so that you don’t give Hillary much to work with in a negative rebuttal.
• Go ahead and hammer Hillary at the start of the speech, a few quick hard jabs. You can’t help yourself, the people in the hall expect it so give it to them, get them fired up and then move on and don’t back. Turn the corner with your campaign. The world knows she is a worthless lying cunt, you don’t need to continue to help promote the fact folks think you are a bully.

July 20, 2016 2:10 pm

The Donald needs to dance with the one he brought to the event

Do not change message. It will confuse the easily confused voters you fooled and it will not change the minds of the easily confused that hate you. Might even want to drop a few fucking asshole or lying bitch into the speech.

The ” others ” will be forced to choose between that bitch and you. Hopefully they will choose you.
I am still voting for Giant Meteor 2016

July 20, 2016 2:19 pm

He should just keep on with the Make America Great Again meme. Everyone over 30 remembers when the U.S. was a better place than it is now, so they know that something better is possible.

The under-30 crowd thinks that unemployment, crushing debt, mass immigration, and getting groped by the TSA are standard fare. Trump would probably need to come out for legalized weed to get their attention over Hillary’s Free Shit meme.

July 20, 2016 2:27 pm

1. hold firm on not letting any more muslims in country
2. hold firm on closing the red carpet from Mexico.
3. Legalize marijuana.
4. End “war on drugs”. pardon all non-violent drug offenders
5. Get rid of all manadatory vaccine laws.
6. Get rid of the Federal Reserve.
7. Find out who and why they are doing geoengineering (chemtrails) and stop it.
8. Stand up for 2nd amendment rights and give a tax credit to AR15 owners.
9. Get out of the Middle East after destroying ISIS.
10. Burn the poppy fields our troops are protecting.
11. Jail bankers for the shit they pulled in 2008.
12. quit trying to start a war in Russia, meet with Putin and reach an alliance and tell the towelheads to go pound sand.

July 20, 2016 2:43 pm

“3. Legalize marijuana.”

Fuck you and blow me. Marijuana is a gateway drug leading to all kinds of violence, immorality, and excessive masturbation.

July 20, 2016 3:04 pm

Is that coming from personal experience or did you think Refer Madness was a documentary?

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
July 20, 2016 8:33 pm

How’s that war on drugs working out for morons like you? Shit, it’s pretty much eliminated all of the violence, immorality, and excessive masturbation. Hasn’t it? Open your fucking eyes SSS.
I get tired of assholes telling everyone else how to live there life as if they have life figured out.
Fuck all of you drug warriors and safety Nazis. You deserve a punch in the mouth.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 21, 2016 6:36 am

That’s either intentionally funny or deeply ironic and unintentional that you open with violent and immoral acts in opposition to violence and immorality.

July 20, 2016 2:34 pm

For Trump, from

First, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety and […] any prohibition on interstate competition in health insurance also should be repealed. Health care and health care insurance should be left to the market.

Second, all recent thousand-page international trade agreements should be replaced with a single, clearly worded paragraph that allows any U.S. business (or consumer) to trade with any other business (or consumer) anywhere else in the world on terms that are mutually satisfactory. Period.

Third, you or the Congress should immediately remove cannabis (marijuana) from its current Schedule One prohibition status under Federal law; cannabis and drug policy generally should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally the entire Drug War should be scrapped and the production and consumption by adults of any “drug” should be legalized.)

Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced; legally minimum wages should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally, all minimum wage laws should be repealed since they cause job destruction.)

Fifth, the U.S. corporate tax rate should be reduced so that it is the lowest (not the highest) in the industrial world; ideally, it should be repealed entirely because it constitutes double taxation on shareholders of corporations who also pay income tax on their dividends.

Sixth, the Federal Reserve should be required by law to end all forms of quantitative easing and interest rate regulation now accomplished primarily through open market operations; interest rates for savers and investors should be market determined. In addition, the Federal Reserve’s budget should be determined by Congressional appropriations like that of any other federal department or agency.

And finally, as a long-run solution for our recurring financial problems and economic recessions, replacing the current inflationary paper dollar with alternative monetary arrangements that provide for a sound, market-based commodity money, such as the gold standard, should be seriously considered.

[email protected]

July 20, 2016 2:39 pm

Hm. The e-mail can’t be shown openly. Nuts.


rhs jr
rhs jr
July 20, 2016 2:56 pm

Promise to appoint people like Gov Christie to look into the IRS, FBI, DOJ, BLM and EPA abuses and lies; investigate the Clinton Foundation; the Clinton Breach of Security and Obstruction of Justice, Her Security Clearance, what Obama was doing during Benghazi, prosecute Fast and Furious, promise to restore good Generals and policies in the Military; try to establish good relations with Putin like a “new Reagan”, promise to investigate the Fort Knox gold using the US Army if necessary; make the BLS adjust the Current Economic Indicators back to making sense; prepare a true Budget and force Congress to adhere to it; cut the waste and abuse in Welfare and Social Security; cut the Federal Dept of Education and return Education to the States; stop the Chem-spraying Program; investigate and publish the truth about UFOs, DUMBs, FEMA Camps and Plans, GMOs and Vaccines; investigate Vote Fraud and prosecute cheaters; reform the US Tax Codes and Banking Laws to something a good HS Graduate can understand; investigate Military and Banking connections to the Illegal Drug Trade and prosecute criminals; replace all Activist Judges; hold Congressional hearings on the leftist monopoly of the MSM and submit legislation to correct it; hold hearings on the Election Process and eliminate the manipulation of delegates contrary to the people’s vote; outlaw Community Organizations and Organizers that are Communist or Islamic Fronts; legislate Public Records Openness as opposed to sealed records; force the US UN and CIA Chiefs to hold public press conferences and assure Congress keeps a close watch on them; the IRS has no right to tell Christian Churches what they can not say; allow Christians to obey the Bible, pray and speak publicly, have public monuments and holidays, private schools, etc, and never require Christians to violate their Biblical beliefs.

July 20, 2016 3:03 pm

Echoing the above, Trump needs to stop playing the hilary blame game shit, or at the very least her can blame her, but have a workable solution to explain to us little stupid folk, it may swing a few more votes his way.
Otherwise we have another obama blaming first bush, then congress and nothing changes.

While all the attention is on hilary and Trump, the Bern is still in the picture, at least according to self proclaimed smarty socialists anyway…..I received this from a liberal relative.

“Anyone trashing Bernie today needs to wake up and respect the masterful chess move he just made.

This same exact scenario was played out by FDR in the 1932 Presidential Elections. FDR was forced to endorse his opponent and the rest is, as they say… HISTORY!!

Q. Why did Bernie endorse Hillary now?
A. They threatened to completey shut him out of the convention if he didn’t.
Q. Couldn’t he have said screw them and go and fight at the convention anyway?
A. No. Hillary has more delegates, Superdelegates, and supporters on the DNC rules committee. They would have voted down every one of our platforms, denied Bernie the opportunity to speak, and basically shut him out of the entire process. All the leverage he has gained up to this point would be gone.
Q. So wait, Bernie DIDN’T quit today?
A. No. He had to say she won the primary, he endorses her and will help the party defeat Trump, yadda yadda but he DID NOT concede. There is a very big and important difference. Had he conceded, all of his delegates would go to Hillary and he would no longer be an option for nominee.
Q. So Bernie can actually still win??
A. YES. And if he wasn’t still TRYING to win, he would have conceded. The ONLY option he had to get to the convention with his delegates behind him and have a chance to still win was to do what he did today. He is not a traitor. He didn’t sell us out. He did the only possible thing he could have done to keep fighting for the nomination.
Q. So how can Bernie still win if he’s losing the delegate count and he just said he will help Hillary win the election?
A. By far the most important thing to the DNC, even more important than making sure Hillary beats Bernie, is making sure the Democratic nominee beats the Republicans in November. They scrutinize every poll, every opinion of the public, every event to judge whether a candidate is strong enough to win in November. There are A LOT of things going on right now that show how weak of a general election candidate Hillary Clinton is:
-66% of the country sees her as untrustworthy
-60% thinks she should have been indicted for the email scandal
-A lot of Bernie supporters won’t vote for her
-Congress has requested the Department of Justice investigate her for lying under oath about the email scandal
-There’s a possibility more emails will be leaked by wikileaks or hackers further proving her guilt
-Many believe the FBI is secretly investigating the Clinton Foundation
-Her “wins” during the primary have been tainted with accusations of fraud, suppression, lawsuits, and investigations
And then there’s Bernie. An honest candidate people trust and whose approval rating and trustworthy rating crushes Clinton’s. This is the argument Bernie will make at the convention. With all his 1,900 delegates inside arguing this case and 100,000 supporters outside arguing this case, we hope the DNC realizes he’s the only choice. He CAN win the convention, but he has to get there first. That’s why he endorsed her today.
Q. So it’s still important that all of his delegates go to the convention and we all still March on it like we planned?
A. It’s more important now than it ever was before.
Q. What if the DNC still refuses to nominate him at the convention? Can he still run third party now that he endorsed her?
A. Yes. In fact, running third party has never been an option until AFTER the convention. We need to stick with Bernie and see this through to the convention. He’s led us this far. Do not abandon him now.
Q. What if he loses at the convention and doesn’t run third party, but instead endorses Hillary 100% and asks us to vote for her?
A. Then our revolution continues without him and we continue to fight against Hillary Clinton and the DNC all the way up to November and beyond by voting for someone like Jill Stein or writing Bernie in. But the time for that is NOT here yet.
Q. So what did Bernie accomplish with this move?
A. Backed into a corner, facing the entire political pressure of the Democratic Party and the DNC, robbed of a right to claim he should be winning if not for a rigged process, and faced with the threat of being shut out of the convention completely Bernie:
1. Managed to stay in the race and secure a prime speaking slot at a contested convention which he can turn into a floor fight
2. Kept all of his delegates to use as leverage in that floor fight
3. Got tens of thousands of people to “Like” and “follow” Green Party candidate Jill Stein on social media
4. Amplified the ‪#‎NeverHilliary‬ screams of his supporters for all the media and Superdelegates to see 12 days before the convention.”

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 20, 2016 3:05 pm

So Mrs.Freud can’t stand Hillary but “isn’t sold” on Trump? Does she not realize that she will have to see Hitlary for 4 years if she doesn’t vote against her? Is that not worse than having Trump as President?

For me, it’s the SCOTUS future picks that worries me most about Clinton. It will be hard enough for the country to pick up the pieces of the total failure of the Obummer terms, but all will be lost forever if the Hildabeast gets elected.

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harry p.
harry p.
July 20, 2016 3:24 pm

my #1 is appoint Judge Andrew Napolitano to the Supreme Court to replace Scalia

  harry p.
July 20, 2016 4:21 pm

my #1 is appoint Judge Andrew Napolitano to the Supreme Court to replace Scalia

Hm. Just hearing the Progtards shit themselves facing Andrew Napolitano voicing his opinions on law and philosophy….

Think about Obozo, spending his retirement years in Pakistan scuttling from “compound” to cave, waiting for SEAL Team 10 come a-knocking.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
July 20, 2016 3:31 pm

stucky, whether your wife knows it or not, with hillary she will be denied the ability to defend herself in her home if she felt threatened at least with what most consider the tool of choice.

July 20, 2016 3:51 pm

“Ladies and Gentlemen…, Americans…., Patriots…., and lovers of liberty… I stand before you…. now… within the kabuki theater and tired façade of our broken down two party democratic system…. Not as your political savior… … but rather… as one sounding an alarm… as one shouting from the rooftops in every American neighborhood …and from town squares in every American city… WE STAND AT A CROSSROADS… a choice between Freedom or Slavery. A dividing line between true Democracy or terrible Tyranny…. Between the realization of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness as gifted to our great nation in the form of Constitutional Law… or… the tyrannical consolidation of power via the secret societies as revealed by John F. Kennedy and the War Machine as exposed by Eisenhower.

Tonight… is the continuation of a peaceful revolution and the construction of a new war machine. A war machine consisting of free Americans waging a righteous war… a war against lawless bankers…. Leftist radicals… Fabian socialists… islamic deception and violence… and the powers behind the globalist agenda.

This is why tonight…. I am promising… should you elect me as president…. I will appoint Ron Paul as head of a committee to audit the Federal Reserve and open wide the doors of Fort Knox. Together we will disband the destructive policies of fractional reserve banking for once and for all. I wish to return America back to a new standard, a gold standard if you will, and a once more make America a beacon to all nations of the world.

But… in order to this… we must become a nation of laws and hold our constitution with high regard once again. This means prosecuting criminals and delivering true justice. It means enforcing our immigration laws and protecting our sovereign borders.

As your president…, I will seek to expose the shadows of corruption within both government and private industry. This means bringing to light the nefarious deeds of the Clinton Foundation. It means reexamining the lawless positions taken by our Justice Department under Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. It means making public all records regarding Fast and Furious, the NSA, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, illicit amnesty via executive fiat, veteran death panels, the Bowe Bergdahl trade with America’s sworn enemies, and Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server as Secretary of State…. just to name a few.

As your president, I will grant executive amnesty in the form of a full pardon to Edward Snowden and…., moreover…, I will place him upon a committee designed to restore our Fourth Amendment rights by dismantling our secretive surveillance society in its current form. After all, we will not need to surveil within our borders any longer when I become president…. because all terrorists will soon be dead and their evil organizations eradicated from the face of the earth… forever…..”


Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
July 20, 2016 3:56 pm

Trump needs to speak to the public in plain talk without resorting to clichés. You are right Stucky it his his to lose and this is his big chance. He needs to convince Betty Sixpack and Joe Cupcakes that he can fix what ails. The problem he has is people don’t want Leaders to “keep it real”. Most want to be happy in their delusions of endless entitlements.

Yeah so I guess he should just skip the Kankles slam-fest and crank up the lie factory. Promising milk and honey works in Canuckistan. Should work for him too!

In all seriousness though….

The open letter is a good framework and plan that folks can get behind.

July 20, 2016 3:59 pm

The dumbfucks in the GOP haven’t figured out that what resonates with the American people is a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE message. As a homework exercise, go back and look at the Contract With America that resulted in massive wins for Republicans – not a single fucking thing about gays, abortion, etc. Focus on the bifurcated economy, the massive debt, cutting the size of government and making government more efficient. Add in the restoration of the rule of law, and especially EQUAL JUSTICE. That’s a landslide message right there.

July 20, 2016 4:06 pm

Stucky said:
“It’s been a fun and interesting convention to watch so far.”

You really need to get out more! Go do something……..anything that you might have done in your twenties or thirties when the political conventions were underway. It will probably make for a great date and surprise for Ms Freud and the politics won’t miss you. 🙂

July 20, 2016 4:24 pm

No chance he fucks this up. He’s a closer. Sit back, watch him do what he does. Stucky, your wife won’t sit anything out, when push comes to shove. As a loyal ‘D’, she’s not going to vote for hillary, i suspect, because hillary isn’t what a ‘D’ should be. This is Trump’s moment. He won’t waste it.

July 20, 2016 6:00 pm

Stick with the issues Americans are pissed off about-illegals, a ridiculously high level of legal immigration, Musloid immigration and the corresponding attacks, offshoring of jobs, and trade deals Americans get the short end of the stick on.

July 20, 2016 6:11 pm

So far it has been relatively quiet outside of the convention hall. What happened to all the hell that was predicted by the MSM to break loose outside the arena. Open carry worries that there would be full on shoot outs with BLM and Trump supporters. And throw all the Bernie and Hillary retards into the mix and I think we were all expecting a real show.

Wonder if they are all waiting for Thursday night? Create a panic situation outside to stop the show inside and ruin Trumps triumphant moment? Huh……..

July 20, 2016 6:51 pm

The same as I would to any member of ‘the tribe’: “Do us all a favor: Go away and take the rest with you.”

No, do not even begin to think that I’m a Hillary supporter. She’s one of the vilest creatures around. She’s also part of that same club that Carlin mentioned (but no, they are NOT “the best we can do,” they are simply the best for the system that not enough people are aware of or care about enough to do anything about). Hillary should be one of the first out the door.

I do not discriminate; I hate them all and don’t vote for any.

Don’t believe for a minute that these figureheads aren’t selected for you. Get out and do something productive or enjoyable with your time. Don’t pay attention to this side-show of fraud that they are feeding you because that’s all it is. It’s all a divide et impera strategy. You have admitted as much with your 1/3rds of the “voting electorate” figures.

July 20, 2016 7:23 pm

Looking to sway the undecided third will require inclusive language. In keeping with unifying the party use a sports metaphor like Team America. Rise above the ‘hyphenated-American’ when addressing the country as a whole. We’re all just plain old Americans and we all seek the same things…..Repeat the all inclusive we as in We don’t win anymore……We need to rethink this policy…We are all on the same side: Team America.

Like my Momma always said.. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

July 20, 2016 7:24 pm

A vote for anybody other than Trump is a vote for Hillary. Same for not voting.

Advice for Trump? Attack ads pointing out that President Hillary = war. Point out her close ties to the establishment which has put us into the horrible mess we’re in–whether it be the economy or in racial hostilities.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
July 20, 2016 8:13 pm

Your math is bad. If you are trying to make a point, you have a better chance if you are accurate. A vote for anyone else may be considered 1/2 a vote for Hillary, as you are not voting for Donald, but not 1. Nice try though.

July 21, 2016 10:32 am

Where have I heard that line before? Oh ya, every other election since I’ve been alive. “by not voting for giant douche, you are voting for turd sandwich” lesser of two evils bullshit peddled by establishmentarians since the dawn of time. “by not voting for ___ you are helping ___ get into the white house, and ___ has to be stopped”. All thats missing from this post is the assurance that this is the most important election of our lifetimes.

July 20, 2016 7:44 pm

Point out that the single most important thing that can be done for the working middle class is to bring good paying manufacturing jobs back to the US. Point out that millions of those good paying manufacturing jobs were shipped off to foreign countries as a result of the passage of the various trade agreements such as NAFTA and GATT. Then point out the fact that those trade deals that cut the heart out of the good standard of living for the hard working middle class in America were signed into law by none other than BILL CLINTON. I would then ask “does the name CLINTON sound familiar”? I would point out the Clintons even then were accepting money from foreign countries, they do it today and they were doing it then. I would then make the point that the Clintons got money from China, China got all the manufacturing jobs that originally were American jobs and what did the American worker get in the deal? An unemployment check? Or maybe a low wage job maybe if you’re lucky.

Then of course talk about how all those trade agreements need to be renegotiated. How the emphasis need to be in favor of the American worker and not the multinational corporations. The goal should be clear that the jobs need to come back to America.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
July 20, 2016 8:03 pm

Governor Rick Scott just said we have to stop radical Islamic tourism. Must be sucking up all the good beach spots down there in Florida.

July 20, 2016 8:12 pm

Watch Bill’s expression not change…….

When the weed is louder than his wife.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 20, 2016 9:55 pm

Stuck, it sounds like your on the Trump train. Are you working the phone bank, out passing flyers or carrying a Trump poster in the markets? Are you writing letters to the editor about how folks have taken this plagiarism claim too far?
It’s always this way, every pre-election cycle we promise ourselves we don’t care. We peek at the candidates and curse the lot except for one maverick whom we like. He is ignored and we are incensed. We begin to watch, hoping the front runner will stumble.
Then the rival candidate says some idiotic things which are offensive to our conservative or liberal leanings. We start to root for the hated candidate that is still better than the alternative. Soon we are bashing our neighbor’e head in for supporting the other guy.
Suddenly, we are in the thick of American politics, Republicans vs Democrats. Black vs White. Gay vs Straight. It’s never poor vs rich. The poor are demonized as welfare cheats. The rich are anointed as saints of the economy; they are doing god’s work, leave them alone.
Perhaps I will start on that advice to the Donald. Having gone black, we want to come back. Maybe Melania can redeem our soul and bring us back from the dark side. We don’t care if the Donald doesn’t keep any promises at all, so long as our vote counts and America is made safe from Hillary.

  N1`GNG I1`
July 20, 2016 10:18 pm

Hey Numéro Uno Genghis Gong – what do you think about Ted Cruz not endorsing the Trumpster and telling us to vote our conscience?

Does he have “conservative integrity”?

Or is he a Goldman Sachs slave selling dehydrated rat assholes to the blind for wedding rings?

Or do you care?

Just curious.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 21, 2016 12:41 am

Undrafted, thanks for giving me the floor. I only saw a snippet and it was enough to know he is still bitter after reading that some pundit thought he was the better candidate.
But what the hell, go down fighting, Ted. The south never forgets anyway.
I read Pence’s speech, I was at the gym and they don’t have sound. The word neocon came to mind. Where is this fresh new candidate? Will Trump turn into Bush III? What new policy will they apply to the middle east?
That Turkey bologna was so obviously staged, yet Pencey claimed it was symptomatic of a world spinning ‘out of control’. The phrase alone screams neocon with concomitant dreams of world domination. What has changed? Oh, yeah, Melania will replace Michelle. The country will fall in love with the new Jackie and her redecorating tour of the (white) White House while the big boys will cut deals in the back room.

You can call me EC or Retard, I don’t know how to pronounce that new moniker my infant grandson gave me, he was pulling the keyboard to get me to pay attention to him, and I did.

July 21, 2016 2:36 am

You do have a way with words.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 21, 2016 9:41 pm

Mine was a cynical comment about being manipulated into voting for the same establishment picks every time.

You, man of New Jersey, have a dream. I just think you might be tilting at windmills. You might begin to assault the sheep and loose the lions.

No doubt you could vanquish the naysayers with your powerful self-abuse arm. I will not, could not, disabuse you of your grand (dragon) delusion. The days of knights in white satin are over,
Love is blind, isn’t it?

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
July 21, 2016 9:01 am

small is beautiful. globalization, big war, big govt, big agra,schools,medicine, et. its all done, dead man walking. fire 50% of govt workers, fed,state and local, let them get the fuck out here and see what work is really like, no raises, pensions, gravytrains. join the club. bring the serviceman home from the godforsaken shitholes. let those people decide their own fate. let them guard the border instead. decentralize and uncomplicate so small business has a chance, the few left are choking on rules and regs written by shit for brain lawyers. zoning laws don’t work, look around, why’s everything so ugly? start from the bottom up. top down is done, peak bloat, incompetence and greed ain’t gonna work no more. congress is our finest example. good luck Mr. Trump, you’re gonna need it

July 21, 2016 11:12 am

I would have told him stay away from he neocons. If you want to campaign as the candidate that will keep us out of unnecessary wars, don’t hire people like john bolton, the king of unnecessary wars, to be a foreign policy advisor. Its hard to campaign on being different and anti establishment with one of the head establishment neocons on your campaign. Killery is most definitely a warmonger of the highest order, but bolton is worse. Too late to take my advice there.

Id also tell you to distance yourself from establishment types, and definitely don’t pick one for your VP. Being an outsider is working so well for you, keep it up. Its also a good way to get yourself JFK-d, since Pence would be much more preferable to the deep state types. But, its too late there too.

Don’t let social conservative hypocrites into your campaign either. They will distract from the real issues of the day, and become mired in things like gay marraige and abortion. Too late here also, as newt is lingering around, and angling for a spot in the administration. The other problem with social conservatives like newt is they almost always turn into serial hypocrites, like serial adulterer newt gingrich. While I personally don’t care one bit who or what another adult sticks his dick into, I do believe that if you don’t take your oath to your wife (made before the god you profess to believe so strongly) in seriously enough not to break it repeatedly, with several wives, you are not to be trusted about anything, ever. I would not want someone like that around under any circumstances. If you aren’t trustworthy to your spouse, you aren’t trustworthy.