Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Advice For Donald

Donald makes his acceptance speech on Thursday. 

Q: What strategy and/or message would you give him?


Ms Freud and I watched all the theatrical proceedings so far. She is mostly non-politically oriented.  Nevertheless, at POTUS election time she’s almost always voted “D”. Not this time.  She simply can’t stand Hillary.  That being said, she’s not sold on Donald either.  At this point I think she’ll be staying home.

She made a great comment last night while phatfuk Christie was “prosecuting” Hillary.  “This Hillary bashing is getting tiring. Why doesn’t he give me reasons to vote for Trump?”  Brilliant, eh?

I think it’s fair to divide the actual voting electorate into thirds;

— 33% will vote for Cankles no matter what Donald says or Cankles does.

— 33% will vote for Trump no matter what Cankles says or Donald does.

— 33% above are on the fence. This includes true Libertarians and Independents. It also includes both Democrats and Republicans who, so far, are going to sit this one out. This is your target audience.

It’s been a fun and interesting convention to watch so far. What’s not to like about reaming Hillcunt a new vajayjay for four consecutive hours? It’s pure red meat for the Believers.


But, enough is enough.  Hopefully, that strategy ends tonight. And if it does not, then Donald is fucking up his chance to bury her. The Unconvinced are getting tired of it.  Donald needs to give the many people such as Ms Freud a REASON(s) to vote FOR him.

Don’t tell all the Ms Freudian types to go read the Republican national platform, or go to Donald’s website, or go digging and searching through endless articles on the internet.  Most people won’t do any of that. They anticipate that 40+ million will watch Donald’s acceptance speech.  The time is NOW … THAT day … a make or break day …. no other day.  So, again, how do you advise Donald?


Give those graduates a needed dose of reality

Guest Post by Ron Hart

In yet another bad decision, an education administrator asked me to give a high school commencement speech. He must know that I write a column; he obviously hasn’t read it.

When I questioned his judgment, the principal said, “Just give the kids some sound graduation advice.”

I asked, “Should I tell them I hear the Monsanto plant is hiring?”

“No,” said the educrat. “Encourage them. Tell them they can do anything.”

“So I should lie? Have you seen most of these kids? They can’t do anything. Most think Shariah law is a daytime TV show hosted by a no-nonsense judge.”

That’s the problem. Kids are getting pie-in-the-sky advice and, judging by obesity rates, they are also eating the pie.

Should I turn into Maya Angelou and tell entitled kids — who graduated because of grade inflation, who think Mao Zedong is the Asian equivalent of French kissing, who don’t read newspapers and who can’t find Syria on a map — that they can do anything? Or would a healthy dose of reality be preferable?

Guess which one I am going with?

Students should prepare for a job. Maybe, instead of taking a fifth field trip to the Trail of Tears site, take one to learn about real jobs in an area they might want. Let them attend more Take Your Children to Work days — unless their parents work in the adult movie business. That’d just be awkward.

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