Give those graduates a needed dose of reality

Guest Post by Ron Hart

In yet another bad decision, an education administrator asked me to give a high school commencement speech. He must know that I write a column; he obviously hasn’t read it.

When I questioned his judgment, the principal said, “Just give the kids some sound graduation advice.”

I asked, “Should I tell them I hear the Monsanto plant is hiring?”

“No,” said the educrat. “Encourage them. Tell them they can do anything.”

“So I should lie? Have you seen most of these kids? They can’t do anything. Most think Shariah law is a daytime TV show hosted by a no-nonsense judge.”

That’s the problem. Kids are getting pie-in-the-sky advice and, judging by obesity rates, they are also eating the pie.

Should I turn into Maya Angelou and tell entitled kids — who graduated because of grade inflation, who think Mao Zedong is the Asian equivalent of French kissing, who don’t read newspapers and who can’t find Syria on a map — that they can do anything? Or would a healthy dose of reality be preferable?

Guess which one I am going with?

Students should prepare for a job. Maybe, instead of taking a fifth field trip to the Trail of Tears site, take one to learn about real jobs in an area they might want. Let them attend more Take Your Children to Work days — unless their parents work in the adult movie business. That’d just be awkward.

John Maloney is right about the misinformation we get as kids. Growing up, I really thought from watching cartoons that quicksand was going to be a bigger problem than it turned out to be. I was not prepared for real-life problems, such as relatives who want to borrow money.

The top 5 percent of students in that graduating class do not need me telling them they can do anything. They get it. The damage comes in pandering to the bottom half of the class, who are led to believe: “Just be yourselves and the world is your oyster.” They then might respond, “Why trade school? I’m told I’m the best white rapper in Calhoun County.”

That sort of coddling false confidence is why half of American workers are unhappy and disappointed when they have to work hard at something. They inevitably view themselves as “victims” (a.k.a. Democrats). Intuition tempts us to call this “compassion,” which is really feel-good lies fed to kids that take the onus off them and put the blame on others. It becomes a perpetual excuse.

Unrealistic expectations may be the reason suicide rates are up among middle-age Americans, now outnumbering deaths from automobile accidents. Suicides among whites rose a staggering 40 percent from 1999 to 2010. This is the generation of ninth-place “participation” ribbon recipients who post a picture of the sandwich they had for lunch on Facebook.

Students are victims of a giant fraud: the government-run education system that has molded them for 12 gullible years. Public schools are government-run; teachers are government-hired; and government determines standards, pay, curricula and graduation requirements. Government seeks to produce compliant citizens it can someday rule without much pushback. Smart, independent thinkers are not wanted.

The result is kids who are not prepared for life or for the workforce. Twenty million young “adults” ages 18-24 live with their parents. Most parents have child-proofed their homes, but millennials still get back in.

Members of the Greatest Generation at age 19 were saving Europe from the Nazis and asking nothing in return. Now kids stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 27. Kids are voting for socialist Bernie Sanders in droves, scared to death they may have to pay for something someday.

They have been conditioned to believe that hard work is for chumps. “Why work? The government or my parents will take care of me.” Kids watch reality TV shows like “The Deadliest Catch” and marvel at men who work hard every day.

Few schools teach about the value of hard work, ingenuity, gumption and entrepreneurship. Those lessons are as rare as Donald Trump bumper stickers in the faculty parking lot.

Teachers today spend more time helping students decide which bathroom they “most identify with” using, rather than which job they should prepare for to support a family. We need to start teaching the tenets of economics so kids will stop being tenants in their parents’ basements.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
May 17, 2016 4:28 pm

If you tell them what they need to hear. You will never have to worry about being ask again.

May 17, 2016 5:18 pm

They’ve told these kids for years that they are special and can do anything they want. Turns out they just want to live for free. Coincidence or “how to create a free shitter in thirteen steps” (k-12)? You decide.

May 17, 2016 6:30 pm

“Life is tough, it gets tougher when your stupid” should be all he says.

May 17, 2016 7:28 pm

Unrealistic expectations? The facade that is education, schools are funnels of taxpayers money to peddle government propaganda. If the school fails its propaganda role, it looses money. My motivation for knowledge came from my parents warning me that if I didn’t study I would grow up to be a “ditch digger”, they made it sound very unpleasant. Now we have illegals doing the ditch digging, no need to aspire for millennials, get on the government dole and pretend to vote every election as if will make a difference. It will end before long, it has to, nothing goes on forever except government promises!

May 17, 2016 7:51 pm

Im not knocking the article, which I agree with, but Im wondering about that “suicide by white people is up 40% since 1999”. I just wonder how much of that is due to economic reasons, like the article implies, and how much of that is due to the staggering number of veterans killing themselves. Combat arms, and especially special forces, are almost entirely comprised of white men. Combat arms and spec ops are the primary jobs held by vets who kill themselves. Id like to know if that statistic includes them or not.

May 17, 2016 9:19 pm

the suicides among white males are not the millennia snowflakes but the former blue collar working class who have seen their ability to bring home a paycheck from a good paying job eviscerated by the offshore/outsource/insource race to the bottom. No mobility, upward or otherwise. Maybe they shoulda seen it coming, but Slick Willie WAS pretty slick–“I AM your pain, you just aint felt it yet”

Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
May 17, 2016 10:39 pm

It’s not really their fault that the millennials are the most brainwashed and stupid generation in history. This is the output of the Marxist Union controlled education system.

May 17, 2016 11:45 pm

“…as rare as Donald Trump bumper stickers in the faculty parking lot”.

I pass by a college campus everyday. And I just got a great idea!

May 18, 2016 4:29 am

Vodka, you are an evil man. I love it

May 18, 2016 10:03 am

Go to trade school for plumbing, there’ a lot of bathroom installations coming…………

Actually we’ll likely start WWIII first!

May 18, 2016 10:29 am

grade 1-5 = day care

grade 6-8 = advanced day care, early state propaganda

grade 9 – 12 = prison for premature adults, advance propaganda, selective service registration.

college = STD indoctrination, custom tailoring for debt servitude, learn that your teachers have already failed in life. Come to terms with the fact that you have learned nothing, and now owe more than you can earn, and will never understand how this all happened.