Stucky QOTD: F*** Bernie, F*** Demoncraps, F*** Half the Amerikan Population!!!

Bernie. Holy Shit. I’ve never heard him speak, except for the 30sec media soundbites.

What’s to the left of Commie Socialist Cocksucker?  My god!! If all his platforms were to come to pass, would this still even be America??? (No, that’s not the question of the day.)

Stunning — really, my brain was stunned with mini electrical shocks — to see so many people cheering him, and crying (!!!), and adoring this corrupt old Joo.  Jeebus is jealous.

WTF is wrong with Amerikans??? (No, that’s not the question of the day.) I loathe these people. We have one such dumb POS right here on TBP.  I won’t mention this retards name cuz of the wide readership.  However, it does rhyme with Best Toaster.  What a maroon!!!

Yea, there’s no difference between Demoncraps and Repukes, they said. BWAAHAHAHAHA!  Riiiight!

OK, following is the question of the day. Please be serious. Please give it some thought. Please be honest as you can be.



Here is my answer. I’ve discussed it with Ms Freud.  She thinks it’s a great idea.  I don’t know if she’s just agreeing with me, or means it.  If she doesn’t mean it, then I will do it on my own …. I swear this on my son’s and grandchildren’s lives.  I’ve already lost everything I own … twice. Selling shit I own now is no big fucking deal whatsoever. In fact, I almost welcome it.

I will opt out.

1)— I will sell 98% of everything I have. Keeping only clothes and some books.

2)— I will buy a converted bus. This will be my home.

3)— I will pay no income taxes. I will not contribute to the government, or society. I will not be a consumer, except those related to my new “home”.  I only spend about $400/yr on clothes as it is. I can reduce that by half. Save for books, I won’t buy any other shit; no electronics, no appliances, no cars, no tools, no nothing!! Food. I’ll buy great food.

4)— I will become a free shitter.  Not kidding.  I don’t give a shit, and if you don’t like it, tough shit! SNAP card. Free medical. Obamaphone. Housing allowance.  If it’s free, I’m signing up!!  Why not? If Hillcunt and gang want to rape me with a bazillion new taxes and regulations and laws and threats and fines and #GodKnowsWhatElse … then why should I play along? To continue being a sucker? Fuck that shit, I’m done.

I will be a bum in a bus … and enjoying every minute of my freedom.

You don’t need $500k either. The above bus was bought on ebay for $5k, and another $20k was spent on the conversion.  That’s what I’m talking about!!

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Carl Allen
Carl Allen
July 27, 2016 1:37 pm

I agree that Hillary or Bernie would be a disaster, and admit that Trump may be as well.
It seems to me that its best to exit the system regardless of who wins, mainly because it will take time for me to develop the infrastructure that I need to survive whatever is on the other side of what is to come.
Right now my home is in contract for sale and I’m planning on minimizing my participation as well.
A few years ago there was that radio call in show clip that was going around.
I couldn’t help thinking that she was right. We’re fighting against the current if we try to live life the right way while funding that lifestyle. So why not just join them and bring about the collapse that much quicker. That’s pretty much where I am. I will do many things on my own, but will sponge off the system as much as possible.