BLM FURY! Calling For Student Body VP Removal For THIS Simple Comment, You WON’T Believe What She Said

Via US Herald

America has always been opposed to totalitarianism – a world where the government regulates every aspect of the individual’s life, including speech.

In fact, our founders felt so strongly about free speech that it was guaranteed it in the first amendment in the Bill of Rights, and generations of soldiers fought and died for it rather than have us go the way of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.

So, while it would seem logical that our institutions of higher learning would encourage students to speak their minds, in these politically correct times, those who dare to do so frequently pay the price for exercising that sacred American right.

Rohini Sethi, University of Houston student government vice-president learned that lesson after having the temerity to think for herself, as she was sanctioned by the student government and forced to issue a humiliating apology.

Her crime?

A post on Facebook in the hours after the assassination of five police officers in Dallas that read: “Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like #AllLivesMatter.”

With that, her life at the University of Houston exploded in a firestorm of criticism that resulted in the student government giving the president, Shane Smith, broad power to fashion an “appropriate punishment.”

The radical concept that all lives matter is seen by some as dismissing both the unique value of black lives and the perception that they are at risk from systemic racial-motivated violence by whites, specifically white police officers.

Smith’s letter outlining the sanctions is a terrifying example of the power of these groups to so intimidate anyone who does not think within the lines, as he smugly counsels how she can become a “better person,” in other words – be more like they think she should be.

“I am confident that Rohini has the ability to learn from this experience and become a better leader and a better person.”

Sethi will serve a 50-day suspension, attend mandatory diversity workshops and three cultural events each month, write a “reflection letter” and deliver a presentation to the student senate about what she has learned from her transgression.

Sadly, it did not take long for Sethi to put up another Facebook post accepting her punishment and promising to “abide by the sanctions for as long as they are in place.”

After all, how dare she believe that all lives matter?

As these tweets show the BLM reaction was unreasonable and harsh. A bunch of real “victims” here.

Fellow student Matt Wiltshire who’s a member of the student government did stand up for Sethi.

Source: Houston Press

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August 1, 2016 1:14 pm

I’m keeping a list of “schools” (term used loosely) where this kind of crap goes on. No plans to hire anyone whose degree is from such a “school.”

Jake Wood
Jake Wood
August 1, 2016 4:15 pm

I like this……a lot!! I too am in a position to hire and/or suggest hires. If you’re a school that suppresses speech or opinion under the guise of extreme political correctness, you’re going on my list and your grads are off my list!

August 1, 2016 4:28 pm

But Snick…..You’re instituting an alma mater test? I’m pretty sure that the Constitution expressly prohibits an “alma mater” test (Article VI or VII – it’s somewhere in there – take my word). I don’t know, but that is “not American”. It is “shameful,” and it is not “who we are.”

August 1, 2016 1:28 pm


Maybe as a community we can keep a link to a list in the sidebar of unconstitutional skrools?

August 1, 2016 5:53 pm

Your going to need a bigger sidebar

August 1, 2016 1:35 pm

Rohini Sethi did a retraction. I read yesterday that she receives $700/month from UH – that could be the main reason for retraction.

OTOH, Matt Wiltshire is one to be admired and respected.

Jake Wood
Jake Wood
August 1, 2016 4:20 pm

Matt Wilshire will make a great leader in a modern corporate world that’s has become spineless and capitulating. Kick ass Matt!

August 1, 2016 2:08 pm

“Sethi will … attend three cultural events each month” ——— article

I hope she goes to three KKK meetings.

What a chicken shit coward for retracting.

August 1, 2016 2:34 pm

Good for Richard Sherman – Go Hawks!

August 1, 2016 2:41 pm

A true ‘Animal Farm’ moment — sure, all lives matter…but some lives matter more than others…

August 1, 2016 3:06 pm

The Heil Hitlary neo-fascists of the intolerant left struck again at DePaul University, banning Ben Shapiro from their campus for “triggering” students. Perhaps the entire campus should be nuked from orbit.

August 1, 2016 4:03 pm

I am getting so fucking tired of blacks and their shit being shoved in my face.

August 1, 2016 4:12 pm

Affirmative action in action . Not to worry , sooner or later they will have to enter the real world.These young PC types are setting themselves up for a world of hurt feelings . Maybe hurt bodies .

August 1, 2016 4:35 pm

undefire: it’s called nigger fatigue. I thank the Good Lord every day that there are none of them in my newly adopted home of Western NC. Or eastern Tennessee. Plenty of rednecks and Confederate flags….maybe that’s why the worthless fuckers aren’t here.

August 1, 2016 5:09 pm

I lived in Linville for a few years. There are almost no black people there, mainly because there were almost no slaves there when slavery was the norm in the US. There, you work for a living, the winters are cold and snowy, people are self reliant and don’t tolerate loafing, trespassing, theft or fraud. Consequently, the ghetto lifestyle has never taken hold there, because there are no ghettos.

It’s what BLM would call a “hostile environment.

August 1, 2016 4:46 pm

Meh! Students are there to get what passes for an education these days. If they choose to get wrapped up in a bunch of shit they should be allowed to enjoy the fruits of wallowing in the shit.

August 1, 2016 4:58 pm

Orwell and Huxley were correct. The institutional sanctioned hate that is higher education today is about to have a rude awakening, a push back is coming. What can’t go on, won’t!

August 2, 2016 9:05 am

Hope you’re right but I’m not optimistic.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 2, 2016 12:04 am

I’m not sure how long I can contain myself with all the politically correct nonsense . I think I am offended by all this political correctness , the lack of tolerance of other points of view is hurting me emotionally and somebody has to make me not hurt anymore and if not I will sue waa waaa

  Boat Guy
August 2, 2016 9:09 am

There has to be a “Safe Place ” out there for you , somewhere.