Liberals Fear Trump Will BAN TAMPONS if He Wins Election in Next Phase of the “War on Women.”

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 3, 2016 1:04 pm

Is there any doubt left in your mind that liberals are retarded, low intel mutherfukers?

August 5, 2016 2:39 pm

It would probably reduce cervical cancer rates enormously.

Found out a couple years back that nearly all “sterile” and white products, ie bandages, fem hygiene pads, tampons, have a nasty secret.

In order to bleach the materials so white (for a product to be soaked in body fluids and trashed, makes sense), the chemicals used end up leaving DIOXIN in their wake.

The FDA assures me this is a “safe” level. And, just like Round-up, as long as they do not include actual usage statistics, or any long term studies, it sure is. Even though there is NO safe limit according to most of their own studies. Magically, though, when it is a remnant on something you stick right next to your skin, it is just fine.

Meanwhile, the FDA is actively shutting down cottage businesses that are making reuseable/washable feminine hygiene pads. They say these little businesses must come up with clean rooms and multi-million dollar testing to guarantee safety. Please remember this is the same agency that has declared dioxin next to your wife and daughter’s ovaries is A-Okay. Also remember that nearly 100% of our undies now come from China and there is NO oversight about the toxins/chemicals sprayed on them. But US home based business MUST comply!

The only way to “fix” this country will be to blow it up. As long as the major corporations are allowed to continue buying laws, lying and poisoning us while comping and bonusing WDC, we are SCREWED.