Trump’s Terrorist Fear-Mongering—–Raucous Cover Band For The War Party

Guest Post by David Stockman

Contrary to the spurious “morning in America” refrains of the Democratic convention, the nation is heading for ruin but not due to violent crimes or terrorist threats on main street; it’s owing to the larcenous economic policy crimes of the Imperial City which Trump’s GOP convention narrative hardly mentioned.

There is a growing likelihood, therefore, that the Trump campaign will be entirely sidetracked from the core economic crisis of Flyover America. That’s especially owing to The Donald’s shrill remonstrations about the dangers of domestic terrorist attacks.

By contrast, after 15 years it is abundantly evident that the horrific attack of 9/11 was a complete fluke. It could have been readily thwarted by alert intelligence work, and even then it only happened because of the complicity of Saudi Arabian officials.

In fact, the San Diego based Saudi handlers of two of the 19 terrorists received wire transfers of more than $75,000 from the Saudi ambassador’s wife. We now know from the recently released 28 pages of classified text from the Joint Inquiry that at least one of the handlers—–Omar al-Bayoumi—–was a Saudi agent. The report leaves little doubt that the Prince Bandar faction of the Saudi ruling family facilitated the murderous crime against 3,000 innocent Americans.

Since then, by contrast, there have apparently been no foreign government facilitations of organized terrorist attacks on the US homeland, and mirabile dictu, there have been none.

In fact, during the period between 9/11 and the recent lone-wolves, terrorist-inspired rampages in San Bernardino and Orlando about 70 times more citizens were killed by lightening attacks on America soil than by jihadist oriented terrorists.

That’s right. During that 14-year interval more than 425 civilians were felled by lightning , according to the national weather service, but there had been just six civilians killed by terrorists. Two were killed at the El Al counter at LAX airport in 2002 and four at the Boston Marathon attacks in 2013.

There were also five deaths from the unsolved anthrax attacks of 2001 that were not likely the work of terrorists, as well as the murderous 2009 rampage at Ft Hood and the killings at the Chattanooga military centers two years ago. But most Americans have never set foot on a military base nor do they have any risk of exposure to the special propensity for violence that may be kindled at facilities where ordinary humans are deliberately turned into killing machines.

Yes, Orlando and San Bernardino were clearly lone wolf(s) events that an oafish CNN war storm-chaser described as “do it yourself terrorism”. But such random “inspired by” mayhem committed by mentally deranged and sociopathic killers like the three individuals involved in these episodes, as well as the recent killer-truck rampage in Nice, France, are not organized terrorism; they are the excrescences of the tiny margin of residents who inhabit the dark netherworld of psychotic disorder.

So the best thing that 318 million Americans can do about that danger is to tune out every single word that politicians have to say about it—–and most especially those of Donald Trump. As a New Yorker, he was clearly traumatized by the immediacy of 9/11 and has made civic, and now political hay, by ingratiating himself to two of the most rapacious municipal monopolies in America—-the New York police and firemen’s unions.

Still, for 99.99% of Americans the risk of being killed or injured by a jihadist lone wolf is lower than being struck by lightning. And most surely it is far less than their exposure to the periodic eruption of mass killings by the full universe of homegrown psychopaths and demented malcontents who strike for other reasons and with disturbing regularity.

Just in the last four years alone, 105 people have been killed and 100 injured by non-jihadist killing rampages in a dozen different cities from coast to coast. These included the recent events at the Colorado Springs planned parenthood clinic and the Roseburg, Oregon campus, as well as the horrific black church murders in Charleston SC last June, the madness at Newton CT elementary school in December 2012 and the slaughter in the Aurora CO movie theatre in July 2012.

Altogether there have been 26 incidents of mass killings since 9/11—–including the Blacksburg Virginia campus rampage which alone resulted in nearly 50 deaths and injuries. Altogether about 425 Americans were killed or injured during these incidents of terror—–crimes committed overwhelmingly by sick young men often harboring white supremacist or other hate-based motivations.

Worse still, the overwhelming share of so-called terrorists plots that have been intercepted by law enforcement turn out to be FBI stings, including two-thirds of actual FBI prosecutions. Indeed, many of the cases involving no count drifters and psychotics have been so egregious that it would almost appear that the FBI is targeting the mentally ill in order to justify its massive operations and budgets.

In justifying one of its more notorious sting operations, in fact, former FBI assistant director, and now CNN talking head, Thomas Fuentes, left nothing to the imagination:

“If you’re submitting budget proposals for a law enforcement agency, for an intelligence agency, you’re not going to submit the proposal that “We won the war on terror and everything’s great,” cuz the first thing that’s gonna happen is your budget’s gonna be cut in half. You know, it’s my opposite of Jesse Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s ‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive.”.

Would that both kinds of actual terrorism be expunged from the land—–the hateful doings of the Syed Rizwan Farooks (San Bernardino) and the demented mayhem of the Dylan Storm Roofs (South Carolina). But there is virtually nothing that Washington politicians can do about either——except most surely to not make it worse by trying to bomb, drone, invade and occupy the real  jihadist kind of terrorism out of existence.

After all, is it not evident after two decades now of jihadist style terrorism—–whether quasi-organized, remotely-inspired or lone wolf executed—–that it is fostered by blowback from Washington’s imperial mayhem?

Most especially, is it not evident that the terrible 21st century military violence Washington has inflicted on the Moslem populations of the middle east is actually what breeds revenge and acts of terroristic retaliation?

The fact is, terrorism did not suddenly sprout up a few years ago from the teachings of a 1370 year- old religion, nor from a belated discovery in struggling middle eastern nations that they hate America’s freedom, prosperity and materialistic culture.

No, as documented exhaustively below, jihadist style terrorism came to America only after Washington trained and armed the Mujahedeen in the 1980s, waged unprovoked war in Arabia and Mesopotamia in the 1990s and fostered the anarchy of failed middle eastern states—-from Afghanistan to Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and Libya—– thereafter.

Needless to say, the worst of Imperial Washington’s sins and crimes is its arrogant pretension that America is morally exceptional and therefore functions as the “indispensible nation” on the world stage. In fact, the American Imperium has been a bloody failure from Vietnam through Central America, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and now Libya for the second time, among countless others.

In that context, Donald Trump has the correct impulse——homeland security first and primarily mounted from these shores.

But in being lured into Washington’s utterly false campaign of propaganda and lies about the threat of jihadist terror in the cities and towns of America—-a campaign designed to justify the nation’s unconstitutional $80 billion spy-state apparatus at home and its vast war machine abroad——the Trump candidacy is in danger of being stealthfully co-opted by the ruling elites.

The latter need to keep public fears of jihadist terrorism in high fever in order to justify their neocon agenda and extract from taxpayers—-current and future—–the horrific cost of the Warfare State apparatus on which much of Imperial Washington feeds. Alas, based on the bellicose rhetoric which emanated from the Cleveland convention—–such as Rudi Giuliani’s frenzied terrorist fear-mongering —–the Trump campaign appears to be stumbling into its appointed role as a raucous cover band for the War Party’s more crafted headliners.

Were Donald Trump to end-up shilling for the War Party in a losing race it would be bad enough. That’s because it would further intensify the public hysteria about terrorism that keeps the American Imperium alive—- notwithstanding its blatant and chronic policy failures and its staggering cost.

But were he to actually win the White House based on his crude anti-muslim and terrorist fear-mongering, there is little reason to believe that The Donald would permanently check this stump speech red meat into one of the HUGE freezers at Trump Tower. Instead, he is likely to push his police statist propensities to new extremes of unconstitutional encroachment on what remains of personal liberty in America.

Needless to say, that would do nothing for Flyover America nor would it help to rejuvenate the nation’s ruined main street economy.

In fact, it would lead right into the Ronald Reagan trap. Namely, the shunting of political capital into the pursuit of Warfare State fiscal resources and police state legal authorities to the complete neglect of attacking and removing the statist regulatory, fiscal, tax and monetary barriers to the revival of capitalist prosperity.

Nevertheless, we summarize below and describe in more detail in the chapters ahead a way forward that could break the baleful anti-capitalist and anti-democratic regime of the Washington/Wall Street elites. The Trump campaign is already taking shape in the wrong direction, of course, but a roadmap back to the true mission that history beckons of it may not be entirely superfluous.

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August 3, 2016 9:09 am

Trump won’t be allowed to become President, if they -the ruling elite- can’t engineer a plausible defeat in the election they will use more heavy handed means, and not necessarily peaceful ones.

Be prepared for it, it won’t be a pleasant time for our nation.

August 3, 2016 9:53 am

“By contrast, after 15 years it is abundantly evident that the horrific attack of 9/11 was a complete fluke. It could have been readily thwarted by alert intelligence work, and even then it only happened because of the complicity of Saudi Arabian officials.”

Nope. Sorry, David. Try again.

Stockman draws erroneous conclusions because he gets his news from MSM sources and he buys into every false meme pushed by government drones. Considering that he’s a semi-recovering government tit addict probably has a lot to do with it.

He’ll never see any more than what the average TV watcher sees, because he obviously won’t look at any source that the MSM has tagged “conspiracy theorist”. These long opinion pieces that he’s been writing must be for consumption of his little circle of subscribers and he fears having them think he’s a kook.

August 3, 2016 10:58 am

Ed, nice comment. Perfectly sums up what i just read. Uhgggg…

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 3, 2016 11:08 am

I don’t think he got anything right in the entire essay unless I missed something.

Sometimes too much “education” can fatally handicap someone’s ability to think critically.

August 3, 2016 11:34 am

I am not a Trump detractor. Honestly, there are other people I would prefer to be our president, but Ron Paul did not run and Rand Paul lost. Mr. Stockman’s assessment was most interesting. His statements are contradicted by the reality of world events. The list below is partial list of terror attacks that occurred in July, 2016. These are not crimes (theft, honor killings, stoning women for being raped). These are attacks that occurred lat month:
Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2016.07.14 Philippines Manilop 3 0 Three off-duty soldiers are ambushed and killed by Abu Sayyaf while buying food.
2016.07.14 France Nice 84 202 A Muslim migrant mows down eighty-four Bastille Day revellers (including ten children) with a truck while shouting praises to Allah.
2016.07.13 Iraq Rashidiya 7 11 Seven Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.07.12 Iraq Baghdad 12 37 A dozen people at a vegetable and fruit market are reduced to pulp by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.07.11 Iraq Qayara 9 0 Women and the elderly are among nine members of two families dragged from their homes and executed by ISIS.
2016.07.11 Iraq Nineveh 4 0 Four doctors are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2016.07.11 Somalia Lanto Buro 11 6 At least eleven others are killed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2016.07.10 Syria Aleppo 5 61 al-Nusra members sends a barrage of explosives into a residential neighborhood, laying out five civilians.
2016.07.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 6 Three children are ripped apart by Taliban shrapnel.
2016.07.10 Iraq Fallujah 46 0 Forty-six Sunnis are burned alive by Hashd al-Shaabi, a Shiite milita.
2016.07.10 India Kashmir 3 96 At least three security personnel are killed by a Muslim mob, angered over the death of a terrorist.
2016.07.10 Nigeria Benue 81 0 The death toll from two weeks of rolling Fulani attacks on peaceful farming communities rises to over 80.
2016.07.10 Syria Raqqa 5 0 Five civilians are beheaded in front of their families by the Islamic State.
2016.07.09 Libya Sirte 7 3 A secret ISIS prison is unearthed with seven bodies and three surviving torture victims.
2016.07.09 Bangladesh Kajura 0 1 A Catholic nurse is set on fire by suspected Religion of Peace operatives.
2016.07.09 Mali Koro 2 0 Two guards at a checkpoint are machine-gunned point-blank by suspected Jihadis.
2016.07.09 Pakistan Islamabad 1 1 The wife of a Shiite cleric is gunned down in a targeted attack.
2016.07.09 Iraq Riyadh 3 0 Three Kurdish brothers are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.07.09 Iraq Kirkuk 2 2 ISIS is suspected of a home invasion in which a moderate cleric and his family member are killed.
2016.07.09 Nigeria Abuja 1 0 A female pastor is hacked to death by Muslim radicals who left her severed head on a Bible.
2016.07.09 Nigeria Rann 7 0 Boko Haram invade a village, stealing food and gunning down seven residents.
2016.07.08 Syria Tel Abyad 10 11 Women and children are among ten taken out by an ISIS suicide bombing at a popular market.
2016.07.08 Syria Aleppo 34 200 al-Nusra members send shells into a populated area, killing thirty-four civilians.
2016.07.08 Nigeria Damboa 9 12 A suicide bomber strikes a rival mosque, killing at least nine.
2016.07.07 Libya Benghazi 12 35 A dozen souls are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.07.07 Bangladesh Sholakia 4 12 A police officer is hacked to death and a woman is among four total killed by an Islamist attack during Eid prayers
2016.07.07 Iraq Balad 56 70 Fifty-six pilgrims are blown up by a Sunni suicide bomb attack on a Shiite shrine.
2016.07.06 Syria Aleppo 3 3 Three civilians are flattened by a Sunni mortar barrage.
2016.07.06 Syria al-Zahraa 2 6 Two children are turned to paste by a Sunni rocket.
2016.07.06 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six people are beheaded by a Sharia court.
2016.07.06 Yemen Aden 25 8 al-Qaeda suicide bombers take out over two dozen local soldiers.
2016.07.06 India Vijaywada 1 0 A teen is honor-killed by her conservative Muslim mother for having an affair with a Hindu boy.
2016.07.06 Afghanistan Sancharak 4 1 Four family members are wiped out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2016.07.05 Thailand Songkhla 1 2 Muslim ‘insurgents’ place a bomb that kills one other person.
2016.07.05 Iraq Saidiya 3 12 Jihadis send mortars into a displaced persons camp, killing three.
2016.07.05 Syria Raqqa 4 0 Four popular soccer players are forced to kneel and then shot in the head by caliphate members in front of children.
2016.07.05 Syria Um al-Housh 40 0 Women and children are among forty civilians captured and ‘mercilessly’ executed by the Islamic State.
2016.07.05 Somalia Galcad 2 0 Two staffers at a telecommunication company are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2016.07.05 Syria Hassakeh 30 40 A suicide bomber massacres thirty innocents outside a Shiite bakery.
2016.07.05 Thailand Bannang Sata 1 0 Militant Muslims launch a grenade from an M79 in front of a mosque, killing a passerby.
2016.07.05 Indonesia Surakarta 0 1 A suicide bomber detonates in front of a police station.
2016.07.05 DRC Tenambo 9 0 Nine Christian villagers are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2016.07.05 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A bomb planted by Muslim militants in front of a police station leaves one dead.
2016.07.04 Saudi Arabia Medina 4 5 Four guards are killed by a suicide bomber outside Islam’s second holiest mosque.
2016.07.04 Iraq Sharqat 7 0 The Islamic State boils seven members alive.
2016.07.04 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 0 2 A suicide bomber detonates near the US embassy.
2016.07.04 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 A bomb near a popular market leaves two dead.
2016.07.04 Iraq Tal Kaif 3 0 Three Kurds are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.07.03 Iraq Arabi 2 0 A father and son are executed by the Islamic State after three months in captivity.
2016.07.03 Thailand Pattani 1 2 One person is killed by a bomb left outside a mosque.
2016.07.03 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded for ‘mocking Islam’.
2016.07.03 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two civilians are neatly taken out by Muslim bombers.
2016.07.03 Iraq Kirkuk 7 0 Seven civilians are executed by caliphate members.
2016.07.03 Libya Banghazi 2 7 An ISIS car bomb explodes in a busy district, killing two traffic cops.
2016.07.03 Iraq Shaab 5 16 Jihadis set off a bomb in a commercial district that claims five lives.
2016.07.03 Iraq Karrada 308 246 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates in a shopping mall packed with Shiites, slaughtering over three hundred, including many children.
2016.07.03 Libya Benghazi 2 0 A car bombing leaves two dead.
2016.07.02 Somalia Baidoa 2 19 Two girls, ages 4 and 5, are disintegrated by an al-Shabaab mortar round.
2016.07.02 Afghanistan Khorasan 3 0 Video shows three ‘apostates’ executed to religious music by child soldiers.
2016.07.02 Afghanistan Khakrez 4 0 Four people are taken out by a Taliban bomb blast.
2016.07.02 Bangladesh Satkhira 0 1 A Hindu priest is stabbed at a bakery by Muslim extremists.
2016.07.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 17 A Shahid suicide bomber on a motorbike kills two bystanders.
2016.07.02 Syria Elkheir 1 0 A man is brutally beheaded for ‘pledging to infidels’.
2016.07.01 Iraq Tuz Khormato 2 4 A suicide attack at a Shiite mosque leaves two dead.
2016.07.01 Bangladesh Dhaka 22 26 Seven terrorists take hostages at a restaurant and summarily execute all who cannot quote from the Quran.
2016.07.01 Syria Damascus 1 0 A pilot is murdered by Jaish-al-Islam.
2016.07.01 Afghanistan Shahwali Kot 7 0 Three woman are among a family of seven murdered in their home by Sunni militants.
2016.07.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 0 Five local cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
2016.07.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A moderate cleric is shot to death by more-radical co-religionists.
2016.07.01 Israel Hebron 1 3 Palestinians fire on a family’s vehicle, killing the father and injuring his wife and two children.
2016.07.01 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 A Hindu temple worker is hacked to death.
2016.07.01 Kenya Wak 6 2 Children are among six people on a bus brutally machine-gunned by religious radicals.
2016.07.01 Iraq Baghdad 5 30 Five people lose their lives to a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.

My favorite on this list was “2016.07.04 Iraq Sharqat 7 0 The Islamic State boils seven members alive.” Mr Stockman, the behavior of those in the religion of peace contradicts every point that you claim that supports your argument that Trump is a fear mongerer. If Trump is a fear mongerer you are an ill informed islamic apologist that has a well earned bias against politicians.

Though now retired my background is in medicine s a researcher and practitioner. My most revealing moments occurred as a researcher when the discovery that a well written article can totally obfuscate the truth so that the patent drug companies can capture billions in profit. Stockman’s post is proof that a good writer can present a vapid position that betrays the facts.

Below is a brief history I put together regarding how Islam got started. I performed this research in an attempt to discover the religion of peace at its roots, believing the principles upon which a movement is formed is important. I wanted to understand how a religion that claims to be peaceful could be corrupted to commit the atrocities listed above. I discovered that from the beginning, the religion of peace was anything but peaceful.

Three weeks ago as a diversion from recent orthopedic intervention recovery I took it upon myself to examine Islam to gain a greater understanding of the world’s largest religion. I wanted to learn why they are killing non-Muslims and Muslims based upon their interpretation of the Koran, God, Allah, and destiny. Following two days of research I am frightened by what I have learned and of how ignorant the west is of Islam. More important, I am frightened by how the we have been addressing our current situation, especially under Barrack Obama. To gain understanding as to why we are losing the terror war I will present an abridged version of how islam became reality. This information is necessary to increase our understanding of the serious threat that awaits us.

As historically reported, the Prophet Muhammed experienced a revelation from the angel Gabriel that he (Mohammed) was to be the last prophet. He then started preaching in Mecca, recruiting friends, family, and attempting to convert others that he did not know. Mohammed tried for 12 years to spread his religion but he failed. He then decided to go to Medina, which was the Jewish and business hub of Arabia and preach to the Jews. Muhammad believed that if he could convince the Jews of his prophecy he would be able to return to Mecca and convince his people as well. To appeal to the Jews and present himself as the last prophet Muhammad borrowed heavily from the Old Testament, which is why there are so many similarities between Judaism and early Islam. For example: Jews and Muslims do not eat pigs. Jews and Muslims pray a few times per day. Jews fast on Yom Kippur and Muslims fast on Ramadan. Muhammad’s plan to convince the Jews produced many positive messages in the initial creation of the Koran. Muhammad used this first version of the Koran in an attempt to convince the Jews of the merits of his beliefs and the book. When the Jews refused to accept him as the last of the prophets Muhammed starting killing and expelling the Jews and Islam transformed from a quasi spiritual movement to a political movement cloaked in religion. At that time Mohammed became a military warrior. That’s when Jews and Christians became Dhimmi or ‘second class citizens.’ That is when Jews and Christians that did not convert to Islam could stay alive only if they paid the Jizya, which was a protection tax. If you paid the protection tax and lived you were referred to as Dhimmi, a second class person that was permitted to remain alive. As Dhimmi, Christians could not ring the church bells, Christians and Jews could not pray publicly, gather publicly, or build new temples or churches. The Jews paid the Jiyza protection tax at a once per month gathering/ceremony where the Jew would kneel and hand his payment to the Mullah. In many areas Jews and Christians were given necklaces to wear as proof that they paid the Jiyza protection tax. Jews were referred to as Najisah, which in Arabic means urine, stool, blood, corpse, etc. As Islam grew more people became second class citizens or Dhimmi. If a Jew was walking on the same side of the street as a Muslim, the Jew had to cross the street so the Muslim avoided contact with the ‘filthy Jew.’ Jews and Christians were forced to wear clothing that identified them. For example, the yellow star was an Islamic creation in the 9th Century by the second Caliph of Iran and was not originally created by Germans. Christians were forced to wear a special belt referred to as a ‘Zunar’.

The Crusades were launched to liberate Jerusalem because of this treatment of Christians. After 300 years the Crusaders failed and dissipated because they could not defeat Islam. Islam spread to India, China, and central Europe. By 1600, Islam covered more surface area of the globe than the Roman Empire at its peak. As Islam conquered more nations, the amount received from the Jizya protection tax grew and so did the Islamic empire.

Between 1600 and 1800 Europe was experiencing the industrial revolution where factory lines spurred production and innovation. The Europeans became prosperous and were now capable of mounting a formidable military. The Muslims were stopped at the gates of Vienna on September 11, 1683. The date 9/11 (Stockman take note) takes on significant meaning to Muslims as that was the day the Muslim hordes that marched on Vienna were defeated. Osama Bin laden knew this history when he orchestrated the terror attacks on 9/11. After 270 million people were killed by Muslims around the world, in 1924 the Islamic empire or Caliphate ended in Turkey. Caliphate refers to the Islamic steward of an area, a Caliph that would provide Islamic oversight to an area of the world. Today as it was throughout history, the globe is the objective of the Caliphate, where one Islamic prophet will rule. These events ended less than 100 years ago! I did not know this information. Most of us are ignorant of these facts. This is one reason why we lack insight into our current situation and why Mr. Stockman’s rant is a well written ill informed puff piece attack on Trump.

After the Caliphate ended in 1924 everyone believed that the Caliphate would never return and that Muslims would never again attempt to dominate the world through force. Unfortunately, two events occurred to destroy those beliefs. The first event was the discovery of oil in Saudi Arabia, which we stupidly allowed the Saudis to nationalize. The second event, which is much more important, was Ayatollah Khomeini coming to power in 1979 under President Jimmy Carter. These two events gave Muslims the money and the spiritual cover to promote Islam’s return and to seek the Caliphate, an Islamic world. Isis is not a new invention. They are certainly not the JV team as the president idiotically described. Isis has resurrected the Caliphate that ended 100 years ago.

If we are to survive as non-Muslims, there are two things I discovered that must be understood about the Islamic beliefs of war. First is the Law of Takiya, lying to achieve the objective of the Caliphate. Takiya allows a Muslim man to lay his hand on the Koran and lie, knowing that he will be forgiven because he advances the cause of Islam.
The second important point to know is the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, which provides a model to deceive the enemy after agreements and treaties are established. The Hudaybiyyah treaty was for ten years between Muhammad and the Medinas (Jews). Two years later when Muhammed was strong enough he attacked Medina. This is an Islamic principle of war. Does the ten year term for a treaty ring a bell? It is the same term as the treaty that President Obozo made with Iran for the nuclear weapons treaty/agreement. The treaty signed with Iran is meaningless and nullified by this Islamic principle of war. Remember Yassir Arafat and the Oslo Accord with Israel? When the Jordanian and Egyptian press asked Arafat why he would sign a treaty with the devil (the Jews) Arafat’s response was, “Remember Hudaybiyyah.” Eight years after signing the Accord, after the accumulation of sufficient weapons and sufficient personnel Arafat declared the second Intifada. Iran has revealed the idiot in the Oval Office as a total moron with this treaty. Will we or Israel be attacked with nuclear weapons in the future? Count on it!

I do not know why the administration and the media engage in concealing these Islamic foundations, the principles upon which Islam is built. I found out this information after two days of confinement due to stem cell injections in my spine, knee, and shoulder. Is the president too ideologically invested in Islam? His inability to speak the words ‘Islamic Radical’ is proof that he is either too stupid or too biased to see reality. I do not know Stockman’s motivations but they appear similar at their roots. The administration’s order to scrub the words Allah, Islam, Jihad, etc. from law enforcement training manuals, including those of the FBI and Military, is representative of a pathological lack of understanding or a more sinister reason for which I am clueless. Obama’s behavior is definitely a repeat of Nero Fiddling while Rome is burning. Stockman appears to be turning the pages of the sheet music from which Obama is playing.

Islamic clerics all over the world are condoning violence against the infidels (you and me). Many of their publications praised the Orlando attack. They are teaching their children that we are the enemy and that Jews need to be exterminated. How long term is the Islamic view? The radicals have graduation ceremonies for kindergarteners where the children are dressed in terrorists’ uniforms with toy guns to insure the future of the Caliphate. They have cartoon contest in Tehran for the best Holocaust cartoon (no mention of this in the Times).

The following links and their images are very graphic. As I researched the Islamist agenda I wanted to understand how primitive and how severely demented these people are and see their extremism first hand. Two weeks ago the religion of peace beheaded a non-believing Canadian in the Philippines (Graphic) as they praised ‘Allah Akbar”

If you think beheadings only occur in primitive areas, watch:

Below are links that show the Religion of peace stoning women and teens. No feminist protested followed here in the states or in Europe:

The left has surprised me. They have become so delusional that I am frightened by how vulnerable they make us to the Islamic Radicals. The left’s poor threat recognition skills are leading us to a disaster. Future radical acts of terror will amplify and intertwine with the economic and social tough times ahead. Civil unrest will spread, especially in Europe and possibly here as well. I offer these observations only to those people that can examine a different perspective than that which is peddled by the president, the media, and the Stockman’s of the world. This dose of reality is severe medicine and not intended for the faint of heart. Please let me know where I have gone astray. I can use the encouragement.

August 3, 2016 3:00 pm

Great information. I’ve spent probably into the hundreds of hours researching this subject of Islam and what I can say is that what you write is consistent with what I have learned.

I agree that this should be a post on its own.

August 3, 2016 12:31 pm

I much prefer Stockman’s economic commentary to his socio-political digressions.

August 3, 2016 12:33 pm

Admin – Tom’s comment deserves to be entered as a post. To the best of my knowledge everything he says is correct. Islam was stopped in three major battles, the Battle of Vienna where the Pollock’s and Lithuanians defeated the Moslems, the Battle of Tours in France and the last navel battle using ore powered ships which I forgot the name of. Batshit Annie did a piece on it.

Every major Religion in the World is based on the Ten Commandments except Islam which shows Islam is a Political System and not a religion. Islam poses a major threat to civilization.

August 3, 2016 1:04 pm

I agree Tom’s comment should be a post. He did an excellent job of covering a complex subject in a short read.

August 3, 2016 1:02 pm


Funny , when I look over my shoulder , it’s a white face fucking me in the ass.

August 3, 2016 1:31 pm

Would you rather be killed by a Moslem or be sodomised by a white face?

August 3, 2016 1:28 pm

As the video below graphically demonstrates, the destruction of the twin towers and the other 5 WTC buildings were a false flag using a heretofore unseen technology that adds a new page to the laws of physics: molecular dissolution of solids

Clearly, bands of Islamic terrorists nor their Saudi backers had anything to do with this destruction.

August 3, 2016 1:35 pm

What other 5 WTC buildings?

August 3, 2016 5:02 pm

Building 7, of course, many already know about that one. It was emitting tons of dust all day until it was nothing but a shell and then the shell collapsed.
Buildings 3,4,5, and 6 were destroyed partially. Most of 3 and 4 went missing with nothing to show what caused the damage. Building 5 had large holes in it. Building 6, the strangest, had a giant cylindrical hole from top to bottom with nothing at the bottom to blame for the damage. Whatever technology took out the towers also was the apparent cause of the damage to these buildings. Remarkably most people have never even heard about this damage as the 911 “truthers” (NOT) won’t even discuss it.

See the 2nd half of the video I posted for more specifics.

August 3, 2016 1:38 pm

Stockman says: “In that context, Donald Trump has the correct impulse——homeland security first and primarily mounted from these shores.”
Just a few thoughts here from “Flyover America”, so they probably won’t matter as much as Black Lives.

Anyway, on TBP’s “Khizr Khan” thread yesterday, Doogie Dung Pecker (ala “Stranger than non-fiction”) utilized Section 3(b) of the War Powers Act to give Harpy “cover” since it required sanctions or diplomacy to be fully employed before force was used. Therefore, it was OK for Harpy to support the Iraq war.

Hell, most everyone on both sides of the political isle was for the war back then because Saddam Insane ignored 17 UN Resolutions to back down. Everyone except Donald Trump that is. So forgive me if I don’t agree with Stockman’s opinion above that Trump has now become the “Raucous Cover Band For The War Party”.

When Saddam Hussein unilaterally defied United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441; the majority of both Republicans and Democrats supported the international coalition to invade. Yet, after the 2006 elections, it was Democrat Harry Reid, as Senate Majority Leader, who announced to the world that America “lost the war in Iraq”. This decreased world stability and sent gas prices to four dollars a gallon.

This, in turn, ushered in the 2008 financial crisis which was ignited by toxic mortgages administered by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Who blocked the the attempts to regulate Fannie and Freddie? It was the Democrats who received the most cash from these government subsidized agencies.

To be fair, I will admit Trump reluctantly held his nose to support TARP in the media while at the same time calling it “a sad day for America”.

Regardless, both the failures in Iraq and the 2008 financial crisis can be attributed to the Establishment. And the Establishment’s ensuing solutions have been increasingly devastating including Dodd/Frank Wall Street Reform, foreign policy in the Middle East, the rise of I.S.I.S. and illegal immigration to name just a few.

Yet Trump is telling the entire world how he stands against all this. So what is the problem again?

August 3, 2016 4:04 pm

I just submitted Tom’s fine post as a separate thread.