I find the narrative from the MSM and politicians to be hysterical. They describe the attacker as Norwegian. Oh – so he’s tall, white and blonde. Right? Not exactly. He happens to be of Somali descent. Oh yeah. All Somalis are black and 98.6% of them are Muslim. But, this isn’t a terrorist attack. He was just mentally unstable. Yeah. That’s the ticket. I’m sure the next mass murder will be committed by a white Catholic guy. Right? I’m sure the Muslim mayor of London will call a spade a spade.

Armed Police Fill London Streets Morning After “Deranged” Knife Attacker Kills US Woman

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London has boosted up its police response, with armed police on the streets today after a 19-year old Norwegian citizen, of Somali descent, stabbed and killed a US woman in her 60’s and injured five others in Central London’s Russell Square at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday night as reported las night.

The 5 injured people were British, American, Israeli and Australian but none are thought to have suffered life threatening injuries. Two of the injured victims remain in a hospital, while three others have been discharged.  The attacker was arrested on the scene and remains in police custody on suspicion of murder.

The incident came within hours of an announcement by London police that they were putting more armed officers on the streets. The idea was to sustain public confidence following attacks by ISIS-inspired groups in Europe. As CBC adds, the move was important because police in Britain do not carry guns for the most part — a principle that remains unchanged. Even with the additional armed officers, most of London’s 31,000 police officers will not be armed.

“In some of our big iconic locations, we’ve already got armed patrols — if you look at Parliament, Downing Street — so it’s not entirely new,” Metropolitan Police chief Bernard Hogan-Howe said Wednesday. “I think people understand that where you are going to have people as enemies who’ve got guns, we’ve got to have guns.”

An armed police officer attends the scene of a deadly knife
attack in Russell Square in London. (Neil Hall/Reuters)

After initially attributing the attack to terrorism, Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, head of counter-terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, later retracted saying early indications suggested that mental health was a factor.  Per reports from CBC News, Rowley said that “we are keeping an open mind regarding the motive, and terrorism remains one line of inquiry being explored.”

While we appreciate the UK’s attempts to shift attention away from “Islam” and blaming the perpetrator’s mental health…

… we are surprised by the aggressive reaction, which is comparable to that of France and Germany, which is now actively considering mobilizing the army during the next terrorist attack.

In an ABC report, Rowley said it appeared to be a “spontaneous attack and that the victims were selected at random.”  Detectives from the force’s murder and terrorism squads interviewed the suspect, his family and witnesses and searched several properties, and found no evidence of radicalization, he said.

The attack came just days after authorities had warned the public to be vigilant in light of attacks inspired by ISIS in other parts of Europe.

According to reports from NBC

Authorities said early indications suggested mental health was a “significant factor” in the attack.  While police had initially said that “terrorism remains one line of inquiry,” an updated statement said only that investigators were keeping “an open mind regarding the motive.”


“As a precautionary measure, Londoners will wake up this morning to notice an increased
presence on the streets of officers, including armed officers today,” the force’s Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said in a statement.

London 1

London 3


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August 4, 2016 9:16 am

The British government is being accurate in their description of the attacker. The words are just a little unusual. Mohammedan and deranged are synonyms.

August 4, 2016 9:18 am

London has a Muslim Mayor and all kinds of Muslim only zones.

Even this doesn’t satisfy them, they still attack.

I’d tell them “I told you so” if I could, but it would really just be a waste of time to do it.

London loves its Muslim imports, much more than its own people and especially the Christian ones.

August 4, 2016 9:33 am

How to create a police state in 3 easy steps.
1. Government imports murderous psychopaths to the country
2. Said murderous psychopaths kill native members of the population
3. Government provides increased police and restricts liberties due to murders caused by people the government imported in the first place

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 4, 2016 9:35 am

No evidence of radicalization.

Whatta jucking foke! Person is Muslim. No need to be radicalized. If person adhered to Koran then job is already done. They keep trotting out this trope to explain away latest atrocity. People are waking up and getting tired of it.

I have a solution. From now on all these “mentally ill” people get hung from nearest tree and thrown in a pond behind nearest pig farm.

They have no respect for us. Why should we have any for them.

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August 4, 2016 9:41 am

Ever wonder why All the nation-states in the EU follow this same tactic of veering away from the Muslim/Islam angle. You could not blink an eye if it was just one or 2, but it is every nation-state in the EU. All the police departments follow this procedure.

So, who is this God-on-High that dictates that All governmental agencies in the EU avoid at all cost any Muslim/ Islam involvement in their announcements for killings, even when ‘Allahu Akbar’ is the usual shout from the perps? Is it the EU Commission?, or is it Obama, the Muslim leader of the U.S., giving orders to the EU Commission.

Why did Switzerland and its Banks, long known for its secrecy to clients, bend over to U.S. demands and open up their records?

Didn’t the EU love the U.S. for the 13 Trillion gift to save all their Banks due to the Great Recession.

August 4, 2016 9:50 am

They are going to great lengths to not release the name. I’m guessing, Mohammed?

August 4, 2016 10:27 am

Sky news is calling it a mental health issue. the guest is talking about how it has to do with government funding of hospitals

August 4, 2016 11:05 am

Isn’t is amazing how the police in the EU have now become professional Psychiatrists (without the required education).

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
August 4, 2016 9:09 pm

I would be willing to grant some of these men 3 year visas to help us reign in our feminazis then send them home. That should show these biatches how good they have it.

harry p.
harry p.
August 4, 2016 11:19 am

Don’t be so insensitve; it simply sounds like a form of tourette syndrome.

August 4, 2016 11:16 am

Meet the new Scotland Yard:

[imgcomment image[/img]

CTSFO – Counter Terrorism Specialist Firearm Officers, posing for pictures while innocents being butchered. Maybe next time?

August 4, 2016 5:16 pm

Waste of money here. Who did they save?

August 5, 2016 6:27 am

But just look at how much the arms dealers and weapons manufacturers are making off these attacks!

harry p.
harry p.
August 4, 2016 11:17 am

from article:
“After initially attributing the attack to terrorism, Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, head of counter-terrorism at the Metropolitan Police, later retracted saying early indications suggested that mental health was a factor.”

Islam and Mental Health Issues, now those are true synonyms.