Ugly truth about Millennials

Guest Post by Jenna Abrams

Today I asked my followers how would they describe Millennials and this is what I got: “lazy”, “thin-skinned”, “spoiled”, “selfish”, “undisciplined”, “self-absorbed”, ”fragile”, “oblivious”, etc. and I can agree on this. This generation is really what you call it. But there was one description that is the most accurate.  “Raised by neglectful, over-compensating for inadequacy, self-serving parents.”

You’re in charge. You insisted your children and grandchildren have to get higher education instead of taking a blue-collar job or just entering the workforce after school like your generation did. Most of you pay for that (often unnecessary) higher education. You are overprotective and prevent your children from playing outside and making mistakes you had a chance to make to gain that thick skin. You don’t let your 12-year-old kid stay at home alone because they are too young. And who is wrong when your child has a conflict at school? I bet you always blame the other side, not your “special snowflake”. And how you get surprised that the whole generation gets offended by facing the truth: they are not special. It must hurt, right?


They have never been taught how to debate and formulate an argument, as another follower noticed. Now you may start shouting about terrible school education, but it’s the family which is to blame.

Millennials are the product of your parenting. You spoiled your child and now you’re asking why they are demanding everything for doing nothing. See the correlation here?

And if you’re reading this and you’re not a parent yet, please, do some research on raising a responsible person and let your child make mistakes, it will help them in the future. I bet you don’t want your child to be triggered by “manspreading”. Do yourself a favor, raise your child right.


BONUS for Millennials:

1) You shouldn’t be offended if it was not intended to offend you.

2) Being offended is a choice you make. Nobody is responsible for that choice but you.

3) Even if it was intended, functioning adults understand that they must move on and not cry over a rude comment on the Internet

4) You should stop whining on the Internet. It’s too annoying.

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August 13, 2016 2:28 pm

I am DEFINITELY going to be plagiarizing from this one! Excellent piece of writing that says it very, very well.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 13, 2016 4:50 pm

I can boil it down to one word: Liberals.

  rhs jr
August 14, 2016 8:41 am

If the problem is ” liberals,” then can you tell me why it seems to be the Christians that constantly pick up the call to narc on your neighbors , judge everyone and get the state involved in others lives?
Time and again I’ve seen the Christian parents leading the charge to outlaw everything and protect the children.
Not to mention that 70% of Americans self-identify as Christian.
The hatred, judgement, fear and need to control others isn’t exclusive to liberals.

August 14, 2016 8:56 am

How did this conversation all of a sudden equate Liberals with non Christians? Did you really mean to do that?

August 13, 2016 5:10 pm

Years ago my child came home from school with a note from the teacher. The note said I owed the teacher $2 for the lunch she bought my daughter since she had forgotten to take hers to school with her that day. I sent a note back saying I do not pay for things I do not authorize and that my daughter missed out on a very good lesson. She cheated my daughter.

Also, looooooove the photo.

August 14, 2016 3:23 am

Hey work in progress. Bad call. That woman fed your daughter, and you stiffed her? Not everything needs to be a lesson. Kindness is not the same thing as enabling.

August 14, 2016 11:11 am

Kindness doesn’t usually expect repayment.

August 14, 2016 3:27 pm

Bullshit. I didn’t stiff anyone. How about I send you a bill for something you didn’t ask for.

You owe me $2 for the following advice….Don’t eat yellow snow.

Send me $2 now.

August 14, 2016 3:32 pm


Both of my daughters attended youth club at church for 10 years. Every year the youth did a canned food drive going door to door for the needy and hungry. After working for hours, the youth went 24 hours without anything but juice. KNOWING hunger is NOT a bad thing. It teaches appreciation.

You owe me another $2 for teaching you something.

August 14, 2016 7:43 pm

So your daughters went hungry rounding up food for negroes too lazy to work. You owe me nothing

August 13, 2016 5:13 pm

So, he will learn to “problem solve”. I guess that’s like learning to truck drive. A sign like that on the door of a school may show that the staff will not spoil your son. They’ll just teach him to mangle his native language.

August 13, 2016 5:42 pm


I hope this can make it as it’s own post.


August 13, 2016 6:38 pm

I have two observations: Most of the children attended ‘government schools’. I would say starting in 1990 there was a significant effort / success into indoctrinating children with the government PC speak. Sports like soccer where anyone can play, every one get’s a trophy, no one loses, there is no Valedictorian, grade inflation – everyone gets a B or better… the list goes on an on. The kids grow up with a twisted reality / confused. Now they are going to introduce ‘pick your gender’ / queer = normal / ‘trans is OK’ ( it’s OK to think about possibly electing mentally ill behaviors ) / guy’s with cocks in the girls shower. It’s going to fuck up the kids even more. They won’t know which way is up.

Add to this the iPhone, ICrap, IGame, IPorn, shit. With this Internet experiment we have found out to what level humans will degrade to, when given the chance to make all this shit convenient. We plug the kids into this at age 3 or 4. It’s just instant gratification – but on a much larger, interactive scale.

This is how the Millennial monster has been created.

August 13, 2016 7:41 pm

Dutch, this shit didn’t start in the 1990s, or even in the 1890s. It has been a feature of compulsory school from the time the New England fanatics forced it onto the states under military occupation after Lincoln’s war. Before the war, that kind of schooling had already been forced upon children in the New England states and in the territories and states under their sway.

Think of the shit you had drummed into your head in school. The false history of America has been force fed to kids for as long as there has been compulsory schooling. The shit they shovel onto kids nowadays is more intense, but the practice of teaching falsehoods started long ago.

August 14, 2016 8:41 am

It seems the content of the drummed in falsehoods has changed. No more Mc Guffie’s Readers and Horacio Alger. Now
Howard Zinn and “Heather has two Mommies”. No more “Message to Garcia” rather let’s shrink in fear because someone wrote Trump in chalk on a cement wall.

August 13, 2016 10:53 pm

Here’s my message to Millenials: Don’t expect your parents to bail your sorry little ass out of every situation occurring as a result of your lifestyle and inattention to doing what it takes to take care of yourself and your business.

August 13, 2016 11:24 pm

Very good article. There is no reason to pay for a child’s college education except to steal life’s lessons from them. The majority of students do not get a free ride as the media brain washing would have you believe. The better citizens have learned to fend for themselves. I rented housing to college students for 30 years. The good ones worked a job. 3 of my children paid their own way through college and 3 paid their way through tech school. The 7th became a top notch carpenter like his dad. It isn’t helpful to take the hard part out of their growing up!

August 13, 2016 11:25 pm

Westie, the trouble is that people have been doing exactly what you have said they should not count on for their whole lives. Unringing that bell won’t be easy.

August 14, 2016 3:33 am

It’s more insidious then that. I see babies given ipads to keep them quiet.
And we wonder why kids need constant entertainment, can’t unplug or create/ imagine/critically think through problems. Parents are teaching kids learned helplessness and publik indoctrination centers reinforce this.

Somehow i raised my kids differently. Must have been all that farmwork (feeding calves, mucking stalls, stacking hay) that kept them busy. That and that the animals are fed before you go in and kick your shoes off.

If we raised a few with self sufficiency and responsibility, i would imagine there are others. At least i hope so.

August 14, 2016 11:55 am

I manage an area at work, and there are 22 of us. My division is an excellent place for entry level employment and we encourage hiring younger workers to give them a start in a good paying workforce.

We are physical in wood manufacturing and there is no place for weak skinned pussies or limp backed noodles. Entry level starts at $16.00/hour and when these new starts can prove to me they are worth keeping and know how to work and enjoy what they are doing with an ounce of gray matter, I will increase the wage drastically into the $20+.

They have to earn this from me, as we don’t reward slackers, slackers cost the production guys money. Over the past 4 years of having the privilege hiring and training/working with these kids (18-25), let me tell you my observations.

1 in 10 of my hires have what it takes to become a part of our team. And by this, they can get promoted into running production machines making 180+ a day.

I get kids that will show up full of piss and vinegar for the first 3 days, then they realize that this is actually hard work and they fall apart. Not showing up on time for the first horn (OMG 6:50 AM) is such a problem, I get some of these guys who are still driven to work by their parents and when I am standing out on the street as they are dropped off 20 minutes late the parents look at me like I am the problem. These youngings will spend 10 minutes at a time hiding in the washroom with there I-phones. I have come to the point of confiscating these electronic devices.

Explaining procedures to these youngins, is a venture into patients, deer look into the headlights for the basic knowledge, they have to cut cardboard at times. I have watched these guys cut against the corrugation and wonder why it isn’t working. I watch them try to use basic hand tools, box cutter, wire snips, etc and they have no bloody clue how to use these things.

They are self absorbed and spoiled expecting handouts and not knowing the term hard work. My area will separate the men from the boys.

Those who make it past the probationary time turn out to be excellent workers and have a back bone and will take the daily grind of shit that will come down the pipe daily. Only problem is I have to hire 10 to get 1. Living in an apartment and growing up not knowing how to mow a lawn is helping no-one.

J. Ferguson
J. Ferguson
August 15, 2016 5:43 am

I have tried to raise independent little adults. I have told them over and over again no one owes you shit, life is not fair, and honest hard work will reward you if not with money, with self respect. So far it’s working. Oldest daughter in college but with a specific job in a booming industry as the end result. She also works to support herself while in school. Middle daughter self motivated working a job to pay for her own car, internship at a law firm, multiple school activities and sports, and makes good grades all her own decisions by the way. Recently youngest decided to play football for the first time and I gave him this response. “Son this will not be the touchy feely, everyone gets a trophy crap, that you have been exposed to previously in soccer and basketball at the ymca. Football remains an exercise in hard work where failure is derided and success is rewarded. They will not tolerate even a momentary half assed effort at demanding practices or during games”.
His response “Thank God”.
Mission accomplished.