The Kneegrow: Then and Now

THERE HAS BEEN ZERO PROGRESS IN RACE RELATIONS IN THE LAST 40 YEARS.  In fact, it has gotten worse, thanks to the HNIC.

1968 Olympics

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2016 NFL Game

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That the above kneegrow  chooses to display his butt-hurt on the memorial of three thousand plus Americans being murdered is far far beyond despicable.  Niggers … it’s always about THEM.

Also, shame one the NFL, the NFL owners, and most of all the fans — who make all that shit possible.

Ugly truth about Millennials

Guest Post by Jenna Abrams

Today I asked my followers how would they describe Millennials and this is what I got: “lazy”, “thin-skinned”, “spoiled”, “selfish”, “undisciplined”, “self-absorbed”, ”fragile”, “oblivious”, etc. and I can agree on this. This generation is really what you call it. But there was one description that is the most accurate.  “Raised by neglectful, over-compensating for inadequacy, self-serving parents.”

You’re in charge. You insisted your children and grandchildren have to get higher education instead of taking a blue-collar job or just entering the workforce after school like your generation did. Most of you pay for that (often unnecessary) higher education. You are overprotective and prevent your children from playing outside and making mistakes you had a chance to make to gain that thick skin. You don’t let your 12-year-old kid stay at home alone because they are too young. And who is wrong when your child has a conflict at school? I bet you always blame the other side, not your “special snowflake”. And how you get surprised that the whole generation gets offended by facing the truth: they are not special. It must hurt, right?


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