Hillary Supporters Want to Abolish 2nd Amendment

Some things speak for themselves.

Via Truth Revolt

Presidential candidate Donald Trump has asserted that Hillary Clinton would “abolish the 2nd Amendment” if elected President, an assertion she has routinely denied. A new video released by Campus Reform shows her supporters think otherwise.

Showing disdain, ignorance, and apathy toward the Constitution, the video shows many of Hillary’s millennial supporters explicitly calling for an end to gun ownership.

“We need to start viewing human rights as more important than gun rights,” said one girl. “[Gun owners] just don’t really understand that the value of life is so much more than the right to bear arms.”

She says this asinine statement while planning to vote for Hillary, whose DNC featured NARAL President Illyse Hogue lauding her past abortion.

Others employed the post-modern trope of asserting the Constitution has no value, considering it was written “over 200 years ago.”

The NRA also got a shout-out as well, with one Hillary supporter calling for the organization’s abolishment alongside the amendment, which would probably violate the “freedom of association” part of the 1st Amendment.

Next, the subject should be religious, and we’ll all shriek in horror as Hillary supporters declare removing tax-exempt status for churches that don’t perform same-sex marriage and forcing Catholic hospitals to provide euthanasia.

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August 18, 2016 12:38 pm

If the Hilldabeast is elected I expect the following

1) The two Supreme Court justices she nominates will say they have no problem with the 2nd amendment in the confirmation hearings but when it comes to voting on the cases before them they will be anti-2nd amendment .

2) The Attorney General she appoints will go after the gun manufacturers with a passion. The government has unlimited funds,the gun folks don’t .Eventually most will go out of business .

3) The Feds will ban lead ammo,increase taxes on the sale and manufacturing of guns,require mental illness check-ups to own a weapon ( if you can afford one by then ) and you’ll be required to have liability insurance . Gun registration will follow .

4) Every court case that comes before the SCOTUS under the Hilldabeast’s reign that limits the accessibility of guns will be upheld by a 6-3 vote . We’ll be told it’s settled case law by the Left and told to move on .

4) Eventually she’ll propose a buy back program/ban of most of the guns in America via executive order ( Like FDR did when he confiscated gold ) . Once this has been done…the fun will begin .

August 18, 2016 1:00 pm

This is what happens when U.S. History stops being taught in High School.

August 18, 2016 1:23 pm

Wonder if any states will secede from the union if they abolish our second amendment? Texas maybe ?

harry p.
harry p.
August 18, 2016 1:32 pm
August 18, 2016 1:46 pm

If this video was meant to shock, well.. sorry, you failed.

All I feel is a deep sadness at this point.

I was going to write up something that asked some very uncomfortable questions about how ‘repealing’ the IIA would work… how they would get the Amendment repealing the IIA passed. IF it passed, exactly how would they would go about disarming the citizenry. How they would keep the country from tumbling into literally a civil war.

But… why bother?

Those who come to TBP already know these answers. Already know that those who were interviewed shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a voting booth… or allowed to play with pointy objects… or even near a pack of matches.

And those “interviewed” don’t come to TBP. Or, if they do, they lurk and never post up anything. Either out of fear of being torn to shreds, or because they are intimidated by what is probably the biggest collection of INTJ’s on the internet…

So… things will continue on… until they cannot.

And then things will get sporty.

Perhaps they will survive it… perhaps not. Either way, I am past caring.

August 18, 2016 2:01 pm

I fail to give a shit. I don’t have a shit to spare. I ain’t in the shit business; I don’t give a shit and I won’t take no shit.

There, Hillary.

August 18, 2016 2:44 pm

Hey Ed… me and you in the same boat…

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August 18, 2016 5:36 pm

Yep, Billy. Hillary labors under the delusion that we give a fuck. ahaha.

August 18, 2016 2:55 pm

Walls and guns should be abolished. All except for the Joos and the media who live in gated communitie with armed guards.

August 18, 2016 3:14 pm

Hillary seems to be fine with using guns to have all of her enemies whacked. Like they say take all the guns away from law abiding citizens and only the criminals will have guns. Hummm….seems about right.

August 18, 2016 5:07 pm

I like the snowflakes final comment best ” her election will allow us to start the conversation”

Snowflake, its a short one.

August 18, 2016 5:37 pm

The conversation will include a lot of squealing and shrieks of ‘omigaaaaaahd’ from the unarmed.

August 18, 2016 5:52 pm

Like I’ve said, it will ultimately be your children and grandchildren that disarm you…….legally. I’m not saying you’ll give up your iron but your offspring will turn you into criminals for failing to do so. Their programming began 20+ years ago at the govt indoctrination camps………..I mean public schools.

August 19, 2016 10:29 am

The second amendment is becoming the new “abortion” debate.
Both are important, but the 2nd A? Non-negotiable.
Some issues will not be resolved. The wimps that seek to control
others’ choices, capitulate to PC BS…are in for a mean surprise.
Gov will remove them first.

August 19, 2016 3:44 pm

I talk about this and people where i live say they will only give up lead.In the direction of the would be dictators.