Conquistador Trump

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Conquistador Trump

In accepting the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto to fly to Mexico City, the Donald was taking a major risk.

Yet it was a bold and decisive move, and it paid off in what was the best day of Donald Trump’s campaign.

Standing beside Nieto, graciously complimenting him and speaking warmly of Mexico and its people, Trump looked like a president. And the Mexican president treated him like one, even as Trump restated the basic elements of his immigration policy, including the border wall.

The gnashing of teeth up at The New York Times testifies to Trump’s triumph:

“Mr. Trump has spent his entire campaign painting Mexico as a nation of rapists, drug smugglers, and trade hustlers. … But instead of chastising Mr. Trump, Mr. Pena Nieto treated him like a visiting head of state … with side-by-side lecterns and words of deferential mush.”

As I wrote in August, Trump “must convince the nation … he is an acceptable, indeed, a preferable alternative” to Hillary Clinton, whom the nation does not want.

In Mexico City, Trump did that. He reassured voters who are leaning toward him that he can be president. As for those who are apprehensive about his temperament, they saw reassurance.

For validation, one need not rely on supporters of Trump. Even Mexicans who loathe Trump are conceding his diplomatic coup.

“Trump achieved his purpose,” said journalism professor Carlos Bravo Regidor. “He looked serene, firm, presidential.” Our “humiliation is now complete,” tweeted an anchorman at Televisa.

President Nieto’s invitation to Trump “was the biggest stupidity in the history of the Mexican presidency,” said academic Jesus Silva-Herzog.

Not since Gen. Winfield Scott arrived for a visit in 1847 have Mexican elites been this upset with an American.

Jorge Ramos of Univision almost required sedation.

When Trump got back to the States, he affirmed that Mexico will be paying for the wall, even if “they don’t know it yet.”

Indeed, back on American soil, in Phoenix, the Donald doubled down. Deportations will accelerate when he takes office, beginning with felons. Sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants will face U.S. sanctions. There will be no amnesty, no legalization, no path to citizenship for those who have broken into our country. All laws will be enforced.

Trump’s stance in Mexico City and Phoenix reveals that there is no turning back. The die is cast. He is betting the election on his belief that the American people prefer his stands to Clinton’s call for amnesty.

A core principle enunciated by Trump in Phoenix appears to be a guiding light behind his immigration policy.

“Anyone who tells you that the core issue is the needs of those living here illegally has simply spent too much time Washington. … There is only one core issue in the immigration debate, and that issue is the well-being of the American people. … Nothing even comes a close second.”

The “well-being of the American people” may be the yardstick by which U.S. policies will be measured in a Trump presidency. This is also applicable to Trump’s stand on trade and foreign policy.

Do NAFTA, the WTO, MFN for China, the South Korea deal and TPP advance the “well-being of the American people”? Or do they serve more the interests of foreign regimes and corporate elites?

Some $12 trillion in trade deficits since George H. W. Bush gives you the answer.

Which of the military interventions and foreign wars from Serbia to Afghanistan to Iraq to Libya to Yemen to Syria served the “well-being of the American people”?

Are the American people well served by commitments in perpetuity to 60- and 65-year-old treaties to wage war on Russia and China on behalf of scores of nations across Eurasia, most of which have been free riders on U.S. defense for decades?

Trump’s “core issue” might be called Americanism.

Whatever the outcome of this election, these concerns are not going away. For they have arisen out of a deeply dissatisfied and angry electorate that is alienated from the elites both parties.

Indeed, alienation explains the endurance of Trump, despite his recent difficulties. Americans want change, and he alone offers it.

In the last two weeks, Trump has seen a slow rise in the polls, matched by a perceptible decline in support for Clinton. The latest Rasmussen poll now has Trump at 40, with Clinton slipping to 39.

This race is now Trump’s to win or lose. For he alone brings a fresh perspective to policies that have stood stagnant under both parties.

And Hillary Clinton? Whatever her attributes, she is uncharismatic, unexciting, greedy, wonkish, scripted and devious, an individual you can neither fully believe nor fully trust.

Which is why the country seems to be looking, again, to Trump, to show them that they will not be making a big mistake if they elect him.

If Donald Trump can continue to show America what he did in Mexico City, that he can be presidential, he may just become president.

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September 2, 2016 8:02 am

Hillary and the MSM seem to be suffering some sort of political apoplexy over this.

Wonder why?

Still, Hillary seems to remain popular beyond belief among her supporters.

September 2, 2016 8:35 pm

She had the gall to tell Trump regarding his Mexico trip: “That’s not how you do it”. Oh really, Hitlery? How would YOU know since the world is a lot more fucked up than before you entered politics.
As a side note, I hope Trump includes Buchanan is his cabinet.

El Coyote
El Coyote
September 3, 2016 4:32 pm

That would explain Bucky’s continual Trump cheering.

September 2, 2016 8:27 am

Its the end of the line for the establishment one way or another. Either they go peacefully or their will civil disobedience.

If they hold on. They will double down and have to become draconian. Thats what people have to understand. There is no turning back. They are resolved to the bitter end.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 2, 2016 9:47 am

What was the outcome of the “he said, he said” with regard to the post-meeting tweet from the Mexican president that he told Trump at the onset of this meeting that Mexico would not pay for the wall? Yet Trump said the issue of who would pay was not discussed? The liberal media had a field day with that.

[queue Bea for the Trump bashing…]

Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
  Rise Up
September 3, 2016 1:58 pm

Riser, he was being polite. Since they did not agree on that subject, he said it was not discussed. Sort of like when you and the wife don’t agree on something and so you agree not to discuss it until a later date.

ESPN pissed off the Trumpster by tweeting that he told Trump he wouldn’t pay. El Trumpo retaliated in his rally later that day.

September 2, 2016 10:30 am

In 2013 the United States gave Mexico 51 million dollars of Foreign Aid. Trump will simply withhold these payments until ‘The Great Wall Of Trump’ is complete & paid for!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 10:50 am

I think the Donald looks very dapper with his blue tie (color- true blue, from the 2016 El Presidente line at Trump Apparel) made in Mexico, seriously. You too could get that presidential look with that tie available at fine men’s stores nationwide.

The trumpeteers have been right all along, Trump is brilliant as he got that made in Mexico for 45 cents an hour labor cost. He’s on our side and he is making America great again…..?

  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 11:17 am

I like ya Bea. I really do.

BUT …. (you knew that was coming) …. you are turning into a One Trick Pony with your constant Trump bashing.

Woe be unto me to tell you what you can, or can not, post. However, I do wish you’d give it a rest. If Donald wins, are you going to torture us over the next four years bashing him?

September 2, 2016 11:40 am

He’s just doing a back door, and not very covert, promotion in support of Hillary.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 12:19 pm

Anon- You are a tard of the first order.

  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 2:51 pm

You display your intellectual capabilities well here.

And avoid the subject of my post as you do.

  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 8:38 pm

Bea, you know I mostly agree with your POV, and you know I fought for Bernie until he turned traitor, but c’mon, if we want change what other actual choice do we have than Trump?
I voting for him because I think he might actually drain the swamp and clean out the barn.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 12:04 pm

I really like you too Stucky. With that said …..blow me.

The hypocrisy of both of the candidates is disgusting. Tell you what, when tRump truly calls for the end of the FED and real banking reform and he and his family members move production of their goods to America giving Americans jobs, THEN I’ll put in with you and the trumpeteers. NOTHING could get me on the Hitlery bandwagon.

How laughable would it be for the first family of our country to be selling products in fine department stores and on shopping channels made with slave labor from China, Vietnam and Mexico. If you can say it makes no difference then I really have to worry about you Stucky. Seriously, how much Kool-Aid did you drink ? We deserve better than what the elites are serving up, much better.

In the next few month we will be experiencing some very harsh economic events with even more job loss for Mericans. How would we feel about any company including Trump family concerns that give their work to foreign sweatshops while we circle the bowl for the final flush? If your own president is outsourcing his products what hope will Americans have for their future?

I am NOT a one trick pony, I am a realist.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 12:36 pm

So Bea, there are much larger issues in this election than Trump’s choice of manufacturers. Why do you place such import on his outsourcing of products?

Your comments display your low IQ and understanding of what Trump stands for–primarily, nationalism vs. globalism. So you oppose that, too?

Trump is all about America first, and it’s about damn time we had a leader like that.

Bea riding his one-trick pony:


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Rise Up
September 2, 2016 12:51 pm

Hardy har har…….SERIOUSLY harharhar!!! Riser questions my IQ as to shedding light on a guy/family that outsources ALL of their production to sweatshops THEN is dumb enough to say,”Trump is about America first”………can you hear yourself Riser? Who is low intel here?

  Rise Up
September 2, 2016 9:44 pm

Nice of Rise Up to post that picture. I had no idea you were so handsome, Bea. Or had that kind of equestrian skills. Giddyup

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 10:28 pm

Thanks Star- I do look really sharp in that picture.

  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 12:49 pm

Bea….your point is not valid, as Trump was not a prior politician; he was a businessman and he followed the rules our government (CONgress, IRS, etc.) provides for his business to be a success.

It was both the Dem and Rep establishment that supported moving U.S. business outside our borders. They were happily kicking them out to make the Corporations happy in order to receive the campaign $$$$$ from same Corporations.

It is a means to achieve Social Justice, pushed by the UN. Now we will all be 3rd world countries.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 1:01 pm

kokoda- The Clinton Foundation is revolting and we have all bashed it for the crooked sham that it is, BUT Hilery and Bill were taking advantage of the law that CONgress put down to allow them to take foreign contributions. That whole thing is obscene and vile yet according to you if it’s withing the law we should turn a blind eye.

This is a matter of principle kokoda, not was Trump within the law as a businessman

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 1:07 pm

Here you go again, Bea. There are investigations into the Clinton Foundation because they DID NOT FOLLOW the law in setting up this charity or administering it. The Clintons were NOT “withing [sic] the law”!

Here’s a free education for you, should care to learn something about the illegalities by the Clinton Foundation:

  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 2:48 pm

Starting and operating a business in the U.S.A. is like constructing a building on quick-sand, the chance of success is poor due to all the government regulation and control and taxes and on and on.

Anyone with any common sense that has the option to operate within the U.S.A. or off shore is going to make the choice that gives their business the greater chance of success. Trump didn’t create the environment he is forced to live with.

Trumps argument is that the business environment in the U.S.A. needs to be such that it makes sense for companies to be able to be successful operating within the U.S.A. Where is the hypocrisy in that?

September 2, 2016 12:18 pm

I stand by my original reaction to the idea of a Donald Trump candidacy months ago:

The thing that appeals to me about Donald Trump is that he is not one of THEM.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 2, 2016 1:01 pm

Exactly Maggie…bingo!

I favor Trump because the establishment opposes him. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The US Chamber of Commerce is a huge supporter of immigration for it’s cheap labor. Fuck them and their global corporatism. It has wrecked this country and Trump understands that. Did Trump use immigration labor for his projects? Probably so, but he most likely had to in order to compete. I don’t begrudge him for it. If he can tackle the ILLEGAL immigration influx and start to bring that under control as his policies call for, it’s a huge step.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Rise Up
September 2, 2016 6:40 pm

Riser- Mar-a-Largo is a club resort for celebs and elites, 90% of the employees are imported labor and not because they are specialized, you say he had to hire them to compete, compete with whom? Bullshit, he does not have to pay into SS or provide them healthcare or any other benefits. He just flat refused to hire the Americans. You and I could not get into Mar-a-largo, and if we did we could not afford it.

Another thing, you say he is not part of the Establishment or “Them” as Maggie says. Do you mean people like Katie Couric, Matt Lauer, Barbara Walters, Chris Matthews… must not mean people in the Democratic Party because Trump himself was a Democrat between 2001 and 2008 and prior to that. Define Establishment for me and don’t add any banksters to the list because he never met a bankster he didn’t like. Who makes up “Them”?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 10:37 pm


Who makes up “THEM”?

Maggie you can fill in for Riser to answer as you keep bringing it up so can you list “THEM”?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 11:18 am

I guess Riser and Maggie are stumped by the question who is them “THEM”. I listed the names Matt Lauer, Katie Couric, Barbara Walters and Chris Matthews (leftists all) above as possible “THEM” for the reason that they were honored guests at Trump and Melania’s wedding along with the Clintons who sat on the front pew where closest relative generally sit. If these people are not “THEM” who are they?

Name anyone you know who invited their arch enemies as honored guests to their wedding. We won’t bother listing Dems and Repugnants because they are interchangeable and Trump parties with both sides and has attended both parties conventions as a member in good standing.

Did 8 years of Oreo not give you a clue that shills are all that is ever served up for your choice? Try to figure out who is encompassed into “THEM”…….here is a clue, it is ALL of them and that is the only choice you will ever have.

  Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 12:55 pm

THEM is anyone who makes me revisit an issue about politics. Shame on you Bea…

THEM is the Partisan Politicos who have completely co-opted the idea of the civic value of the citizen voter.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 1:08 pm

LAME answer Maggie, I’m looking for names………list some names. Citizen voting was co-opted from the get go. Remember, if it made any difference it would be against the law. Shame on me, haha, really? You are a plebe parrot that lost her backbone.

September 3, 2016 4:21 pm

Trump is NOT, among others, a current politician like those I’ve brushed shoulders with in Government Contract negotiations from both Union and corporate viewpoint. Many of them, I believe, were on the take from the MIC… Any of the Pro-Tinker AFB cheerleaders up in CONgress right now including Lankford who slid into Coburn’s seat in the Senate slicker than a Baptist preacher on extra-tithe and donation Sunday. Trump is also NOT any of the bleeding heart Libtards willing to give as much of my money to the FSA as they need to buy their worthless votes. NOT Ryan and NOT Pelosi. NOT McCain and NOT Romney. NOT a Clinton and NOT a Bush. NOT one of THEM, them including those political science and public policy wonks who have appointed themselves with all the abilities necessary to make the decisions about our lives as they see fit. And, I repeat… shame on you, Bea. For calling me out when I really just like to read here and comment occasionally without being “called out” for a simple statement of my disinterest in political theater phrased in this way:

The only reason I am for Trump is that he is not one of THEM.

I believe most people here understand what I mean by one of THEM and agree with me. For you to “call me out” and insist I provide a list of who “them” might be shows an irrational wish to bicker.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 11:47 pm

Seasonal resort spots use foreign labor because they need the labor for a longer period than June-August. Young Americans go back to school. That’s why Cape Cod is filled with Jamaicans from May 1 to Oct 1. I met a Jamaican kid at Mt Rushmore last year. This is true even in Florida.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Iska Waran
September 3, 2016 10:56 am

Iska- If you think Mar-a-Largo is a seasonal resort, I can’t help you.

  Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 11:51 am

Bea, it is commonplace knowledge that some employers prefer illegals, the illegal pretends he has a valid SS # while the employer pretends to pay into the SS account. They look upon legitimate applicants as having a communicable disease.

Let’s say most employers are smart and fair, we don’t worry that these folks follow the law and good hiring practices. It’s the New York sharks that bend the rules or outright shirk them in their pursuit of riches.

I’m not saying Trump is one of these folks. He’s simply a great businessman.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 2:16 pm


Yes, there are so many good businessmen out there now, America is almost out of jobs.
It is the opinion of the trumpeteers that outsourcing in favor of slave labor is shear genius.
Maybe when the FEMA camps are filled ,jobs will return to our shores as we will then be fully employed and working for 25 cents per hour but hey, room and board will be included.

filo, I wonder if all those other fat cats that are outsourcing are also not one of “THEM”.

September 2, 2016 9:03 pm

Riser, Maggie’s reasoning is a good argument for going gay; at least the guy is not one THEM, man’s historic enemy: woman.

Stick to posting tits and stop encouraging old Martha. Besides, how do we know she didn’t steal that comment?

September 2, 2016 1:11 pm

If elected Mr. Trump might end up being as full of shit as any other politician in history, including our current lying POS POTUS. I hope not. After seeing him live, I feel he is sincere in what he would like to accomplish for this country. The sad thing is he won’t be able to do it by himself and he won’t be finding much help from anybody in Congress and the House unless the people demand it. Trump needs the people to come together to get elected and he will need the people to come together even more to demand that his platform is acted upon.

September 3, 2016 11:57 am

Peace, you make it sound like poor Trump didn’t bully his way to the nomination.

Those folks he bullied are like Southerners in that they never forget.

They will pay Trump back.

You wish ‘the people’ would come together to rescue the poor little rich boy.

September 2, 2016 1:38 pm

“Seriously, how much Kool-Aid did you drink ?” ——– Bea

That’s pretty fucking annoying. Why is that you, and others, almost immediately pull out the “Kool-Aid” card whenever there is disagreement?? That’s pure bullshit. I am no Kool-Aid drinker … I know all about the pros and cons … and to call me a Kool-Aid drinker is just your way of trying to score points, or end an argument, or make yourself look brilliant, cuz, “Hey, look at me, I’m NOT a Kool Aid drinker like that fool, Stucky!!”. Pure bullshit, and weak bullshit at that. You’re better than that.

“We deserve better than what the elites are serving up, much better.”

Of course we deserve better! But “deserve” flew out the window. Either Trump or Hillcunt WILL be the next POTUS. You seem to have a hard time dealing with that reality, Mr. Realist.

As far as calling me a Trumpeteer. Blow me and go fuck a duck. Are you majoring in Weak Bullshit? Trump continues to disappoint me to no end. The most recent being his endorsement of Shitstain McCain and that faggot Ryan.

You seem to be hung up with Trump’s Ties made in Taiwan. Yes, that IS inconsistent with his make-America-great again message. Inconsistency in a POTUS election cycle? HOLY SHIT, STOP THE TRAIN MOMMA, AND CALL THE FBI!!!! lol lmfao Hey, here’s an idea … go watch the video in my America-Nukes-Russia thread. Think you’ll still be concerned about where a fucking tie (or, whatever) is made if Hillcunt gets Amerika turned into a nuclear waste land? Hmmm? Well, do ya punk??

Save America. Vote Trump.

Rise Up
Rise Up
September 2, 2016 2:18 pm

Agree, Stucky, with the Trump endorsements of Ryan and McShitstain (and Kelley Ayotte). I think he had avoid burning all the bridges. Doesn’t mean he won’t give them all hell when he gets to the WH.

September 2, 2016 6:40 pm

Agree, the kool aid line is what I would expect from a leftist. Not like her.

September 2, 2016 8:23 pm

Aw, shit, I thought we had thoroughly demoralized the Stuck, now he’s back like a damn hurricane Debbie. Well, Debbie Downer has come back with all the conviction of a backslid neocon. Gone are the days when he wanted to invade the world, now he just wants to invade Minneapolis, put up walls and stick a cork up his ass cause he’s done.

Here’s a song for you Stucky:
Pay particular attention to the lyrics where it says, “I should have changed that stupid lock…”

September 2, 2016 8:27 pm

Bea, there are too many assholes (team A) here rootin’ for the Donald.
I will hang around to support your opposition to the Trumpster.
If anybody cares to join team Bea, don’t be shy.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 10:20 pm


This is not about team bea or anybody else. This is about not spending another 8 years with the new shill same as the old shill. Truthfully I agree with Card802 that Trump will win the popular vote but Hitlery will win the electorial college . `

  Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 12:52 am

How about Trump loses in a fucking Super Bowl style blowout?
How about the Republican Party ditches the Democrat turncoats that infiltrated it?
How about the Republican base revives the old Whig Party and ditches the RINOs?
RINOs being those dumb hillbilly types who invaded the Republican party like a bunch of illegal aliens then trying to call themselves Republicans just because they are present?

If the Republicans want to keep their party, they might have to build a wall to keep the Trumpist mobs at bay.

September 2, 2016 3:10 pm

tRump buying a car:

September 2, 2016 8:31 pm

The Italian Stallion was not constrained by a language barrier, he would make up Spanish words that were very serviceable. ‘I will kick you in the conquistadors…’ was a favorite phrase.

A song for the Donald, modern conquistador:

September 2, 2016 6:28 pm

#1. Hillary Clinton is a psychopathic murderous warmonger that belongs at least in prison, if not hung for treason.

#2. While I would like to believe what Trump says, he has been friends with Bill Clinton for many years.

In other words, fuck……

September 2, 2016 6:37 pm

What a novel concept, what is good for Americans. How about also what is good for the going to work, whether doctor, banker, or ditch digger, pays his/her taxes, stays out of trouble, American. How about we focus on that person.

September 2, 2016 8:56 pm

Bea, old Stuck will not be happy to hear me harping like a one trick pony about Donald Chump. He only went to make a fool of himself although it was a great photo op that Mexicans characterized as Dumb and Dumber. When the Donald tried to be gracious, he only put his foot in his mouth. Sure, Patty Buchanan can spin it anyway he wants, but the Donald spoke of the wonderful 3rd generation Mexicans to Mexicans who have been Mexicans for hundreds of generations. He commended Mexican-Americans to Mexican nationals who easily hold us pochos in contempt as race traitors for leaving Mexico to serve El Gringo.

They consider us the lowest of the low and regularly mock our lack of manners or social graces. To them, we are the children of wetbacks, poor Mexicans who would otherwise be beneath them if not for our dollars.

Old Trumpy praises us in Mexico and excoriates Mexican nationals in our presence. Which puts us in a predicament: do we agree with him and prove Mexicans right about our low-born treachery or do we say, fuck them?

My brain says they could use a little help but I know that in my heart, I resent them for coming here and invalidating all the suffering my dad went through while they slide right in with a big welcome and food stamps plus section ocho.

The only way I could vote for Trump in that situation would be if I closed my eyes and went eeny, meeny..and pulled the lever for either Def Con Hellary or Deportation Force Don.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 2, 2016 11:50 pm

Who gives a fuck how Mexicans characterized the meeting, EC?

  Iska Waran
September 3, 2016 12:24 am

Well, there you go, Simple Iska. Spin for the sake of Merican teevee. If Trump had to go to Mexico to use Enrique Stupid Pena Nieto for his own campaign and Patty J. uses the occasion to make Trump look presidential, ESPN was had.

I wonder why PJ didn’t compare Trump to Black Jack Pershing? Oh, I get it, although very popular – Scott also lost in his own presidential campaign. It’s also interesting to note that his party fell apart right after Winfield Scott lost; most of its members left to join the Republican Party. No doubt PJB is anticipating an avalanche or implosion of the Republican Party, courtesy of the great unwashed that rushed in after Trump as the upper crust retreated.

September 2, 2016 9:14 pm

Bea said (stupidly): ““We deserve better than what the elites are serving up, much better.”

Just what have “we” done to deserve better? Personal debt has skyrocketed. Personal responsibility has plummeted. Personal education as crashed. Family values have cratered. Work ethic has eroded. Fat, dumb, lazy has become the norm.

“We” are getting exactly what we deserve.

By we, of course, I mean the universally we, not the Burning Platform we, who mostly do deserve better. Except for the pricks who backed Obama, who deserve double what they are getting.

September 2, 2016 11:15 pm

llpoh, reading for comprehension seems to be waning more and more.

You said:
“By we, of course, I mean the universally we, not the Burning Platform we, who mostly do deserve better. Except for the pricks who backed Obama, who deserve double what they are getting.”

I’m not sure how you could have made it clearer.

Off topic: How goes the stateside business? Are you selling or closing up shop? If/when you give your syonara speech, I’d love to see a copy. Should be epic!

September 2, 2016 9:34 pm

We deserve? Leave me out of this. Obama is a damn puppet, who couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag. It’s unfortunate that the general population is stupid enough to buy into the corporate and governmental propaganda.

I am trying to get myself off this psycho train before it crashes in a ball of flames.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 2, 2016 9:41 pm

Loopey- You ain’t part of the “we” since you pussied out and ran off like a gurl I presume because you were “scared”. For your information, “we” deserve better than another shill for the cabal for president because generations of “our” families have worked like slaves to build this country only to see it turned into a third world shithole. There is nothing “stupid” about feeling that way and voicing my opinion.

I realize that you are the expert on “stupid”here on TBP but do us a favor and stick a sock in it.

Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
Filo - in a team of his own - team Coyote
  Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 12:07 pm

Bea, if you had read LLPOH’s short course on Merican history, you would know Merica was always a shithole except for that brief shining moment after WWII.

The 50’s were a prolonged party that came to an end in the early 70’s. Merica has been in denial ever since that time.

Take a look back, she has been selling off her inheritance and even the pussy to stay afloat and keep up with the Kardashians.

Please read his sort course.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 4:19 pm


I guess all those Victorian Mcmansions they built in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s don’t count in the Loopey shithole hall of fame. The Loopster totally misses the guilded age and he calls me stupid….right.

El Coyote
El Coyote
  Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 4:26 pm

He probably covered it under “rich folks”, his main thesis was that the middle class is an aberration, he didn’t deny the existence of rich folks. Po’ folks making up the shithole part of Merica.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  El Coyote
September 4, 2016 5:10 am


Those were average folks who elevated from average housing to Mcmansions during the gilded age. I’m not talking about the huge mansions of the uber wealthy.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 3, 2016 4:30 pm

It’s all over Trump / Hillary one will do this one will do that bla bla bla ! In the end we will still be a bankrupt nation with millions of people here that should not be and we will be fighting bull shit wars we have no fucking business involved in and now we will import labor with visas to build wind turbines from China way to fucking go assholes ! They used to just falsify documents and hire illegals but not now we pay them China wages here and when the job is done back in the container to China ya and fuck Mexico to if there people work so hard the country should be a show place rather than a place everybody wants to leave

El Coyote
El Coyote
  Boat Guy
September 3, 2016 5:09 pm

Boaty, they brought over their experts and paid them their regular China wages plus a cost allowance for local expenses, like food and housing.

You say they should not be here but I reckon there is a debt w do not know about and maybe they hold the deed to Merica; we’re just the residents expected to pay the rent on their property.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
September 3, 2016 5:13 pm

Piento is not well liked and thought tRump would (stupidly) help his numbers in upcoming election.

tRump was never going to build a Great Wall. Its just pablum for fools who follow campaign slogans. tRumps promise for “Making America Great Again” is no more feasible than Oblamers “Hope and Change”

Hillaritys campaign slogan is yet another crock of equestrian fecality.

El Coyote
El Coyote
September 3, 2016 5:34 pm

KB, Peña Nieto like all Mexico’s presidents, will only serve 6 years and he’s out. He presented a courtesy invitation but didn’t expect that either candidate would accept. Mericans don’t normally offer you a portion of their lunch but in Mexico it is rude not to do so, it is also considered rude to accept.

(We pochos do not know of such customs, hence, we are considered rude and uncultured.)

Trump obviously pissed off Enrique, who was forced to share the stage with no less than the most hated man in Mexico, his stiff manner and hard looks toward Trumpo indicate just that.

El Trumpo hardly looked presidential on either side of the border. He looked like a fat, slack jawed, slob with poor posture and a condescending attitude; bending forward to shake hands with EPN as though greeting a child.

His longish hair, open coat and dangling tie made him look like a used car salesman, all he needed was a diamond pinkie ring.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
  El Coyote
September 3, 2016 9:24 pm

Thanks for that insightful post coyote

El Coyote
El Coyote
  Kill Bill
September 3, 2016 11:46 pm

Hey, KB this didn’t get much notice over there but dammit it’s a Charlie Daniels hit i’m parodying.

The Trump Went Down to Mexico
The Trump went down to Mexico
He was lookin’ for some gold to steal
He was in a bind
‘Cause he was way behind
And he was willin’ to make a deal

When he came upon this young man
Bendin’ a tortilla and fillin’ it hot
And the Trump jumped
Up on a nopale stump
And said, “boy, let me tell you what

I guess you didn’t know it
But I’m a taco vendor too
And if you’d care to take a dare, I’ll make a bet with you

Now you bend a pretty good taco, boy
But give the Trump his due
I’ll bet an expensive 40 foot wall
Against your gold
‘Cause I think I’m better than you.”

The boy said, “my name’s Enrique
And it might be a sin
But I’ll take your bet
And you’re gonna regret
‘Cause I’m the best there’s ever been.”

Enrique, fire up your comal and bend your tacos hard
‘Cause hell’s broke loose in Mexico, and the Trumpster deals the cards
And if you win, you get to keep your 24 billion share of the wall
But if you lose, the Trumpster gets your gold

The Trump opened up his case
And he said, “I’ll start this show.”
And fire flew from his oval lips
As he warmed up his Vermont Castings grill

Then he pulled a tortilla across the flames
And it made an evil hiss
And a band of gringos joined in
And it sounded something like this

When the Trump finished
Enrique said, “well, you’re pretty good, old Don
But sit down on that Corona crate right there
And let me show you how it’s done.”

He bent tacos like the Migra’s on his tail, run Quique, run
The Trump’s in the House of the illegal alien
Children in the river waiting to go
Hilly, do you plan to deport? No child, no

The Trump bowed his head
Because he knew that he’d been beat
And he laid aside the plans for his wall
On the ground at Enrique’s feet

Enrique said, “Trump, just come on back
If you ever want to try again
I done told you once you son of a bitch
I’m the best that’s ever been.”

He bent tacos like the Migra’s on his tail, run Quique, run
The Trump’s in the House of the illegal alien
Children in the river waiting to go
Hilly, do you plan to deport? No child, no

mike in ga
mike in ga
September 3, 2016 6:27 pm

Simple. Trump or Hillary?

Anyone who needs ANY discernment other than this stark choice is trying too hard. Just relax. The United States is going to hell in a handbasket either more quickly, with Hillary, or more slowly, with Trump. Baked in, baby!

At least with Trump we get a man who loves this country and who is, at the very least, smiling and entertaining while doing his job.

Ties schmies. Any business HAS to buy at the lowest price point when you are retailing a commodity (like a tie is).

With Hillary you get the original William Jefferson Weiner, the original cigar-sexter, their thievery, corruption and that whiny nasally voice that NEVER assumes responsibilty for anything. She’s a tired old social justice warrior with so many medical problems that she can’t even function well enough to campaign. Plus she treats subordinates (us taxpayers and staff and esp. SS) like cretinous subservient beings so beneath her Alyinskyite superiority. Then throws them under the bus, or leaves them to die.

Trump has gained my respect with his unceasing efforts to do the hard things, the unpopular things simply because they need doing and only the bully pulpit of the office of the President or someone campaigning for that office can do them. Hillary has the same chance to lead but she doesn’t have the knowledge of leadership. Many people erroneously conflate leadership and management – it’s easy to do if you’ve never been in a position to lead. She is not even a good manager – look how soiled everything she touches has become – but Trump goes and talks directly with the people that dislike him. That’s leadership – not shirking your duty to respond as a presidential candidate should even though you know it is not popular.

El Coyote
El Coyote
  mike in ga
September 3, 2016 6:37 pm

Dammit, Mike! Take a stand. Hate one or the other.

This place is not for wishy-washy sentiment like that.

People should be out in the streets protesting, Hell No, We Won’t Vote!

They should be burning their voter registration cards.

mike in ga
mike in ga
September 3, 2016 7:00 pm

I edited and added while your were commenting, ElCoyote. My position is clear now. Nonetheless, it IS baked in. There IS a 4th turning happening. The debt, (worldwide) our ‘reserve’ currency, the SJW avoidance of reality, ineffective political leadership, etc., all point to a massive change. Thus my original contention – faster or slower, with style or guile, stands.

El Coyote
El Coyote
  mike in ga
September 3, 2016 11:51 pm

My buddy Billy Joe was from GA. Introduced us to bolled peanuts.
There was a guy back in the 70’s said he came down to El Paso to buy black velvet paintings in Juarez. Said he sold them back home in GA.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 3, 2016 9:37 pm


Oddly enough there was no reply button on my screen to address your explanation of “THEM” above so here will have to do. You see, just as I thought you don’t know the real Donald and your list of “Them” shot you in the foot and exposed that fact.

Trump went out of his way to endorse McCain and Ryan and you just don’t give a blow job to people you are at odds with. Ditto for Mittens Romney who Trump humped his leg and very proudly endorsed him for president in 2012. Trump was called out for donating to Nancy Pelosi AND Harry Reid to which he blathered the answer that he was trying to ease the gridlock in DC….WTF kind of answer is that. That’s like a priest who has been caught worshiping Lucifer saying well I was trying to bridge the gap between heaven and hell. Trump has a long history of donating to ultra-liberal politicians. He invites them to his wedding and he gives them money and you want me to believe he is not one of them.

Who you rubbed elbows with on a local level has zip to do with what we are discussing here . Trump is the unpolitician who participated in political debate, who made appearances at party conventions (DEM and REP) for decades without actually running for any office and that does not indicate he is an outsider. Nor is he a stranger to the Clintons to whom he has contributed money not only to campaigns but also to the Clinton Foundation and they ARE very close butt buddies whether or not you and the trumpeteers can admit it. He is, if you can open your eyes, one of “THEM”. THEY have a club Maggie and we ain’t in it.

I hate hypocrisy with a passion, Trump and Hitlery cornered the market.

  Bea Lever
September 4, 2016 8:39 am

Bea, I’m not voting. And I’m not really FOR Trump, but if I have to look at that bitch Hillary’s mug in public places on televisions and billboards much more, I will stop leaving the land at all.

But, even though Trump has played the political bribery game as a businessman, he still isn’t one of THEM until he’s actually been voted into office and then joined their ranks.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 4, 2016 9:10 am

I’m with you Maggie, the site of the Hillbeast is making me sick. I can’t stand to hear her voice, she is the scum of the Earth.

You don’t have to be elected to be a part of the political landscape so I must disagree with you on that point. There is so much more dirt that I could offer on Trump that is telling of his connections to the underbelly of this country and use of slave wages even here in the US but the mind kontrol is heavy with the Trumpeteers. Trump also has a foundation with shady contributions and payoffs to stop investigations into his crooked scams.

I am also with you that I will not validate this shitshow by voting. At this point I think this election should be cancelled ….it is insulting to decent Americans.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
  Bea Lever
September 4, 2016 10:41 am


The choice is between Hildabeast and Chump.

Stucky choses The Donald. Reluctantly. Like many I might add. And you launch ad hominem that he is trumpeteer.

So the question I have is who do you want as President.

There are only 2 choices. So save us all the bullshit and tell us which one you want.

By the way none of the above won’t work because one or the other is getting the job in January.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Rob in Nova Scotia
September 4, 2016 11:21 am

Rob in NS

I’m serious as a heart attack. There is always only a choice of (criminal #1) or (criminal #2).
How long do we play this game before we call bullshit, we ain’t playin’ no mo? What’s the rush to (s)elect one of these vile creatures? You know that as soon as the voting is over and the speeches are given, TPTB will start laying all manner of heavy medicine on us. The newly (s)elected POTUS puppet will start saying he/she had nothing to do with the horrific circumstance we are in and shove the blame off on the last administration. It’s a game and WE are always the losers.

I think Stucky is the best ever at entertaining the STM here on the platform and I truly like him very much (even when he jumps in my yams). I believe that Stuck is terrified of nuclear war more than the average because he is near NYC and is prolly target #1 on the Russian list for first strike. I have said some awful things to push him over the edge in that department…..sorry Stucky. This is why he is clinging to the Trump Train not because he likes the Donald as he knows about the dirty underwear in Trump’s underwear drawer and if not for the Russian threat would be right in here with me.

So far as voting, I meant it when I said I’ll not be at the polls on (s)election day. Looks like Maggie will be joining me and I/S in refusing to validate this charade.

mike in ga
mike in ga
September 4, 2016 12:36 pm

“How long do we play this game before we call bullshit, we ain’t playin’ no mo?”

We won’t live that long.

One or the other, like Rob said, will be the president. Clinton most easily resembles communism, Trump, capitalism.

That is the dividing line. Bea mentions 3 people here that have declared their intention not to vote. That seems like a pretty high percentage when extrapolated. In a close race, which this seems to be, that non-voting group will most likely result in the communist being elected. Another communist in the White House will finish off capitalism in America, freedom and liberty and private ownership of the means to defend yourself from rampaging criminals.

Think Supreme Court. Think of your grandchildren. I would not want my grandchildren to be subjected to supreme court appointments that vote lockstep with Sotomayer and Ruth Vader.

All those high-sounding “I won’t condone the voting charade, it’s SO beneath my own perfect opinion of how things OUGHT to be” are specious arguments that lead EXACTLY to where we are today. Starting with an honest look at the man or woman in the mirror would go a long way to recognizing the reality of just how imperfect the world is. Not voting is an abdication, or inability, to make a choice that is less than your perfect idea of who most resembles YOU. I suggest you run for office yourself, so you can bring light to our darkness.

Look at Clinton’s progeny vs Trump’s. Listen to them speak. Examine their deeds. I’d MUCH rather have any one of the Trump kids in a foxhole with me than that “I tried to like $$ but I just couldn’t” Clinton spawn.

People who won’t vote because our system isn’t perfect are actually exerting electoral forces, too, one way or the other.

  mike in ga
September 4, 2016 3:13 pm

Just for the record, the reason I am NOT voting is not necessarily a political statement to invalidate the voting process. It is my attempt to end the constant mailings I received in Oklahoma from the GOP after my tea party attempt to integrate into the Party System and see how it worked. Being a precinct captain means having your name and address given to every elected person in the state, I think. So, I hoped that by not registering to vote when I moved, I could eliminate the junk mail.

It worked except for the Donald. His people found out where I live and send me mail.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  mike in ga
September 4, 2016 4:15 pm

Mike in GA

Spoken like a true sheep who believes that voting counts. I could have included some others who are regulars here who also will not be at the polls but I think I will let them chime in on their own in the coming days. I appreciate your opinion and yet I wonder how much you have enjoyed the HNIC for the last almost 8 years? The voting numbers just don’t add up so I think we will just say Oreo was (s)elected for us as our fearless (cough) leader. Keep believing Mike and God bless ya.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
September 4, 2016 4:27 pm

Bea, back in the day you qualified as a negro is you had more than oh, 10% black blood. I say that because there is no need to call Obama a ‘half-nigger’.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Full Retard
September 4, 2016 4:50 pm

FR – I’m sorry what?? Did I say that…….when? You said nigger in your ode to Stucky.

September 4, 2016 1:47 pm


Apology accepted, although not really necessary. We all fling shit! Political commentary should NOT be taken personally … although I fail to remember that sometimes.

A couple quick replies to your comments … although it really does feel like I am endlessly repeating myself.

1. Regarding previous comments about Trump not being one of “them”. No, I won’t name names either. Generally speaking, by “them” I mean “politician”. Trump is NOT a politician … not even at this point in time, as he has not been elected to anything. I like that. Will he break promises? Pretty sure he will … it’s the very nature of politics to promise shit (else, you won’t get elected), and then when the Reality of having been elected sets in … well, things, ummm, change. It has ALWAYS been that way, so, Trump does not deserve to be called out for that.

2. Virtually the entire establishment — MSM, Hollywood, bankers, foreign leaders, everyone in government today, and on and on — hates Trump. There must be a reason for it. I am encouraged by the Trump Haters as it must mean these elitist fuckers believe bad shit will happen to/for them if Trump is elected. This is good, very good.

3. Yes, nuclear war scares me. And it’s not because I live at ground zero. In fact, that’s the BEST place to be! One moment I’m alive, and microseconds later I’m vaporized. SURVIVING a nuke war scares the fuck out of me. Move the Doomsday Clock to one half second to midnight if Hillcunt is elected. I firmly believe in my heart of hearts that Trump is NOT a warmonger fukstick. Isn’t that a great thing?

4. People who say Just One Man can’t change anything should look at Putin. Yes, really. Russia was a fucking wasted useless former shell of itself … practically a 3rd world country. Along comes Vlad. And the rest, as they say, is history. Hillcunt can’t change her diapers. Trump might change the world … who knows, but he sure as fuck deserves a chance.

5. I don’t mind that you’re staying home. Last year I wrote an original article showing that it is un-Christian to vote … that voting for ANYONE is just voting for our own enslavement. Jesus wouldn’t vote. Remember that?

But, you (and, Maggie?) will be in the minority. I will be voting this year for the first time since Reagan. Ms Freud who voted for Barry (once) will be voting Trump. Almost all of her libtard teacher friends are either staying home, or voting Trump. And even libtard Dems like my seester will either stay home, or very reluctantly vote for Hillcunt. So, stay home, but millions of others won’t. I won’t bash you for staying home … it’s somewhat unfair to bash those who will vote.

6. NONE of the above makes me a Trumpeteer. Really. I fully understand your concerns and issues with Trump. I hope you are wrong, but I know you could be right. Our differences are mostly that I’m willing to take a chance on this guy, and you are not.

Hey, check out today’s Drudge … where Donald spoke to a black church … and got a standing ovation. Tell you what, if Donald can muster up 20% or more of the black vote, it’s pretty much over and done for Hillcunt.

Peace be unto you on this blessed Sunday, and may you, as am I, be filled wif da holy Spirit.

Save America. Vote Trump.
Praise da Lawd!!

Full Retard
Full Retard
September 4, 2016 3:24 pm

Damn, Stucky you can be so inspiring. I would be willing to get on the Trump gravy train if he would stop talking about a deportation force. It’s only a skip and a jump from deporting illegals to deporting Mexican looking dudes. Hitler used this tactic to divest non-Aryan businessmen and give their property to Aryans. Shit, if he dropped that and spoke only about a wall, I wouldn’t give a shit how tall he made it. I could go Full Iska.

I figured, from the cost reported on a section in El Paso, that it would come in at $4 Billion but if I multiply by Trump Tower rates then it would be $20 billion and double that for a government project and it would be $40 billion. Of course, I didn’t add in the electronics and other surveillance equipment built into the wall.

If Trump returned to the things that made him compelling at the beginning, not the wall but his tongue lashing the neo-cons, I’d love that. Trump taking away their control apparatus is the perfect revenge on Cheney that Mericans were denied by Obama.

Mericans didn’t vote for the nigger because he was their only hope, it was an in your face moment when they could tell the Republicans to stuff it. They tried to come back this time but the Trumpistas weren’t having any of it. A vote for Trump was a repudiation of the jumping Bushistas. It was the only way to avoid another embarrassing scene of Republicans stopping the count at the most convenient place for their man.

If Trump got back to that and continued to speak of peace around the world, that is a candidate I long for; a Conquistador for Merica.

PS, it’d be nice if he stopped being so emotional, he reminds me of a guy here whose mood changes like the weather; sometimes he can be a hurricane, a tornado or a localized micro-burst. Other times he’s a dust storm, a flash flood or a lightning storm. I’m thankful for the peaceful days like today, though.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 4, 2016 4:02 pm

Stucky- For the record, I did not vote for the Bush crime family, McStain, or Mittens either. Yet again, I won’t be there in this election but if anyone here feels the need to vote that’s cool. Like I said before, I agree with Card802 that Trump will win the popular vote and Hitlery will win the electorial college.

I still disagree that Trump is not one of “THEM” but we are just going round and round on that so we will agree to disagree for now. I can assure you all that I will not vote again until they offer up a puppet that I can halfway believe in. I am jaded, spent, over it to the maximum.

No matter what, this is still the best collection of commenters/friends anyone could hope to have. Do what you believe is best and I’ll sit on the sidelines and watch the circus. Just don’t get upset with me if I spill the beans on the Donald and Hitlery from time to time because you KNOW I will.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 4, 2016 4:34 pm

Ummm…………That (black church?) was filled with about half with white folks, so why is the MSM referring to it as a black church? Did you look at the photo?

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Bea Lever
September 4, 2016 4:45 pm

Why are they calling it a church? There is a reason we know the phrase, separation of church and state.

When a political candidate can enter a church as easily as entering a Mexican whorehouse, that venue is not a church. But then churches stopped being a religious establishment when they became a political force known as ‘Evangelicals’. Assholes.

What’s next, Trump invades a women’s bathroom to campaign for the bleeder’s vote?

I better get some thumbs up or down, attention must be paid!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 4, 2016 4:56 pm

BLACK church FR……….BLACK. What the hell?

September 4, 2016 7:06 pm

I’ve almost decided to go register to vote in the General Election just to threaten to vote and make a difference by cancelling out someone else’s vote.