Corrupt and Deranged

The Burning Platform’s quote of the day: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” George Orwell

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Contemporary governance embodies corruption within deranged systems resting on foundations of theft and fraud. Corruption makes reform impossible; derangement assures eventual collapse.

“Defense” spending is a misnomer. The US could defend itself at a small fraction of what it spends on its military and intelligence. The US government’s foreign intervention and maintenance of a confederated empire are actually a welfare and transfer payment program. Spending has become the point: maximizing the payoff to military and intelligence contractors, their think tanks and lobbying arms, captured politicians, and the vast bureaucracies. Winning wars doesn’t serve the interests of those beneficiaries, lengthy and inconclusive engagements do.

The war on terrorism is a mother lode. The enemy is whomever the government deems it to be, wherever the government chooses to fight it. The war itself creates more terrorism. Victory cannot be defined; the war will go on as long as the current ideology remains in place. It enriches the military-intelligence-industrial complex, but a war-without-end welfare program is clearly deranged, a fitting target of satire. It will continue indefinitely because its beneficiaries have far more incentive and resources to promote their interests than the rest of us have in promoting peace.

Politicians use other people’s money to line their own pockets and buy votes; recipients accept the largess and become dependent on it. There is no limit to demands that the government fund “needs,” and no limit on the political willingness to meet those demands. It is testament to this lack of limits that the world’s richest countries cannot fund the demand for redistributive largess from their countries’ own resources. Aggregated, they have accumulated the largest debt load in history, far beyond their ability to repay it.

Mounting debt generates its own limit: insolvency. Demographics shaped by the transfer state compound the problem. Stealing the fruits of labor penalizes honest productivity and constricts opportunity. Faced with bleak prospects, many of the young opt out of the financial obligations of starting families, rearing children, or even supporting themselves. Birthrates have dropped far below replacement in most developed countries: fewer people to fund taxes and debt just as the number of putative beneficiaries skyrocket. Pension shortfalls around the world are the canary in this coal mine. The mathematics are inescapable. Present arrangements are unsustainable, but will continue until debt markets and taxpayers rebel.

They will face a counter-rebellion by dependency-warped recipients deprived of that which was never really theirs. Those who can but don’t honestly produce are both dishonest and unproductive. Faced with a cut-off, expect chaos and violence.

Debt and taxes fund governments and enslaves their constituents. They’re the foundation for the second most insidious racket: the banking complex. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 began the shift from real money (gold) to debt, enshrined the banking cartel, and was, through the establishment of the lender of last resort function, the first major step towards making taxpayers the guarantors of bank liabilities. Later, deposit insurance and Too Big To Fail (TBTF) sealed that guaranty.

Bankers have found heaven on earth, but their paradise has destroyed the economy. TBTF has removed capitalism’s most potent corrective: failure. Government debt issuance, central bank monetization, interest rate suppression, and random, whimsical, and absurd policies provide banks with middleman’s profits, inside information, access to cheap funding for speculation, and, as a particularly vicious policy—the war on cash—gathers steam, captive deposits. They destroy honest saving and investment and burden the economy with an increasingly onerous load of debt and taxes. Even governments and central banks, entities that can conjure their own debt and mandate its acceptance, will for all intents and purposes go broke if spending outruns revenues long enough.

The most insidious racket? While the banking camarilla is nothing to sneeze at, lawyers writing laws and regulations must be reckoned the Mt. Everest of rackets. They write, implement, interpret, and enforce the laws, augmenting their wealth and power every step of the way. Even the bankers ostensibly kowtow to the government (what happens behind the scenes is another matter). The repository of lawful coercive force, government inevitable becomes organized crime and the law nothing more than the means to corrupt ends. Write the law and write your own ticket.

Standards of honesty and integrity crumble in societies based on theft and fraud, replaced by a new standard. Coercive, redistributive “altruism” excuses all manner of corruption among the powerful and the servitude of those who either choose or are forced to produce. Bread, circuses, and moral degeneracy entertain and placate the masses. The bizarre becomes commonplace, but the populace grows sated with each new manifestation, always more “transgressive” (of standards that no longer exist) than the previous one, in progressively shorter spans of time.

Anything and everything goes. Only one standard remains that rouses virtually everyone—rich and poor, powerful and powerless—to righteous indignation: the more pervasive the corrupt derangement, the less acceptable it is to talk about it. In our own time, the obvious conclusion that the warfare and welfare states are morally and fiscally bankrupt, doomed to collapse, remains confined to the fringe.

Here’s a rewrite of the “Emperor’s New Clothes” in light of modern realities. The child points out the Emperor’s nudity. The Emperor’s beholden courtiers and the impoverished but thoroughly cowed townspeople immediately threaten and intimidate the child. Naively stubborn, he repeats himself until someone claps a hand over his mouth. The headline next day: “Child who Questioned Emperor’s Attire Found Dead in Field Outside of Town.”

Hillary Clinton wins support not despite her corruption and derangement, but because of it, especially among the establishment. Their rackets need a participant and patron. Donald Trump is hardly a naively honest child, but he has had the temerity to question a few rackets, notably immigration, trade, and the warfare state’s global empire. Questioning that last one—because it’s the largest and most lucrative—has provoked copious quantities of vehement vitriol.

Truth can awaken minds and rouse people to action, posing an obvious threat to the corrupt and deranged. Should Trump win the election, he will assuredly be presented with the same choice as the child in the story: get with the program or die. Odds are he folds, in which case those of us rooting for meaningful change will be left with the hope that the inevitable collapse occurs before we die.

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September 7, 2016 2:55 pm

Great column, Robert. I disagree Trump will fold. He’s not doing this to fold. We will see

September 9, 2016 12:48 pm

Spot on! The use of the Oroboros (the frustrated consumer of its own substance, the world worm, Ol’ Mr. Scratch) perfectly sums this govenment “of waste, fraud, and destruction.

September 7, 2016 3:43 pm

Your character is defined by what you do when you think nobody is looking.

The American people haven’t been looking at those in charge for a very long time…

Mr. Gore, well done.

If I’m hoping the collapse comes before I die, then it is not for my own benefit. It is for my son’s.

4th Turning says the Millennials will face the coming Crisis.

Fair enough, but I take that to mean that my generation – us 13ers/X’ers – are to be the sacrifice and so ease their passage…

And I’m okay with that. Nothing that’s worthwhile can be done without the shedding of blood…

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 7, 2016 4:11 pm

TBP has been full of goodies this week.

What a pleasure to read such clarity and truth so succinctly put.

  Francis Marion
September 7, 2016 6:03 pm

AMEN to that Francis………

  Francis Marion
September 8, 2016 9:38 am

Absolutely, I haven’t felt compelled to add anything more than an occasional thank you as the quality and depth of the articles have been excellent…so again, thanks Robert for an excellent piece.

September 7, 2016 5:20 pm

Can the globalists/MIC be thwarted before a catastrophic collapse or even worse WWIII? Those with eyes wide open know the answer is a resounding NO. We hope for a “mere” (sic) economic collapse, because there are no preparations sufficient for a nuclear holocaust.

“Admit that the waters around you have grown. Accept that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone” BD

September 7, 2016 5:22 pm

The phenomenon behind Trump transcends “left-right” politics and is predicated, instead, upon a candidate who is viewed by voters in both parties as one who loves his country, is financially independent and unafraid to speak truth to power.

It is no wonder why the corrupt establishment, politicos, political commentariat, Neocons and the shadowy figures within the Deep State are all concerned. Their grips on the reigns are, indeed, being challenged by a big-haired, boy billionaire pointing to the emperor’s exposed junk.

Yet, to The Powers That Be, we are all considered “useless eaters” and ready for the slaughter. Their ultimate goals are global domination via Agenda 21, the demise of constitutional law and nationalism, depopulation and, ultimately the administration of their satanic 10 commandments as outlined in the Georgia Guidestones.

For the technocratic elite, their hope is eternal life via the Singularity and uploading their minds into the cloud forever. It’s like the Steven Wright joke: “I want to live forever. So far, so good.”

In any case, the only way a nationalist like Trump could stop the insanity it is via massive systemic changes. Sadly, the demographics aren’t there. Although the will to win resides within the Remnant, what comes next will be akin to bringing rubber-bands and spit-balls to a drone fight.

Like Peter Gabriel once sang, we are playing Games without Frontiers. Oh well. At least it won’t be boring. And besides, who wants to live out their final days in a nursing home anyway.

September 7, 2016 5:32 pm

Another Steven Wright classic. “It’s a small world, but I wouldn’t want to have to paint it!”

September 7, 2016 6:18 pm

I also like this one: “Nowhere is too far to walk. If you have enough time”.

September 7, 2016 6:42 pm

Or..”I went into a general store, they wouldn’t let me buy anything specific. “

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
September 7, 2016 7:50 pm

“Odds are he folds, in which case those of us rooting for meaningful change will be left with the hope that the inevitable collapse occurs before we die.”
BINGO! Great piece!
He’s one man with big promises against a system so entrenched that it would be impossible to fix without the power to fire anyone he needs to at any time. He would also need to be able to hang banksters, congressmen, and judges to send a message that the game is over for the parasitic class.

September 7, 2016 8:42 pm

Other great quotes: “What difference does it make”, or “I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinski”….

September 7, 2016 10:20 pm

Don’t forget…”cough,cough,cough,cough,cough,cough…”

Refresh my memory though… was that Hildabeast or Monica???

September 7, 2016 10:22 pm

Robert Core , do you plan to leave the country before the SHIT HITS THE FAN ? I hope TRUMP is the next president but he is not going to challenge the Central Bankers , The Pentagon Or the
Legal system. He probably want have the political will to audit Fort Knox much less the Federal reserve. Our fate is sealed. I sincerely hope I’m wrong but the situation seems hopeless.

  Robert Gore
September 7, 2016 11:15 pm

Stand and fight!

The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. But that’s the way to bet it.

Sometimes the underdogs do win.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
September 7, 2016 11:33 pm

I have not yet begun to fight!

  Robert Gore
September 7, 2016 11:19 pm

No Mr Gore, dear Robert,
You are not a masochist, you are living through a particular time,
and the times are filled to the brim with crooks and idiots.
We did not realize (fully or actually) how bad and how fast the rot grew.
Also you have the new company you are investing time and $ in.
Allow my words to cheer you for a moment. There are still sane people
here at TBP.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
September 7, 2016 11:38 pm

It’s the hell-with-them attitude on top that keeps me coming back.

September 7, 2016 11:49 pm

Look, bb, no man can do it alone. He must be supported by a cadre of like minded people, determined to see it through. bb, I wouldn’t be so fast to admit failure. Every opportunity for change is an expression of hope. Don’t ‘sincerely hope you’re wrong’, instead take up banner and continue commenting on the truth. Lead with your words, support Trump with your words. Don’t look for others to do the job you were born to do. This is your time, too! It may well be the real reason you were born into the world.

September 7, 2016 11:11 pm

Mr. Gore,
It was good to read your summation of current events.
I read this morning (as every morning) searching for clues and events.
The IMF plans are for a global solution. Their basket of SDRs. The plan is for a reset, so
they say. The US will spend through the roof and to the stars, in the meantime, because
a “solution” is in the works. A gold standard is proposed, and the world’s resources are
up for grabs. USA, Russia, and China will be doing the grabbing…so they say. The ubiquitous
“they” also say NO to nuclear war. The big corporations want to continue to march forward,
onward to cover the entire world market. Nonetheless, there are seriously deranged people
in power. Some group may just push a button or two rather than shoot themselves in the
head, (I made that up) or lose face or power.
So we have Hil., and something is seriously wrong with her health, and we have Trump, who
has given us some honesty against the raging tide of ever confusing propaganda and false
outrage. Yes, anyone can use any bathroom or shower or dorm room…depending on the
sex they identify with that day. O has decreed it. O the dictator makes decrees now. LOL
We see a tsunami coming, and all we based our lives on will be washed away. It feels like
we are residing in a massive hall of hell. Right now anyway, maybe tomorrow it feels better.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 8, 2016 3:35 am

I have argued multiple times over 40 years when government calls for a war on some new dilema facing our society hold on to your wallet or grab your ankles because B.O.H.I.C. BEND OVER HERE IT COMES ! The newly proclaimed war on poverty , drugs , terror , crime has all been a fabulous money maker for those in the right places ! Many campaign contributors or family members getting lucrituve contracts to solve these societal ills and what do you know in every case the problem just gets larger because we just have not spent enough ! So we end up with asset forfiture laws and military equipped local police with their INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC WINNIEBAGO CRISIS COMMAND CENTER , Private For Profit Prisons and $300 toilet seats ! I feel safer already “NOT” !
All this as I point out the foolish waste and get shouted down with we must protect the children , you want Kids using drugs , starving bla bla ! Of course not , I also don’t want them killed or dismembered by tagging them HEROS and brainwashing them to march of to some ill perceived threat typically created by Uncle Sam not able to keep his dick beaters in his collective pockets and mind our own fucking business !

larry morris
larry morris
September 8, 2016 9:59 am

old enough to know we are done. when lied to enough one will believe it to be so.

September 8, 2016 10:24 am

Thank you Robert

One of the ploys used on Americans is safety. If I hear one more politician appeal to fear by claiming he or she “will keep us safe,” I am going to scream. Is there no higher calling in the life of a good citizen than feeling safe? Infants are supposed to feel safe. Men and women could possibly pursue some higher calling – how about exhorting Americans about honesty, creativity, devotion to family, discerning the lies of pop culture, spiritual growth, the rewards of lifelong learning, self-sacrifice, etc. etc. These are the stuff of revolution if they are allowed free reign. Much better to keep us cowering in fear, sucking our thumbs, while we agree our big parent, the Government, will keep us safe. The result of this nonsense is that we are, in fact, less safe than we have ever been.

Chris Cosmos
Chris Cosmos
September 8, 2016 11:08 am

Yes, you touched on one of my pet peeves. But think about why this is. We have never in recorded history faced the extraordinary changes that involve almost every area of our lives fro sex to powerful and ubiquitous digital devices. Our conceptual frameworks are in a state of collapse and we are faced with a stunning degree of alternative truth-claims. It seems natural to want o collapse in some safe place armed with sustaining fantasies some engineered to control our brains. We live in times as seriously dangerous on a psychic level than anybody thought possible.

Chris Cosmos
Chris Cosmos
September 8, 2016 11:01 am

Just discovered your blog and I love what you have to say particularly in this article. At the moment I’m fascinated by the fact nearly all people I know simply are not interested at all in the truth but seek comfort in fantasies and entertainments even those people who don’t buy into the mainstream propaganda. I sense deep despair in most people who sense something is wrong but really don’t want to be reminded of it so I appreciate you Orwell quote very much. I think changes in recent decades have been beyond anything human being have experience en masses I recorded history and I think we are in shock as almost every conceptual framework around us is collapsing. Above all, we need healing and love and thus those of us who have put ourselves out on a limb in service of the truth need to join together an nurture each other in whatever way we can.

September 8, 2016 11:06 am

” Can the IMF now create a $100 Trillion credit facility and buy up all the garbage no-good debt from all the central banks around the world, roll it up, and price it all in these Special Drawing Rights? — Max Keiser”
“Yes, Virginia, apparently they can. And now perhaps we understand better WHY the Bankster Priesthood of the Federal Reserve seems to be so intent on destroying capital and blowing the nation’s debt bubble as far as it can go. Do you see it? The Fed knows that the ultimate Backstop is now geared up to ride to the rescue. The new SDR scheme is prepared to roll up all global debt as the IMF of the United Nations readies herself to give birth to a world reserve currency on steroids (to quote Dan Collins in the video below.)”

Seen today on the SGT report/from Rouge Money
So, isn’t this a gas?

September 8, 2016 11:30 am


I think these clowns are trying to hold things together just long enough to automate their military.

Look, we know that the parasitic class is pretty much incapable of producing anything of value or even taking care of their most basic needs. They have no clue as to simple things like installing an operating system, changing a tire, installing some solar panels, driving a car, etc.
These psychopath dullards most certainly do not know how to get down and dirty in a fight and, consequently, still need the rest of us.

The very moment DARPA hands them their desired “kill-bot” then the thin veneer of freedumb will peel away and they will attempt to reenslave us.

September 8, 2016 12:32 pm

I would suggest everyone read Nicole Foss’ piece at ‘The Automatic Earth’, especially parts 3 and 4.

‘Negative Interest Rates and the War on Cash’ is a seminal bit of work on where we are and where we are going. As pitiful as they may seem, those fiat dollars our government prints are the citizens last life of defense against total control of and confiscation of his wealth. Lose the option to use cash and you have no right to own anything.

Available here:

John Doe
John Doe
September 8, 2016 7:14 pm

Excellent article Robert. When the morality and ethics of a society are compromised, all the elements of that society corrode along with it. Legislators. Bought by the Corporate Lobbyists to push laws written by corporate lawyers to corner the market for crony capitalists. Anti-trust laws? Gone. NAFTA, GATT, TPP etc. etc. All usurping individual rights to give corporations the ability to plunder. Executive branch. Busy making executive orders, demoralizing are military through social activism. Judicial branch. Allowing the executive branch to override the restraints of power and allowing treasonous Obamacare a pass as a “tax”. The FED, an unaccountable, non-audited private bank who’s policies of QE Infinity and ZIRP have gutted the middle class. Corruption is everywhere and it has grossly distorted an ethical free market enterprise that rewards production and innovation through the ability of creating real wealth through the production of finished goods. Is it fair to say we have already crossed the Rubicon of unserviceable debt because we have consumed far more than we produce? More than likely. Will the system fail as a result? More than likely. Are there great people of moral conviction and intelligence that can see through the lies, call a spade a spade, and educate the ignorant, brain washed masses when they’ve lost everything and are looking for someone to blame? Absolutely. We will inspire and rebuild. TBP’ers are aware and very acute in understanding the issues that define our times. Mental fortitude will be the prevailing attribute in tough times so prepare for what is coming because it may seem like a spot on the horizon, but the freight train of chaos is approaching at a quick clip.

Muck About
Muck About
September 8, 2016 10:09 pm

Another fine post, Robert.

Makes me want to throw up in spots, but such is life. What is literally amazing to me is how fast we are going down the tubes! Think 1950. I was a kid then – 12 years old if mental math doesn’t fail me – and I was observant even back then.

What the hell has happened to us in a mere 66 years? I could go back further (being born in 1938) but I can seem to reliably recall my later years!…..

How did we get where we are, much less where we are clearly going? I keep cranking around The Fourth Turning and the more I look at it and what is happening as time slides by, the more it would appear that William Strauss and Neil Howe‎ smacked a homer with their history and theory. That does not bode well for those who follow me and others of the Silent and a chunk of the Boomer generations. If the Fourth Turning lasts through the Boomer generation, there won’t much be left for Heros’ to salvage if they are even able to do it.

Every time I see and hear some new idiocy, some fatal (to someone) action, I go back and take a look at a bit of Human Action (Von Mises) and wonder at how much raw intelligence is displayed by all three of those authors in forecasting and documenting a future that had not even happened yet.


  Muck About
September 8, 2016 11:04 pm

No argument with you on Strauss, Howe, and von Mises. I would throw in Hayek, Orwell, and Rand as prophets as well.

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