The hypocrisy of female liberals is breathtaking to behold, as they support the Muslim invasion of our country despite the fact Muslim men hate women and subjugate them.

Infographic: How people in Muslim countries prefer women to dress in public | Statista
You will find more statistics at Statista

Religious clothing has generated an enormous amount of debate in Europe and beyond in recent weeks amid the saga of the French burkini ban. How do people in the Middle East actually feel about a woman’s right to dress whichever way she wants? Data from Pew Research reveals that half of people in Saudi Arabia actually believe that women should be able to wear what they want. Slight majorities in Tunisia and Turkey also agreed that women should be freed from restrictions in order to dress as they please. This chart was recently featured on the Independent.

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September 8, 2016 12:23 pm

All the progressive females in my family are fucktard stupid. At family functions I don’t engage anymore after one dumb fat cow cousin threatened to have her husband slap me, really? Slap me……..
I jab, I tell jokes, I laugh at their stupidity.

I’m beyond giving a flying fuck, they can be the first to die, I just don’t care anymore, nothing I say or show them is going to change their minds.