Tampons coming to men’s rooms at Brown University

Via Campus Reform

  • Brown University’s student body president will be hand-delivering menstrual products to all nonresidential bathrooms on campus, including men’s rooms, with the help of 20 other students.
  • The initiative is intended to communicate the message that “pads and tampons are a necessity, not a luxury,” and that not all people who menstruate are women.

Brown University’s student body president will be hand-delivering menstrual products to all nonresidential bathrooms on campus, including men’s rooms, with the help of 20 other students.

Viet Nguyen, President of the Undergraduate Council of Students, announced the initiative in a campus-wide email Tuesday, saying he wants to communicate the message that not all people who menstruate are women, according to Newsweek.

“Feminine hygiene products are not a luxury. They’re as essential as toilet paper.”

“There’s been a lot of conversation about why pads and tampons are a necessity, not a luxury, but not a lot of action. We wanted to take it into our own hands,” Nguyen explains in the email, observing that “low-income students struggle with having the necessary funding for food, let alone tampons.”

By putting menstrual products in women’s, men’s, and gender-inclusive bathrooms, Nguyen aims to “set a tone of trans-inclusivity, and not forget that they’re an important part of the population,” but is under no illusions that the effort will be universally popular.

“I’d be naïve to say there won’t be push back,” he preemptively concedes. “I’ve had questions about why we’re implementing this in male bathrooms as well. It’s an initial confusion, but people generally understand when we explain it.”

Nguyen told Newsweek that menstrual products will be available in approximately 30 to 40 bathrooms across campus for the 2016–2017 school year, financed exclusively by the undergraduate finance board, rather than general university funds.

“Why aren’t these products treated the same way as other products we hand out, like toilet paper?” he pondered in an interview with The Guardian. “It’s a necessity, rather than a luxury, so Brown and other universities should treat them as such.”

“Feminine hygiene products are not a luxury. They’re as essential as toilet paper; just ask anyone who has ever struggled to obtain or afford them,” agreed Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women. “Students’ participation in school should not be hindered by insufficient access to this basic necessity. Universities around the country should follow suit.”

Yuzuka Alaska, a junior at Brown, opined that menstruation is currently a “taboo,” but speculated that “if we can implement this project, that will add to this conversation and make it more of an accessible topic.”

UPDATE: Brian Clark, Brown’s Director of News and Editorial Development, praised the students for their “tremendous initiative” in a statement to Campus Reform, saying the school will look forward to observing the results.

“In efforts to work with and support their peers, leaders from the Undergraduate Council of Students take on a number of student-focused efforts each year,” he said, clarifying that “these are student-led and independent of the university administration, although we recognize that many important resources on campus today were first idenitified and advocated for by students themselves.

“We expect that UCS will continue to solicit feedback on this new initiative and collect data on the use of these products,” he concluded, saying the administration “will be interested to learn what they find as they assess the effectiveness of the program moving forward.”


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September 8, 2016 7:08 am

This is progressive progress? Good God, we have raised a generation of tards.

“Segregated housing will now be available to black students at California State University Los Angeles as a means of combating “microaggressions” and “racially insensitive remarks.”
School officials have honored requests by CSLA’s Black Student Union and will offer “housing space delegated for Black students” at the Halisi Scholars Black Living-Learning Community.

CSLA spokesman Robert Lopez told education watchdog the College Fix on Tuesday via email that its segregated housing will also focus on “academic excellence and learning experiences that are inclusive and non-discriminatory.”

Mr. Lopez declined to tell the website how much of CSLA’s 192-room residential complex were available for segregated housing. University officials, members of the Black Student Union, and other campus staffers also declined to comment for the website’s piece.

Some of the demands issued by CSLA’s Black Student Union include a $30 million dollar scholarship endowment to assist black students, a new anti-discrimination policy and cultural competency course for faculty and students, the College Fix reported.

September 8, 2016 8:15 am

I find myself curious as to what the response would be to a white person who wished to bunk ina segregated white only space. Besides the library. Or work stations. It defies logic why any white person could support this at all.

September 8, 2016 9:25 am

This is white genocide.

We have no choice but to fight fire with fire.

Tell all your black friends they are racists and don’t know it. Beat them down with those words until they puke.

September 8, 2016 7:11 am

Maybe diapers would be more appropriate for browns student body

September 8, 2016 7:44 am

“not all people who menstruate are women”

And these are the ones that are supposed to be leading their generation, and humanity, into the future.

I doubt they have a very bright future, maybe not even a survivable one.

September 8, 2016 8:20 am

Want to really lose your mind, look up and read a feminist definition of the word cisgender. Feminists have lost their minds, and feel free to teach insanity in schools. Sooo happy we homeschooled our two. They are grown, intelligent employed and responsible adults. This next generation wont be checking any of those boxes.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 8, 2016 12:25 pm

As I understand it, “cis” is a prefix meaning “fucking normal”.

  Iska Waran
September 8, 2016 1:35 pm

Not exactly, but close. Seriously, look it up using a liberal, preferably feminist, definition. You will have lots of difficulty understanding the definition.

September 8, 2016 6:27 pm

Reminds me of that Swedish video where the interviewer asks students at a university if the simple act of claiming you are not a man or woman is enough for you to be that. Many claimed that, in fact, that is all it took. The faces on these kids where like the faces Hellery made on that video of her seizure, when they had to admit that, upon subsequent questioning, you cannot, in fact, just be the opposite sex just by saying it.


September 8, 2016 8:40 am

Where’s the onion at the end?

September 8, 2016 1:26 pm

I used to see stuff like this and assume it was from the Onion.

Now I see mostly normal looking stuff and assume it is from the Onion.

Times have changed, it seems.

September 8, 2016 9:12 am

This is fucked up.

September 8, 2016 9:52 am

The left is setting up everyone with dark skin as a fall guy for when their little social experiment blows up in their faces.

September 8, 2016 11:07 am

“Liberalism is a mental disorder” – I remember when I first heard Michael Savage say that I thought that was a bit over the top but I eventually come to realize he was absolutely correct.

If you’ve ever tried to argue with a truly insane person you realize it’s a total waste of time. It’s hardly worth even commenting on this insanity.

September 8, 2016 11:09 am

Just when you think things can’t get any worse than they already are………..

September 8, 2016 11:25 am

Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society. Aristotle

If the people in a society stop caring about further improving it (apathy) and allow bad things to happen without trying to stop it (tolerance) then the society will reach its downfall.
Tolerance is a virtue of a man with no convictions. G. K. Chesterton

Today’s ‘tolerance’ makes the assumption that we all hold different beliefs but those different beliefs are all equal.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 12:04 pm

Clear cut case of further demasculinization of American males. Conforming to this crap is voluntary, men should take a stand. Univershities are the breeding ground for programming males to be other than what they naturally are, in other words gurls. And you/they pay big money for the programming, go figure.

September 8, 2016 12:09 pm

So there I was, in the men’s room. Having finished my business at the urinal, I stood before the mirror at the sink, washing my hands. Wait… what’s that spot on my pants? Could it be? Was it possible? My time of the month? If only there was a tampon dispenser?

Oh snap… I’m a guy… an old guy at that…I bleed from the smallest scrape. Tampon, useless to me. But I’d be all over a bandaid dispenser!

You read all this stupid shit and shake your head at a world gone crazy.

September 8, 2016 12:49 pm

…going beyond the fem. hygiene items in the men’s room,
I have no problem with separate residences for the races.
Like likes to be with like/no problem. Just don’t bust in to use
the restroom.

September 8, 2016 1:12 pm

Uh… can you spare a square?

September 8, 2016 1:41 pm

So dumb. For the simple reason that men are monkeys who will rip these things out of the walls and toss them around like chimps toss poo. It is literally throwing money away.

September 8, 2016 2:26 pm

“Financed by the undergraduate finance board”. I bet that they did not reach in their own pockets. It is only logical that those who can’t tell one sex from another also can’t tell which pockets are their own.

September 8, 2016 4:22 pm

“saying he wants to communicate the message that not all people who menstruate are women”

Thank goodness. I’ve been squirt-bleeding from my testicles and was worried I’d have to see a doctor about my balls. Turns out it was just me ovulating!

September 8, 2016 5:48 pm

We knew it was best that niggers were segregated. But noooooo, they had to be integrated for 60 years. Finally they have come to their senses and realized that they cannot compete with whites without affirmative action. They will be much happier eating fried chicken and watermelon and not being intimidated by superior whites. I can hear the happy chorus of Do Da coming from the nigger only dorms now.

September 9, 2016 12:16 am

Uhh, guys …
I understand from fake magazine articles and lies from envious wanna-be’s that the SEALs and similar special forces types actually carry tampons, because they make great plugs for bullet holes. You know, being designed to soak up blood and all, sort of for first aid until you can get somewhere with a real medic….
Not that I really knew how dangerous those Brown dorms were until now! Microagressions, my ass! Bad enough to cause holes that need tampons?
I’m now officially, totally confused. Like, I have known a fertile female or two in my life, and they occasionally forgot and needed to buy a tampon or two once in a while when they were already out? And I, being a male and normally not needing one (haven’t come under gunfire lately) would even consider carrying one for some relative female in case it came in handy, kept the social outing going or just was needed?
Why is this even a concern? Are we not out of junior high yet, and are mandated to snicker and giggle if someone mentions feminine hygiene?
Grow up, world, I’m tired of waiting for you to develop even minimal levels of maturity.