The Tide is Turning: The Official Story Is Now The Conspiracy Theory

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In a few days it will be the 15th anniversary of 9/11, and this November 13 will be the 53rd anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. These two state crimes against democracy destroyed American democracy, accountable government, and the Constitution’s protections of civil liberty.

Years after the damage done by these events the American people no longer believe the official stories. Neither does the government, but the government will never validate the distrust that Americans now share of the oligarchs’ government by acknowledging the truth.

The official explanation of the assassination of President Kennedy never made any sense. Videos of the assassination contradicted the official story, as did witnesses, and many credible people challenged the government’s story. The CIA was faced with the official explanation becoming unglued and launched its media program stigmatizing doubters as “conspiracy theorists.” See:

The CIA’s psych warfare against the public succeeded at the time and for a number of years during which witnesses had mysterious deaths and the trail grew cold. But by the late 1970s there was so much public skepticism of the official story that the US Congress took the risk of being labeled “conspiracy kooks.” The House Select Committee on Assassinations reopened the inquiry into JFK’s murder. The House Committee concluded that the Warren Commission’s investigation was seriously flawed, that there was more than one person firing at President Kennedy and that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK.

The corrupt US Department of Justice (sic) contradicted the House Select Committee’s report. However, the American people believed the Select Committee and not the corrupt Justice (sic) Department, which never tells the truth about anything.

By 2013 polls showed that most Americans are “conspiracy kooks” who do not believe the official government line on JFK’s assassination. So with regard to JFK’s assassination, the “conspiracy theorists” are in the majority. The minority are the Americans who cannot escape their brainwashing.

In a few days it will be the 15th anniversary of the alleged al Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and we are witnessing the fading protection that the charge of “conspiracy theorist” provides for the officlal government story. Indeed, the official 9/11 story is collapsing before our eyes.

Europhysics, the respected publicaton of the European physics community has pubished an article by scientists who conclude that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three [World Trade Center] buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.” Few American scientists can admit this, because their careers depend on US government and military/security complex research contracts. Independent scientists in the US are a vanishing breed, an endangered species.

The scientists say that in view of their findings, “it is morally imperative” that 9/11 “be the subject of a truly scientific and impartial investigation by responsible authorities.”

So now we are faced with a peculiar situation. The scientifically ignorant two-bit punk American presstitutes claim to know more than the editors of the journal of the European physics community and the scientists who did the investigation. Don’t you think it farfetched that ignorant, corrupt, and cowardly American journalists who lie for money know more than physicists, chemists, 2,700 high-rise architects and structural engineers who have called on the US Congress to launch a real investigation of 9/11, firefighters and first responders who were on the WTC scene, military and civilian pilots and former high government officials, all of whom are on record challenging the unbelievable and physically impossible official story of 9/11? What kind of a dumbshit moron does a person have to be to believe that the United States government and its media whores know better than the laws of physics?

The ability of the presstitutes to influence Americans seems to be on the decline. The media ganged up on Donald Trump during the Republican primaries, intending to deny Trump the nomination. But the voters ignored the presstitutes. In the current presidential campaign, Hillary is not the run-away winner that the presstitutes are trying to make her. And despite the propaganda ministry, the legs under the official 9/11 story are wobbly, to say the least.

Indeed, the official 9/11 story already has lost credibility with the American public. Last April a Rasmussen Poll found that “Americans doubt they’ve been told all the facts about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States and strongly believe the government should come clean.”

A YouGov poll in 2013 found that 50 percent of Americans “have doubts about the government’s account of 9/11,” which shows that the public is far more intelligent and less corrupt than the presstitutes who are paid to lie to the public. This poll also found that as a consequence of the cover-up job performed by the American presstitutes, 46 percent of Americans were not even aware that a third WTC building, Building 7, collapsed on September 11. After viewing films of WTC 7’s collapse, 46 percent saw it as a controlled demolition. By a margin of two to one, poll respondants support a new investigation of Building 7’s collapse.

So, in America today “conspiracy kooks” outnumber those who believe the official lies. As the official lies are themselves conspiracy theories, Americans who disbelieve the official conspiracy theories outnumber Americans who believe official conspiracy theories. The question is: who are the real conspiracy kooks, the majority who disbelieve the official lies or the minority who believe the official lies?

It is curious that the CIA’s psych-op mind-controll has broken down in the cases of the JFK assassination and 9/11, but is still effective in more recently orchestrated events, such as San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, and Nice. Perhaps this is because not enough time has passed for the public to pay attention to the vast difference between the stories and the evidence.

The Internet offers many refutations of the official accounts. With regard to Nice, France, the Nice police officials themselves are having problems with the official story. The French Anti-Terrorist Sub-Directorate in Paris has ordered the public authorities in Nice to delete the video recordings from security cameras of the “Nice Terror Truck Attack.” The Nice authorities refused on the grounds that this would be destruction of criminal evidence. This story has disappeared from the news. I have asked friends in France how this conflict was resolved and have not heard anything. The French like to live life well and faced with the refugees from Washington’s wars, they seem to be focused on living life well while it can be done. If I hear anything, I will pass it on.

Apparently, the order to delete the video evidence of the “attack” was not sufficient for the French Ministry of the Interior. According to a senior Nice police officer, Sandra Bertin, the Interior Ministry pressured her to falsify her police report on the Nice “truck massacre.” Officer Bertin told the Journal du Dimanche that “he ordered me to put in [the report] the specific positions of the national police which I had not seen on the screen.”

The Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve is suing the Nice police official for “defamation,” as if it is possible to defame any politician anywhere in the corrupt West. Moreover, why would a senior Nice official make up a story about being ordered to change a report? It doesn’t make any sense, does it? Clearly, the central government is trying to hide the evidence against the official story.

It seems that the French media is disposing of the Nice police official by branding her a rightwing racist opposed to the current government.

Watch this video and ignore the narrator’s four-letter vocabulary. What you will learn is that all those people you saw running in the presstitute TV reports had no idea why they were running. The presstitutes created the impression that they were running away from the truck. However, as the interviews show, they were running because other people were running, because the police told them “terrorists, run,” and because they heard shots (apparently police firing blanks). Those interviewed reported, “You run with them even though you have no idea what you are running from. You can’t help it, you run with them.” None of those running away ever saw a truck.

According to the foul-mouthed narrator, the film of the people running away was taken prior to the time the truck allegedly mowed down 185 people, killing 85 of them. The narrator appears to be correct if the time stamps on videos are correct. The narrator says the streets needed to be cleared for the crisis actors to put on their show that is used to control our minds about what happened.

I have pointed out that a truck that hit 185 people, killing 85 of them would be covered in blood and that bodies would be splattered all over the street with blood everywhere. Yet, the photos and videos that we are shown show no such evidence. The stopped truck on which police are directing gunfire is as white as snow.

Independently of the vast analysis online of the video evidence of the alleged “Nice attack,” I suspect the Nice “terror attack” for the same reason that the Pentagon attack is suspect. Despite all the contrary evidence against the official stories, the authorities refuse to release the video evidence that, if it shows what the authorities claim, would shut up the skeptics and prove the official story.

When a government claims it has video evidence that proves its official story but refuses to release it, indeed, demands the destruction of the video evidence, we know for an absolute fact that the video evidence totally contradicts the official story. That is the only possible conclusion.

My readers will write to me asking how the government expects to get away with its faked, and in the case of 9/11 false flag, terror orchestrations? The answer, perhaps, is that just as it took a long time for the JFK assassination and 9/11 lies to catch up with the government, the recent orchestrations will also take some time for a slowly awakening public to catch on. In the meantime the orchestrated events will serve the agendas that they are intended to serve, and by the time that the public sees through the orchestrations, a new situation will be in place with new orchestrations.

Keep in mind that the public thinks it is shown evidence. Newspapers need photos to give a visual dimension to their coverage, and TV needs videos of the events. News organizations are under a time pressure, and they have to use what they are handed or what is at hand. There is no time to scrutinize the visual material or to raise questions about it. Most of the public thinks that the photos and videos shown to them are evidence or would not be shown and accepts the visual evidence without question. In an earlier column I linked to the vast array of Nice photos provided in the UK Daily Mail. The photos show a calm situation. There are a few people lying in the street without any sign of bodily damage or blood and there are covered objects that the public assumes are dead people. But the streets are devoid of the splattered blood and mangled bodies that would be the consequence of a truck hitting 185 people. Similarly, we have been shown very few videos and their origin is unknown except for the one attributed to Richard Gutjahr who was apparently pre-positioned to film inconclusively both the Nice and German “terror attacks.” Online analysis of the videos shows that the videos are not evidence for the storyline. The real question is why the French Interior Minister has prevented the release and demanded destruction of the security camera videos that filmed the entire event, an order that brought the central government in Paris in conflict with the public authorities in Nice. There has been no US media interest whatsoever in this very strange event. It is not a “conspiracy theory” to ask why the public cannot see the video evidence that shows what actually happened.

What agenda is served by the Paris and Nice attacks? This is the question everyone should be asking and the media, if we had one, should be investigating. With the information currently available to me, my answer is this. Of all the peoples of Western Europe, the French are the most independently minded. French independence has taken a number of recent hits from Washington:

The largest French bank was forced to hand over $9 billion to Washington for doing business with a country on Washington’s disapproval list.

Washington forced France to cancel a lucrative ship-building program for Russia, to the detriment of French companies and shipyard workers.

Washington has forced France into a diplomatic conflict with Russia that the French do not want and into a looming military conflict which the French want even less, as the conflict would mean the vaporization of France. As one Russian SS-18 can wipe out three-fourths of the state of New York, how many do you think it would take to wipe France off of the face of the Earth? Not even a handful.

Keep in mind that in 1966 President Charles de Gaulle pulled France out of NATO on the grounds that it was necessary to preserve French independence in world affairs. France did not again submit to Washington’s control until 2009 when Washington-owned Nicolas Sarkozy, put into the French presidency by Washington’s money, followed his orders and rejoined NATO.

The Paris and Nice orchestrated events serve to scare France back into Washington’s arms. Dreams of independence become nightmares when independence leaves the French people at the mercy of both terrorists and Russians. Washington, who owns Sarkozy, who is once again Washington’s candidate for president of France, intends to keep France in NATO.

The article in Europhysics pointing out the impossibility of the official 9/11 story could possibly lead to a rebirth of skepticism among Europeans. Only a skeptical media willing to investigate government storylines can bring a halt to the staged terror events that serve secret agendas.

Keep in mind that the US government has plentiful video evidence of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon but refuses to release the evidence that it says support its story. Similarly, the French federal government has prohibited Nice authorities from releasing the security camera videos of the Nice truck attack and has ordered the video evidence destroyed. How can we believe governments that refuse to show us the hard evidence?

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September 8, 2016 7:20 am

I trawl headlines on a dozen or more news sites everyday and I haven’t seen a damn thing reported about that Orlando terror attack. Actively searching for info on alternative sites doesn’t reveal much of anything. I’ve not heard condition reports for any of the victims. It’s just like it never happened.

September 8, 2016 7:22 am


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 8:25 am

Well duh I/S, when will you ever open your eyes?

  Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 4:13 pm

I just figured that the media and TPTB should be putting in some effort to maintain the charade. It’s not like I’m expecting them to report the truth or anything.

For about the billionth fucking time, my eyes are wide open and more importantly, so is my mind.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 9:20 pm


You will like this…..Popular Science ran a story that a newly discovered parasite/blood fluke has been named after Oreo. They call it Barracktrema Obamai. You just can’t make this shit up.

  Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 11:14 pm

Not that I give a shit about Obama but I see no humor in that…….just sadness. Some days it’s embarrassing being an American and most days it’s embarrassing just being a human.

I’m caught in transitory state where despite not having kids I still want to see the good prevail in people and the world while knowing that it will never happen. It’s just too fucking sad for words.

Full Retard
Full Retard
September 9, 2016 12:20 am

Maybe Bea thought your eyes were wide shut.

Incidentally, Tom Cruise also made a lousy remake of the Spanish film ‘Open Your Eyes’ called Vanilla Sky. He seems to have fallen for Sci-Fi adventures after Matt Damon stole his Mission Impossible mojo.

The Matrix (1) and Inception are also interesting Sci-Fi films to tackle along with Open Your Eyes. Anybody have any suggestions along this vein?

September 8, 2016 7:22 am

Oh boy………..going to get a sheet of plastic before the shit flinging commences.

September 8, 2016 7:32 am

This trufe hurts me head….release the stuckmeister to set this straight please.

September 8, 2016 7:49 am

I think this Sunday (9-11) that EVERY article on TBP should be about 9-11, or some other conspiracy.

We should do this in honor of the 9-11 victims …. who died when huge buildings crashed suddenly for no reason whatsoever …. unless you believe that 19 sand niggers with BOX CUTTERS could actually fly an airplane into a building …. and even if they could fly a plane into a building, that one of the biggest skyscrapers in the world would collapse due to burning jet fuel, an event never recorded before, or since, in the history of the world.

Yes. Do it for them this Sunday.

September 8, 2016 9:49 am

I know a commercial pilot that actually makes his living flying those things and I asked him about that a few years ago (as a result of some radio talk guy I heard claiming it would be almost impossible).

From what he says, and his position gives him more credibility than anyone else I know or anyone posting here that isn’t also a commercial pilot, it would be almost no trouble at all for anyone even knowing the basics of flying one to do that, He says it would take far more knowledge of flying the aircraft to take it off of autopilot and put it on manual control than to fly them into something as large as the WTC buildings.

I think the hijackers would have been able to do that since they had received actual flight training concentrating on actually flying the plane.

FWIW, a “box cutter” is a fearsome weapon capable of cutting flesh all the way to the bone, easily cutting a throat all the way though the veins and arteries, or even disemboweling someone. I’m mostly an edged weapon man myself and have been trained in their use along with other knives and swords.

Basically, with an edged weapon -any edged weapon including a box cutter- if you can touch someone you can disable or kill them.

A nice thing about the box cutter in many places is that you can carry them with you where you would not be allowed to carry a larger knife and they attract less attention while you are doing it. Check local laws before deciding to carry one, and make sure you comply with any “tool” requirements if they are applicable since there are often exemptions that allow that.

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 8, 2016 10:25 am

I can fly jets and it would be easy for those sand niggers to hit the towers. They were brought down by bombs not by jets.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  rhs jr
September 8, 2016 11:26 am

rhs jr

How did those sand niggers wire WTC7 for demo in seven hours when it takes weeks to wire and computerize the fall in sequence so it will fall in it’s own footprint. I’ll be waiting for your explanation, this should be good. Only a complete fool/tool would argue that WTC7 was not a controlled demo.

September 8, 2016 10:34 am

Two skyscrapers collapsing in an identical fashion… beyond belief. But let’s say for shits and giggles that you buy that. What invisible jetliner hit building 7? And again it collapses in same fashion. Really??

September 8, 2016 12:16 pm


Thank You for the explanation about box cutters.

After some deep deep reflection this is my new theory.

When the plane hit the tower the box cutter was ejected at over 600mph … and gaining speed as it feel towards the earth … and its very very sharp blades happened to sever the MAIN support beam of Building 7, which caused the building to crash several hours later AFTER a fireman pulled the box cutter from the support beam. Yes, in certain video’s found on youtube you can even hear a Fireman Dude yelling — “Pull it!!!”. I mean, seriously, what more fucken proof does one need?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 12:20 pm

Warming up the STM’s Stucky! Should be annual event.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 8, 2016 2:00 pm

I’m no scientist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once. I have to admit at first I was just a bit incredulous at your box cutter theory. However after extensive testing (OK, maybe one test) I concur with your conclusions. It’s now obvious to me that the ragheads had done their homework and understood that the jetliners would cause minimal damage. But as a vehicle to launch the box cutter the buildings never stood a chance.
I once was blind but now I see.
Thank you for the only rational explanation ever offered as to the catastrophic failure incurred that horrible day.

All BS aside. God bless and keep the good souls lost that day.

Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
September 8, 2016 3:37 pm

What would TBP be without our resident condescending prick setting us straight?!

Funny how most shit the overlords tell you, you scoff at and belittle to no end as bullshit but this, THIS, the 9-11 terrorist attacks you believe with both eyes wide shut.

Hypocrite much, or did you just go brain dead recently?

September 8, 2016 12:34 pm

especially if they are plastic

Pilots with experience flying various planes over decades
say it would be too difficult…not that it is even worth arguing
at this point. See the book, “The Big Bamboozle,” by Philip
Marshall, 2012…his second book. The man’s mistake was
bragging about his third book, in manuscript form, that would
reveal yet more. Of course, right after that, he was murdered
along with his 2 teen children and the family dog.
The deaths were ruled murder-suicide, as of course, he was
mentally unstable. The manuscript disappeared.

September 8, 2016 2:37 pm

Question. How do any of us remain mentally stable with the constant bombardment of nonsensical bullshit we are subjected to daily?

Re: Billy Joel in Borderline. “Don’t know why I’m still a nice guy, but I’m getting closer to the borderline.”

Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
September 8, 2016 3:40 pm

Answer: You know that most if not everything that you are told, read, or see is fake, a fraud, a lie, or total bullshit so start from there, and keep on keepin’ on.

  Tampa Gold
September 8, 2016 5:36 pm

The problem lies with the stupid shit that is true. Like tampon dispensers in the men’s room!
“I’m giving her all I’ve got captain, but I don’t know if she’ll hold much longer!”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 11:36 am

Stucky- You are a hard case….

Keep worshiping the MIC/Deep State, you are their kind of guy………….or are you one of their guys? Shit stirring is one thing, supporting democide as their tool is another.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 12:04 pm

Great fucking idea Stuckmeister!

I’m on board. Throw in a flat earth. Maybe something about Jesuits. Should make a for an exceptional day of shit flinging…

Can’t wait!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 1:41 pm

Rob- How’s about you blow me.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
  Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 1:55 pm


I don’t play on your team! I’m not a Baptist………

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
  Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 1:57 pm

Not that there is anything wrong with that…

[imgcomment image?56d119[/img]

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 2:06 pm

I am not affiliated with any organized religion/team……what’s your point?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
  Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 2:15 pm

Fuck man you asked me to blow you? Mano à Mano. And you need to ask what my point was.

Jesus H Christ!

As for the religion thing you were whinging on about Jesuits yesterday. I’m guessing you ain’t Catholic. Bea Lever I’m guessing is a reference to this whole sky daddy thingy. Maybe not! Not that I fucking care…

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 2:34 pm

Never heard of sky daddy (?) Biden is a Jesuit, Hunter Biden is a Jesuit. So what if I am not a Catholic? Are you a Jesuit? Again, I am not affiliated. What is your point? Do you have a point or do you simply try to deflect the attention away from the Jesuits?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
  Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 2:50 pm


Fuck you are a tard! The sky Daddy is what you call God! No I’m not a Jesuit… yeah!

So what if they are Jesuits. What is your fucking point. You are implying that they are somehow less patriotic then a Protestant. Which I’m guessing defines you. I’m an atheist but I didn’t realize that in your world there are approved clubs that you can belong to. You are no better then the SJW’s that complain about the invisible patriarchy. Anyways see you Sunday….

September 8, 2016 9:48 pm

“I think this Sunday (9-11) that EVERY article on TBP should be about 9-11, or some other conspiracy.”

Thanks for the warning! Sounds like a perfect day to find someplace else to be!

September 8, 2016 9:14 am

Put on your tin foil hats!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 11:20 am

Dutchman you are such a tool, why do you believe this tripe they serve you as the official story? I thought you were supposed to be a smart man, only the ignorant will cling to the OS after they have been shown the light. Are you afraid to leave your safe space?

  Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 2:11 pm

Everything is a conspiracy: We didn’t land on the moon, aliens / cubans / LBJ / CIA / ‘the mob’ / Jimmy Hoffa / USSR they all killed Kennedy. Same for the World Trade Center, same for … just add it to the list.

September 8, 2016 2:25 pm

Why do those little fish shaped crackers have smiles on their little cracker faces? Are we being desensitized to cannibalism??? Just saying…

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 3:06 pm
Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
  Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 4:08 pm

I’m going to let you in on a little secret, little man. I am up on my history. I have read lots and know of the Jesuits. You need to get outside a little more.

So I suppose this is the penultimate authority and reference according to you at least on the Jesuits. I guess we can all bow down now before your brilliance. We are blessed to have you here on TBP!

I can now say with some certainty that a Jesuit is less loyal to the nation then others.

Maybe you can enlighten us on Sunday how all these evil Catholics are conspiring to take over world for the Pope in Rome. If this is to be believed they are doing a pretty shitty job.

Seeing as the west is being overrun by unbelievers.

Whatta maroon!

[imgcomment image[/img]

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
September 8, 2016 9:35 am

I’ll be glued to TBP all Sunday.

September 8, 2016 9:57 am

The best thing you could do for the victims of 9/11 is expose the truth of what actually happened that day and the motivations and players behind it.

Stucky says no trufe on 9/11…”do it for them”….puke

September 8, 2016 10:18 am

The events of 9/11 amount to the gift that keeps on giving to a government intent on increasing it’s control over the population. With shiny ribbons and bows they were given wars, the patriot (sic) act, TSA, homeland security, et al.

Like JFK’s assassination, the majority of the trusting public bought the officially story hook, line and sinker . By the time questions began to be aired, the damage to our way of life was done.

As refutation of the official story grows, it’s on to the next false flag and continued usurpations of basic rights that we over 40 remember.

I worry for my children and grandchildren and the world they inherited.

September 8, 2016 10:43 am

Despite the prevailing mind fog, Americans are beginning to get a little uppity. They are going to give it to us again, good and hard. Just watch.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 8, 2016 11:13 am

I see it like the O.J. trial. He got away with murder, but eventually he still paid the price.

Same/same with 9/11.

  hardscrabble farmer
September 8, 2016 11:35 am

From your lips to God’s ears.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  hardscrabble farmer
September 9, 2016 12:18 am

There had to have been some sort of guilt at work, if he was willing to suffer the punishment as long as he could save his ego.

A similar dynamic happened to Zimmerman when he went trolling for trouble after beating the rap.

Ordinary people can deal with a lot of troubles but they can’t handle their conscience or their guilt.

September 8, 2016 11:22 am

FYI JFK November 22, 1963.
Just Saying.

September 8, 2016 3:15 pm

I am glad you said that… my son’s birthday is 11/22…

September 8, 2016 12:10 pm

“Keep worshiping the MIC/Deep State, you are their kind of guy …” —-Bea

Fuck!! I’ve been outed — and I wasn’t even in. Ya got me nailed, Bea. I truly do WORSHIP the MIC/Deep State. I’m surprised I got away with it this long. But, then again, you’re a pretty sharp cookie.

“Shit stirring is one thing, supporting democide as their tool is another.” —Bea

Double Fuck!! I AM a “democide” tool!! Goddammit, did you really have to reveal that also? I even had that fucken Admin dude fooled. You’re spoiling my cover, dammit. Shit, nothing gets by you, does it?

What’s wrong wif you, anyway? The number of people, regulars even, whom you call out as fools, or worse, is increasing daily. Go take some meds, or something, before you lose every friend you have here … that is, if you give a rats ass about such things.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 1:30 pm

Stucky- I’m not the one hanging on to the lie, you always do……… why is that? After a while we have no choice but to wonder who’s side you are on. I don’t need meds I can see things very clearly what is your excuse?

Going forward , at least for me, those who toe the line for OS bullshit will be considered either dumber than a bag of hammers or an operative sitting behind the monitor at a .gov facility. Either you are on the side of your fellow Americans or on the side of the deep state and their FF bullshit. Not playing chase the tale in circles with you all anymore.

September 8, 2016 4:53 pm

Well said Stucky! I think Bea’s cheese is sliding off his cracker. Buying into every minute detail of every conspiracy theory is not healthy or rational. Time for a fresh tinfoil hat Bea. Yours has had so much use it’s got holes in it!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 6:38 pm

I/S- Nothing wrong with my cheese or crackers and nothing untrue about what I post. If you have any real proof otherwise, please put it up for discussion .

  Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 9:56 pm

You show me your real proof and I’ll show you mine!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 10:07 pm

I/S-I left you a real message at the top of the thread.

September 8, 2016 12:24 pm

“Great fucking idea Stuckmeister! I’m on board. Throw in a flat earth. Maybe something about Jesuits. Should make a for an exceptional day of shit flinging…” ——- Rob in N.S.

Awesome. That makes two.

I hope Admin sees this, and considers it … cuz I’M REALLY SERIOUS.

15th year anniversary of 9-11 REALLY DOES deserve a day of only 9/11 and other conspiracies. We must honor our fallen!!!!

El Stucko the Democider

September 8, 2016 3:17 pm

Are you sure we can’t throw in a trip to the moon?

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 3:19 pm


Another great idea for content. I heard the moon is made out of cheese. So no point going it wouldn’t be much of a trip!


  Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 3:26 pm

Well, I don’t know if you know it, but there is a lot of doubt about certain moon landings here.

Just sayin.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 6:50 pm

Hi Maggie I heard about that somewhere. Can’t remember. It will come to me sooner or later.

  Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 3:41 pm

Well it would be a major score for the cheese heads in Packer land. So there’s that…

Full Retard
Full Retard
September 9, 2016 1:01 am

El Stucko, you sound like one of El Coyote’s sock puppets.

September 8, 2016 12:31 pm

Welp, this is easy.

If anyone is in any way connected with a Government, their default setting is “Bullshit”.

They are paid to lie. Literally. Anyone who believes any government official – especially anyone elected or appointed, and DOUBLY especially when they are investigating themselves – for any reason is a fucking idiot.

“This horrible thing happened! Here’s why.”

Uh huh…. sure.

It’s tough being this cynical. Constantly having to course-correct. When they tell you stuff they know you want to hear, it’s like “FUCK YEAH! – oh… wait a minute…”

September 8, 2016 12:43 pm

do some research on the who what why and the folks that really
cashed out on the 9/11 scam…and, it is indeed the gift that keeps
giving….Osama (remember him?) to ISIS, the most brutal oil thieves
evah. We are but pebbles in a river of jagged stone monsters.

Emilio Camino
Emilio Camino
September 8, 2016 12:59 pm

“As the official lies are themselves conspiracy theories, Americans who disbelieve the official conspiracy theories outnumber Americans who believe official conspiracy theories. The question is: who are the real conspiracy kooks, the majority who disbelieve the official lies or the minority who believe the official lies?”…

September 8, 2016 1:34 pm


I do not know anything about controlled demolitions but I do know a bit about the Pentagon, D.C. and its defenses. That a slow moving commercial jetliner could circle around and line itself for an attack on the Pentagon is beyond ludicrous. Only an absolute fool or retard would ever believe such a thing.

Think of it this way:

The US has as many active aircraft carriers as the rest of the nations on Earth combined. When we send one of those things out and about it sails under a protective umbrella of aircraft, a destroyer squadron, Aegis guided missile cruisers, attack submarines and various service and maintenance ships. Attacking an aircraft carrier with a surface ship would be an impossibility – it couldn’t happen.

Now, the heart of our military industrial complex is the Pentagon. We don’t have 19 of those but just one and it houses all the big players in the game. So, what kind of defensive capabilities do you think the Pentagon has? Does anyone in their right minds believe that a slow moving commercial airliner could get within 40 miles of the Pentagon without being instantly shredded by anti-aircraft batteries?

Part of my time in the military was spent working for 32nd Air Defense. I’ve been to the Pentagon and I have some very limited knowledge of its defensive capabilities. Even from what little I know, I can guarantee you that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon. It never happened. It couldn’t happen.

September 8, 2016 2:46 pm

It only happens if is allowed to happen.

Re: Pearl Harbor, The Bombing of London. An ends to a means.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
September 8, 2016 2:08 pm

It’s absolutely a false flag event. You can’t explain this bullshit any other way. I didn’t even see where anyone even mentioned the perps always end up dead. Going back to Kennedy, the real question is who shot Oswald. How the fuck does that happen? We know it was Ruby but why and how? They sell this shit everyday, I’m not buying. The Orlando shooting? A poster brought up wounded and silence from them or family, good question. How does the killers wife leave the country with every alphabet agency in the country watching? Hundreds of millions of ppl in the US and this guy was on their radar and still pulls it off. 911 calls, video, witness statements, where is it at? Who destroys video or evidence that proves their bullshit story? Wake the fuck up. Subjugated people is what you are or will be before it’s over. Has anyone even seen any evidence of a plane at the Pentagon? How about in the Pennsylvania field? Amazing people believe anything from their masters. I realize I skipped over a lot and jumped around on things but it blows my mind that people believe the shit fed to them. It makes my head hurts thinking about it. Whatever

September 8, 2016 2:24 pm

The towers did not collapse, they turned to dust in mid-air. That’s why there was practically no rubble afterwards. Peter Jennings “Where’s all the rubble?” George Stephalwhatever “the buildings hit the ground and evaporated”. TBP “thermite, thermite, thermite” Have you ever seen thermite melt steel? It burns brightly and takes time. Watch the video!

September 8, 2016 3:29 pm

Interesting video Ditchner I haven’t seen that one before, creates more questions than it answers.

September 8, 2016 7:01 pm

Yes, Peaceout. Like why is 911 Truth (thermite) actually “911 more lies”? And, when will we see this weapon used again? Perhaps when they decide it’s time to save us from alien spacecraft turning cities into dust?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 8:00 pm


That video was outstanding. If you participate Sunday try to post it again early in the thread. Truly mind boggling is it not?

  Bea Lever
September 9, 2016 3:19 am

Bea, It says it all. I’ve used it to turn die hard “they would never do that to their own citizens” into truthers minus the thermite crap.

john coster
john coster
September 8, 2016 2:33 pm

I must confess I was a 9/11 truther long ago, before basically throwing in the towel. The nonsense put forth by the government has been meticulously deconstructed by David Ray Griffin and Michael Ruppert among others, but the absurdity of the whole tale should be obvious enough. Just consider that THREE enormous steel framed buildings supposedly exploded and collapsed just as in a controlled demolition because TWO of them were hit by airplanes. Dick Cheney must have been praying to Lucifer to have achieved such a miracle. I was actually on route to a recording session near the WTO that day and I’ll never forget the experience. After I’d begun to realize what horseshit was being fed to the public, I began to encounter individuals who had started putting the pieces together. I spent a long evening with William Rodrigues, the “last man out” (can’t recall now which tower it was). He was a custodian who led the firefighters up to a certain point but got out just in time to dive under a truck as the building’s collapse began. Since, prior to the explosions high up that may or may not have been associated with airplane crashes, he had already been aiding people in the basement injured from a massive detonation down below ground, he obviously had reason to doubt the official story. He had also noticed many strange goings on in the weeks prior to 9/11, including the unusual closing of the building on the Saturday before so that new “electrical systems” could be put in place. Willie believed that God had spared him so that he could tell people the truth. Don’t know what’s happened to him since. GW Bush gave him a medal for his heroism, and he had people wanting to back him in politics as a 9/11 hero and latino, but he chose to follow his conscience.

My recording engineer reached me by phone before I could get into the area, and I made it back home, went to the elementary school and immediately removed my two daughters, gassed up the cars and waited to see how things would develop. A friend on her way back to Manhattan, stopped over at our house because the city was now closed off. Over and over we watched as the towers fell taking thousands to their death, among whom was our friend’s first cousin. In the weeks that followed, I returned to the area to finish that recording project. You could not drive in past Canal Street, but you could walk in if you had legitimate business. I remember the black smoking void rising up like some great ominous fog bank where the bright lights of the towers had been.

Since then I’ve seen that fog bank as a symbol of the darkness that has come to America obscuring the most obvious truths and driving people into a cloud of unknowing and cognitive dissonance. The vast panoramic lie we call 9/11 has been the foundation of the New American State, the larcenous organization of accommodated corporate and bureaucratic interests designed to replace our constitutional republic. Moreover, the media and public, with varying degrees of complicity, have been forced to conform, to disable their reasoning powers in order to accept such claptrap. No self-respecting run of the mill criminal could possibly concoct such a ridiculous alibi as our official 9/11 story, a muddle of contradictions and physical impossibilities that would be laughed out of any courtroom. Oh sure, the greatest military empire in the history of the world can’t protect itself from a lumbering commercial airliner as the minutes tick slowly by. Oh gee, we can’t find any fighter jets or missile defenses to protect the Pentagon cause they’re all on exercises and the few we had we mistakenly sent out over the Atlantic. And oh Golly, what did happen to all those video tapes? If we as a population continue to believe that this most obvious act of treason in our whole history was all the work of some jihadist fanatics, we are dumber than dirt and clearly will need a police state to tell us what to do.

Of course, the real question is why such an obvious false flag when it would have been just as easy to blow up the Mall of America or do damage in some way that could really have been carried out by jihadists? Well, they got to make off with a bunch of gold stored there before the buildings came down; they destroyed a bunch of SEC records; Silverstein got his billion dollar insurance claim; it seems some financial records at the Pentagon also went up in smoke. Lots of people made out very well and they got to start their conquest of the Middle East which they are now hoping to finish up with Hillary. But who knows? Maybe these folks just aren’t really that smart or maybe they just wanted to prove that they could do whatever the fuck they wanted to us stupid ‘Mericans.

  john coster
September 8, 2016 3:24 pm

I think your comment should almost be a post of its own, john. That was a nice rant.

September 8, 2016 4:36 pm

“What would TBP be without our resident condescending prick setting us straight?!”
—— Tampa Gold

Ho Lee Fuck ‘n Shit! Have I ever called you names? Correct me if I’m wrong — but, I don’t think so. Even is I have — which I doubt — I’ve been decent with you 99% the rest of the time.

Thanks for doing likewise.

You know, that’s why I don’t comment as much as I used to … (it has little to do with the cabinets). It’s fly-by bullshit from people like you. And, people like Bea — who I thought was a friend — and his endless accusations that I “worship the MIC” and I “believe the lie”, blah blah blah.

Yes, I CAN be a prick … and YES, I fling shit with the best of them. BUT, it’s been different here now for a while. It used to be that shit storms and shit-fests were primarily over differences in ideas and topics. Now? One is accused of being a liar, cocksucker, dick, asshole, moron, brain dead, etc etc at the mere hint of disagreement.

It’s bullshit. It’s tiring. Yeah, that’s it. Tiring. Maybe I’m just tired of this shit after all these years. Eight years of posting articles, writing original articles, trying to make people laugh, trying to be helpful whenever possible … and it comes down to this; I’m the resident condescending prick. Fucken lovely.

BTW, fuck that Conspiracy Sunday idea. Who needs the fucken aggravation?

September 8, 2016 5:49 pm

Soooooo, the box cutter theory ain’t a thing? Well shit!

For future reference, fling like a monkey on meth. It makes it all the more entertaining.

Rock on R.C.P. (jk)

September 8, 2016 6:24 pm

Hell, I think your funny Stucky back in the day you, Smokey and AWD consistently cracked me up on almost every post. You still come up with the most of the best lines on this site. I don’t think anybody on here thinks you are a liar, especially if Hillary is the gold standard. Cocksucker? No, I don’t think anybody thinks you are gobbling any cock. A dick or asshole? Maybe from time to time, but who isn’t, really. Moron or braindead? Hardly, you always have a fresh take on whatever the subject is and your original content and posts are always well thought out and thought provoking.

Anyway would hate to see you get all butt hurt over a handful of dumbasses that seem to be focused on yanking your chain for their own folly. Keep doing what you do because there are a bunch of us that frequent the site that appreciate what you do and the manner in which you do it.

September 8, 2016 6:30 pm

Thanks, man. That did me good.

It’s just a shock when someone I’ve been extremely decent with — and he’s been around here for years — dumps a load of shit on my head for no fucken reason. I’m VERY sensitive, as you know. Thanks again.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
September 8, 2016 8:42 pm

I hear ya Stucky. I don’t mind an argument. Sometimes I seek it out. But it does burn my ass when someone starts a response with “blow me”. Fuck that is kind of rhetoric you find in school yard in 7th grade. Bea made a specious claim about Jesuits yesterday but I really think it was directed at all Catholics.

I grew up in a Protestant town, a Catholic. Each Sunday we would go to church. Recite the Apostle’s Creed. To an outsider we would all be pledging ourselves to the Church in Rome. We would, in Bea’s eyes at least, and proven in those fucking links he posted earlier be less worthy than him as citizens. That is the underlying meme and tome of what he is saying.

Protestants would look at us as belonging to some secret society. People like Bea would discriminate against us. I was told as a teenager about someone who worked at local funeral home. There were 2 Hearses for funerals. A new one and an old one. Someone asked the fellow why they had an old Caddy.

He said the new one is for the Protestants.
The old one for the Niggers and Catholics.

He did get fired but I did get the point.

I have in the intervening years drifted from faith. Maybe I will come back again. Maybe not. Much of my reason for leaving was that I was tired of the bullshit.

As far as Bea is concerned. I have seen people like him come and go in my life. They usually don’t stay long because I need them around.

As for Sunday if it’s nice I might go to the beach.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 6:29 pm


HaHaHa the hypocrisy never ends, per your response to TG, YOU have called ME most of those names plus some and stated that I fuck my cousin/sister. You like to dish it but can’t take the heat in the kitchen. Poor Stuck……did the bad old TG hurt your widdle feewings? Poor, poor Stucky.

  Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 6:44 pm

That was a long time ago. More importantly, I don’t recall the specifics, but I’m pretty fucken sure it was ABOUT SOMETHING, rather than just a gratuitous insult …. which was my point about TG … which you obviously missed … again.

I’m going to be very very civil with you at this point. I’m going to ask you very very kindly …. please stop commenting on my posts, please stop addressing me. In short, I want nothing to do with you. Honestly. I will do 100% likewise.

Please honor that request. Otherwise it will just turn into a long and useless shitfest. I’m not in the mood for that. Others aren’t either, and they don’t give a fuck.

Just leave me alone. I’ll leave you alone. Surely, we can agree to that.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 8, 2016 7:00 pm

Agreed, I will be busy all day Sunday BTW. If this is any indication of the way the threads will unfold I won’t be missing much. Talk amongst yourselves non-truthers.

September 8, 2016 10:13 pm

“BTW, fuck that Conspiracy Sunday idea. Who needs the fucken aggravation?”

Thanks! Trouble is that you can’t have a discussion about this shit because 1.) Everybody is 100% correct and if you doubt that, just ask ’em. and 2.) Because you get accused of shilling for the man if you don’t lap up every hair brained idea or theory out there. I have repeatedly stated that I believe little to nothing the govt says………….just because the govt said it but that’s still not good enough………I’m still a shill!

Conspiracy Sunday or not, I shant be here. I’m gonna go pet the little grassfed, lowline angus steer I just bought on his fuzzy melon before he gets sent to steer heaven and then I’m going to watch him get butchered before heading home to make oxtail stew with fava beans!

September 8, 2016 5:16 pm


Billy Jeff Clinton, after he left office, said he had two things he was always curious about ‘looked into’ when he was the president. One was the JFK assassination and the other was extra-terrestrial/UFO/Area 51 stuff. He found no conspiracies and felt a bit foolish afterwards. There were no women involved, so he had no reason to lie.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 9, 2016 7:58 am

Remember the Maine ! The sinking of The Lusitania , The assination of Arch Duke Ferdinand , Pearl Harbor , German build up as bankers made fortunes on that and then doubled down billing taxpayers to send their sons to kill it ! The Gulf Of Tonken , Qudaffi in Libya , Saddam Hussean Iraq , AFGANASTAN WTF and Iran well we did kill their president in 1955 “NOT THAT THERE IS ANY THING WRONG WITH THAT ” . I suppose that’s enough to chew on for now .
I never believe anything my government tells me NOTHING !