Murders Are Spiraling Out Of Control In Chicago

Infographic: Murders Are Spiralling Out Of Control In Chicago | Statista
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500 people have been murdered in Chicago this year, more than Los Angeles and New York combined. The number of homicides has hit a 20-year high and the city hasn’t experienced a single day without someone being murdered since February of last year. A BBC report on the violence in the Windy City compared the number of deaths there with U.S. war dead in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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September 12, 2016 12:57 pm

No that can’t be true because a football thrower told me that Black Lives Matter.

September 12, 2016 1:44 pm


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Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
September 12, 2016 1:58 pm

Um, when were they in “control”?

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
  Smoke Jensen
September 12, 2016 2:42 pm

Lol! Who got butthurt? Fact is the Democratic shithole of Chicago has always blamed the tool(the gun) as opposed to the criminal.

September 12, 2016 2:20 pm

TBP’ers probably realize it, but cities like Chicago, NY, Philly, Atlanta, St Louis, Camden, Oakland, Memphis, are / are becoming third world shit holes, with feral niggers murdering / thieving / and doing whatever they do best. I’d venture a guess that 1/2 the neegrow population has an 85 or lower IQ.

“MOST social scientists know – though few publicly discuss it – that there has been a puzzling gap of about 15 points in I.Q. test scores, on average, between blacks and whites in America ever since the tests were first widely used more than 70 years ago. ”

Big Dick
Big Dick
September 12, 2016 2:33 pm

How dare you indicate that this is a black problem! I am appalled! Don’t you know BLACK LIVES MATTER??? Ooops that is unless you are black. Sorry Nevermind.

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
September 12, 2016 4:12 pm

The asshole government can’t/won’t do anything to stop this mayhem, so it wants to import a million muzzie maniacs because………..diversity.

You all know which ethnic group here will be the most fervent recruits to Islam, right?


September 12, 2016 4:26 pm

The anti-gun lunatics always claim that these Democrat shitholes are shitholes not because of the insane political policies – primarily driven by the bastard offspring of corruption, incompetence, and 4GW socialist malfeasance – and the quality of the subhuman inhabitants, but because of firearms. Their utopia is always just one more restrictive unconstitutional law away.

That these Democrat shitholes have already banned firearms is not enough, they argue. They demand that firearms be banned everywhere, claiming this will finally fix the fucking mess their insane policies have created.

Australia caved into the insanity in 1996, and eliminated private ownership of most semi-automatic firearms.

It solved nothing. They have more firearms in the hands of criminals than before their ban. It is an utter failure and still anti-gun lunatics still shrilly scream that the solution is even more regulation.

In California, where firearms are increasingly hard to obtain for the average citizen, San Bernardino is attempting to give Chicago a run for the title of Murder Capitol of America. The criminals have no problem obtaining whatever weapons they want.

It’s almost like the criminal gangs utterly ignore the law, and no amount of increased regulation is going to change this.

One might be forgiven for suspecting there is some ulterior motive behind the Democrats’ desire to render the civilian populace defenseless. What other explanation could there be for a decades-long attempt to impose polices that are demonstrably ineffective in reaching their stated goal?