Lauren Becomes a Dude…. Legally

Via The Rebel

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October 4, 2016 12:05 pm

I’m an atheist. But I swear when I see shit like this, Biblical predictions sound more and more reasonable. Smite the entire bunch of them.

When seemingly educated people give up logical thought / common sense – because the government tells them so – this is Adolf Eichmann – I was just following orders.

Maybe there is no physical mark of the devil, maybe the mark is just a fucked up way of thinking

October 4, 2016 12:11 pm

LMAO! Total insanity squared, approved by the Government (Canadian in this case) and this means, of course, that should this blond haired “man” be sexually assaulted — what crime can be brought against “his” attacker? Can’t be sodomy – because a different chunk of “his” male anatomy was violated. Can’t be rape because “he’s” male and how does one rape a male without sodomy? Can “he” be sexually assaulted by woman and the woman who does the assault be charge with rape? Rape of what? Rape by what? Holy Shit – we are beyond insanity..

I am totally beyond the real world here into la-la land (Government approved)..


rhs jr
rhs jr
October 4, 2016 12:28 pm

I want to become a Black Lesbian Woman for the all government advantages.

October 4, 2016 12:44 pm

When Lauren became a dude …. did she keep her TITS? Cuz, if so, then I’m OK wif it.

October 4, 2016 2:08 pm

The last 10 seconds of that video, wish she’d hold the mic lower – nice rack.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 4, 2016 1:00 pm

Wow! I don’t know if the US is going to follow suit with this — but think of the opportunity! My wife could go get herself reassigned as a male. That means that I am now married to a man, and if I get fired from my job, I can claim that they discriminated against me because I am gay! On the other hand, it might be better for ME to change to female. That way I still get the “if you judge me you’re homophobic!” card, but also I would then be able to apply for the special women’s small business loans.

I recently decided to reclassify myself at work. I am actually mixed race (mostly caucasian but with a decent chunk of Native American) but found out that legally, I am Hispanic! Why? Because I was born in a city that is in part of the former Spanish Empire and now choose to self-identify as Hispanic. Yes, that is perfectly legal. Pretty much the lower half of North America used to be part of the Spanish Empire, all the way from Chesapeake Bay (formerly named Bahia de Santa Maria) all the way across to the west coast. If you were born anywhere in there, then you can legally be Hispanic! Hoorah!

  Jason Calley
October 4, 2016 1:22 pm

There’s a commercial on TV which checks your ancestry via DNA.

First of all, anyone who submits their DNA voluntarily … where it is in a database ripe for plucking by hackers or the gooberment …. is a fucking full fledged retard.

Secondly, the commercial shows a dude who thought he was German, and then finds out he’s a dress wearer. From Lederhosen to Kilts …. this is supposed to be an incentive to get tested??? I don’t think so (no offense to Scots).

And now I might be Hispanic?? Damn. Well, at least El Coyote might like me again.

October 4, 2016 1:22 pm

To be recognized as a male ,Lauren has a lot of landscaping to do.

October 4, 2016 1:22 pm – someone has changed all references to Lauren from ‘she’ to ‘he’ in her Wikipedia page. LOL.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 4, 2016 1:51 pm

The Brave New World as predicted by Steven Tyler……

  RiNS the deplorable
October 4, 2016 1:57 pm

RiNS..good luck with tonight’s Battle of the Birds….

harry p
harry p
October 4, 2016 3:28 pm

Thats some funny shit right there.
Good for her to troll the system like this!!!

October 4, 2016 11:06 pm

these screwy people can just stay home and f**k themselves,

and I would rather not know anything about them! Attention seeking freaks.

Wiki page/hope heshe chokes on it

October 4, 2016 11:36 pm

It seems pretty petty and ridiculous to lie to a doctor, and use language that the doctor has to take as credible…with a hidden camera…and then laugh about it…pathetic…

So the idea is to embarrass the doctor….the Prime Minister….the government….

I didn`t find it funny…and to be “joking“ like this, she demeans not only doctors, but those who do have real issues…and generally those issues occur in young peoples lives..

She, and the Rebel, think this is fun and funny…I think it`s fricken shameful…and juvenile…

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 5, 2016 12:53 am

Lauren is someone you won’t see on CBC. I say bravo!

And juvenile is in the eye of beholder.

Gender Pronouns

This is juvenile!

She was just showing how easy it is to get a diagnosis and a label.

What is shameful is how cowardly these medical professionals are when confronted with obvious insanity. Hardly surprising though. You complain that TBP is a right wing echo chamber yet in Canada we have taken liberal virtue signaling for the cause of social justice to an artform. The trudeau government will soon enshrine this into law.

What is next?
Identifying as a tree, or a rock formation or dare I say it a pony?

This video is an indictment of the gender binary baloney pony. It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t like it but that is why she did it in first place. To piss people like you off!

Soon this man will have his opinions criminalized for hurting somebody’s feelings.

That is what is fricken shameful.


From a TBP redneck!

  RiNS the deplorable
October 5, 2016 1:20 am

Cowardly medical professionals…shm…medical professionals are obliged to act upon this (and other invisible disorders, like PTSD) because they are professionals who take an oath after studying for years…

It really doesn`t matter anyway, it`s obvious that you have more respect for liars, than you have for doctors… Go ahead and let your redneck freak flag fly…it`s a free world…It allows us that regard that attitude as anathema – to avoid people like you.

In the real world your type are in the diminishing minority…

Deplorable Hershel
Deplorable Hershel
October 5, 2016 7:17 am

No randy they are the overwhelming majority. The rest of the 7 billion people in the world does not know the word REDNECK or TRANSGENDER, they only know what a man or woman is. The only freaks are those who buy the liberal bullshit like being trans.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 5, 2016 8:29 am


Ya beat me to it!

Randy thinks I am part of a diminishing minority. Hardly surprising he thinks this way. He lives in a giant liberal echo chamber called Canada. Just like me. Most folks here, when out in the wild, can’t be bothered dealing with self righteous twats like randy. They just drink their beer and watch the ballgame. If you can’t beat them then the next best thing to do is ignore them.

Lauren should be applauded for taking this on. Once in a while this needs to be done.

Soon this country will have laws that enshrine this insanity with threat of courts for those who do not comply. Randy will then be one of those liberal clapping seal Brown Shirt SA types smashing windows. Goosestepping along with all his SJW friends in making this country a just a little less free.

I always thought the doctors were supposed to make the diagnosis not the patient anyways. What bothers me most is there was no appointment made to talk about it. Nothing. What kind of doctor was signing the piece of paper that will soon have force of law. Is the good doctor using Tumblr as a medical reference. This is important and was the point of doing this in first place. This appears to be hard for someone worried about snowflake feelings to comprehend.

And then instead of reflection randy follows tried and true liberal playbook and takes the safe way out. Pretends to take the high road throwing the odd back handed insult around and hoping that I go for it and say something like

“go suck on a bucket of dicks”

Once I insult is put in play he can then stand back. Bask in the glow of his self righteousness and proclaim to all this friends that I am a troll. Well randy I will save you a step and tell you that I am.

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Bask away randy! Bask away….

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  RiNS the deplorable
October 5, 2016 8:32 am

In the meantime Baseball is a welcome diversion from randy’s boorish liberal attitude. I am getting more beer because the Jays won last night and have flown to Texas to play Rangers.

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October 5, 2016 9:31 am

A lot of boob-tubers seem to overlook the effect that the presence of a cameraman and camera has on the subject being filmed. They aren’t invisible.

Does anyone really think the interviewees are candid or give an honest response when they know they’re on camera?

This is nothing more than entertainment. Move along folks; there really is nothing to see here.