How Much Money Have Humans Created?

The Money Project is an ongoing collaboration between Visual Capitalist and Texas Precious Metals that seeks to use intuitive visualizations to explore the origins, nature, and use of money.

How Much Money Have Humans Created?

The dollar amounts are so staggering, that simply telling you how much money humans have created probably wouldn’t convey the magnitude.

However, by using data visualization in this video, we can relate numbers in the millions, billions, and trillions to create the context to make it more understandable.

Starting With Context

The median U.S. household income of $54,000 is a number that most people can relate to. It’s enough money to save up to buy a car, or maybe even a house depending on where you live.

Multiply that income by eight, and that number is now big enough to count as being in the top 1% of earners. People in the “one percent” make at least $430,000 per year.

Famous celebrities and businesspeople have fortunes that dwarf those of many “one percenters”. Actor George Clooney, for example, has a net worth of $180 million. Meanwhile, author J.K. Rowling is estimated to have a net worth of roughly $1 billion according to Forbes.

Zuckerberg takes things to a whole new level. His net worth worth is $53 billion, thanks to the value of Facebook stock. Lastly, Bill Gates regularly tops the “richest people” lists with a wealth of $75 billion – though lately that number has been a little higher based on stock fluctuations.

However, even the wealth of the richest human on Earth is not enough to get up to our unit of measurement that we use in the video: each square is equal to $100 billion.

The World’s Money

Some of the world’s biggest companies take up just a few squares with our unit of measurement. ExxonMobil for example has a market capitalization of about $350 billion, and the world’s largest public company by market capitalization, Apple, is at about $600 billion.

The total of the world’s physical currency – all coins and bills denominated in dollars, euros, yen, and other currencies – is about $5 trillion.

Meanwhile, if we add checking accounts to the equation, the number for the amount of money in the world goes up to $28.6 trillion according to the CIA World Factbook. This is called “narrow money”.

Add all money market, savings, and time deposits, and the number jumps up to $80.9 trillion – or “broad money”.

But that’s nothing compared to the world of Wall Street.

Wall Street

All stock markets added together are worth $70 trillion, and global debt is $199 trillion.

That’s all impressive, but the derivatives market takes the cake. Derivatives are contracts between parties that derive value from the performance of underlying assets, indices, or entities. On the low end, the notional value of the derivatives market is estimated to be a whopping $630 trillion according to the Bank of International Settlements.

However, that only accounts for OTC (over-the-counter) derivatives, and the truth is that no one actually knows the size of the derivatives market. It’s been estimated by some that it could be as high as $1.2 quadrillion, and others estimate it could be even higher.

There are many financial critics who worry about the risk that these contracts pile onto the global financial system. With the sheer size of the derivative market dwarfing all others, it’s understandable why business mogul Warren Buffett has called derivatives “financial weapons of mass destruction”.

About the Money Project

The Money Project aims to use intuitive visualizations to explore ideas around the very concept of money itself. Founded in 2015 by Visual Capitalist and Texas Precious Metals, the Money Project will look at the evolving nature of money, and will try to answer the difficult questions that prevent us from truly understanding the role that money plays in finance, investments, and accumulating wealth.


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October 4, 2016 11:10 am

One thing is certain: At some point in time, in the future, there will be a world-wide ‘money’ implosion.

October 4, 2016 11:43 am

Back in my school days I once saw a chart that compared your money to your height. Let’s say an average man with an average income was 6 feet tall. A pro athlete or actor or rock star might be 600 feet tall. The owner of a team, movie studio or record company 10-15,000 feet tall. Back then there were only a few guys with more. Howard Hughes, J. Paul Getty as time and inheritances had broken up the wealth of the Rockefellers, Fords, etc. There just weren’t any Waltons, Gates, Buffetts or Zuckerbergs or, if there were they stayed below the radar. Using average human height as the measuring stick these guys heads would be in Low Earth Orbit!

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 4, 2016 1:28 pm

Humans? In the West more specifically I’d say created from thin air by the ZOG Banksters and they have no limit… until there suddenly is (and poof it’s all gone).

October 4, 2016 1:31 pm

The coming collapse or collapses will be biblical and it’s all planned to destroy our REPUBLIC. To make people accept world government.To make us all poor ,hungry ,sacred and defenseless. It will work. Time for the unholy trinity

Satan, The Anti Christ and the FALSE prophet.How does one prepare???

October 4, 2016 1:40 pm

“Satan, The Anti Christ and the FALSE prophet.How does one prepare???” —bb

Stop reading your Bible literally as if it were a current events newspaper.

Try living life in the REAL world … not the world of your fantastical Biblical imaginations.

BTW … The Archangel Michael also thinks you’re a dick.

October 4, 2016 3:40 pm

It has been a long time getting here. I wish the relative tranquility could continue but we all know that is extremely unlikely.

John Doe
John Doe
October 4, 2016 3:47 pm

The #’s don’t lie. How can you repay back the debt when there is not enough money in existence to pay back the principal + compiling interest on the debt? Answer: you cannot. The system is one gigantic ponzi scheme ready for implosion. You can thank every central banker scumbag for the situation that we currently find ourselves in. Stagflation is not an illusion.

October 4, 2016 3:57 pm

What’s the point of making a video like this? So we can marvel at it? Some of us with the ability to think may derive some deeper meaning out of it but the rest of the hooman race just think George Clooney is cool because he’s worth $180 million.

They should make a video infographic that shows how much wealth, not money, the central bankers of the world have STOLEN from us and how they performed ZERO actual labor or provided NO useful service to obtain it.

October 4, 2016 11:13 pm


October 5, 2016 12:49 am

In this political moment, one marvels at the hypocrisy of people extolling their christian values while being multi billionaires. (My indignation is enhanced by my atheism)…

Being a millionaire is one thing, but billionaire….multi billionaire. How much money is enough…

When there are real problems in society, and the world, how has it become religion for billionaires, and American companies to not pay tax, and to keep profits offshore to avoid tax.

Regular people can`t do that… Regular people pay taxes AND…regular people contribute at church, regular people volunteer to help the less fortunate, regular people coach young people in sports, regular people send clothes and money to people devastated by natural disaster…

These regular people are patriots, these are human beings…How do regular people look at the rich and accept being screwed by them…

October 5, 2016 1:25 am

Randy – regular folks pay squat in taxes. What kind of stupid are you, anyway? The top 10% pay the bulk of taxes.

Taxes are not the problem. Spending is the problem. Taxes are to be avoided if at all possible – but please feel free to donate whatever you like in taxes.

October 5, 2016 5:20 am

Stupid video….nearly none of that “money” is money. It is nearly all bank credit/debt.
95%+ of US currency is really federal reserve credit.