Guest Post by Ol’Remus

The Tea Party and the Alt-Right are surface expressions of something neither of them fully capture, momentary flecks in a pyroclastic flow. The Tea Party, classically activist, was the last polite grievance by a now largely defunct middle class. Ignored and betrayed by turns, it metamorphosized into the Alt-Right, classically territorial, kickers-in of doors, fronted by berserkers talented at holing the enemy. It sows confusion and fear by being everywhere and nowhere in a merry game of whack-a-mole, most visibly the Pepe meme, after Kek, the frog god of chaos in ancient Egypt.

Just as the Tea Party expanded and metamorphosized into the Alt-Right, so too is the Alt-Right expanding and metamorphosizing. The game is afoot. With ominous groans and shuddering the worm is turning, shaking off the dust of a century and alarming the apparatchiks. Whether the collectivists retreat, attack or go mad is of no lasting consequence. The “business not quite as usual” of the Trumpists will be the good old days of their future.

When a movement grows in size and influence as fast as Alt-Right has, it means most of it was in place long before public notice by our keepers. When the mainstream feels compelled to notice, i.e., trash, its ideas it suggests more disquiet than they’ll confess, and when its ideas are denounced before they even rise to general notice, it reveals fear akin to panic.

Conditions are right and opportunities are plentiful for the Alt-Right to become the major force in America and Europe. The counterattack will be ferocious of course, but it’ll be one ham-handed blunder after another, the Alt-Right has consistently been a step or three ahead of the dull-witted and much despised “establishment”. Crowds are forming up. Historic times have arrived.

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October 4, 2016 9:53 am

It is historic for three reasons:
First, both the Rep. and Dem. Establishment politicians have turned their back on the American citizens, their children, and grandchildren via the de-industrialization of America.
Second, the Establishment politicians have fostered death and destruction in the MENA via Regime Change.
Third, these same scum have supported the Islamization of Europe. European cultures, the historical buildings and artifacts will all disappear under Shariah Law of the Musloids – the 7th century proto Morlocks.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 4, 2016 10:14 am

The Evil ZOG Bankster Princes have given US Goy a Cinderella Party using the counterfeit money they printed from thin air. It’s almost midnight; the fiat money and everything the Goy bought will turn to dust (defaulted debts; whatever we have will become deflated but whatever we need will inflate). The Gilded Carriage is really a paper pumpkin. The whole Cultural Communist Utopia that the Elite paid their Pied Pipers (Wall Street, Madison Ave, Hollywood, the MSM, Congress, the Public Education System) to create is really a garbage scow that TPTB have been towing out to sea to be sunk like the Deep Water Horizon. Very few Useful Idiots can swim on their own and those in FEMA Camps will be exterminated while the Elite enjoy safety and luxury in their DUMBs.

Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
October 4, 2016 10:15 am

Yes to all the above.

The veneer of American civilization – the “American Dream” and the “American Way of Life” – has been scrubbed away, leaving it bare to everyone that those forms of sharing the wealth with the masses are gone and aren’t coming back without a struggle (if ever). Everyone is agitated and people are choosing sides, mostly not realizing that much of this is entirely planned and intended by the evil bastards that got us here in the first place.

Some form of upheaval is inevitable, and it will probably transition into civil war. Arguably it already has with BLM and pervasive hate attacks on white people. Plan accordingly.

October 4, 2016 10:41 am

Penn Head strikes again. Plan accordingly and then some.

Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
October 4, 2016 11:36 am

Hey bb, is life keeping you busy? Did you enjoy the I-85 freeway shutdown by black thugs matter? Looking forward to hurry-cane matthew? It sure would be a darn shame if a cat 5 hurricane showed up for the next BTM riot!

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
October 4, 2016 11:07 am

years back during a large gathering the OWS mongrels were there to show their true colors. little did they realize they could find common cause if they choose the FED as the the source, yet their benefactor soros could not have that. i wonder if this saga will end as the script is written by the elites.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  fear & loathing
October 4, 2016 1:20 pm

For what it is worth, I attended the first two OWS rallies in my part of the state. There was a pretty even mix of older conservative types upset at the massive bailout of the criminal bankers and the Federal Reserve, and younger more liberal types upset at the massive bailout of the criminal bankers and the Federal Reserve.

The same thing happened to OWS that happened to the Tea Party. Both movements were coopted — OWS by the left and the Tea Party by the neocon right.

October 4, 2016 12:03 pm

Two things in my opinion were the catalyst to the Alt-Right at this time.

First the push of the “Check Your White Privilege ” by the MSM,College Campus’s and other lame stream outlets. They forget that the USA is 70% white which means you need a heck of coat rack to have their privilege checked at the door . You can convince a small portion of this idea but most will tell them to piss off.

2nd is the fact that the Middle Class has been destroyed by both parties. Those who once enjoyed a good paying job for the husband and perhaps the wife as well has been replaced by two part time jobs and zero Healthcare from those two part time jobs . Coupled with the fact that 50% or more of the populace lives pay check to paycheck and has less than $1,000.00 in the bank and you have a group that is ready for real change. The big question is can Trump do if he’s elected ? If he can’t, instead of the ballot box being used to change things the cartridge box will be used. 17 straight months of record gun sales says that the collective consciousness of the country is getting ready for a fight.

October 4, 2016 12:31 pm

When you think about it, TBP can totally be considered Alt-Right “before it was cool”. This would make Admin, Stucky, LLPOH, SSS and good ol’ Smokey the hipsters of the Alt-Right. Gentrifying people’s minds without the risk of being shot by a black guy. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

October 4, 2016 12:39 pm

Cynical30 makes his semi-annual appearance! Yea!!!

For you newbies, Cynical30 used to post here a lot more and he is a very very talented fellow. Here is something he put together for TBPers about 4 years ago. It’s good stuff, and you should listen to it.

October 4, 2016 11:23 pm

Wow…I love that video