Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Crushes Clinton – “You Should Be In Jail”

I thought Crooked Hillary won the first debate. Trump absolutely obliterated her last night. No doubt about it. He pummeled her with her own words and actions. Her and her diabolically evil minions want to play dirty. Trump has the cajones to play dirtier. I love it. Fuck the media. Fuck the weasel Republicans like Ryan and Romney. Fuck em all. Trump is our molotov cocktail and we’re throwing him at the establishment.
Tyler Durden's picture

From the no-handshake start, following the most awkward Bill-Melania pre-debate greeting, it was clear the gloves were off. While Trump started apologetically, once Clinton opened up ad hominem character attacks, The Donald turned it up to ’11’. Lashing out at Bill’s indiscretions “his actions are worse than words”, Hillary’s lying “you should be in jail… I will call for a special prosecutor”, and the biases of the moderators“it’s one of three here” even the crowd cheered.. before being quickly shushed. Online polls, unbiased commentators, and the Mexican Peso agreed Trump won.

A picture paints a thousand words…

Hillary appeared to attract a fly…

Brief Transcript:

TRUMP: “Bernie Sanders and between super delegates and Debra Wassermann Schultz and I was surprised to see him sign on with the devil. The thing that you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted and you acid washed and the two boxes of e-mails and other things last week that were taken from an office are are now missing. I didn’t knowledge I would say this, but I’m going to and I hate to say it. If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. There has never been so many lies, so much exception. There has never been anything like it. We will have a special prosecutor. I go out and speak and the people of this country are furious. The long time workers at the FBI are furious. There has never been anything like this with e-mails. You get a subpoena and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 e-mails and acid watch them or bleach them. An expensive process. We will get a special prosecutor and look into it. You know what, people have been — their lives have been destroyed for doing 1/5 of what you have done. You should be a shamed.”


COOPER: “Secretary Clinton, I will let you respond.”


CLINTON: “Everything he said is absolutely false. It would be impossible to be fact checking Donald all the time. I would never get to talk and make lives better for people. Once again, go to Hillary You can fact check trump in realtime. Last time at the first debate we had millions of people fact checking and we will have millions more fact checking. It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.”


TRUMP: “Because you would be in jail.”


COOPER: “We want to remind the audience to please not talk out loud. Do not applaud. You are wasting time.

“It’s just words, folks”

Online polls show it as an overwhelming win for Trump… (

And then – 90 minutes after the debate ended – CNN finally releases their poll of 537 Voters!!!!!

What a total embarrassment!

*  *  *

Finally, the most real-time indicator of performance…

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October 10, 2016 6:54 am

I sincerely hope TRUMP wins this election. Perhaps our destruction will be avoided for a few years . With a hostile elite firmly in power all bets are off.They will destroy this planet before giving up any real power like control of our currency.

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 10, 2016 6:56 am

That was a beautiful thing to watch. I bet hildabeast is really looking forward the next debate, lol.

October 10, 2016 7:43 am

So if Hillary wins we are going to impose a no fly zone over Syria without Congressional approval just like Lybia?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 10, 2016 10:30 am

Canadian Randy has assured us that that would take a declaration of war by Congress. So vote for Hillary, secure in the knowledge that she’ll never say anything- even in confidence to one person – that would rankle a five year old. Her proven propensity to light entire countries on fire will be held in check by … wait for it … the power of the purse. Lol.

  Iska Waran
October 10, 2016 10:52 am


RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 10, 2016 2:38 pm

I am with stucky

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Self-employed randy hard at work.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 10, 2016 7:55 am

The democrats can find decades old video of Trump making off handed locker room talk but republicans cannot find 33,000 plus e-mails or any connection of corrupt profiteering during the Clinton machines jauggernaut thru Arkansas , Washington and beyond ! The Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill says a great deal considering the fall guy Comey FBI who has not been able to connect any terrorist attacks to people the FBI investagated until the smoke clears and the body count ! But to quote the Raging Cajin “ain’t nothing there” 70 dead bodies all mysterious arkanside victims ! Again my great grandmothers comment “They are all just scurrying around like cats covering up SHIT” I miss her she was quite a gal in her day ! Trump brings a little frank talk about our situation , and the PC POLICE need to have their diapers changed a pacifier shoved in what ever orifice they prefer and be stuffed in a corner till real Americans can attempt to clean up this fucking mess and it’s gonna hurt all of us and if it’s to late WTF we know it’s coming no matter what . At least we have a shot with Trump

October 10, 2016 8:02 am

I liked the part where the fly landed on Hillary’s face.

Reminded me of the one that landed on Obama’s face.

Seems fly’s are attracted to corrupt and vile things.

A good judge of character in their own right and way, like a dog is to good people.

October 10, 2016 11:00 am

Certain people need their own “no fly zone.”

October 10, 2016 8:13 am

Trump did great. Fight hard man, forget the gentleman shit. I don’t know how a corrupt, greedy piece of shit can claim to hold the “moral” highground.

Gustav Horst
Gustav Horst
October 10, 2016 8:30 am

They are attacking Trump with these tapes because they can’t win on substance. “Fact checking” is nothing more than spin. Clinton committed perjury in her congressional testimony on the emails. She can’t help lying, even under oath. The media are desperately trying to cover for her, but the people know what she is. Many people might dislike Trump, but they hate Clinton. If Trump loses, there will be too many decent law abiding taxpayers left without hope, expected to pay for wars with Russia and BLM riots at home, by a woman president who thinks they are irredeemable. That won’t work. She has hung herself hundreds of ways.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2016 8:37 am

I was mesmerized by the audience. Someone, somewhere was in charge of selecting those people, it wasn’t a random lottery or first come first serve, there was a plan.

I know a woman who adopts rescue farm animals- horses that have come from research facilities, troublesome goats, sick sheep, etc. Her herd- as it is- serves no purpose other than as a humanitarian gesture. She doesn’t harvest them, they just get to live out their days on her dime.

That herd resembles that audience. There were no attractive people, zero millennials, very few people who looked physically fit, quite a few morbidly obese. What was puzzling to me is that whoever orchestrated it missed the impact it would have subliminally on the viewer. A lot of weak, old, sick, poorly groomed and disconnected people who all looked dour, sad, forlorn and otherwise completely broken. Why would you want to project that image? If that is the epitome of what they want America to think it is, then it was an extremely poor miscalculation on the effect it will have on people at a subconscious level.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2016 8:51 am

An interesting observation.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 8:53 am

I was extremely concerned that Trump would listen to weasel advisers and play “presidential”. Well, he did, but he did it in a steely, angry, controlled way and wiped the floor with Clinton. You saw her smirking smile fade to nothing as the debate wore on. It was like air out of a balloon. The RINO’s, the Democrats, the Marxists, the Globalists, the George Soros traitors – they all know now that this is a life and death struggle and Trump intends to win. And he will not be magnanimous to these bastards. Even I was stunned when he promised to put her in prison, and you can bet Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Lynch, Holder and the rest got the message. He is the real deal, he doesn’t give a damn about playing the game, and he has a vindictive streak a mile wide. Trump essentially erased the locker room comments issue which they thought would be a knock out blow. Now there is desperate terror in the ranks of the enemies of Trump. Paul Ryan, Kasich and the others now know that if they do not stop Trump they are finished for good. Clinton and the Obama henchmen will be facing prosecution and prison. The masks are off. It is us against them. Trump is now in serious physical danger. I hope his security people understand that.

  Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 9:11 am

It will be interesting to see what their -the elite establishment and minions- will be doing to retaliate against Trump for this threat he mow openly presents.

I think things are going to get much more interesting now and rapidly with the election so close.

Maybe even deadly.

Depends what the polls show over the next few days I think.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
  Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 10:20 am

“and the others now know that if they do not stop Trump they are finished for good. ”

Always keep that scumbag McCain in your thoughts. . . POS.

  Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 11:10 am

I would just love to have access to the emails and twitter accounts of the Republican unendorsers (I don’t think that is a real word) this morning. I assume some folks are getting an earful. These people still don’t get it, which is powerful evidence they don’t have enough brains to hold public office. In my wildest dreams, Paul Ryan will lose his house seat over this.

Mae Miller
Mae Miller
October 10, 2016 1:47 pm

One can hope. I am still struck by the fact that he was reelected…

October 10, 2016 2:30 pm

Is there a Democratchallenge to Ryan in 1st District of Wisconsin? If so I think I will contribute.

  Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 3:38 pm

“Trump is now in serious physical danger.”

I’m too shortsighted. I just figured it would be TPTB that eventually take out tRump. Now his own party wants him whacked and I’m sure Klinton Inc. is out to smoke his ass now.

I saw the first debate because I was getting paid north of $30 to watch it despite having to step away for a minute every 10-12 minutes. I didn’t get paid this time so I skipped it. I watched two clips this morning and have to agree with HSF about the audience members. They looked to be doped. The other thing that caught my attention was tRump looked noticeably older to my election avoiding eye. It could just be his brutal schedule but reminded me of the presidential aging effect we’ve seen on so many past presidents.

If tRump wins he should avoid living in the white house. There will probably be far too many untraceable, heart attack inducing poisoned booby traps in that particular piece of public housing. Avoiding Air Farce One would be a good idea too.

Based on the two clips I saw, the entertainment factor is getting better despite the whole shooting match being more disgusting and embarrassing.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 10, 2016 9:12 am

My local congresscritter, Barbara Comstock (R), called for Trump to exit the race after that Access Hollywood video/audio. She is up for re-election in November. I wrote an e-mail (using a pseudonym) telling her that although I had voted for her in the last election, she had lost my vote unless she reverses that position.

October 10, 2016 9:30 am

So here we are, virtually every Hollywood movie is filled with sex and four letter words. The internet delivers unlimited, free, porn. The there’s Howard Stern and others on Sirius. If someone is offended by some ‘locker room’ talk – then they have lead a very sheltered existence.

This is part of the problem, the professional politicians have managed to sanitize their lives, have no character.

These ‘debates’ are a joke. They aren’t debates, and last night, trading barbs, well that doesn’t tell you anything concrete about how they would fix our problems. I don’t think the debate changed anyone’s mind about who they are voting for.

I’m going to vote for Trump no matter what. However, I believe there is ‘more stuff in the can’ that will be leaked.

Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
October 10, 2016 9:36 am

I watched the whole debate. I want 90 minutes of my life back.

Hillary was strong for 5-10 minutes and then lost steam. She was obviously flustered several times. She is a total sociopath but able to recognize when she’s in actual danger, and she sees it now.

Trump’s performance wasn’t all that great though. He didn’t respond to questions very well, lost a clear train of thought rapidly in most 2-minute response times, and said a lot of things that will only make sense to his existing supporters (for example, on Benghazi) or to tax nerds (carried interest). Seriously, if he could just do a 3-sentence explanation of each issue he brought up, he would have been 10 times better.

Mostly Trump survived a rigged game against him and looked both calm and tough, which is good. But I doubt any significant number of voters changed sides from watching the debate.

  Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
October 10, 2016 5:03 pm

When you attack, you must vanquish your foe to win.

When you are attacked, all you need do to win is survive.

(Shao-Lin, I think)

Hillary didn’t vanquish Trump and Trump is still very much still here.

October 10, 2016 10:27 am

Trump could have destroyed her on the no fly zone in Syria. This policy would entail shooting down Russian planes which would cause world war III.

Big Dick
Big Dick
October 10, 2016 10:32 am

Don’t get your hopes up too high. The game is rigged. The fix is in. The hacks are ready. All bases are set to be manipulated. Trump wins the popular vote by multi millions, but will lose the electoral vote. The system, the government, and the corrupt powers that be, will control whatever is needed. If we take any action old blowhard will be directed to use the military. Sad but true, bend over.

Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
  Big Dick
October 10, 2016 10:49 am

The Warsaw Pact, with the might of the USSR, was an indestructible monolith. Until it wasn’t.

The most realistic bet is that there is civil unrest regardless of who is declared to have won the election, and it starts the wheels in motion for break-up or CW2, or both.

The Absolutely Deplorable Fiatman60
The Absolutely Deplorable Fiatman60
  Big Dick
October 10, 2016 11:57 am

George Carlin said it best…
“If voting really mattered – they wouldn’t let us do it”
“It’s a big giant club – and you ain’t in it”

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Big Dick
October 10, 2016 12:40 pm

If that’s true, why do they look so worried?

The bigger problem isn’t who wins, it’s how to put out the fire this guy started.

Yamamoto* much?

* “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Hagar the Horrible
Hagar the Horrible
  hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2016 8:40 pm

Hell of a quote, however it is highly unlikely that Yamamoto said or wrote that. The first printing/screening of this quote is from the movie Tora, Tora, Tora.

October 10, 2016 10:50 am

Republican slime(all you backstabbing lying traitors) you had better hope the Donald doesn’t win. Can you imagine what a man with the Donald’s attitude can do to you with the power of the presidency behind him? I don’t think he will save the republic but I look forward to him exacting revenge on you cocksuckers. Yes, you Ann Wagner. You are a self serving lying cunt.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 10:58 am

Now we are getting somewhere……..

If the Trumpster is elected he says he will put Hitlery in jail. The BIG question is will he also jail Bush1 and Bush2 ? What about Soros and Kissinger? Rumsfeld?

Oh, if only it were true.

  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 11:10 am

For all of the anti government rhetoric on this site, does it not scare anyone that a candidate, in a nationally televised debate, says out loud, that he will appoint a special prosecutor to jail his opponent?

That doesn’t bother anyone?

October 10, 2016 11:35 am

Why would it bother anyone if she is guilty? Why does it bother you? Do you believe she is above the law? Or do you believe she is guilty and you, therefore, are afraid to know the truth?

October 10, 2016 11:59 am

Why would it bother anyone? If she was guilty, the FBI would have charged her….Unless what your saying is that the FBI is guilty and they should go to jail as accomplices after the fact.

Why does it bother me? It’s one thing for Trump to rile up his base with flippant rhetoric, but it’s quite another to threaten his opponent on a national stage. Threatening to jail an opponent is something that is done by tyrants and dictators, not the president of a republic with a constitution.

I do not believe she is above the law, but I do believe that politicians (and rich people) stretch the law to the limit. And some, break the law, and are caught, but are not prosecuted, because others breaking the law are living in glass houses…and have not been caught…weapons of mass destruction lies anyone? Preemtive war acts anyone? War crimes anyone?

I believe she covered her ass…was what she did unethical? Yes. Was what she did illegal? The FBI says no.

If you believe that the FBI is covering up crimes for the democrats then maybe the FBI should be dissolved, and Comey should go to jail.

October 10, 2016 12:09 pm

James Comey did convicted Hillary on the national stage, dummy. They chose not to prosecute her because James called me said she was merely stupid and not malicious. It also probably didn’t help that James Comey’s boss just blew the husband of the next president of the United States on an airplane.

But yeah you’re right. No special prosecutor needed. It all passes the “smell test” in Canada I suppose…

October 10, 2016 2:43 pm

Finally, I get to agree with Randy. The FBI, if not dissolved should be totally sanitized and Comey should be brought up on charges. He is both similar and different from Beria. Both are corrupt, Comey is charming-Beria was scary and Comey is incompetent while Beria was competent.

October 10, 2016 12:02 pm

Actually, you’re the one that doesn’t believe in the rule of law.

The FBI investigated, and didn’t find enough to charge her.

So who is a better judge of the rule of law? You, or the FBI?

Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
October 10, 2016 12:10 pm

You’re a fucking idiot. A total drooling moron. You probably have a “with HER” shirt.

Comey laid out a detailed indictment in his press conference. Then he surprised everyone by saying “oh, hey, she’s guilty as sin on dozens of federal charges, but I don’t like prosecuting people, especially really powerful ones who have left hundreds of dead bodies in their trail. So let’s just kiss and make up. Bye!”

WATCH Comey’s press conference. I have never seen an executive branch official showing more obvious signs of extreme stress. He makes sweaty Nixon look like Mr. Rogers. Comey and the entire FBI know Killary is guilty as sin. Loretta Lynch knows it too. You can bet that Bill Clinton threatened her and Comey on his little planeside visit. The whole thing is a farce.

So no, I do not have any issue with Trump saying he will appoint a special prosecutor to go after someone who is obviously guilty, as shown by their own behavior and by the FBI’s official statements.

October 10, 2016 12:13 pm

Randy believes the FBI is outside of the Establishment and Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton were talking about grandkids on the plane!!!!!

Ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Fucking classic!!! Gawd! I LOVE this place

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 12:18 pm

Wow, poor randy’s initiation should have concluded last night.

  EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 12:25 pm

Randy is the gift that keeps on giving!

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 10, 2016 12:53 pm

Randy lives in la-la land and doesn’t realize the FBI’s investigation was compromised from the start.

Take off those rose-colored glasses, boy.

October 10, 2016 5:10 pm

They found plenty.

They declined to refer her for prosecution for what seemed to me to be political reasons, not legal evidential ones.

People, a sailor in particular being most well known as of recent times, have been convicted on far less and with obviously far less intent as well.

October 10, 2016 11:56 am

Trump says he will appoint a special prosecutor and investigate Clinton’s crimes. Clinton just has the people she disagrees with killed and then laughs about it.

October 10, 2016 7:12 pm

Admin’s right. You are an idiot. Don’t you go by MDB over on ZeroHedge?

Bez Ochki
Bez Ochki
October 10, 2016 9:50 pm

I hate that bastard MDB. Is there a way to block his ass, so I don’t have to see his posts?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 11:31 am

Don’t forget that lovable dick, Cheney.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 11:56 am

EC- Right you are…….Dick should be top of the list.

  EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 12:39 pm

Cheney is a war criminal many times over.
We all know this. He has a mechanical “heart”
residing in a box in his pocket. How apt.

October 10, 2016 11:06 am

The democrats don’t want a change in candidates, they want Trump at the top of the ticket…it’s a guaranteed win.

Trump was incoherent for at least 60% of the debate. Did he get some zingers in? Yes…The Lincoln remark was hilarious.

He repeated everything he has said on the campaign trail…um…except “I’m building a wall” and “ban muslims”…

So, he essentially spoke to his base…You guys…And there ain’t enough of you guys to get him elected.

While you hive minders can circle jerk together about how great this buffoon is, you completely ignore the fact that he needs to expand his supporters. No one who is for Trump, seriously is going to change their minds….It’s cult like.

But Trump has not said one thing to those who think he is a clown, to get them to move to his side…

ya’ll can knock the shit out of this post, but ya can’t deny the reality…

I can’t wait to come on here and read the vitriol about a rigged election when the democrats and disaffected republicans crush your a fricken landslide…

October 10, 2016 11:28 am

One thing I’ll agree with you Randy – the entire system is rigged.

The professional politicians, who know how to scrub and sanitize their lives, who are holier than God, have got the low IQ American electorate all figured out.

Looking at the audience last night – over represented by fat, unattractive Neegrow & Mexican women. Then also ‘beta males’ – who, if they ever saw a pussy – they’d put a band-aid on it. These are the breathers / eaters that are Clinton supporters.

October 10, 2016 11:45 am

Listen Randy, all but a few here know the “fix is in” regarding president Hillary. We also understand the “fix” is merely a condemnation of the American voters, the establishment, the media, the American educational system, and Canadians like you.

In this election, Trump has exposed you all. You all now stand convicted. And when Hillary wins, what do liberals like you stand to profit after the loss of your own souls? This is the “reality” that you fail to see.

And, this is why we are laughing at you, my friend. Do you see it now?

The Absolutely Deplorable Fiatman60
The Absolutely Deplorable Fiatman60
October 10, 2016 12:02 pm

The really scary part of this post is that “Randy” could/might be my next door neighbor!! YIKES!!!!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  The Absolutely Deplorable Fiatman60
October 10, 2016 12:34 pm



October 10, 2016 12:56 pm

No…I don’t see it…

What I see is a joke…A joke on the American public that this orange buffoon is considered a serious candidate…The man talks like an eight year old caught with his hand in the cookie (pussy) jar.

Here is a quote from Trump – “I’m all for free trade… trade is killing us. I want great deals – I don’t care if they’re free, I don’t care if they’re fair, I don’t care if they’re good, I don’t care if they’re horrendous, I just want great deals”

The fact that the establishment and elite are going to win again, does not comfort me. I fear that we are in for another financial crisis. And I fear that you guys are going to be dragged deeper into the middle east crisis started by Cheney and W….I don’t wish that on you.

But it is not sane to think that a man who could make the above statement is a cure for the conditions that beset Americans.

Here’s another from last night – The question is regarding the infamous Wall Street speeches and here is where Trump goes, first he calls her a liar, then to “I know nothing about Russia” then –

” I have a very, very great balance sheet, so great that when I did the Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue, the United States government, because of my balance sheet, which they actually know very well, chose me to do the Old Post Office, between the White House and Congress, chose me to do the Old Post Office.”

First of all, again he uses the language of an impetuous eight year old – bragging about himself…But worse – He was handed an opportunity to bash the hell out her, to bring up Bernie’s biggest beef with her, to show that she is the status quo, that she is in bed with the elite, and at the very least a direct question, “why didn’t you release this, why were you hiding this”….

If he so incapable of prosecuting such a weak candidate, if he can’t concentrate on one of the biggest flaws in his opponent, if his answers are always “look how great I am” How the fuck does anyone believe that any world leader, politician, business person, educated person, or parent could take this guy seriously…

Those who continue to support him are not a party, not a movement, but a cult of personality…a cult. A cult that is lost in worshiping a man who represents a fantasy – an outsider president. He is but an ignorant man.

This is a small minority of Americans, riding on the coat tails of the Republican Party……

I would say that people need to wake up, but he will lose spectacularly…maybe as big as Jimmy Carter. And it might rip apart the Republican Party. Not because Clinton is good, or even acceptable, but that he is just that unacceptable.

October 10, 2016 4:01 pm

We has a new Village Idiot? I’ve skipped reading randy’s BS as it just looked like troll bait to me. Are we sure randy isn’t Dougie Pecker in disguise? That was my first impression anyway.

So what now? Does bb get big dog status?

October 10, 2016 1:24 pm

Randy –

There is no cult of personality. But there are still people who favor “truth”. And, the Donald does speak truth to power. Yet there are plenty here who are critical of Trump. When we attack the Harpy, it does not mean we are brainwashed by the Donald. It means we can merely discern bullshit. Unlike you.

Case in point:

In spite of everything you say above, the truth is that the Democratic Party and the dumbed down and deceived populace are about to elect President of the United States: A has been Clinton from the 1990s, a defender of one who raped a 12 year old girl and who, in fact, is even married to another rapist, who was recently humiliated in the national media by the director of the FBI, who has a hole in her tongue and a cough drop in her ear, who passes out at 911 memorial events, needs help walking up the stairs, who stole the primary elections from Bernie Sanders with the help of her own party, who was a complete failure as Secretary of State and who sold favors to foreign governments while in that position and now wants to go to war with Russia because she blames them for exposing her.

Yet, at the same time, she just got her ASS kicked last night by, as you say, an “orange buffoon… who talks like an eight year old”

At some point, Randy, will you ever be able to see how your own self-perceived nuance is, in reality, complete idiocy?

October 10, 2016 1:20 pm

I quit my job to go into business for myself. The work is outside, so when there is inclement weather, I don’t work.

And in Canada this is a holiday weekend…

I don’t despise this site, I despise people who when presented with facts that conflict with personal constructs in their own minds, simply choose to deny the facts, attack the person presenting the facts, and thereby choose to remain unenlightened….

Some people admit that they’re dumb, or uninformed on a subject. I can respect that. I don’t know the name of a single linebacker in the NFL. But knowing that, I would not pretend that any opinion that I have about NFL football has any weight or merit…

Then there are people like you…stupid people that don’t know they’re stupid….There is no curing that. You people hang around together because that is your support. It’s your safe zone. Dumb people don’t make other dumb people feel dumb…

Smart people do that, and that’s why smart people are attacked by dummies….Ad Hominem like…as opposed to the substance of the facts.

As I said, it’s a holiday here…housework, news coverage of the debate, and arguing with you are the plans for the day…

October 10, 2016 1:34 pm

“Worthless pieces of shit like yourself are nothing but a pimple on the ass of TBP. You’ll be gone soon enough.”

Nice…and you call me desperate…take a breath man…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 1:32 pm


1. Since you’ve been appointed Village Idiot, I guess your in.
2. Do you know why your dick is still blunt? Only steel sharpens steel.
3. These guys have been gathering snowballs for this fight, you didn’t disappoint.
4. Dang, I did not know what huge mitts Uncouth has. The kid is a regular Joe Frazier.

October 11, 2016 12:54 am

I don’t vote so I don’t have a dog in this fight.

The main thing to remember is the FBI treated Hillary and her aides with kid gloves and not the typical FBI way.

Had this been anybody else, the agents would have gotten warrants and raided all of their houses at 5:oo in the morning. All suspects/witneses would have had their houses raided at the same time so nobody could tip off anybody else. Then they would be interviewed, or grilled, either at their house or at FBI headquarters. All interviews would be conducted at the same time but at different locations so they couldn’t get together on their stories. There would have been no time to destroy or hide evidence. They would not have been given advance notice, therefore, evidence would not have been handed over to their attorney so the FBI couldn’t get to it. The suspects would not have been able to “make an appointment to meet with the FBI.” In a real investigation, Hillary’s aide, and suspect, Cheryl Mills, would never have been allowed in the interview with Clinton. The suspects are normally not allowed to share the same attorney in this type of case.

Nothing in the investigation of Clinton was normal. Had she been anybody else, it would have been a different story. Case in point is the NSA agent recently arrested for having classified information at his home. They now believe he wanted to work from home and that’s why he brought home the information. But he received no invitation to sit down and talk to agents. They raided his home with guns drawn, arrested and interrogated him and ransacked his house looking for evidence. That is a typical FBI investigation.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 10, 2016 11:59 am

What position, pray tell, would you like Trump to take in order to expand the base? Leave the border wide open and make everybody learn Mexican? Fuck that. I’d rather lose going down swinging.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Iska Waran
October 10, 2016 12:13 pm

Isky Whiskey, Good morning, Sir. We don’t speak Mexican south of the border just as other south American countries don’t speak Venezuelan or Brazilian.

Apropos of Columbus Day, here’s a recap of recent history: the Spanish conquered the new world after Cristobal Colon discovered Cuba in 1492.

“I treat people like a close friend until they prove to be dumbshits, then I call them ‘Sir’ ” – Doc Pangloss

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 12:38 pm

Sir, In American we call that a joke.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Iska Waran
October 10, 2016 1:20 pm

I know, bro. I particularly liked my update on ‘recent events’ – that was a joke too.

Although Suzanna thinks my snide comments are because I’m crabby.

  Iska Waran
October 10, 2016 1:33 pm

Actually no iska…

I would like him to act like an adult. There is a kernel of truth in what Trump says about how some Americans feel about current events.

If he simply stuck to issues, if he would simply outlined the policy differences between his party and the democrats, if he could simply speak in coherent sentences he could recapture all of the Republicans, and some of the Independents…

But instead, he plays to the most base of his base, alienates Republicans, and simply looks like a bloviating rich guy pretending to have all the answers.

I never understood the idea of I’de rather lose going down swinging…This is an election for the highest office in the land. If your not in it to win, then why be in it at all?

Trumps advisers know this, unfortunately Trump’s supporters don’t….Which clearly defines a vote for Trump as a protest vote.

Which is fine by anyone. But don’t pretend it’s voting for a better candidate.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 10, 2016 2:44 pm

Randy says: “Trumps advisers know this, unfortunately Trump’s supporters don’t….Which clearly defines a vote for Trump as a protest vote.

Which is fine by anyone. But don’t pretend it’s voting for a better candidate.”
Ok Randy, defend your position. Why is Hillary the better candidate? What will she do to improve our failing economy, end our wars of aggression, and make America great again?

Try to stay on point with your answer and not deflect into Trump attacks.

October 10, 2016 5:25 pm

Compared to Hillary, Trump IS the better candidate.

Way, way better.

October 10, 2016 11:29 am

While you no minders can dildo probe together about how great this dyke is, you completely ignore the fact that she needs to expand her supporters. No one who is for Clin-Ton-Un is seriously is going to change their minds….It’s cult like.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 11:58 am

FM said it last week, the reason we read TBP is to read the tea leaves of public sentiment. We can project from personal accounts the depth of emotions, information and goals for America. Too often, legislators disappear into the halls of congress to vote on things that nobody anticipated.

When laws are reviewed the response is, it’s what congress wanted. The public is forgotten. I suppose the public wanted a comprehensive surveillance bill that would make everybody subject to search and seizure, instant justice by the roadside and they cared not for the privacy or sanctity of their homes.

This election isn’t about Hillary and Donald. I don’t give a shit if he puts her in prison or if she wins and taxes hell out of him. Fuck them both in the pussy. I don’t give two shits for liberals or conservatives – that won’t make one bit of difference in the FEMA camps – I just want to know, like a little bitch, who is going to win and what will happen to us coyotes.

“I don’t care what’s going on, I want to know what’s coming off.” – Doc Pangloss

October 10, 2016 12:02 pm

The Democrats depend on high turnout to win. That is why they tend to lose midterm and local elections. Not enough negro and yellow dog Democrats can be bothered to show up to vote for a new state legislature or some bond issue.

Trump maybe a lot more cunning than you think. By turning off independents and low info voters he could suppress voter turnout enough to win!

Look, The Rodhamster is going to win California and New York. It doesn’t matter if she wins by a margin of 1% or 40% the electoral votes are the same. If Trump wins Florida, Ohio and Texas by a couple of percent he is on the road to an electoral college victory no matter the popular vote.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 12:05 pm

I’ll be waiting for Llpoh and whichever fukstick Anon busted my chops for two solid days that billionaires pay the vast majority of income taxes (after I said billionaires will continue to pay zero) to crawl in on their belly and admit they are wrong. Trump openly admitted he has paid ZERO federal income tax for two decades and he stated very clearly that Buffet and the other billionaire club members do the same.

WE pay the taxes so THEY don’t have to. That shit needs to stop.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 12:52 pm

Bea, the waiver from passive loss limitation rules only applies to real estate professionals. The Realtors have a strong lobby. Buffet – unlike Trump – would be limited to a $3,000 annual loss carryover. Buffet avoids income taxes because his income is mostly long-term capital gains. I don’t think Llpoh would have claimed that billionaires pay most of the taxes. Llpoh can do math. The top 1% pay a disproportionate share of income taxes, but billionaires are a tiny fraction of the 1%. Buffet talks about “people like me”, but people like him can be counted on one hand. One of Hillary’s proposals which actually makes sense is to end “a step up in basis” as it relates to estate tax. The problem with the “solution” from libs like Hillary is that the way they claim to go after Trump & Buffet is to raise income tax RATES which don’t hit Trump & Buffett, but hit the MILLIONS of households with incomes > $250k. Of course that’s their true intent, since that’s where the money is. Hillary can do math, too. She needs a lot of money for all the free stuff.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Iska Waran
October 10, 2016 3:25 pm


Yes Iska, thank you for your help. The bulk of the taxes come out of the hides of those earning $136,000 to 2.2million. Billionaires always seem to have the special write offs now don’t they? No it is not just in real estate that the club get said write offs.

The point is they ain’t paying and we are. High income earners that never will be in the club foot a huge chunk of the bill while those who love to flaunt the lifestyles of the rich and famous have not put in a penny in twenty years………..yeah that’s fair.

  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 4:52 pm

Issa – you are right. I never said that.

But I showed Beanhead in spades that billionaires pay enormous amounts of tax. Beanhead keeps saying billionaires pay no tax – but has zero evidence to back it up. I was able to dig up what the top 0.1% pay, and it is something like $150 billion. Now, those are not all billionaires, but they are all pretty well off. And they pay almost 10% of the fed income taxes.

Beanhead then tried to claim fed income taxes are $3 trillion. Beanhead has no idea whatsover how to look up, much less understand, what comprises total tax take. Income tax is about half. Payroll tax is the next biggest piece.

Beanhead – again, please provide proof that billionaires pay no tax.

Sound of crickets will be all there is on that score.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 5:22 pm

Loopey – You fukkin retard…..NO you did not show anyone that and YES they spent a lot of time in the debate admitting that what I said ORIGINALLY was true. End of story , finished and not going there with you on it again. Bite me.

  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 7:20 pm

Beanhead – you retarded piece of shit – I posted the fucking links where the info is. Trump said he pays hundreds of millions in tax including fed income tax. Guess you missed that.

You claimed, like the ignorant asswipe you are, that $3 trillion in ncome tax is collected. You claim that billionaires pay no tax.

You ignorant douchebag. You have the brains of a fucking gnat. I would be happy to look at any info you have that “billionaires” pay no tax. But you got none.

You run around like a mad woman pissing, with your imbecilic comments.

Want to know what is fair? I keep what I make, you keep what you make. That anyone thinks that any individual should pay millions in tax because they are “rich” us absurd.

You fuckwit, you have bought into the “pay their fair share” horseshit. I notice that is never defined.

Well, here is my definition: every individual pays 1/320,000,000 if the total tax take.

Why should one individual subsidise, by force, anyone else? Take my money and give it to you? Fuck you. Make your own fucking money, you parasite.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 7:34 pm

Last thing I have to say about this…Donald Fucking Trump said with his own mouth he has not paid any federal income tax since 1996. Case closed, go fuck a duck.

October 10, 2016 7:48 pm

Bea – once again you are a dumb cunt. Trump said no such thing. Here is what went down. You are a lying retarded douchebag:

“In the presidential debate Sunday in St. Louis, Donald Trump would not say how many years he was able not to pay federal income taxes.

When asked directly – “Can you say how many years you have avoided paying personal federal income taxes?” – Trump flat out refused. “No, but I pay tax and pay federal tax, too,” Trump said, demurring on federal income taxes. Trump’s income taxes have become a major theme of the campaign as Trump has refused to release his personal income tax returns to the public in disregard of a long tradition of transparency.

The New York Times did publish a portion of Trump’s 1995 tax return earlier this month, which showed that Trump had reported more than $900 million in operating losses that would have allowed him not to pay taxes for the following 15 years. Trump added Sunday, “I have a write-off, a lot of it is depreciation.”

Trump was asked directly “did you use the loss to avoid paying personal federal income taxes?”

“Of course I do,” Trump said. “So do all of her donors or most of her donors. I know many of her donors. They took massive tax writeoffs.”

Is there anything in there where Trump says he has paid no tax since 1996? No sir. Nothing there at all.

Maybe you are right that he has not. He denies it. But you said he said it. He did not.

You are a mental midget. You bring a damn peashooter when you need a a damn howitzer to compete with me.

Seriously, how can you be so stupid? The facts are, or are not available. Anything you list as fact is wrong.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 10, 2016 9:24 pm

I don’t get it with this issue about NOL used by Trump as tax write off. He isn’t doing anything illegal. Everything is above board as far as I can tell. Those who are criticising him are hypocrites if they use tax code to reduce taxes for themselves.

  Bea Lever
October 11, 2016 1:05 am

I think it’s time to do away with the income tax. We didn’t have one until 1913. The only reason is started was as a guarantee for the Federal Reserve. Now taxes and the Federal Reserve’s created money guarantees we stay in wars forever. Get rid of the income tax and starve the beast.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 12:43 pm

Does anyone have a clue as to what Trumps replacement for Obamacare would be, he never really said? Healthcare for my children’s households is equal to paying two house payments. Has he (Trump) ever given a coherent answer in that direction?

Not being sarcy- Families need some freakin relief on this pretty damn soon.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
October 10, 2016 8:33 pm

Yes. It really is that simple, Jim. Great comment

October 10, 2016 8:55 pm

Exactly, Admin. Just flush it like the big turd it really is.

  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 2:39 pm

Hillary said that one the great features of the ACA is there is no lifetime cap on medical costs.

I’d say if you need more than a $million – it’s time to check out. Also 26% of all medical expenses are for last year of life.

But you are correct – none of them have a plan, and I don’t see how you are going to make it cost less for us working / taxpaying folks – because we’re the ones supporting the other 50% – not unless the FSA goes away.

October 10, 2016 1:04 pm

The Troll –aka ‘randy’ — is making posts damn near unreadable. No, I don’t read his shit. BUT, it’s hard to escape knowing what this dick believes when I read all the replies. Threads with randy in them are like toxic mold … it just spreads and spreads relentlessly killing everything in its path. He attempts to dominate every post he infects, and thus sucks the air from all the more reasonable posts. This virus must be eradicated.

OTOH, if you folks just enjoy fucking with randy, then carry on.

However, I will say this; randy “wins” every time you respond to him. It doesn’t matter how many thumbs down you give, or how bad you kick his ass …. he still comes out ahead. Because …. trolls feed on attention, and it gives them validation.

You know what trolls hate? . Being ignored. Indifference.

Some trolls can be dispatched with merciless beat-downs and humiliations until they can’t take it anymore. At least such trolls show a modicum of intelligence. Arguing with randy and giving him thumbs down will not work with him ….. frankly, he’s just to damned stupid for it to have any effect.

To get rid of that type of cockroach — if that’s what you want — short of it being banned, it is best to totally ignore it. Don’t talk to it. Don’t reason with it. Don’t reply to it in any fashion. In fact, don’t even down vote it.

randy NEEDS to be acknowledged, one way or another. Take that away from it, and it will more than likely scurry off to another field.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 1:22 pm

Stucky, what if Admin had banished a certain rabid neocon?

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 10, 2016 2:58 pm

I am with you Stucky. I am voting him off the island too. At first I could justify effort in feeding that troll but now I don’t.

It is starting to look like a reboot to Space Odyssey with Dave arguing with Hal. At some point you realize that randys prime directive over-rides logic and as in movie threatens to suck all the air out of room. Better to pull plug and watch the light slowly fade.

[imgcomment image[/img]

  RiNS the deplorable
October 11, 2016 1:22 am

Maybe instead of banning Randy we should let him continue reading. He may learn something. It will be up to you guys to acknowledge him or not. But in order to respond, he has to read what you say. Something might sink in and perhaps he’ll realize what an idiot he’s been all along.

October 11, 2016 2:08 am

Could this be our randy:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Seems to have the same intelligence and critical thinking ability!

Just ignore the ass clown.

October 10, 2016 8:58 pm

I agree Stucky… Wansy Pansy needs to be silenced. Since he doesn’t seem to be man enough to do anything that might get him banned, I’m ignoring the pussy.

October 10, 2016 1:11 pm

Good advice Stucky. I put the insults I was going to post in my bottom drawer.

October 10, 2016 2:29 pm

No matter what happens, Trump gave us all a gift. Even after they steal the election, the damage is done, many are awakening, more than I have ever seen.
It was a homerun.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 10, 2016 3:13 pm

I agree otto

The next president is going to be the new Hoover anyways. Might be better if this time a Democrat takes the fall for coming economic collapse.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  RiNS the deplorable
October 10, 2016 4:04 pm

Well, they handed it to Georgie Boy after they pulled the plug on an unsustainable market, grabbing all the cash they could on the way out. If they sell off and grab all the QE money that’s gone into the market recently, you’ll know they’re throwing in the towel and adopting a scorched earth policy in the face of a Trump triumph.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 10, 2016 2:47 pm

Randy says: “Trumps advisers know this, unfortunately Trump’s supporters don’t….Which clearly defines a vote for Trump as a protest vote.

Which is fine by anyone. But don’t pretend it’s voting for a better candidate.”
Ok Randy, defend your position. Why is Hillary the better candidate? What will she do to improve our failing economy, end our wars of aggression, and make America great again?

Try to stay on point with your answer and not deflect into Trump attacks.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 10, 2016 3:06 pm

Rise I applaud your effort to try and get randy to stay on point but as we know by now he ain’t gonna do that……. he doesnt defend he deflects. It is inevitable just like the snow in Canada in winter..

[imgcomment image[/img]

Rise Up
Rise Up
  RiNS the deplorable
October 10, 2016 3:41 pm

Ok, but’s it’s fun to poke the liberals. Their response is always entertaining.

Guess I’ll submit to your and Stucky’s guidance.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  Rise Up
October 10, 2016 4:11 pm

Nah. I gotta admit you are doing a fine job of skewering him and agree that it is fun. I will try and not feed him but may fall off wagon and join the dog pile once in a while…..

John Doe
John Doe
October 10, 2016 3:28 pm

Trump mopped the floor with Hitlery’s fly ridden face last night. The constant smug smile she displayed when he was destroying her through sharp retorts was classic. She got owned last night. When Trump was dishing out the insults of her ineptitude, she just kept smiling. What an idiot. Any normal person would acknowledge an insult, but Hillary was in full politician drone mode last night. The Donald did a tremendous job. He intellectually out maneuvered her at every juncture. Bravo. A home run indeed! 🙂

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 4:13 pm

Not time to crow, Doe. They are one and one. If she had the first in the bag, she could afford to concede this where he effectively shot his wad. I said last time that she would play the old rope a dope and let him wear himself out. If they have anything else in the pocket, they are definitely saving it for the last debate. Old Bill isn’t senile just yet. If the foreign folks gave, they gave because of Bill not Hillary. They let Trump beat her up. He can win on points but the optics of his assault will filter down to middle America where they still have some respect for women. This is not On the Waterfront.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 6:59 pm

C’mon, you negative Nellies. You know Bush 1 got a lot of mileage with that Willie Horton campaign. Do you think this pussy grabber video isn’t going to impact the Donald?

Southern Sage insists this is the time to double down on the racist rhetoric. I say it isn’t. It is time to push that off the plate and hit Clinton hard with the Wall Street connection.

If I comment more on the Clinton campaign, it is because I see the Bush clan and the Clintons double-teaming Trump.

I wouldn’t mind a Trump win if it means the fucking Democrats and Repukes get fucked. It’s the idea that whites might start beating up niggas and beaners to make up for the last eight years that is worrisome.

October 10, 2016 4:48 pm

Along with congress who knows how many c i a n s a f b i Obama Soetro Jarret on and on .The looting,greed and corruption.Shocked any one wants dollar-stands for R O T

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 4:52 pm

Stuck may be the last person in America who doesn’t know that movies are make-believe. He doesn’t know that actors only repeat lines in a script.

We can forgive him for not knowing that the debates are well-rehearsed, all the lines gone over, the best thrusts and parries anticipated and ingrained. The sparring partner will be almost as good as the contender.

This debate was simply a bridge to the final debate.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
October 10, 2016 5:56 pm


Doc P is very proud of you right now. 🙂

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 6:39 pm

Hey, Bea. It’s a bad time to be a contra or non-partisan. I just got chased off the site by Southern Sage. The mood is getting quite nasty. I’m a peacenik for the simple fact that a small fire will set off a huge forest fire.

And the shit of it all is that the wrong people die, if the fuckers who start the shit would be killed, no problem but usually, they just pick off whoever as long as they fit the description; white, black or brown.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 7:24 pm

SS can blow me, I am waiting very quietly in the shadows to level a score. Anytime is a good time to be a contra if the cause is just. There is just no justice in the world anymore. The sheep enjoy their servitude.

  Bea Lever
October 10, 2016 7:53 pm

You should try fighting bb and leave SouthernSage alone. Every other regular has you by 50 IQ points or so. You will just get your ass handed to you in pieces. Again.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
October 11, 2016 12:18 am

Bea, I haven’t dedicated myself to fighting with anybody. Cooler heads will not prevail. I enjoy trading insults with Billy but it’s never serious.

Like anybody, I’m curious to see who will win and how. The battle is interesting, I anticipated a boring ass campaign season.

The daggers are out. You can almost expect a voter rage incident where somebody gets killed. Then again, that shit happened to that dude with the Trump shirt.

They had the Repuke jumpers protesting to stop the re-count last time. Who knows if they will have rioters protesting to stop the count if it starts going against the Donald.

LLPOH made it out in time. Even if we make it past this election, there may not be another.