The Return of The Mule

Guest Post by The Zman

If you go back and watch videos of Reagan in the 70’s and 80’s, one of the things that jumps out is how aggressively he attacked the Left. In his first inaugural address, he attacked the very essence of what Jimmy Carter stood for as a politician. The man was sitting just behind Reagan as the Gipper explained that everything Carter believed was dangerous nonsense. The other thing that jumps out, when watching old Reagan speeches, is that no Republican talks like that anymore.

Instead, every Republican that has aggressively pressed the attack against the Left over the last quarter century, has been attacked by the media and so-called conservatives as unacceptably “polarizing” as if that is a thing. Official Conservatism has instead insisted that they abide by a set of gentile rules designed by the ruling majority, intended to perpetuate their hegemony. You could be forgiven for thinking that maybe the whole thing was a setup, a game of bad cop – worse cop, in order to rig the results.

Whenever the futility of this arrangement has been pointed out to Official Conservatism, they sigh and concede that it is unfair, but principle demands “we abide by the rules because that’s who we are.” If you pointed out that “who they were” was a bunch of losers, they would put on their lemon face and suggest that perhaps you were disloyal or some sort of hate thinker. Conservatism in America became the candy coating to the liberal nut inside the system.

I was thinking about that over the weekend as first we get the leaked tape of Donald Trump talking like a normal man, who believed he was in a private conversation with another man. The beta male pansies in the managerial class don’t know anything about this, but normal men in private like to tell dick jokes, boast about women and reminiscence about their exploits. The faggots that take up space in Official Conservatism don’t know about these things.

Watching one traitorous fink after another decry Trump’s locker room talk from a decade ago, I was reminded once again that these people were never on my side. It was always a con, a grift, to fool otherwise decent people into putting down their weapons and surrendering to the Left. Buckley-style conservatism, whatever it was, is now just a tool of the managerial class to clear the field for nation-wrecking policies to benefit the ruling elite at the expense of the middle class.

Last night, I was reminded of why Trump was able to obliterate the GOP field despite being out spent a million-to-one. He is not a pussy. Any other Republican faced with the dirty trick pulled on Friday would have gone into the debate prepared to grovel and plead, begging for a second chance. It is not all all inconceivable that he would have offered to step aside. Trump went into the debate prepared to deliver a counter bunch designed to knock the old fat cow on her ass.

It was a sterling performance that turned the tactics and strategy of the government party back onto them. If the contest is going to be a referendum on Trump’s character, then Trump is going to make a big show of exploring the character of the Clinton Gang. Having Bubba’s many sexual assault victims at the event was a missile landing directly into the weapons cache of the Clinton campaign. His demand for a special prosecutor reminded everyone of the elephant in the room.

When even the most disloyal of craven rumpswabs concedes Trump won the debate, you know it was a great night for The Donald.

Well, sadly, “dump Trump” probably over.


Guys like Jonah Goldberg  would sooner take a job in the dreaded private sector than say anything nice about Trump or the people prepared to vote for him. As I’ve pointed out in the past, Goldberg is Exhibit A for the case against Official Conservatism and the party it has infested. Trump stands as the rebuke of the surrender caucus, that has profited guys like Goldberg so handsomely over the last two decades. If he has to concede to Trump, you know it was a great win.

Trump probably will not win and even if he does, it’s probably too late to avoid disaster anyway. Democracies always murder themselves. That is the lesson of history and ours will do the same, sooner rather than later. If the worst is to be avoided, then the present arrangements must be de-legitimized in order for a reform effort to have room to grow. That’s the role of Trump in the election. He the destroyer of worlds that need destroying.

When this all started, I compared Trump to the character in the Asimov Foundation series called The Mule. One way of interpreting this character is as a destroyer that sweeps away that which must be swept away in order for something better to rise in its place. That’s the Trump campaign. By cracking the Conservative Industrial Complex and challenging the legitimacy of the managerial class, he is exposing the whole thing as a racket, one which the people can no longer trust.

Last night The Mule Returned.

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kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 10, 2016 9:54 am

Sometime back, the GOP Establishment decided their Party would become RINO’s, which is why Boehner, McConnell, et al, talked the fight but never delivered on anything. Those bastards lied more than Hillary.

Go Trump

October 10, 2016 10:16 am

Excellent comments, Admin. I read it aloud to hubs as he’s working hard on our basement hideaway.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 10, 2016 10:18 am

Trump may not win, but I have no regrets. None. I’d rather lose with Trump than “win” with Jebra or Little Marco – not that they could have withstood the Clinton dirty tricks machine. If I wanted an open borders, crony capitalist, New World Order neocon warmongering president, I might as well vote for Hillary.

October 10, 2016 11:44 am

Good morning,

I did not watch the debate, (no TV) but I have been reading about
it today. People are positive, and that is great. Win, lose, or draw…
Trump has inspired many with (albeit guarded) some actual hope
for our future.
Do you remember when O care was “passed” late at night on a
holiday? Supposedly most of the pols were not allowed to read the
documents. Nancy Pelosi had the nerve to say “we need to pass
the bill to know what is in it.” The deplorables were born. We
were railroaded and lied to and abused, and then it got worse.

Now the left (for Hillary) are trying to sell us that Putin in Russia!!
is “rigging our elections” in favor of Trump. This is truly absurd.
I compare this to fish flopping on the dock. Things are exploding
in their faces. Good, it is about time.

The current administration, and the previous administrations,
have been blatant criminals. We certainly need a change. Hillary represents criminality and she needs to be gone.

Thanks for the excellent post,

Mountain life
Mountain life
October 10, 2016 11:48 am

I recently referenced Trump as “the Mule” from Asimov’s Foundation Series as well. The Mule I feel is a great symbol for what is happening now. I hold the same sentiments as others have stated, we might a is well go down fighting. Things are a mess financially, morally and physically. It will be a long haul to get back to some kind of reasonable government. The book, Twilight of American Culture, by Morris Berman states that the American culture has now seen the passage of its most triumphant years and is rapidly approaching a period of social chaos. Berman concludes that while there is little Americans can do as a society to arrest the onset of corporate culture, “individuals can still act to preserve cultural values, refusing to base their lives on kitsch or consumerism, profit or self-promotion.” He gives a glimmer of hope for the coming dark age. A good read.

October 10, 2016 1:45 pm

Funny that when I read the title of this post, The Mule from Azimov’s Foundation series was what came to mind. An independent despoiler of the psycho historical predictions made by Hari Seldon, he changed the course of galactic history. I’ve compared the psychosocial predictions made by Strauss and Howe in the Fourth Turning to the science of Psychohistory put forth by Asimov.

October 10, 2016 2:24 pm

Trump probably will not win and even if he does….

I don’t doubt that most people reading here were not able to have experienced the 1980 presidential election cycle in media res, but I’d suffered the campaigning season from the vantage of a GP building a solo practice – a medical practitioner employing one full-time office manager and a couple of part-time girls fresh out of high school – barely able to meet payroll twice a month. Carter was a horror, and the MSM at that time kept telling us that the peanut farmer was gonna eke out his way into a second term.

Reagan. That tired old bumbler. I mean…Reagan! Bedtime for Bonzo. Cut us a break, couldn’tcha?

So we went into the polling places even in “Blue State” New Jersey knowing that votes against Carter were useless. But if you don’t at least scream “Rape!” now and again, the Democrats were gonna push some kind of noise about us being “willing victims.”

Anybody remember how that election worked out?

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 10, 2016 3:06 pm

Tucci……I expect Trump to win BIG based on two criteria. First, I live in a Dem. state (CT). There are Trump signs on lawns but I have not seen any Hildebeast signs – maybe they are all in front of Hospitals. Second, I visit a number of Internet sites and the comments favoring Trump are massive – this includes Yahoo which previously had 50% of comments supporting Obama in 2012.

BTW, I also noticed this with the GloBull Warming (HOAX); the supporters on Yahoo are vanishing.

  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 10, 2016 7:52 pm

Around here I’ve seen a fewer than normal number of yard signs, but no Trump or Hillary ones, mostly just local and State issues and candidates for office.

Seen no Trump bumper stickers and only two Hillary ones, but one of them was a “Hillary for Prison 2016” sticker so maybe that one shouldn’t be counted on her side.

I think people are afraid to put up Hillary or Trump signs this time, either for the disapproval of their neighbors or for worry about their property and vehicles.

I’d put up a Trump sign and bumper sticker but I live in a leftist dominated neighborhood and don’t want my home or truck vandalized. I’m not afraid I just can’t afford to repair any damage at this time or I would.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 10, 2016 7:47 pm

Trump squashed Hillary last night, as I said he had to do in my article. The little chickenshits (or is it chicken little shits?) who were saying his campaign was over have egg all over their soft, gelatinous faces. That was the real Trump, and people are going to vote for a real candidate over one who is a manufactured and totally phony amalgamation of politically correct nonsense, crimes that dare not speak their names, Wall Street errand running, faux concern for children and minorities, and every other spin and Madison Avenue con job her multitude of image consultants and advertisers can design for her. She’s as phony as that plastic smile that spread across her face last night every time Trump scored a direct hit. In any reasonably fair election (certainly not assured) Trump wins.

  Robert Gore
October 10, 2016 7:56 pm

Never underestimate a Clinton, many have but aren’t around anymore to tell about it.