Wounded Elephant

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Last night’s debate raises some interesting questions, such as: would the Romans have elected Caligula if given the chance to vote? Can the Republican party recover from Donald Trump? If the party poobahs “pull the plug” on Trump, as some are threatening to do (that is, cut off funds to his campaign), will they go down the drain with him anyway? Is the USA a nation or just the world’s biggest comedy club? Where is the Deep State when you really need it?

That odor wafting across the land is the smell of Republicans with their hair on fire. Yet the gloat of astonishment on Hillary’s face as she witnesses the Queeg-like crack-up of her rival will eventually fade as she discerns the wreckage awaiting her in the oval office. Weep for your country!

The only good to come out of this sordid election is the certainty that a lot of political debris will be swept away in the Fourth Turning underway. Out of the miasma of idiocy and posture that is this election campaign, the hard-edged realities of our time will emerge and the TV audience will come to the stark recognition that it is not just another mere entertainment.

The other major nations of the world are not so much ganging up on America, as Hillary would have it, but reasonably attempting to ring-fence the mad bull that the USA has become — as the two candidates vie to start World War Three with China and Russia respectively. The last resort of the scoundrels in today’s version of the “yellow press” is to blame Russia for attempting to meddle in our election. War, children, it’s just a shot away.

It is getting to be too late to sort out all the confusion sown by this horrific campaign. From here on its really more a matter of the dust settling. In background of it all looms the train-wreck of global finance, which will be the true determinant of what the American people will have to do in the years ahead. During the weeks of the election distraction, the European banks struggle to conceal their insolvency while the politicians of Euro-land desperately try to paper over the cracks in these fracturing institutions. Few can tell what is actually happening in China’s banking system, but it’s sending out ominous tremors that are hard to ignore. But be sure it is all daisy-chained right into Wall Street and the US banks. The potential for wrecking markets and currencies around the world is extreme at this moment. It may only be a matter of whether it happens before or after the election.

Then we’ll see what happens when financial institutions can’t trust each other. Trade stops. Economies crumble. Pretenses evaporate. If it gets bad enough, the shelves of the supermarkets go bare in three days and you’re living in a permanent hurricane disaster without the wind and rain. Believe me, that will be bad enough. Hillary, if elected, will not get to play FDR-2. Rather, she’ll be stuck in the role of Hoover, the Return, presiding over a freight elevator of an economy with a broken cable. Expect problems with the US dollar. Expect “emergency” actions. Expect the unintended consequences of those actions.

If there is one outstanding upshot of these “debates” it must be their staggering failure to reassure the American public that they can expect effective leadership through the hardships ahead. There must be many others out there like myself wondering who will emerge from the rubble? I suspect it will be someone we haven’t heard of before, just as Bonaparte was unheard of in France in 1792. This is not entirely a nation of clowns, though it feels like that lately.

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Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
Persnickety the deplorably inscrutable
October 10, 2016 10:50 am

Bueller – bueller – bueller???

JHK is living in his own little alternate reality, somewhere separate from Killary’s and Kek’s.

October 10, 2016 10:52 am

i would rather see the U.S. empire fade away slowly than quickly, as i have grandkids. the dyke president would make it quick.

October 10, 2016 11:09 am

Then vote for Trump , Meathead.

October 10, 2016 11:15 am

Fucking idiot. There’s only one candidate itching to start WW3.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
October 10, 2016 11:36 am

Rdawg, That is what stuck out in my mind…

“as the two candidates vie to start World War Three with China and Russia respectively”

I do believe Trump and Putin speak highly of each other.

And this one…

“If there is one outstanding upshot of these “debates” it must be their staggering failure to reassure the American public that they can expect effective leadership through the hardships ahead. There must be many others out there like myself wondering who will emerge from the rubble?”

Has he not seen the turnout for the Trump rallies? I think the people have found the leadership they need. JHK is always the fool.

October 10, 2016 11:40 am

I don’t quite understand Kuntsler’s antipathy towards Trump. To not like him because he was a playboy billionaire in his younger days has nothing to do with his campaign for the US presidency. He is not running in order to bed a higher class of female as Bill Clinton once did. He has an actual agenda but Kuntsler doesn’t address that.

Is Kuntsler’s position that trade pacts designed by and for large multinational corporations are in the best interests of the American people? That flooding the United States with refugees and Third World migrants will improve the quality of life for American citizens? That the purpose of the US government is to advance the career prospects of senior civil servants? What issue is it that you find Trump’s position on objectionable? Do you even know what his positions are?

October 10, 2016 11:51 am

“There goes lord Onision (Kuntsler) again, being the biggest cuck in the history of cucks.”

October 10, 2016 12:10 pm


I say this without malice or prejudice…
JHK is speaking without conscious understanding of the root
of his discontent. As a lib, there is the dissonance, as a Jew,
he knows this may not be “good for Israel.” We are hoping
some of the dual citizen neocons working in gov will go back to
Israel. We are hoping the smirking “leaders” of the Fed will
be replaced. We are hoping the giants in media, (that admit
their contempt for US citizens) will be driven out as they die off
or in real time. The Vegas guy, Sheldon Adelson, waving checks
for one hundred million, bragging HE will pick our electorate….
George Soros, admits to fostering Black Violence, and paying for
it..30 million here, 30 million there. JHK is deeply ashamed of
these people, but perhaps only unconsciously.

To all Jews, in all our communities, raising families and being
a credit to their fellow man, talented surgeons eg, I give support
and respect.


Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 12:15 pm

I like Jim Kunstler but let me explain, without mincing words, his “antipathy” to Trump. Kunstler is a Jew. Got it? There are here and there honorable exceptions like Michael Savage and Ron Unz (and I welcome and admire them) but the crude fact is the overwhelming majority of Jews instinctively oppose anything to smells of nationalism. Why? Simple. They profit from a cosmopolitan situation. They serve as middlemen, they exploit division, and in general they hate and despise Christians and Christianity. They operate best in a divided society in which traditional Christian and patriotic values are laughed at and scorned.
Read the Phillip Roth´s and Allen Ginsberg´s. These vile creatures openñly admit their hated for traditional American society and how much they despise ordinary Americans. Trump´s movement (and it is a movement) has no real place for the great majority of Jews. Worse, by its very nature it awakens a sense of ethnic solidarity among white Americans and even those non-whites who treasure and want to be a part of the real America. Jews are terrified of this. It is not that they actually believe Trump and his supporters will turn them into lampshades. No, what they fear – and are right to fear – is that a united, determined, populist,patriotic, traditional American political movement that comes into power will quickly figure out who has been behind what they most hate: The destruction of the traditional American nation. When that happens things will get mighty uncomfortable for most Jews and they know it. Of course, it will be even worse for the likes of McCain, Ryan, McConnell, etc., but the Jews couldn´t care less about those pathetic losers. They save their concern for their own skins, as they should. As for Kunstler´s screed claiming that Trump was falling apart, it was clearly written before last night´s debate. Trump is not falling apart. On the contrary, he is about get tough and mean. Hillary will soon be crapping in her Depends. She is right to. The most important statement by Trump last night was his clear intention to jail her. She was clearly horrified because she knows he means it, and so does Obama, Holder, Jarrett, Lynch and all the rest of these Creatures From the Black Lagoon. Trump fully intends to see them all behind bars and now they know he is not bullshitting. This silly little game with the “lewd talk” tape has exploded in their faces. Now Trump has no reason to pull any punches and he won´t. There is going to be blood in the streets.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  Southern Sage
October 10, 2016 1:11 pm

Sage, feels weird to keep complementing your posts, but you really see this clearly. Keep up the good work

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
October 10, 2016 1:22 pm

Go easy on Kunstler guys. He is a lifelong democrat who simply cannot bring himself to support a republican. However, to his credit, he knows Hillary is a horse’s ass and he doesn’t support her either. He is suffering from cognitive dissonance.

With that being said, he has pointed out the obvious; whoever wins in November is doomed because the house of cards is going to come crashing down.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
  Trapped in Portlandia
October 10, 2016 2:45 pm

Although I agree that the house of cards will be crashing down, who do we want in charge of the police state when it does?


Hildabeast will order the boots on the necks of the masses.

Trump will order the boots on the necks of the criminals that got us there.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
October 10, 2016 1:36 pm

I’ve been reading JHK for years (for his “cultural” and aesthetic commentary) and can affirm that Southern Sage nails it as far as his “politics” is concerned. That said, TiP also has a point; Kunstler has made “progress” over the years and is correct in pointing out that Trump doesn’t appear to have any grasp of the magnitude of the clusterfuck facing the next occupant of the Oval Office. Best Constitutional-Libertarian regards to all.

October 11, 2016 11:24 am

I hope when the whole shebang explodes some happy wandering thugs from New York shitty finds this jews little homestead nirvana upstate ny and uses him as a sex toy.