“While every group has certain economic interests identical with those of all groups, every group has also, as we shall see, interests antagonistic to those of all other groups. While certain public policies would in the long run benefit everybody, other policies would benefit one group only at the expense of all other groups. The group that would benefit by such policies, having such a direct interest in them, will argue for them plausibly and persistently. It will hire the best buyable minds to devote their whole time to presenting its case. And it will finally either convince the general public that its case is sound, or so befuddle it that clear thinking on the subject becomes next to impossible.”
Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson

One of the benefits of running a blog for the last seven years has been interacting with so many smart people. During these daily interactions I am introduced to new ideas, different points of view, and become acquainted with a plethora of great thinkers. When I was younger, before kids, long commutes, running a blog and being beaten down by life, I was a voracious reader. My regular commenters direct me towards writers and books I wish I had read in my twenties rather than my fifties.

But I guess it is never too late to learn something new. I’ve now read the first two of the four books I bought myself at Christmas: The Law by Frederic Bastiat; Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt; The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek; and Tragedy & Hope by Carroll Quigley. What is so striking after reading The Law (written in 1850) and Economics in One Lesson (written in 1946) is humanity’s foibles, belief in fallacies, and ignorance of economics hasn’t changed over the last two centuries.

Bastiat & Hazlitt are so clear and concise in their obliteration of the fallacies that socialism and government control of the economy are beneficial to society, that only a brain dead liberal, Ivy League economist, mainstream media shill, or a corrupt politician like Hillary Clinton wouldn’t understand. Clinton and her government interventionist minions play the game of promising “free” goodies to their special interest constituents, while promising to punish their enemies (the rich, deplorable middle class, coal industry, gun owners, religious conservatives, entrepreneurs, Russia, Assad).

The narrow minded focus of mathematically challenged liberals is to get elected by any means necessary. They tout the benefits of their new programs on the particular group they are buying votes from, without mentioning the costs, detriments or long term damage to the country and unborn generations. Politicians count on the ignorance of the populace when presenting simplistic fallacious policies that are economically damaging to the country. That’s how you end up $19.5 trillion in debt, with $200 trillion of unfunded welfare liabilities.

Corrupt politicians sell their deceits to a government educated dumbed down population by hiring highly educated lackey economist whores who sell their “expert” opinion to the highest bidder. A vast swath of the American public has been conditioned through government education and had their minds molded by establishment manipulators to feel rather than think. People believe untruths and half-truths because they have been conditioned to do so.

They say the truth will set you free. But in today’s society, silence about the truth will keep the masses enslaved in passivity and apathy. Huxley realized 85 years ago the truth could be drowned in a sea of distractions and irrelevance. Those who have controlled the unseen mechanisms of society through the educational system, mass media, think tanks, “experts” and corrupt politicians have successfully used propaganda to instill ideas and beliefs in the minds of the masses having no basis in fact or reality.

The unseen government behind the curtain represents the Deep State. This hybrid association of key players from Wall Street, Silicon Valley, mega-corporations, the corporate media, Madison Avenue, the Federal Reserve, shadowy billionaires, and bought off politician hacks, effectively governs the United States with little or no consent of the governed. It’s they who pull the wires directing the public mind. It’s they who choose your leaders. It’s they who reap the economic benefits of financial, trade, and tax legislation.

It’s they who are saved by their puppets at the Federal Reserve when one of their financial fraud schemes blows up the world. It’s they who control the currency, using it to pillage the wealth of the nation and subjugating the peasants to debt, inflation and squalor. These demagogues promote nonsensical economic policies and solutions designed to mislead an intellectually lazy, iGadget distracted populace into voting for their hand-picked candidate. They picked a black figurehead last time and now they are playing the woman card with a morally bankrupt congenital lying shrew. Intellect, morality, civic responsibility and truthfulness not required or desired. This political campaign can be summed up by this Hazlitt quote:

“It is often sadly remarked that the bad economists present their errors to the public better than the good economists present their truths. It is often complained that demagogues can be more plausible in putting forward economic nonsense from the platform than the honest men who try to show what is wrong with it. But the basic reason for this ought not to be mysterious. The reason is that the demagogues and bad economists are presenting half-truths. They are speaking only of the immediate effect of a proposed policy or its effect upon a single group. But to consider all the chief effects of a proposed course on everybody often requires a long, complicated, and dull chain of reasoning. Most of the audience finds this chain of reasoning difficult to follow and soon becomes bored and inattentive. The bad economists rationalize this intellectual debility and laziness by assuring the audience that it need not even attempt to follow the reasoning or judge it on its merits because it is only “classicism” or “laissez faire” or “capitalist apologetics” or whatever other term of abuse may happen to strike them as effective.” Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson

Hillary Clinton and her paid for bad economic “experts” propose new spending programs with no valid means for paying the bill. As expected, they count on the intellectual laziness of the electorate by declaring it will be paid for by “taxing the rich”. This classic rallying cry of liberals for decades is nonsense that can be discredited in short order by the facts.  Taxing the rich will never yield enough revenue to pay for all the additional vote buying spending schemes because the rich alter their behavior in retort to increases in tax rates. Federal tax revenue has been exceptionally constant at an average 17.4% of gross domestic product in the last 50 years even as the top marginal tax rate fluctuated between 91% and 28%.

The surge in 2000 was due to the REDUCTION in the capital gains tax rate in 1997, coupled with the Fed’s first major bubble – the internet boom. Hillary’s boasting about Bill’s “surpluses” is disingenuous as gridlock in Congress led to no new spending, Greenspan created a bubble in pets.com and hundreds of other worthless internet companies and lower capital gains tax rates led to a major inflow of taxes into government coffers. And Hillary’s lies about Bill’s surpluses can be dispatched by the facts.

The national debt was $4.2 trillion on the day he took office and $5.7 trillion on the day he left, a 36% increase, with no year where the national debt declined. Fake government accounting doesn’t trump the facts. But he did repeal Glass Steagall, allowing Wall Street banks free rein to pillage, steal, defraud, and destroy the global financial system. The $159 million in speaking fees (aka bribes/payoffs) siphoned from Wall Street banks and other corporate interests by Hillary and Bill were a great big thank you from the beneficiaries of their deceit.

No matter what politicians promise or legislate, Federal tax receipts will never exceed 20% of GDP. The “rich” who actually run the show and rig the system in their favor will always win. Even if Clinton is elected and able to put forth legislation to “tax the rich”, by the time it gets through Congress it will be 2,500 pages of exceptions, loopholes, and payoffs to important constituents who bought the most legislators. The increase in tax revenues will be DOA. But it will not be so when it comes to her spending proposals.

Increasing the minimum wage, equal pay for women, more war in the Middle East, free daycare and free college for all will happen in some form. That’s why Federal expenditures have averaged 20.2% of GDP for the last 50 years, are on automatic pilot to reach 23% in the next ten years, and will keep rising according to the CBO. This is a typical ploy for Washington politicians who make financial promises to garner votes, front load the benefits, push costs into the future, and never pay the bill. Well the bills are coming due and you the taxpayer are the one getting screwed – again.

Bastiat railed against the socialists ruining the French economic system in 1850. Hazlitt pointed out the fallacies of FDR’s New Deal make work schemes in 1946. Their facts and logic were unequivocally sound, but understanding math and unseen consequences have never been the strong point of humanity. It’s so much easier to believe “experts” like Larry Summers, Ben Bernanke, Paul Krugman and Hillary’s personal economist lapdog – Mark Zandi.

These shills for the establishment purposefully ignore facts and mislead the public when they arrogantly expound upon economic issues in an untruthful manner. These feckless captured hacks ignore basic truths, articulated by Hazlitt, that everyone should know:

Everything we get must in some way be paid for; Government has nothing to give to someone without first taking it from someone else; Increased handouts to selected groups mean increased taxes, or increased deficits and increased inflation.

These Keynesian worshiping Ivy League apparatchiks are just recycling ancient ideas which have failed throughout the ages. They are willfully ignorant of the previous failures, as they prefer a big fat payday from the establishment for perpetuating fallacies which keep the peasants misinformed and confused. These morally bankrupt men are what pass for brilliant thought leaders in this day and age. No wonder the country is on the edge of an economic abyss.

Both parties have embraced the “deficits don’t matter” mantra because nothing bad has happened so far. Their ignorance of the past will condemn us to repeating the errors of history and experiencing the disastrous consequences which always follows the folly of believing you can get something for nothing.

“The ideas which now pass for brilliant innovations and advances are in fact mere revivals of ancient errors, and a further proof of the dictum that those who are ignorant of the past are condemned to repeat it.” Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson

The common theme from ancient obfuscators during the time of Adam Smith down through the ages to the current gaggle of sophists is that economics is too complicated for the average person to understand; therefore they should not even attempt to follow the reasoning or judge the merits of asinine voodoo economic tripe sold by arrogant Ivy League academics on behalf of the establishment for blood money. These traitorous reprobates do not give a rat’s ass about the citizens of this country, the long-term future of the country, or the truth. Their sole concern is for their reputation and personal gain from peddling false narratives on behalf of crooked politicians and wealthy bankers.

Despite overwhelming factual evidence that crackpot Keynesian spending machinations; debasing the currency; interest rate manipulation; globalization; perpetual war; incurring unpayable levels of debt; making $200 trillion of unfunded welfare promises; scorning and ridiculing those who propose living within our means; record levels of wealth inequality; stagnant wages; the loss of good paying jobs; and permanent recessionary conditions for 90% of America; has created a seething anger across the land, Hillary Clinton and her establishment flunkies propose doubling down on those same failed policies.

The elitists in charge disparage and deride prudence, saving, minimizing debt, marriage, working, and all beneficial traits which produce a strong family unit. They glorify degeneracy, shallow displays of idiocracy, dependency, hate, censorship, and moral turpitude. Adam Smith noted the irrationality of bad economists in 1776 at the outset of this now crumbling empire:

“What is prudence in the conduct of every private family can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom.”

In Part Two of this article I will tackle the biggest single issue confronting this nation, which is never broached by Hillary Clinton or any politician because the debts they have recklessly run up will inevitably destroy our country.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 10, 2016 10:50 pm

“The elitists in charge disparage and deride prudence, saving, minimizing debt, marriage, working, and all beneficial traits which produce a strong family unit. They glorify degeneracy, shallow displays of idiocracy, dependency, hate, censorship, and moral turpitude.”

The corporate and academic marxists are loose and running the asylum. Profits for them, their losses for us and everyone on the dole with the middle class on the hook (for all of it). You and your family be damned…

So go long pitchforks, rope, torches and popcorn. Cause folks, it’s gonna be one HELL of a show!

Oh ya – and good piece Jim. I’m always totally pissed whenever I finish reading one of your new posts. Keep em comin’.

October 10, 2016 10:57 pm

This is a great read, and I agree with pretty much all of it. Its amazing that the books you cited have been out for so long, yet read like they could have been written today. Bastiat and Hazlitt have been proven right so many times throughout history, especially recently, and yet we continue to listen to do the same thing over and over again.

I KNOW killery doesn’t understand any of this, or just doesn’t care, but my problem with trump lately is that Im not so sure he does either. While he does a great job calling out our feckless “leaders” on ruining the our country and the world at large, he hasn’t done much of a job saying how he would fix it, and when he attempts to, his ideas don’t sound much different than what has already been attempted because it doesn’t address the fundamental problem behind it all: our system of money, or rather debt disguised as money. Lately, when giving policy speeches, he seems to just be promising to spend more on things he knows people want to hear, which is a familiar tune we’ve all heard a lot of these last couple elections. Hasn’t gotten us anywhere, either. I still may vote for him(I will if I actually vote) just because the list of people who hate him is like a who’s who of people I despise, but I have little hope that he will address the fundamental issues of this post.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 11, 2016 7:27 am

Gator….we are in a political election environment where if you don’t promise some free shit, you stand zero chance of getting elected.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 11, 2016 2:25 pm

kokoda- So what is Trump promising for freebies? Without the free shit you say he has zero chance of being elected.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 11, 2016 9:28 am


It isn’t either/or for Hillary. She does understand this and doesn’t care.

Outstanding Jim! A great rant.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Time to open a window.

  RiNS the deplorable
October 11, 2016 11:32 am

We are all mad as hell and don’t want to take it anymore. However, we will continue to take it until we don’t.

October 11, 2016 12:58 pm


She knows. And Trump knows as well. In order to be elected, pols have to
convince people they WILL change policies to benefit the people. O did that
to the max, claiming he would restore integrity to the system. Then he did
the opposite. Anyone pointing this out was condemned as a racist.
The only hope we have for Trump is that he is BSing as well, but will try
to chip away at the Deep State’s stranglehold, rather than reinforce it.

richard from willow springs
richard from willow springs
October 11, 2016 10:03 pm

Gator; re your comment about those lined up against Trump; the following saying might have originated from Native Americans but I am not sure. “A man’s greatness is measured by the strength of his enemies.” rs

October 10, 2016 11:28 pm

Excellent read.

This will be looked back as the largest transfer of wealth in human history. All that money ends up somewhere, and it sure isn’t in the middle class.

October 11, 2016 7:32 am

The transfer of wealth occurred when we transferred out productive industrial output to foreign nations during the 90’s and early 2000’s.

This is just the money finding the pockets it wants to stay in.

October 11, 2016 12:18 am

You got it half right. I wish you could unread Hayek. He doesn’t understand how money is created. None of the politicians in charge do. Since we ditched the gold standard, what exactly is a dollar? It’s best thought of as an IOU from the government. There is not a fixed amount of them. So where do they come from?
Every dollar is created by running a deficit.
Running a surplus decreases the amount of dollars in circulation.
You should learn sectoral balances and MMT. http://neweconomicperspectives.org/modern-monetary-theory-primer.html
There is no reason to bond other than to fix the Fed Funds Rate.
Austerity is toxic, just look at Europe trying to watch their budgets and creating massive unemployment. Clinton is completely oblivious though, she thinks balancing the budget is a good idea, just like Obama.

You are right about one thing though. Corrupt special interest that really like the stupid model we have now of trying to balance the budget. Because it creates unemployment. They like being able to lord the threat of firing over their employees.

Or if you prefer a video explanation: https://youtu.be/glAP_8g2beA

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
October 11, 2016 10:16 am

And you got it all wrong.

There is nothing “modern” about MMT, which really ought to be called Magic Money Tree Theory. It’s just chartalism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartalism) with different branding.

Yes, current MAD money (Money-As-Debt) is a scourge, a modern form of usury, where banks have the power to issue unlimited money, with interest attached. But don’t try to pretend that giving the government the power to issue unlimited money instead is any better. Especially considering that it was the government (Woodrow bloody Wilson) who gave the banks the power to issue MAD money in the first place.

Honestly, who would you rather have issuing your money? Lloyd Blankfein or Dianne Feinstein? Jamie Dimon or John McCain? John Stumpf or Hillary Clinton?

On a related note, would you rather have brain cancer or heart cancer?

This is just trading one closed monolithic system for another.

Who will enforce the Magic Money Tree system, by the way? How many government goons with badges and guns will be needed to ensure its perpetuation?

Back to Keynesian Klown Kollege for you.

  Dick Jones
October 11, 2016 12:35 pm

Outside of stating the obvious, that MMT is neo-chartalism, and a few insults, you made no claims or rebuttals. You don’t have to give anyone any power, it just describes how things actually work. Once people figure that out it opens up room to target full employment. As opposed to the status quo of intentionally creating unemployment as a buffer against inflation.

It is just a fact, the only way government pays down the ‘deficit’ is by taking more money away from us. There is no borrowing from China required. Bonds are optional. http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=26596

mark branham
mark branham
  Dick Jones
October 11, 2016 10:15 pm

Reply to Dick Jones

Money is without debt or interest. As the Treasury is the only entity that can issue debt and interest free money, yes, I prefer the congress to do it’s constitutional duty and coin money.

Unfortunately, we can’t get there from here. 100 years of debt-money has dumbed down the whole human race so no, not going to happen without an economic break. We also require an advance in our human relationship with the cosmos. Aligning with the divine circuits prepares our minds to seek the right path. That’s been estimated to be about 200 years in the future… for now the more people who understand the true nature of debt money the more who will be prepared to carry future generations to a fair, equitable, and sustainable monetary system.

Ya, I know, a little bit out there but those who’ve begun the leap will understand.

October 11, 2016 1:18 am

Another article that in my twisted mind at least, confirms that we are just along for the ride. Fourth Turnings will turn, sheople will continue to deny reality in perpetuity because it is easier than facing reality and the real owners of this planet……….the ones who can and DO think beyond their own lifespans……..will continue to operate the wheels and levers that keep themselves in power stealing the wealth of said sheople all along the way. And why not? It’s not like we are ever going to do something like end central banking and deny them OUR FUCKING WEALTH! With that one tool alone they control the entire planet while we all wander around aimlessly trying to reform elections, the education system and tying yellow ribbons in remembrance of the cannon fodder…….er chirrens……..we donate to their cause.

Why bother living a righteous, honest life when you can just support one of the (s)elected puppets (like DW Shultz) and get all that your shriveled heart desires all while being looked up to, envied and admired by millions of adoring sheep?

Enjoy the ride!

October 11, 2016 1:24 am

admin, I understand what Glass-Steagall was about, why it was passed into law and the consequences of repealing it. What I don’t understand is why Europe wasn’t well on the road to ruin long before the US was? Did they have their own version of Glass-Steagall or did it never occur to them to do what the repeal of GS did to our economy? These big investment banks have been international since forever.

Thanks for the article admin……..I’m looking forward to part two.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 11, 2016 7:32 am

IS….excellent query and would be interesting to get Admin’s comment.

My guess is that the EU Banksters used 40-1 leverage but they didn’t follow fraudulent practices employed by U.S. Banksters for mortgage processing and bundling.

  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 11, 2016 8:52 am

Oh but they did do exactly that which is why Deutschebank is in trouble and facing a $14 billion dollar fine. In fact, European banks behavior was even more egregious because they did not have to hold reserves against the MBS they invested in.

It worked like this. Soc Gen or UBS would buy or fund a bunch of mortgages. It would offload the risk to AIG by obtaining Credit Default Swaps for a modest premium. This satisfied European bank regulations as to the need to hold reserves against the ‘risk’ of default on those mortgages and allowed the banks to expand their balance sheets even further without the need for additional capital. It was how the debt mountain kept growing. Risk was off loaded to a counterparty or modeled into insignificance.

Today the ‘new subprime’ are ‘risk free’ sovereign bonds. Who says Italian government debt is ‘risk free’? The ECB which regulates the banks. To keep it that way it must buy billions of Italian bonds each month to keep interest rates on them to a level the Italian government can afford to pay. If it ever stops those bonds lose value and the banks and funds that hold them are screwed.

  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 11, 2016 1:06 pm

nonsense, EU commissions are promoting fraud (have promoted)
equal or greater than what we see in the USA.

Keyser Suze
Keyser Suze
October 11, 2016 11:15 am

Great Article Jim!

I know you like to read, and I can very much recommend this book:
Life at the Bottom by Dalrymple

October 11, 2016 8:56 pm

EU banks compounded the stupidity by leveraging themselves 50:1 or more. A 2% default rate means they are bankrupt.

Germany and its banks further compounded their stupidity by loaning money to Hungary, Greece, etc., so they could buy German goods, thereby artificially propping up the German manufacturing sector.

I have been saying for some time Germany is toast because of this crap, but all the monkeys do is point out again and again that Germany mfg is doing great! Bullshit. It is a house of cards.

October 11, 2016 11:43 pm

Thanks admin.

October 11, 2016 10:09 am

Once Reagan and Thatcher ushered in the neoliberal era they used the IMF to impose neoliberalism on other countries. Europe and the US were more open to neoliberalism as a solution for Stagflation (which was really caused by oil shocks).

Neoliberalism is the shitty econ model we are on now that dictates sell off public assets like rail, infrastructure, and healthcare. If you can’t give it totally to the private sector do a public private partnership. Deregulate everything (especially banks). Taxes should be as low as possible. Government spending ‘crowds out’ the private sector. Markets! Markets! Markets! Basically trying to go full libertarian. See:

Neo-liberalism Expressed as Simple Rules

Since parliamentary systems are a lot more nimble their wasn’t any barrier to deregulate. Reagan tried but couldn’t get it through. But he did get some stuff through, like dropping the top tax rate from 70% to 30% (with tons of other horrible side effects) and some other deregulation things too. Timeline of Wall Street deregulation: http://cepr.net/documents/publications/dereg-timeline-2009-07.pdf

Dick Jones
Dick Jones
October 11, 2016 11:17 am

No one here takes your Hugh-Hendry-authored talking points seriously, bro.

October 11, 2016 4:36 am

There is a guy, Jeffrey Snider, at Alhambra Partners whose thoughts appear from time to time at Zero Hedge and every Friday at Realclear Markets. His writing is both informed and hard for the layman ( me) to follow but making the effort is worth it for no one else I’ve read has a better grasp and explanation for what has taken place since the late sixties.

In a nutshell he suggests that it has been bank ‘balance sheet capacity’ that first expanded in the late 1960’s up until the GFC of 2007/8. It has since gone into contraction and that contraction is what the public ‘feels’ as a sluggish or even dying economy. He makes the case that Central Banks do not even comprehend the problem because they do not understand modern ‘money creation’ by the banking system stuck as they are with irrelevant models and theories that have not been operative for almost 50 years.

Repeal of Regulation Q and Glass Steagall are often cited by many as the reasons for the financialization of the economy and, it is true, their repeal was a necessary condition for US banks to grow to the same size as European and Japanese sized banks but the real shift was in what banks financed with their rapidly expanding balance sheets. It was financial speculation. Those trillions of dollars worth of derivatives sitting on ( and off) the balance sheets of global banks were not financed via traditional bank credit creation of the sort Central Banks attempt to influence via monetary policy but via repos and the rehypothecation of repos in a hyper version of credit creation. Now, due to risk recognition, reduced profit margins and regulatory scrutiny banks can no longer keep these trillion dollar balance sheets growing the bubble in the FIRE economy is coming to an end and with it the fake standard of living we have enjoyed.

mark branham
mark branham
October 11, 2016 6:52 am

First a definition, debt-money is commercial bank “money” created out of nothing with each “loan” they make. Just to reiterate, banks do not loan money, they create debt-money. About 93% of all money is actually debt-money which must be paid back to a bank, with interest. The only real money is paper and coins created without interest or debt.

This is the very definition of a ponzi scheme. This is why all nations that employ a debt-money monetary system will fail. Ours failed in 2008 when new borrowing did not cover interest due on previous borrowings. In the short term we have the FED to thank for the fact that we still have a functioning economy, such as it is. Their mandate is to create “money” when consumers are unable to borrow enough “money” to repay previous loans.

This is obviously a short term remedy. The problem is that once debt-money overwhelms a nation, there is no chance for recovery, which is why the Oligarchs shifted production and commerce to Asia – the new source of debt-money serfs (and why we are fighting a war on Islam to prepare them to assume the debt-money mantle when the Asians are spent.)

The consequences of such a monetary system are disastrous. We are living thru such a period now, without hope of recovery. Debt-money destroys everything. The world will not survive debt-money. So it’s change or die.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 11, 2016 7:14 am

“The elitists in charge disparage and deride prudence, saving, minimizing debt, marriage, working, and all beneficial traits which produce a strong family unit. They glorify degeneracy, shallow displays of idiocracy, dependency, hate, censorship, and moral turpitude.”

That’s it in a nutshell.

One either lives in the world of reality- the functions and interactions of the physical world in real time- or the illusory world of concepts and ideologies borne in artificial environments created by man, where every promise is just over the horizon.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 11, 2016 1:13 pm


The quote from Admin. and the comment you made,
are the bottom line.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
October 11, 2016 8:10 am

One thing that’s 100% true, not ONE person who understands economics supports old Killary.

October 11, 2016 8:18 am

Great article. Will get the books by Hazlitt abd Bastiat. Will also forward this article to people in my family.

October 11, 2016 8:50 am

I just checked Real clear politics polling data. Hillary Clinton is ahead of Trump in Pennsylvania , Florida , Michigan , Illinois and it’s a tie for Ohio .Doesn’t look good my friends. If Hillary wins a conservative / libertarian will not have another chance forthe white house in our lifetimes .The country will be destroyed. This shit just seems unstoppable at this point. God help us all and I sincerely mean that.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
October 11, 2016 2:12 pm

Bb, chill. Trump is going to win all those states. I need 40 to win my bets. I still see Trump landslide. I see no evidence of anything else. This assault was coming. Everybody knew it. Trump knew it. He batted hillary around a little at the debate. I expect he will get a lot rougher next week. If you believe the pollsters, what happened in Bibi’s last election? What happened with brexit? They’re just paid shills.

October 11, 2016 3:07 pm

It doesn’t help that the GOP is sabotaging Trumps get out the vote efforts in those same places to help the beast.

October 11, 2016 8:52 am

Anonymous was bb .Smart phone is having fits again.

October 11, 2016 9:08 am


At this point I would believe NOTHING about Trump that is in the news. This includes polls from respected pollsters. He must be destroyed.

October 11, 2016 9:21 am


That ‘s a great piece. I even understood most of it. I was wishing Trump would buy 30 minutes of prime time television and just read it, but sadly, most of his audience would change the channel.

It made me long for ol’ Ross Perot and his whiteboard. Many who read this site are probably too young to remember his warnings of “the giant sucking sound” of jobs leaving the US. Well, his family was threatened and he pulled out, the last third-party candidate to present any serious challenge to the status quo. God help anybody who tries to dislodge the evil system we are trapped in. I mean that literally. Only Divine a Providence will get Trump into the White House. So say your prayers.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
October 11, 2016 9:40 am

1. disappointed in the mindless libtard/conservatard dichotomy and subsequent bashing (from whichever ‘side’ you are on)…
2. FOR BOTH SIDES: WHICHEVER side you are on, the other side are fucking people, JUST LIKE YOU… only they disagree on some issues which are ginned up to be the end of the world, when the hot-button/divisive issues are mostly inconsequential to most of our lives most of the time…
3. seriously (and purposefully?) misconstruing the political categorization of public figures is childish and telling… i despise hillary and the clitons in general, but not because she is a ‘socialist’ of some stripe (which she just most emphatically is NOT, no matter how contrived your definition) the ONLY way she is a socialist of ANY degree, is by self-identification, which means nothing…
4. further, identifying a politician as ‘socialist’ (OR ‘fascist’) on the basis of this or that particular vote or bill is asinine, and -again- childish… (perhaps there is a theme aborning…) you -presumably- wouldn’t accept a favorite politician -rand paul? whoever- being pigeon-holed on the basis of one vote (which may have been ‘strategic’ or payback, who knows), one offhand comment, one snide remark; yet you are all too quick to jump to conclusions regarding political foes, no matter how baseless the charge…
5. um, if you might have noticed, the repeal of glass-steagall and subsequent blossoming of crony capitalism due in no small part to the continuing exploits of the clinton gang (for that is what they are, in the crudest crime terminology), is EXCORIATED and CONDEMNED by all the ‘real’ socialists of -say- the Occupy movement, etc…
they were not occupying zucotti and chanting ‘hillary! hillary!’ because she was a fell0w traveler socialist; they would have strung her up ! ! !
stop being childish; we have too much work to do to abide petty bickering among the 99%…

  art guerrilla
October 11, 2016 9:50 am

The people “on the other side” are decidedly not just like me. We do not share a common worldview or value system and we find each other’s solutions to current problems abhorrent. This is the predictable result of the intentional destruction of what was once the dominant culture of this country.

October 11, 2016 10:20 am

“Politicians count on the ignorance of the populace …” —— article

There’s your summary, folks! By and large, ‘Murikans are a bunch of Stupid Motherfuckers … almost beyond belief. There is no other reason which explains why Hillcunt is leading (!!) in the states listed above by bb. God help us.

bb …. I just very well might have to cover myself in sackcloth and ashes, and then turn back to Jeebus after this election. Or, I could just get it over with and kill myself. Or, I could just life as an Epicurean and eat, drink, fuck, and be happy. Yeah, I like that last one ….

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
October 11, 2016 10:23 am

Great read. I will be impatiently awaiting part II.

I kept thinking of this quote as I read the article…

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves.

Remove the debt based money and everything else pretty much corrects itself.

October 11, 2016 10:26 am

I tend to agree with art guerrilla in that in my personal experience, while liberals generally seem to be more susceptible to the stupid spewed by Hillary, most likely because they also tend to be more emotionally oriented (think women), I don’t think that most liberals even like Hillary. Unfortunately, because of their emotional bent, they also won’t listen to Trump because they don’t like the “alpha male” persona either. The media steers those emotions in to “well maybe Hillary is not so bad” and the classic “if we elect Trump, we will all be rounded up and in cattle cars”. The REAL problem is that in this country the banksters have everyone so hopelessly distracted by debt serfdom that they have little time to actually study the issues and facts. There are those that genuinely just don’t care, and would vote for Hillary no matter what, but I just see mostly a lack of real facts making it in to the brains of the over worked and over committed.

As long as the S&P and in general the markets can stay up until the election, it will not focus the mind like a good market crash would. Notice how EVERY afternoon of trading, in the last 30 minutes or so, regardless of the direction of the markets, magically the markets levitate? This is to ensure that no matter what, the nightly news watching general populous (republican, dem and independent) generally see a good economy (because most still associate the stock market with the economy). If the markets crashed like 2008, Trump would win in a landslide, as the apparent facts would come to light quickly, and even the dullest sheeple or professional with a 401k would see the real consequences of years of stupid right in front of their eyes.

I know it sounds bad, but the greatest hope for our nation, and a Trump victory, is a good old fashioned October market crash. Minds will then become very focused, very quickly – repub, dem and independent.

October 11, 2016 3:15 pm

“hopelessly distracted by debt serfdom that they have little time to actually study the issues and facts” not so much that as ‘programmed’ by the idiot box. Sure there are some people working 2 or 3 jobs but for the rest there is ample time to get the real facts, but most are just lazy and the programming works best on them. Most people are easily distracted and led around by the media rope.

October 11, 2016 10:30 am

” …. has created a seething anger across the land …” —- Admin

So what, Jim! So. Fucking. What. (Said angrily, but NOT at you!)

If polls are to be believed (always a big ‘if’) … but, let’s assume they are accurate, then it seems there’s simply not enough seething anger to get an outsider like Trump elected.

We’ll get the Same Old Shit, only this time dressed up in a Cunt Outfit.

And what will Trump supporters do with their seething anger if they lose? Nothing! We’ll take it Up The Ass, and then say ‘thank you very much’, as we always do. (Except for the few heroes here with guns and bullets and shit and a Big Internet Persona claiming they’ll take-it-to-the-man.)

October 11, 2016 1:20 pm

Stuck, dear man,
Do NOT believe polls. The MSM and their pollsters are just shooting
out propaganda to influence the witless.

October 11, 2016 4:12 pm

And if the polls are bullshit (which they probably are) and if Trump is sworn in on Jan 20? Will this in any way prevent us from taking it up the ass and saying “thank you very much?”

Of course not. I really hope no one believes that shit. You cannot vote away a Fourth Turning any more than you can vote away winter. You cannot stop an Empire from collapsing any more than you can wish away death.

October 11, 2016 10:36 am

Really great article!
Always a joy to read such stuff!
Nice quotes, too!
Doom porn!!
You’re the best, Admin!

Now, if you take the first letter of each comment above, well, it spells out the name of a type of cockroach. A name which shall not be spoken. Just curious as to the whereabouts of said cockroach … has it been dispatched to the Great Beyond?

October 11, 2016 1:21 pm

took a moment, then I got it

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
October 11, 2016 6:00 pm

Good one Stucky

Ya made me laugh!

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 11, 2016 10:46 am

Great article. Virtually everyone has the intellectual equipment necessary to understand economics that correspond to reality. Unfortunately, not that many have the integrity to live by its lessons.

  Robert Gore
October 11, 2016 1:25 pm

many have much integrity in their lives and jobs and relationships…
but they are in denial. Head in the sand/sand in their ears. “Gov will
figure it out”, they say to me, and I am warned, “do not talk any politics”
or I won’t be invited again. I do not WANT to disagree with you, but I
do. Defense mechanisms trump reality.

The Man With No Name
The Man With No Name
October 11, 2016 11:18 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 11, 2016 11:39 am

“humanity’s foibles, belief in fallacies, and ignorance of economics hasn’t changed over the last two centuries.”

It’s much worse than that. At least two thousand years and possibly six. Jesus Christ was dealing with the same issues and they were old in his time. And of course Marcus Tullius Cicero. The problems we are dealing with so very very old and respite from them very brief.

I’ve come to the conclusion things are the way they are because humans like and want them this way. I can’t find another viable explanation. Intelligent and moral people have been trying to fix these issues for thousands of years with very little traction because humanity rejects the solutions summarily. Sure part of the problem is they have to sit and listen instead of taking a short cut but they’ll geek out on everything from football to star wars so the mental capacity and attention span is there. Thus I must conclude it’s this way because they want it this way.

October 11, 2016 11:42 am

Mr. Quinn continues to amaze me. Wife, family,job,TBP and writing deep stuff that regular people can understand. Where does he find the time and energy to do this stuff. Maybe he does a lot of deep thinking in traffic jams to and from Philadelphia.

Best site on the net.

October 11, 2016 11:58 am

Very well written, Admin. If you have not read “Time Will Run Back” by Henry Hazlitt I recommend it. I think that you and most of your readers would enjoy the book especially if you are a H.H. fan. I recently purchased a copy through Mises.org and it is classic Hazlitt. A very good read written as a novel along the lines of 1984. Here is a recent review that provoked me to buy it:


The first hyper link in the review will take you to the Mises Bookstore where you can get a copy. More people should be aware of this book, I believe.

Again, an excellent essay – looking forward to part 2

October 11, 2016 12:34 pm

“Federal tax revenue has been exceptionally constant at an average 17.4% of gross domestic product in the last 50 years even as the top marginal tax rate fluctuated between 91% and 28%.”

This is exactly why you want the top marginal tax rate to be 91%. They will avoid paying it. Instead of pulling money out of their businesses as income, they will spend that money on their businesses. Which means capital investment, hiring more people, building more plants, buying more equipment, all the things we dont have enough of today. This is why you want low (ideally zero) corporate taxes coupled with a high top marginal tax rate.

Keyser Suze
Keyser Suze
October 11, 2016 12:53 pm

That is exactly what you do not want. Government taxing you, at gun point.

October 11, 2016 1:30 pm


Great post. You are a true smartie. My highest compliment.


October 11, 2016 1:42 pm

I have a novel concept; Why don’t we try letting people KEEP WHAT THEY EARN. Imagine that. Every year or so we are bombarded with the usual political theatre of the raising of the debt ceiling. They get on the idiot box, and drone on about how if we don’t raise the ceiling, that parks will shut down, schools will close, cops will not come to save you, etc. How about, if one year when this happened, we all just collectively said – NO. Shut it down, shut it all down. Go ahead. And while your at it, shutdown the goddamn IRS and Federal Reserve. Imagine for a minute what it would be like to actually get to KEEP YOUR money at the end of the year – all of it. Imagine if you did not have to hire an accountant at $1000.00 or more a year (or quarterly if a business owner) to reconcile your arbitrary liability to the leaches and crooks on the shores of the Potomac. Imagine all of the money that could be directed toward useful endeavors if all of the non-essential parasite agencies and various drones sucking off of American productivity had no choice but to wind it down and find real productive jobs. Once and for all. Eventually, the REALLY NECESSARY agencies would emerge again, because they would actually be needed, but would come back MUCH smaller, and in much more useful forms, with much smarter people running them. The dead wood and little fiefdoms would be washed away, and the strong and smart would prevail. A grand reset through financial Darwinism.

I have no problem with paying for some type of limited Government for 3 things – Judicial purpose – settle disputes between parties without bloodshed, National Defense – Defense of OUR borders and homeland – period, and local PEACE OFFICERS to aid in local disputes and / or crime investigation and prosecution by the Judicial Service (see above). Beyond that, nothing. Public service (politicians) should be limited by constitutional amendment to serve a term, just like jury duty. It is NOT their day job. They are selected at random, serve their time, and then LEAVE. If there are no laws that need to be amended or added, leave them alone. Once their term is up, sorry, you are gone. If you feel strongly about something, you can lobby for it as a PRIVATE citizen – yourself, with your own money. If people really like your ideas, then the next person at random whose serving their term can take it up. If you are found to be corrupted when you are serving your term, you are arrested, charged and jailed as a FELONY under the law. Next.
But I suppose this would require some people losing their Free S@#@, which is probably more scary to a lot of people than nuclear war. Tough. The income tax is nothing more than armed robbery under color of law. The self employment tax is nothing more than forced support of a Ponzi scheme under color of law. Inflation is just a stealth tax to reinforce the other racketeering through forcing you to continue “earning” to keep up with it.

More of just a rant, but hey, the above comment from Keyser Suze got me thinking and dreaming of what a real America should look like.

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 11, 2016 2:25 pm

@ Admin…….+1000

I look forward to part two.

GunnyHiway 1960
GunnyHiway 1960
October 11, 2016 2:28 pm

Dear Fellow Americans,
Let’s share some FACTS on the “Syrian No Fly Zone” that Hillary Clinton endorses as there are CRUCIAL POINTS being MISSED or IGNORED.

1) Vladimir Putin is NOT a “Dictator” as Hillary Clinton and the entire US Corpo-Media portray him.
Putin is an ELECTED LEADER with massive popularity and support in Russia and worldwide.(outside NATO/USA)
Putin is not “murdering” anyone. (Unlike Hillary whose friends and associates have dropped like flies and total over 44 deaths “around her” so far)

2) Russia and Putin are ALLIES of a SOVEREIGN NATION called SYRIA whose President was Democratically ELECTED as well.
Russia was INVITED by SYRIA to help get rid of SUNNI MUSLIM TERRORISTS.
There are NO “Moderate rebels”, and the term “Syrian rebel” actually refers to CIA funded, Sunni Muslim JIHADIST MERCENARIES (ISIS) mostly from Saudi Arabia, that are fighting the SYRIAN ARMY to illegally oust Assad and install a US/Saudi Arabia/SUNNI Muslim government in Syria.
This is a Regime and Religion Change in a SOVEREIGN NATION!

3) The USA has no business in Syria other than OIL and GAS for EUROPE!
Again for review, Syria and Iran are SHIA Muslim nations, whereas ISIS, Saudi Arabia, UAE are SUNNI Muslim entities and this is ALL about Regime Change, a Religious War AND a GAS PIPELINE from Qatar to the Mediterranean Sea that “we” want to build THROUGH SYRIA, but Syria and Assad do not want this pipeline.
Syria wants an Iranian Pipeline as Iran is their ALLY, not their enemy……Sounds fair, Right?

4) The Elites in DC consider Syria as just another “Regime Change WAR for Profit” like most regional wars have been for the last 70 years.
Granted, WAR FOR PROFIT has worked great for over 120 years for Standard Oil, Ford, GM, GE, Boeing, Raytheon, Krupp, Daimler, The Pope, The Queen of England and the entire Royal Family, The Clintons, The Bush Family, The Duponts, George Soros, David Rockefeller, The Rothschild Family Banking Conglomerates and MANY MORE ELITE FAMILIES and Corporations WORLDWIDE.
But not so great for America or Americans.
Or the REST of the WORLD for that matter!

5) The Problem NOW is… Russia is not Grenada of 1983, Putin understands our Government’s “Regime Change Game” very well, and since the USA Foolishly and Ignorantly suspended “Diplomatic Relations” with Russia last week, and the Russians take this VERY SERIOUSLY.. (because in Russia… either you are “AT PEACE” and have RELATIONS, or you are “AT WAR” and DON’T).
So… The USA is at a “DeFacto State of War” with Russia right now.
I bet you the Russian Military and Civilian population are much better equipped, prepared and ready for war than we are.

6) Lastly, As of 10/8/2016, It is now impossible for any US/NATO Military Aircraft of ANY TYPE to fly in Syrian airspace without Russian permission and authorization.
This is due to the massive deployment of the S300/S400 and other very advanced and effective anti-aircraft systems over the last 6 months that are now fully operational.
These systems are on the ground in Syria and offshore on multiple missile cruisers, frigates and corvettes in the Mediterranean Sea.

**So…You have to ask yourself… Do YOU want to get NUKED for a gas pipeline and rich, warmongering Elites? If Not, Please copy and Share this message.

Best Regards, Good Luck and Carry On,

October 11, 2016 4:23 pm

This not going to end well. No matter who wins the country will continue to crack apart. Dems will never accept Trump and the Trumpians won’t stand for Hillary. Meanwhile Black Lives Matter and the Bernie Socialists will continue to radicalize and sow violence while law enforcement including federal agencies will continue to militarize. We are sitting on a powder keg which will ignite before the 2020 election. Ceasar will have crossed the Rubicon and our republic will cease to exist. After the adoption of the Constitution Ben Franklin was asked, “What have you brought?” “A republic'” he replied, “if only you can keep it.” We are no longer able to keep it.
But cheer up, there’s a new I-phone coming out.

October 11, 2016 5:03 pm

“You cannot vote away a Fourth Turning any more than you can vote away winter. You cannot stop an Empire from collapsing any more than you can wish away death.” —–DRUD

In that case, we should ALL vote for Hillcunt. Right? I mean, why postpone the inevitable?

John Doe
John Doe
October 11, 2016 5:48 pm

Hats off to the admin for listing out the books that, if followed correctly, would make America great again. Keynesian economics has always been a drag on humanity. The boom and bust cycles of Keynesian insanity have always benefited the rich and well connected while leaving the average Joe holding the bag once it predictably collapses due to mathematical certainty. The misallocation of capital alone has grossly contorted the economy into a monopolized, noncompetitive round mound of over bloated inefficiency. Laissez-faire capitalism was the economic system that the great Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises promoted. Superior above all other systems, but can only exist when businessmen are honest and not morally corrupt, which is precisely the problem with today’s elites. They don’t want prosperity for all, only more ways of cornering the market for their own suitable devices.

John Coster
John Coster
October 11, 2016 7:01 pm

Only one reason, Stucky. With Shrillary in office, we might not be able to escape a neocon nuke-out, and that will make it impossible to escape any of our separate little republics where, like medieval monks, we might attempt to preserve fragments of the ancient wisdom, Madison, Hamilton etc.etc.

October 11, 2016 8:14 pm

Awesome post Admin!
Seems you are nailing the pocb’s

October 12, 2016 12:17 pm

Always enjoyed tbp but this is really old. Same theme over and over.. Its the “they are incompetent , they dont know what they are doing bs”.. NO .. They know exactly what they are doing. Jim.. Learned Elders of Zion..hint hint And its been said thousands of times. Write all this you want, Author why cant you call out the names??? This country will never fix whats broken until the names and linchmobs are brought out along with them. Lets start a slogan “Lets make it 110” you all should know what that means.. In the mean time heres a starter….Keep up the good work all !!!

“The War on Terror, meanwhile, has cost about $3.6 trillion so far (according to the latest estimates from Brown University), and has left more than 7,000 U.S. soldiers dead. But George Bush, Dick Cheney, Michael Ledeen, Elliott Abrams, Paul Wolfowitz, and John Bolton are still alive.”
“In fact, as far as we know, not a single one of those killed was a leading proponent of the war. Anywhere between 60,000 and 1.2 million people died on the other side (so many, and so difficult to verify – a whole industry has arisen trying to count them all).”
Unfortunately, the cowardly, neoconservatives and Chicken Hawks who send OTHER people’s children to die in their insane wars will not have to pay any personal price for the wars they have created and now advocate creating. They are the real TERRORISTS plaguing the United States of America.
An incomplete listing of the neoconservative leaders of the American Axis of Evil:
[Note regarding party affiliation: many of these dual citizenship neoconservatives have quit the Republican Party and joined and/or rejoined the Democratic Party due to their opposition to Republican Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and their sycophantic enthusiasm for Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.]
* US SoS Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
* US Pres. W. J. Clinton (D)
* US SoS John Kerry (D)
* US Pres. Barack Hussein Obama (D)
* US SoS John Kerry (D)
* US UN Propagandist Samantha Power–Sunstein (D)
* George Soros (NSDAP)
* CIA Mike Morrell (D)
* Cass Sunstein (D)
* Robert Gates (D)
* Leon Panetta (D)
* Richard Perle (R)
* Paul Wolfowitz (R)
* Douglas Feith (R)
* Michael Ledeen (R)
* Charles Krauthammer (R)
* Stephen Bryen (R)
* David Frum (R)
* Robert Kagan (R)
* David Wurmser (R)
* Doc Zakheim (R)
* Henry Kissinger (R)
* Norman Podhoretz
* John Podhoretz
* Elliot Abrams (R)
* Frederick Kagan (R)
* Donald Kagan (R)
* Alan Dershowitz (D)
* Daniel Pipes (R)
* William G. Boykin
* Eliot A. Cohen (R)
* Bill Kristol (R)
* Max Boot (R)
* James Schlesinger (D)
* Marc Grossman (R)
* Joshua Brewster Bolten (R)
* Victoria Nuland (D)
* Paul Krugman
* US V. Pres. Richard Cheney (R)
* US Pres. George W. Bush (R)
* US Pres. George H. W. Bush (R)
* Karl Rove (R)
* Philip Zelikow
* John Bolton (R)
* Paul Bremer (R)
* US Sen. Lindsey Graham (R–SC)
* US Rep. Peter T. King (R–NY)
* Gov. Jeb Bush (R–FL)
* US Sen. Jon Kyl (R–AZ)
* US Sen. John McCain (R–AZ)
* Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R–MN)
* US Rep. Mike Rogers (R–MI)
* Gov. Mitt Romney (R–MA)
* US Sen. Jim Talent (–MO)
* R. James Woolsey (D–Dir. CIA)
* Nathan Glazer
* Arthur Brooks
* Danielle Pletka
* Gary Schmitt
* Fred Barnes
* Jonah Goldberg
* John Hager
* Brit Hume
* Rush Limbaugh
* Joshua Muravchik
* Jennifer Rubin
* Michael Rubin
* Irwin Stelzer
* Jonathan S. Tobin
* Jeff Bezos (Amazon.com)
* Foundation For Defense of Democracies
* Henry Jackson Society
* Hudson Institute
* Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
* Project for the New American Century
* American Enterprise Institute
* The Heritage Foundation
* Commentary magazine
* National Review
* Front Page Magazine
* The Public Interest
* The Weekly Standard
* The Washington Free Beacon
* The Washington Post
* US News & World Report
* The New York Times
* Fox Broadcasting
* Democratic Party
* Democratic National Committee
* Republican Party
* Republican National Committee
See also:
The top 25 US Merchants of Death / War Profiteers (Military Industrial Complex Corporations) in descending order:
* Lockheed Martin
* Boeing
* Northrop Grumman
* General Dynamics
* Raytheon
* L–3 Communications
* United Technologies
* Oshkosh
* Computer Sciences Corp.
* Honeywell
* General Electric
* Pratt & Whitney
* ITT Exelis
* Rockwell–Collins
* Textron
* Hewlett–Packard
* ManTech
* Navistar Defense
* DynCorp International
* Goodrich
* CACI International

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 12, 2016 10:07 pm

The Soros-Clinton connection on the resettlement of refugees is appalling. This video from Resettlement Watch is a year old, but the article in the link is current (Oct 8) and even more disturbing. Obama is rapidly increasing the daily flow to get as many here before he leaves office, perhaps in the off chance that Hiltery won’t win next month.

This could be America’s death.


“Four hundred and eleven refugees have been resettled in the United States each of the first five days of the fiscal year that began on October 1. At this rate, the country is on track to resettle more than 150,000 refugees in the fiscal year, a rate almost double the 84,995 resettled in FY 2016, and more than 40,000 greater than the 110,000 the Obama administration has proposed for FY 2017.”

Jim Waldo
Jim Waldo
October 13, 2016 6:04 pm

Most of the debt derives from the unwinnable wars since WWII. Korea, Viet Nam where the French were kicked out, Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan. What were they thinking when Russia on Afghanistan’s border was kicked out.
Now we’re kicked out by the Taliban. That WE could win there? Iraq……please. The cause of the whole Middle East conflagration..

I love that either party can find references such as the articles above to excoriate the other party but “our party” is blameless, and owns the truth. Until one can say yeah my party stupid too we’ll live in make believe.