The Online Meanderings of an American Nobody & the Genuine Wisdom of an Imaginary Character

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.

– C. S. Lewis (1942), “The Screwtape Letters: Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil”, p.8, HarperCollins UK, 2009


While having breakfast with a friend the other day, they commented on an article they had recently read online.  The article was about the discouragement of free speech at Ivy League colleges, and Harvard in particular.  I told them I saw the headline but never read the actual findings.   In any event, I said I wasn’t surprised… but what did surprise me was that the article showed up on their particular newsfeed; and, for them, I would have expected the online algorithmic process to have distilled the findings into another headline such as:  “Harvard Leads Ivy League in Prohibiting Hate Speech”.

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Liberal Dies On Toilet While Awaiting CDC Guidance On How To Wipe

Via The Babylon Bee

SEATTLE, WA — Liberal man Jonathan Seymour passed away, dying on the toilet as he awaited instructions from the Center for Disease Control on how to wipe his own butt.

“I kept telling him to just go for it,” said housemate Ronald Mills. “Jonathan just wouldn’t take the risk.”

Officials say Mr. Seymour became severely dehydrated as he refused to move from the toilet for either food or water. “What am I supposed to do??” cried Mr. Seymour, desperate for guidance. “I can’t to do this alone! Front to back? Back to front? Folded or unfolded? How many squares? Speak to me, Fauci!”

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Written in August 2017 when the leftists first started pulling down statues. It applies perfectly again today. My conclusions stand.

“True patriotism sometimes requires of men to act exactly contrary, at one period, to that which it does at another, and the motive which impels them the desire to do right is precisely the same.” Robert E. Lee

Image result for toppled statue durham nc

I consider myself a student of history. I’ve always been fascinated by the personalities who drove events throughout history. I probably would have been a history major in college if I didn’t feel the need to make enough money to support myself and my family. I chose a business major and decided studying history would be my hobby. Over the years I’ve taken a particular interest in the Civil War. You could even call me a Civil War buff.


Questions Reporters Might Ask Liberals If They Didn’t Suck

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Questions Reporters Might Ask Liberals If They Didn’t Suck

Wait, this title is misleading in that it could be read that either “reporters” or “liberals” suck, and the fact is that both suck. But reporters don’t have to suck. Liberals always do, because their trash ideology is terrible and yet they adhere to it. Reporters could be no-holds-barred truthtellers who could not care less, whose agenda they skewer or narrative they shatter in pursuit of the truth. That’s at least theoretically possible, even though most of them merely aspire to be skeevy prog transcriptionists typing out ham-handed propaganda to please their pinko masters.

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Is the Liberal Hour Ending in the West?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Is the Liberal Hour Ending in the West?

“The first Brexit, after all, was in 1776, when the 13 colonies of North America severed all ties to the British crown and set out alone on the path to independence. It did not turn out all that badly.”

Hillary Clinton called them “the deplorables.” Barack Obama called them losers who “cling” to their Bibles, bigotries and guns.

To President Jean-Claude Juncker of the European Commission, they are “these populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists… in love with their own countries.”

Well, “stupid” they may be, and, yes, they do love their countries, but last week they gave Juncker a thrashing, as they shook up the West and the world.

Elections in the world’s largest electoral blocs — the 28-nation EU, and an India of 1.3 billion people — showed that the tide of nationalism continues to rise and spread across Europe and Asia.

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The Proximate Cause of All Our Woes Is: Civilizational Apoptosis

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Today all manner of curiosities, as I once called them, propose that whites pay reparations for slavery. For example, our Democratic presidential candidates. Well, I am joining them. Yes. I am for reparations. It is only just.

Once I lived in moral darkness, and thought reparations was crazy as Aunt Sally, that we kept in the attic because she kept trying to eat the carpet downstairs. I wondered where we got such a daft Congress. I figured saturation mutagenesis, or somebody put brain softener in the water.

I am a poor sinner, but I have reformed. Bring on reparations. I believe that everyone who has been a slave should be paid a vast sum of money, to be paid by those who enslaved him. No exceptions. I do not kid around about reparations.

It was that AOC woman that changed my life, Alexandria Occasionally Cortés. I listened to her and saw that I was a reprobate, probably beyond redemption. I decided then and there to free all my slaves by sundown. I wasn’t sure how many I had. I asked my wife to tot them up, not an exact count but in even dozens.

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It’s Time For America To Break Up With Liberals

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

It’s Time For America To Break Up With Liberals

Liberals, I think we Normal Americans need to see other people. In this national cohabitation, we’ve grown apart and maybe it’s time for you liberals to go your own way and find your Venezuelan bliss elsewhere.

Hey liberals, it’s not me. It’s you. Because you suck. So get out.

By the way, the umbrella term “liberals” includes useless Fredocon contingent. After all, these vinyl-clad gimps are attached to their liberal masters by a figurative leash.

Now, I’d prefer we work our problems out and find a solution that keeps us together as one country. But a solution would require liberals to embrace things like freedom, tolerance, and the Constitution, while rejecting their current obsessions, like socialism, cultural fascism and being idiots.

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The Elite Never Takes Your Side

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The Elite Never Takes Your Side

I guess I should just be quiet and let the liberal establishment continue to attack President Trump for refusing to submit to the demands of a bunch of foreigners. As Napoleon warned, perhaps apocryphally but accurately, never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. And it is crazy to think that the American people are going to punish a president who sides with them over that schnitzel-snarfing frau, Monsieur les Eyebrows, and the rest of the globalist twits.

Oh, and let’s not even get started on how they can’t help but manufacture reasons why Trump shouldn’t take a chance on avoiding a war that would lead to thousands of Normal American families burying sons and daughters. Yeah, shaking Rocket Man’s hand is pretty much Munich 2: The EnNorkening.

But I shouldn’t complain. It’s getting so the elite needs to register their activities as in-kind contributions to the Trump 2020 campaign.

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Real Conservatives Refuse To Kneel Before Their Liberal Overlords

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

 Real Conservatives Refuse To Kneel Before Their Liberal Overlords

There’s a great scene in the movie Witness where a bunch of bullies start picking on some Amish farmers, and then they pick on Harrison Ford, who is sporting Extreme Mennonite drag. They knock off his straw hat, laugh at him, and then he beats the crap out of them.

The bullies are shocked, stunned, and bewildered. Why, he’s not supposed to fight back! Why, the Amish, they’re better than that! But Harrison’s not. As his buddy says, he’s from Ohio.

I am not better than that either. How about you?

Because today, being “better than that” means being willing to allow other people to control you by defining you, and the definition is always “a pushover.” You’re supposed to be “conservative,” our conservasuperiors tell us, and we must therefore rigidly adhere to their precious “conservative principles.” But these bear no resemblance to real principles, much less conservative ones.

Allow me to sum up these fake principles:

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Liberal Lies And Slanders Are A Slippery Slope To Trouble

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Liberal Lies And Slanders Are A Slippery Slope To Trouble

How does the left think that normal people are going to react to the left’s rejection of the idea of rational discussion and debate and it’s attempt to keep them from participating in their own governance? What does the elite think lurks at the bottom of that slippery slope? Do liberals think the normals will A) meekly submit to abuse and be cowed into submission, or B) that the normals will grow even more militant and make their voices heard in other, nastier ways?

Spoiler: The answer is B. Donald Trump is just one manifestation of the blowback against the rule-by-contempt our alleged betters currently practice. And if the election of The Donald doesn’t convince them to change their ways, what will come next will not be anywhere near as pleasant.

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Why Do Liberals Think We Are Morally Obligated To Die To Make Them Happy?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Why Do Liberals Think We Are Morally Obligated To Die To Make Them Happy?

All major liberal policy positions have one thing in common – normal people like you are always supposed to pick up the checks liberals write when running their mouths about caring and kindness. Some of these are annoying, like how the answer to the looming crisis of it maybe being slightly hotter in 100 years (or colder – it doesn’t matter) is that you ditch your SUV and ride on a bus where and when they tell you like a sucker. Some of these are expensive. Have you ever heard a liberal say, “Gosh, maybe instead of taxing hardworking people’s earnings to pay for countless giveaway programs, perhaps we should insist that these Dem-voting freeloaders, chiselers, and layabouts pull their own weight?”

And some of these require that you die to please liberals. Except, thankfully, militant Normals are getting tired of liberals demanding they give up their livelihoods and lives to make people who hate them happy.

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If You Want To Stop Liberal Bullying, Start By Telling Them To Buzz Off

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

If You Want To Stop Liberal Bullying, Start By Telling Them To Buzz Off

  Well, not “buzz.”

    But you get the point. We are experiencing an epidemic of liberals trying to push us around. And, since life is really just high school, except with older and stupider people, schoolyard rules apply. So when someone tries to bully, you smack him. Hard. Right in the Pelosi.

    That’s what we need to do the liberals when they form their creepy little social media lynch mobs. This nonsense about cowering and apologizing and begging for forgiveness from these petty tyrants needs to stop. Besides being undignified and shameful, submission just encourages them.

    Take whoever Shania Twain is. I understand she was once a country singer. Apparently, her image is calculated to project some sort of inoffensive, non-threatening Girl Power! vibe. You know, the kind of tedious “You go girl!” empowerment affirmation that temporarily eases the pain of its adherents’ lonely, cat-filled lives.

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