The Recognition Of Reality Destroys The Dystopian Dreams Of The Borg

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


– The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind called “the Collective”. The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of “assimilation”: forcibly transforming individual beings into “drones” by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg’s ultimate goal is “achieving perfection”…



You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.

– The Borg


In an article last month, I mentioned virus expert Geert Vanden Bossche and his prediction of mass deaths soon going “exponential” in highly Covid-vaccinated countries.

Since posting that article, I’ve learned through one of my part-time jobs that two younger-aged people died within a day of each other.  One was age 37 and the other was in their low forties.  The younger of the two died of a heart attack and the 40ish person’s death was, supposedly, according to the doctor, the result of a previously unknown congenital heart defect.

I don’t know if either, or both, of the deceased were mRNA-vaxxed, but, given the employers’ health/service-related fields… as well as the Covid-era deception and pervasive fear in the particular urban enclave, I would say the odds favor both of them as having received the shots.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Joe Biden loses first wife and daughter in tragic car accident – 1972


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“Truth is treason in an empire of lies.”George Orwell

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.

Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” Edward Bernays – Propaganda (1928) pp. 9–10

“Axis of Evil” seems to be interchangeable, based upon who the Deep State needs to be the enemy at any given time. Bush junior first coined the phrase in his January 29, 2002 State of the Union speech when describing Iran, Iraq and North Korea. Of course, we know his Deep State handlers then falsified claims of 9/11 involvement and WMDs, to take out Sadaam and steal his oil. The barely cogent doddering old fool senator McConnell this week declared Russia, China and Iran as the new “Axis of Evil”. You notice Iran is still in the club, but they now consider two nuclear armed superpowers to be evil and enemies. Kim Jong Un must be so disappointed at being kicked out of the club.


The Online Meanderings of an American Nobody & the Genuine Wisdom of an Imaginary Character

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight.

– C. S. Lewis (1942), “The Screwtape Letters: Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil”, p.8, HarperCollins UK, 2009


While having breakfast with a friend the other day, they commented on an article they had recently read online.  The article was about the discouragement of free speech at Ivy League colleges, and Harvard in particular.  I told them I saw the headline but never read the actual findings.   In any event, I said I wasn’t surprised… but what did surprise me was that the article showed up on their particular newsfeed; and, for them, I would have expected the online algorithmic process to have distilled the findings into another headline such as:  “Harvard Leads Ivy League in Prohibiting Hate Speech”.

Continue reading “The Online Meanderings of an American Nobody & the Genuine Wisdom of an Imaginary Character”


In Part 1 of this article, I explored how Huxley, Orwell, and Bradbury foretold the use of technology by totalitarians to subjugate and control the masses. Now we move on to a currently hot topic – censorship.

“Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth.” Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Nick Tyrone on Twitter: "This Venn diagram isn't possible. “1984” is set in an authoritarian future in which all pleasure is repressed; “Brave New World” in one where people are provided with


“There was always a minority afraid of something, and a great majority afraid of the dark, afraid of the future, afraid of the past, afraid of the present, afraid of themselves and shadows of themselves” Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 Censorship by Riley Curry

“There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people run­ning about with lit matches.” Ray Bradbury

The primary theme of Fahrenheit 451 is censorship. In Bradbury’s dystopia, burning books was the principal method of censorship, directed by the government, but generally supported by the masses. A form of self-censorship developed, as the dullards, intellectually lazy, and willfully ignorant, preferred books to be burned so they felt that would put them on a level playing field with the critical thinkers and intellectually curious minded.

It always comes back to the government doing everything in their power to keep the masses apathetic, ill-informed, entertained, and distracted, to ensure their continued control over society. Bradbury believed the masses would go along with censorship because they already had television, radio, and fast cars, with vacuous programming, loud music, and unceasing advertising creating over-stimulation and distraction for the populace. They were too distracted to read a book, learn, think critically, or question the authorities.


Biden 2024 – “Let’s Finish the Job” of Ruining America

By Martin Armstrong

The worst president in American history is running for re-election under the premise of taking away our remaining freedoms. The media is already stating that the Democrats will not allow any serious challengers. Marianne Williamson, who lost to Biden in 2020, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. both announced that they plan to run, but their own party will likely not back them or allow them to debate Biden. The Washington Post already announced Biden is “not expected to face any serious opposition from elected Democrats for the nomination, despite concerns from some in the party about his age and dissatisfaction among some liberals who say he has not pushed their priorities hard enough.”

Biden is not permitted to speak without a handler and carefully written notes. Journalists toss him easy questions and he still fumbles. Most importantly, the people do not want him to lead. Our way of life has drastically changed for the worse since he first stepped foot in the White House. NBC conducted a poll that found 70% of Americans do not want Biden to run for re-election. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that only 26% of Americans want Biden to remain in power.

Biden has a degenerative cognitive impairment that will only worsen. Already the oldest president in American history, Biden will be 86-years-old if he lives to the end of a second term. Biden was touted as the most popular president in US election history after receiving 81 million votes – let that number sink in as not many people today will openly say they voted for this man. At the time of this writing, Joe Biden’s YouTube channel has 700K subscribers and only 2.4K liked his re-election campaign announcement (they hid the dislike numbers after the Fauci debacle).

This will be one of the dirtiest elections in US history. Civil unrest will turn into division as the people are pitted against each other from every angle. No one will accept defeat, and the elites are fully backing Biden as their ideal puppet president. Gone are the days of fair elections. I must admit that no sitting president was ever ousted from office during a war, and our models indicate serious events unfolding right before the 2024 US Presidential Election. So buckle up because this next year is going to be a wild ride.

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Biden Shows Off New Electric Car That Can Hold Over 17 Boxes Of Classified Documents

Babylon Bee

Article Image

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Biden took to the streets of D.C. today to promote a brand new electric car, capable of holding at least seventeen boxes of highly-classified documents.

“I can get all of these top-secret files to my beach house on a single charge! Not a joke!” said Biden, cruising up Pennsylvania Avenue. “Wait, weren’t there eighteen boxes? Eh, who cares. Who wants ice cream??” Continue reading “Biden Shows Off New Electric Car That Can Hold Over 17 Boxes Of Classified Documents”

Joe Biden Abruptly Cancels G20 Meeting Amid Reports of Serious Health Concerns

Submitted by: aka.attrition

Source: BeckerNews

President Joe Biden abruptly canceled a G20 meeting on Tuesday, as world leaders gathered in Indonesia to conduct the official business of managing world affairs.

However, the official explanation for Biden’s last minute drop-out has many wondering once again if something is seriously wrong with the president. Watch:

“Breaking news would be that President Biden is missing the G20 leaders dinner,” Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy reported. “He is supposed to be at a supper right now, 8:10 in the evening here in Bali, Indonesia, with everybody that flew in. If you’re the U.S. president, you spent basically two days flying to get here for a dinner like this. You got MBS there, you got Trudeau there. Xi is also there, if anything was left on the table.”

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“The least-bad scenario is a hard landing, global recession worse than the 1930s. The worst-case borrows from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: war, famine, pestilence, and death.” – Kenneth S. Deffeyes

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Wikipedia

“When hopes and dreams are loose in the streets, it is well for the timid to lock doors, shutter windows and lie low until the wrath has passed. For there is often a monstrous incongruity between the hopes, however noble and tender, and the action which follows them. It is as if ivied maidens and garlanded youths were to herald the four horsemen of the apocalypse.” – Eric Hoffer

I don’t pretend to be a biblical scholar or have any particular expertise in interpreting scriptures, and certainly not the Book of Revelation, supposedly written by John of Patmos during the reign of Roman emperor Domitian sometime between 81 AD and 96 AD. But I did suffer through twelve years of Catholic school, with plenty of time reading the bible for homework assignments. I know many people take everything in the bible literally. I do not adhere to that understanding. I believe most, if not all, of the bible is parables and symbolism written by men as a means to guide early Christians in how they should live their lives. The wisdom imparted by these writers is vast and deep. The Book of Revelation is the most apocalyptic, mysterious, and prophetic.

I would agree with scholars who say Revelation does not refer to actual people or events but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil. But, as our modern-day world seems to be coming apart at the seams, the battle between good and evil is reaching a zenith, only seen at crucial turning points in history.


The Real State of the Union

Guest Post by Simon Black

My fellow Americans.

Now that my approval ratings are roughly at the same level as my blood pressure, i.e. barely detectable, and my credibility is nonexistent, I thought I might actually try being honest for a change about the real State of the Union.

Just over a year ago when I took oath of office, I talked about “the common objects we love that define us as Americans. . . Opportunity. Security. Liberty. Dignity. Respect. Honor. And yes, the truth.”

So let me describe to you the State of our Union in those terms:

First, opportunity.

Under my leadership, inflation has reached a 40+ year high and shows no signs of abating.

I’ve also demonstrated how serious I am about fighting inflation by re-appointing the very same Federal Reserve officials who created the inflation to begin with, to another four-year term.

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Biden Speaks – Nothing but Lies Again to Start WWIII

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Biden has delivered a propaganda justification for launching World War III. I have reported in the various previous reports that every war we have entered has been justified on nothing but lies. He makes no mention that these provinces have been the issue under the Minsk Agreements since 2014 where the people wanted to be independent because they were Russian ethnically – not Ukrainian.

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Deteriorating Conditions In The U.S. Stem From A Crony Capitalist Machine Gone Unchecked For Decades

Originally posted at FMShooter

To say that things have spiraled out of control is an understatement. Not only has oil been exorbitantly expensive this year, leading to increasing gas prices – inflation has squeezed tighter middle-class Americans. Prices on everyday items, groceries and household items, have reportedly increased over 5% since last year.

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