You, American Christian, may not know or think or believe it, but the stark reality is that…..

Via State of the Nation

Now think about that—LONG AND HARD—before
the cruel and devastating Zionist juggernaut comes
to a city or state or town near you.

An Open Letter to All American Christians

Dear American Christians,

Really, what would Jesus do?

How would Jesus respond to the terrible plight of the Palestinian people living in Gaza today?

Forget that the Hamas false flag ‘surprise attacks’ were literally staged by the IDF and MOSSAD.  And forget that the Netanyahu camarilla carried out this 9/11-type of terrorist operation in order to force all Gazans, those who are not slaughtered by the IDF, off their remaining lands in Israel.

So, let’s say you’re a stone-cold Christian Zionist who really believes that the apartheid state of Israel can do no wrong—EVER!  Even though we are presently watching an outright massacre of innocent women, children and elderly take place throughout the Gaza strip by the barbaric and merciless IDF.

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“The least-bad scenario is a hard landing, global recession worse than the 1930s. The worst-case borrows from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: war, famine, pestilence, and death.” – Kenneth S. Deffeyes

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Wikipedia

“When hopes and dreams are loose in the streets, it is well for the timid to lock doors, shutter windows and lie low until the wrath has passed. For there is often a monstrous incongruity between the hopes, however noble and tender, and the action which follows them. It is as if ivied maidens and garlanded youths were to herald the four horsemen of the apocalypse.” – Eric Hoffer

I don’t pretend to be a biblical scholar or have any particular expertise in interpreting scriptures, and certainly not the Book of Revelation, supposedly written by John of Patmos during the reign of Roman emperor Domitian sometime between 81 AD and 96 AD. But I did suffer through twelve years of Catholic school, with plenty of time reading the bible for homework assignments. I know many people take everything in the bible literally. I do not adhere to that understanding. I believe most, if not all, of the bible is parables and symbolism written by men as a means to guide early Christians in how they should live their lives. The wisdom imparted by these writers is vast and deep. The Book of Revelation is the most apocalyptic, mysterious, and prophetic.

I would agree with scholars who say Revelation does not refer to actual people or events but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil. But, as our modern-day world seems to be coming apart at the seams, the battle between good and evil is reaching a zenith, only seen at crucial turning points in history.


America’s Well-Documented Decline Amid Wars in the Air

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In 1976, some of the families sharing older ancestral lineages in my hometown were asked to march together in our bicentennial parade.  Although I was at an age where I found it somewhat embarrassing, I did enjoy waving at my friends and schoolmates along the way. Especially the girls.

Although the Saccharine Seventies manifested as a tarnishing patina on the silver platter of Norman Rockwell’s America, much of the shine still remained then in my hometown; even in the years before Ronald Reagan’s repolishing as the table was set again for his 1984 “Morning in America” commercial.

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Pence A Christian? POMPEO?: There Are Christians Who Love and Christians Who Hate

Guest Post by Fred Reed

The torture facility in Zacatecas, Mexico, a museum of  applied Christianity

Pompeo: “My Faith in Jesus Christ Makes a Real Difference”

Pompeo says God may have sent Trump to save Israel from Iran

“As a Christian, I certainly believe that’s possible,” said Mr Pompeo….”I am confident that the Lord is at work here,”

Pence, a Catholic Evangelical who almost became a priest: “I made a commitment to Christ.”

Christians? These Christians support a war on Yemen in which huge numbers of people are dying of mutilation, cholera,  and starvation, a war they could stop with a telephone call. They similarly support butchery of Afghans from the air, massive killing in Syria, bombing of Somalis, and torture chambers around the world. Such is their Christianity. They lack even a shred of human decency. But they are Christians.

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Sigh” No, Being A Christian Does Not Require You Meekly Submit To Leftist Tyranny

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Sigh” No, Being A Christian Does Not Require You Meekly Submit To Leftist Tyranny

First, the oldest but best Christian joke in the world (The second best is the one about how what was going on in Gomorrah was so bad nobody will talk about it): There’s this Christian guy who gets on his roof to escape a flood. He prays to God to save him. A rowboat comes by. He says, “No thanks, God will save me.” The rowboat leaves, the water rises, and he drowns. He appears before the Lord and says, “But I prayed for you to save me!” and God says, “I sent you a rowboat.”

Donald Trump is religious Americans’ improbable rowboat, and I have $20 that says some obtuse idiot is going to write a column, or at least fire off a tweet, saying “Schlichter thinks Trump was sent by God.” Mark my words. If there’s anything I know, it’s what to expect from dummies on the web.

There are a lot of people frustrated that Christians back Trump and refuse to let his personal life be used as a wedge to pry off their support. They are mad that Christians are not playing their role as defined by their enemies. Christians are supposed to be scandalized and give up and lose. But they won’t.

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Welcome To Londonistan: 423 New Mosques; 500 Closed Churches

Authored by Giulio Meotti via The Gatestone Institute,

  • British multiculturalists are feeding Islamic fundamentalism. Muslims do not need to become the majority in the UK; they just need gradually to Islamize the most important cities. The change is already taking place.
  • British personalities keep opening the door to introducing Islamic sharia law. One of the leading British judges, Sir James Munby, said that Christianity no longer influences the courts and these must be multicultural, which means more Islamic. Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, and Chief Justice Lord Phillips, also suggested that the English law should “incorporate” elements of sharia law.
  • British universities are also advancing Islamic law. The academic guidelines, “External speakers in higher education institutions”, provide that “orthodox religious groups” may separate men and women during events. At the Queen Mary University of London, women have had to use a separate entrance and were forced to sit in a room without being able to ask questions or raise their hands, just as in Riyadh or Tehran.

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Chick-Fil-A Makes Selfless Gesture to Supporters of Orlando Terrorism Victims

Via Breitbart


As the news continues to emerge about the brutal radical Islamist terror attack responsible for slaying 49 people at an Orlando, Florida, nightclub, Chick-fil-A–a company often maligned by the LGBT community–has made a selfless gesture to comfort supporters of the victims of the terrorist act without seeking any publicity for it.

Without seeking the limelight, the fast food giant responded by bringing a large amount of free food and drinks to the local blood donation center that was taking blood donations for the dozens who were seriously injured in the attack.

The news of the fast food outlet’s actions were reported on Facebook by Tampa, Florida, attorney and radio show host Kevin Hayslett.

Hayslett took to his own Facebook page to note that the Chick-fil-A in Orlando opened on Sunday, prepared its inventory of food, and trucked it down to the One Blood donation center, where workers handed out the delectables to everyone who was donating blood to aid the victims.

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The Decline of Christian America

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

“This is a Christian nation,” said the Supreme Court in 1892.

“America was born a Christian nation,” echoed Woodrow Wilson. Harry Truman affirmed it: “This is a Christian nation.”

But in 2009, Barack Hussein Obama begged to differ: “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.”

Comes now a Pew Research Center survey that reveals the United States is de-Christianizing at an accelerated rate.

Whereas 86 percent of Americans in 1990 identified as Christians, by 2007, that was down to 78 percent. Today only 7 in 10 say they are Christians. But the percentage of those describing themselves as atheists, agnostics or nonbelievers has risen to 23. That exceeds the Catholic population and is only slightly below evangelicals.

Those in the mainline Protestant churches — Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopalians — have plummeted from 50 percent of the U.S. population in 1958 to 14 percent today. By accommodating the social revolution of the 1960s to stay relevant, mainline churches appear to have made themselves irrelevant to America’s young.

The decline in Christian identity is greatest among the young. While 85 percent of Americans born before 1945 still call themselves Christians, only 57 percent of those born after 1980 do.

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Biblical Values — or Vegas Values?

Biblical Values — or Vegas Values?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Almost all of the declared and undeclared Republican candidates for 2016 could be found this weekend at one of two events, or both.

The first was organized by the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, and held in Point of Grace Church in Waukee.

Dominated by Evangelical Christians, who were 60 percent of Republican caucus-goers in 2008 and 2012, the Point of Grace Church event drew no fewer than nine Republican hopefuls.

Ex-Gov. Mike Huckabee and ex-Sen. Rick Santorum, past winners of the Iowa caucuses, were there. So, too, were Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Scott Walter. Cruz and Walker are sons of Christian preachers.

All nine GOP hopefuls espoused Judeo-Christian values, and all nine pledged unyielding opposition to same-sex marriage.

“At a forum before evangelical Christians,” wrote The New York Times, “the Republican candidates told a cheering crowd that the fight over same-sex marriage would not end with a Supreme Court decision.

“Mr. Cruz said advocates of traditional marriage should ‘fall to our knees and pray.’” Sen. Marco Rubio declared that the “institution of marriage as one man and one woman existed long before our laws existed.”

Onward Christian soldiers!

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