The Financial Jigsaw, Part 2 – FARMERS’ RESISTANCE WINS – Takeover USA – Naomi Wolf – Was Kafka Right? – Deep State – Yes, Minister – Chessboard Left – Axis of Resistance – What is DFI? – [04-27-24]

“Whoever doesn’t miss the Soviet Union doesn’t have a heart. Whoever wants it back doesn’t have a brain.” [Vladimir Putin]

THIS LEDER IS SO GOOD I HAVE RE-POSTED WORD-FOR-WORD (with light grammatical edits)

TRUTH11.COM by | Gareth Icke (lightly edited).  The Psychological Battle for Truth and the Power of the Farmer’s Uprising in Refreshingly Undiluted Language of Genuine Defiance.

The ‘Deep State’ has no power over you. NONE. It can only make you believe it does.  These very clever, sophisticated psychological techniques give the impression of holding a ‘dominant position’ and exercising the ‘dominant power’Reference Sun Tzu: All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we can attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

This is the Deep State chimera, and immediately it is seen as such it manifests in an authoritative position that keeps the Deep State in check, which can only operate defensively. They have achieved this by establishing ever greater barriers to freedom of expression, movement, and choice.  The Deep State knows it’s on the losing side, so has to apply all the tricks in the trade to make itself ‘appear to be in control’.  It’s a truly psychological battlefield – 5th Generation Warfare.

Edward Bernays, the founder of modern advertising, has had much to do with weaponising the powers of perception and deception. He found that he could get people to believe and do almost anything once he learned how to exploit their psyche with carefully chosen imagery and words.

Once a tap into people’s widespread subconscious attraction to the trappings of seductive consumables is established the Deep State’s corporate/banker-led ‘seeming’ global dominance draws on Bernays’s cunning, using advanced insights concerning how to influence the functions of different areas of the human brain.

The objective is to come up with a blanket-like web of virtual signposting pointing to the direction life must go to overcome some purposefully manufactured crisis. A crisis that is claimed will otherwise cook, starve, or destroy people and the planet.  People in a state of funk take all this to be real, of course, and plod on with their ‘tunnel vision’ acceptance of the pathological diktats from the status quo.

The Deep State Cabal has a mental hold over their perception of what is and is not true, and rolls out the moderators, fact-checkers, and ‘sudden silencers’ to counteract anything that emerges as an emissary of truth. Many have had first-hand experience with this executioner formula.

Nevertheless, ‘we, the purposeful people’ are winning. There is simply too much information on the loose for the thought/surveillance police to cover, despite their algorithmic interventions. Their tactic is, therefore, to try and gain the upper hand by pushing harder on their ‘disaster agenda.’

This is exemplified by the global dissemination of a dystopian agenda laid out in Klaus Schwab’s  Fourth Industrial Revolution.  The most ubiquitous cooked-up disaster is, of course, ‘man-made global warming’, (now renamed ‘Climate Change’) with its stated solution being the ‘Transhuman’.  All steps in between are sold as vital to advancing the speed and efficiency of the ‘human to inhuman’ transformational process.

The digitalisation of life is central to the architects of the control argument that humanity is incapable of managing itself and that, without their intervention, the outcome will be the complete breakdown of planetary life.  Only a race of soulless computer-assisted ‘super beings’ can save the day, say the likes of Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, and Klaus Schwab et al.

Consider how this agenda plays on the psychology of those who have yet to find in themselves the self-assurance (self-actualisation) to discard that which has no practical sense of purpose and no foundation in basic common sense. [Note: “Self-actualisation was coined by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realise one’s full potential: “the tendency to actualise itself as fully as possible is the basic drive, the drive of self-actualisation.”  Carl Rogers similarly wrote of “the curative force in psychotherapy, man’s tendency to actualise himself, to become his potentialities; to express and activate all the capacities of the organism.”  This is the best defence for those falling under the power of the elites’ toxic propaganda.]

The architects of control count on the majority remaining unresistant to the deploying of their high-tech hegemonic master plan. So much so that they can freely announce that by following it “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”  In the psychological battle for truth, the perpetrators of the lie have access to a vast storehouse of mind-bending persuasion techniques to make their agenda seem the only choice.

“Dr. M. Scott Peck brilliantly probes into the essence of human evil.  People who are evil attack others instead of facing their failures. Peck demonstrates the havoc these ‘people of the lie’ work in the lives of those around them.  He presents, from vivid incidents encountered in his psychiatric practice, examples of evil in everyday life.  This Book is by turns disturbing, fascinating, and altogether impossible to put down as it offers a strikingly original approach to the age-old problem of human evil.”

These people recognise that when a high percentage of individuals believe themselves to be unable to operate without a mobile phone, they will be sufficiently unfocused and distracted to be unable to rebel against a fateful acceptance of slavery to the big brother of convenience.  These are easily manipulated victims of digital mass hypnosis.

Here lies the rub: if the upwardly mobile urban ‘educated’ segment of society sees no problem conducting their lives within a credit card bubble of hypermarket convenience shopping, digital EMF communication systems, computer-fed entertainment packages, and a well-paid job in a global or transnational corporation, where is the resistance going to come from?

If this genre of people is already too far gone to register an internal kick when faced with a high-level plan to ‘happily’ have all their material assets taken away from them then who or what is going to raise the alarm?

It seems that only a tiny minority (3.5%) can read the script for their future behind ‘virtual bars’, yet it only takes a surprising few to change the world. Only a few grasp the psychology of the insentient psychopath and the soulless urge to possess and control, at any price.  But once moved outside the world of godless urban shopping-obsessed, nine-to-five, and ‘well-educated’ university-trained job hunters, the potential to get real starts emerging.

Amongst those working people who regularly get their hands dirty, who till the fields; build shelters; repair cars; mend pipes; fix electrics, and dig drains, the virtual reality digital cybernetic future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and Green New Deal looks like pure fantasy; the ravings of the unhinged.

‘The People’ don’t need to mentally struggle to grasp the twisted logic broadcast by the Global Media Mafia. They simply know in their gut that it’s so much BS.  It’s those who form the foundation of the pyramid that holds society together. Who glues the basic infrastructure that supports our daily lives. And it is from here that an increasing percentage reject the psychology of mental indoctrination and the promotion of a digitised virtual future.

The ‘Throw out Green Deal’ remarkable, unified farmer uprisings happening in all parts of Europe and beyond are testimony to this. They are rising against the imposition of the phony ‘Net Zero by 2045’ rules that demand an end to farmers working the land and an end to the livestock that keep that land fertile.

These farmers are out in their tens of thousands. In Poland, they are mounting month-long tractor blockades of cities, supermarkets, and border crossings.  Coal miners, faced with being shut out by large-scale ‘stop global warming’ redundancies, are joining the uprising.

Farmers say they will not cease their disruptions until their demands are met by the government and by the EU.  This is the refreshingly undiluted language of genuine defiance.   It has the authorities rattled. Green Deal is, after all, the very backbone of the agenda to enslave us all in a ‘Brave New World’ of synthetic everything from food to nature, digital money, and synthetic people and medicine.

The general public is in sympathy with the farmers’ actions.  Approximately 80% of European citizens are on their side according to opinion surveys.  Getting a solid core of consumers to rise and participate in this bottom-up movement for the survival of real food and real farming will be vital to maintaining the momentum.

Coming from an unlikely place, a solid-earthed uprising is gathering pace. The farmers’ demands are essentially for economic fairness, respect, and recognition of the vital role they play in the food security of a nation.   Under the ‘Green Deal,’ none of these demands are taken seriously. The WEF solution is not to support the agricultural community but to destroy it.

In the 2024 battle for truth, everyone should behave as resolutely as the farmers. The need is to be uncompromising in face-to-face dealings with political liars and hypocrites. We are the many trustees of Planet Earth. To maintain its balance and equilibrium we have no choice other than to enter into a pactless fight against all opposing forces.  Those who have land can grow natural food, draw water from a well, and are the last independent individuals on the planet. They are not about to capitulate to a tiny bunch of psychos in Brussels, London, Warsaw, Washington, or Paris.

Everyone’s life is dependent upon having access to nourishing food. Therefore everyone’s life is dependent upon the survival and future prosperity of the farmer.  Support them now in their hour of need.  Their need is also your need.  They have no future and nor do we without a life-saving revolution that re-establishes the priorities for what is important in life. Think deeply about this and then act on it without delay. 

And if you’re left in doubt ask farmers who control the food chain. Who is really in the driving seat when it comes to feeding the world?  Allowing a slide into a state of abject slavery is the doctrine of the graveyard.  All those retaining cognition and critical thinking know that the road to truth accepts no compromise and can never be subverted by the orchestrated opium of mass indoctrination.  Sources:

We are moments to midnight in light of all the naked fraud, outright criminality, and brazen corruption that has been exposed by so many governments, the EU, and global institutions.  We have never before seen so much proven government malfeasance and reckless grifting across the world, every country is, to one degree or another, both victims and culprits are exposed.

While ‘The Powers That Be’ (TPTB) has various schemes and PsyOp to buy them time, they have noticed building resistance to their NWO takeover and plan for a permanent collapse of the collective West.  We have reached a tipping point whereby elected representatives and government officials at every level are slowly becoming more afraid of ‘The People’ than they are of their hidden Bankster paymasters and handlers.

Conclusion – The Bankster-controlled Uniparties, Deep States, Intelligence Communities, Mockingbird Media, and much of the Transnational Corporate world are on the losing side – it is only a matter of time as resistance builds across the world.



By staging one border invasion after another, the Globalists can secret into the country millions of military-aged males under cover of being ‘amnesty seekers’, which they are not.  Many are even purposefully released as violent criminals seeking their next crime spree in the developed world.

Once these trained mercenaries, experienced soldiers of fortune, and paid terrorists are over the border, they’re ferried to the various 50 states to train for their next missions.

There are essentially three duties/destinations for those fighting-aged men.  The trained terrorists will be transported to certain cities where they will join highly organised terrorist cells and they will await their future orders.

The paid mercenaries will be sent to clandestine military camps to be trained in urban guerrilla warfare.  The willing and less dangerous economic immigrants are immediately registered into an “Accelerated Military Path to US Citizenship”.  By volunteering to enter the US Armed Forces, these future grunts are put on a fast track to fully-fledged citizenship with all kinds of perks.

However, they are also recruited into specially trained regiments and squads that have no reservations about killing American citizens.  The communist-run DoD knows that the average US military service member would not kill their fellow citizens, so they run these foreign recruits through highly manipulative mind-control programs.

Each of these three groupings of extreme enemies of the American Republic and communist EU serves critical purposes in the staging of the long-planned ‘American Bolshevik Revolution’.  The decision-makers at the very top of this CIA-coordinated colour revolution will use the same war plan that was utilised during the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. (See: UN RUN TERRORIST TRAINING CAMP FOR INVASION OF AMERICA) by a Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer.

THE MERITS OF THESE ARGUMENTS are reinforced by Naomi Wolf


So, are we winning yet?  Of course not, we are still governed by idiots who hate us. Another scamdemic could be inaugurated at some point, and climate policies will be continued, because these bastards won’t give up until they are all hanged. I can taste the dust of the nuclear bomb Kamala Harris might launch when Joe Biden dies, to show us she is a strong, independent woman who did not sleep her way to the top.

I can feel the demonic energy reaching out to our children over the internet into which this mad “Trans” culture has irrupted. How can we account for these ‘shifts’ in our favour.   I tend to agree with Neema Parvini. What we are seeing is ‘containment’.  The elites know they have pushed too far, they know that too many of ‘the ruled’ can see how stupid and ugly the reigning political formulae are, of health and safety policy wielded to kill us, of open borders and pro-criminal policing, of genital mutilation.

The likes of Obama and Tony Blair have for years criticised woke rhetoric as being alienating to some of the proles they need to vote for them. Now the system is shifting its tone.  The grey bureaucrats who rule, do not, of course, truly need the masses behind them. They managed to invoke sex changes, gay marriage, masks, fake injections, and affirmative action on whole populations who would never have chosen such positions for themselves, certainly not absent massive media brainwashing.

Think of a mass increase in British immigration post-Brexit; think of California voting against gay marriage and affirmative action (twice). How did that work out?  Take the most extreme example. Source

Chris Waldburger – Can You Feel the Shift?
It is happening quietly, but some of ‘the woke’ is being put away. Britain’s Labour Party, which is to the left of the ruling ‘Conservatives’ (who themselves have done nothing but support the worst of political correctness and gender madness) has changed its policy on ‘gender self-identification…

Recommended Reading

  1. OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Destroy the USA  Source:

WHAT Orwell and Huxley Got Wrong and Franz Kafka Got Right

For self-evident reasons, the fictional visions of Orwell and Huxley resonate as maps to the present distemper.  Orwell’s account of full-spectrum technological totalitarianism maps Big Tech’s mastery of Surveillance Capitalism and governments’ full-spectrum surveillance powering the fine-grained coercion of social credit scores and related tools.

Huxley’s vision of a doped-up, med-dependent populace that loves its servitude also maps the present.  Indeed, not only is servitude loved, which manifests in endless addictions and dependencies on everything from debt to junk food, to painkillers, servitude has been so normalised that it’s not even recognised as servitude that underpins a “new normal life.”

What Orwell and Huxley got wrong is the limits of these nightmarish and effective systems of control. Full-spectrum technological totalitarianism can certainly enforce compliance with the desired behaviours and expressions of consent, but it can’t force individuals to not have ambition or creativity, to marry for love and children, or possess values or beliefs beyond the superficial lip-syncing of compliance.  Source:



President Kennedy was furious at the CIA for having misled him. Waiting several months before he compelled CIA Director Allen Dulles to resign, Kennedy told him,  “Under a parliamentary system of government it is I who would be leaving. But under our system, it is you who must go.”  Thus John F. Kennedy defended the illusion that the Anglophile-dominated US government had transcended its British aristocratic-monarchical roots.

Allen Dulles resigned from his office as Director of Central Intelligence to preside over the committee that would disprove Kennedy‘s naive belief in an American system of responsible government in the hands of popularly elected representatives.


Denied by most in the West, the existence of what Prouty called “the secret team” is so obvious to the scriptwriters of the aristocratic-monarchist British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that it could be advertised in prime time. The history of the current regime in the Federal Republic of Germany, ignored by most of occupied Germany’s licensed “free media”, was so obvious that GDR prime-time TV broadcast a series in the 1970s which dramatised the US-Nazi cooperation in the remilitarisation of Germany (West) to fight the war now actually impending against Russia. Source:



There will be much more of this censorship in the future. Thanks to a FOIA request and eventual lawsuit brought by America First Legal, AFL was able to uncover a report by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) that was intended for internal use only. Glenn digs into this report called the “Dis-information Primer,” which provides a disturbing insider’s view of the government’s strategies for dealing with rampant so-called “information disorder.”  But instead of debunking speech, it doesn’t like, the government employs a strategy called “pre-bunking.” Source

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book ‘Deep State’ and the new best-selling book called ‘Indoctrinating Our Children to Death’, says the UN’s quest for total tyrannical control of your life is coming sooner than you could imagine. 

Newman explains: “The bigger story here that people are not paying attention to is the UN is coming together in September … and they are having ‘The Summit of the Future’.  They are telling us they are going to bring out radical drastic reforms in the structure of the UN … and the power of the UN.  Think of it as the biggest power grab ever at the global level.  The Secretary General of the UN (António Guterres) has put out briefs where he is calling for the UN to be the one world global dictatorship with him at the helm. Source

GEOPOLITICS – The Sahel’s ‘Axis of Resistance’


The Axis of Resistance in West Asia and across Arab and Muslim states is now its soul-sister the Axis of Resistance spanning the Sahel in Africa, west to east, from Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger to Chad, Sudan, and Eritrea.

Unlike Niger, where the change in power against neocolonialism was associated with a military coup, in Senegal, the power change is visceral.  Source


Dozens of national governments are joining with the United Nations and billionaire population-control fanatic Bill Gates on a global program to impose “digital public infrastructure” (DPI) on their citizens within five years. This “DPI” includes central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), digital identification, comprehensive data systems, and more, all functional across national borders. Source


  • BOOM’s Global Weekly Review – Tuesday, April 30, 2024
  • Letter from Great Britain – CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – Saturday, May 4, 2024



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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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April 27, 2024 8:42 am

The farmers needed FALs not tractors.

anon a moos
anon a moos
April 27, 2024 12:03 pm

In the 2024 battle for truth, everyone should behave as resolutely as the farmers. The need is to be uncompromising in face-to-face dealings with political liars and hypocrites.

Two best lines in this report. Odd how the MSM has quietly dropped reporting of the farmers here. Don’t want the peons thinking they can do the same thing.

Sadly the country known around the globe as the bastion of freedom country, is deafeningly silent. Pedo joe is a good representation of the usausa today. A frail, senile, pants shitting diminutive old man who’s lost their way.

Other countries and Peoples are fighting back against these vile evil asswipes from WEF, brussles etc etc Its sad to see that the usausa has been relegated to a naked old man huddled in a corner, eyes cast to the ground averting any contact with the overlord. A nation where it has a Constitutional duty to throw off any tyrannical govt that tries to form, becomes the poster child of complacency, excuses and obedience to the rulers.

Parties over

  anon a moos
April 27, 2024 5:09 pm

>>>A frail, senile, pants shitting diminutive old man who’s lost their way.

You are being far to charitable. Biden is a deeply corrupt professional politician-criminal, who (given complete freedom and opportunity) would likely have chosen to lead exactly the life he has led, up to this very moment.

The only change this shithead would probably make in his life course would be to become POTUS when he was 20 years younger, so the grifting payout would have been longer, for both himself and his nauseating family.

April 28, 2024 1:28 am

Good stuff, Peter. interesting compilation, though I don’t see any hope. I don’t see farmers “winning”. I don’t see the waking public changing anything. Our enemies only need to destroy things. They have a hundred ways to do that.

I liked the way you brought Kafka into the mix. When I read Kafka the overwhelming feeling I have is paranoia. That there are unseen, undefined forces working against his protagonists. We all feel the activities of these forces in the world, but they seem to me to be organised and directed, not chaotic. What we call “chaos” is their objective…. Ordo Ab Chao, the motto of the Scottish Rite…..

Thanks again for the article. I enjoy pieces by our fellow TBP commentators the most.