Is Twitter Shadowbanning Scott Adams?

Not only is the dying legacy media rigging the election for Hillary, the ultra-libs who run Facebook, Google, and Twitter are using all kinds of nefarious means to slant social media towards a Hillary victory. Scott has over 81,000 followers. Fuck Jack Dorsey and his Twitter for Hillary bullshit. I’m going to lead the fight with my 458 followers.

Guest Post by Scott Adams

According to many of my Twitter followers, Twitter is “shadowbanning” me. If true, that means someone at Twitter has decided to suppress my free speech on the site, presumably because I have said good things about Trump’s talents for persuasion. My tweets do not align with Twitter’s political preferences as I understand them.

I don’t have confirmation from Twitter that this is happening, so I tweeted Jack Dorsey today to ask. I’m sure he’s busy, but I’m hard to ignore. If no response in two days, I’ll assume my Twitter followers are correct that my tweets are not always showing up in their feeds. Shadowbanning isn’t a complete suppression of tweets. It only suppresses some percentage of them to reduce the influence of the sender. Allegedly.

I won’t jump the gun and assume something nefarious is happening. But I will say that IF it is happening, I would regard it as treason. If one political party can use the machinery of social networks to reduce free speech, that is an attack on American values at the deepest level. As a patriot, I would feel obligated to help kill Twitter. (And you wouldn’t want to bet against me.)

I understand Twitter is looking for a buyer. If management is shadowbanning me, that would be breach of fiduciary responsibility, screwing both the shareholders and the employees who hope the company can be purchased. In my view, shadowbanning would make Twitter too toxic to own. That toxicity – treason in my view – would transfer to the buyer.

But again, I don’t assume Twitter is doing anything wrong. That’s why I’m asking the question. There could be other reasons people are not seeing my tweets. Let’s keep open minds.

For two days.

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Deplorable Paul
Deplorable Paul
October 18, 2016 2:26 pm

Just one of the reasons I have zero use for social media. They all seem to be run by libtards. In addition to the data mining, tracking and social engineering they engage in.
I probably don’t agree with Scott politically but I like his tell-it-like-it-is honesty.
Similar to someone else who’s in the news a lot lately.

October 18, 2016 2:35 pm

Although I have enjoyed the cartoon, Dilbert, for some time, I have been somewhat skeptical about Scott Adams. Now I am starting to really like the guy. I would love to see him declare war on Twitter. At this point, he seems genuinely pissed. 2 days. Let the countdown begin.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 18, 2016 3:11 pm

Once the Crunch occurs, social media will wither like desert grass in the hot sun. It’s hard to be too concerned about the Kardashians if you haven’t eaten any food for two days.

October 18, 2016 3:22 pm

My ex had someone make a fake twitter account posing as her. Used her picture and everything. Its sadistic. What a useless garbage site.

October 18, 2016 3:49 pm

Scott Adams is doing a killer job at playing this game. He doesn’t come across as complaining or like a conspiracy theory nut. He presents himself as maintaining the high ground and leaves the reader with a very bad impression of twitter. This is how you do it, in just a few short sentences.

We all should learn how to do it because this is what wins.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
October 18, 2016 4:23 pm

Anyone want to bet that Dilbert starts disappearing from newspapers over the next 12 months. TPTB cannot have a loose cannon like Adams talking truth to the citizens. Depriving him of his main source of income, the Dilbert comic strip, will slow him down and eventually shut him up.

America, the worlds newest banana republic.

  Trapped in Portlandia
October 19, 2016 7:55 am

He has already lost all of his speaking engagements. He’s lost a lot of money just saying “Trump is good at persuasion” without ever endorsing the guy himself.

There is no illusion where the lines are anymore. I would love for on November 8th for the entire planet to freeze some how… everyone be forced to pick Trump or Hillary (neither will be president)… split the population into two different planets and let them free away from each other and able to see which one can actually build/maintain civilization and which we’ll find huddling under huts if they are lucky.

October 18, 2016 7:05 pm

You got 458 following you around every day ? Sounds interesting I guess.I got no Twitter, Facebook , MySpace or anything else social except the Burning Platform. Damn that’s depressing.I need to get a life !!!

October 18, 2016 8:52 pm

well…sorry about twitter Mr. Scott.
I saw you interviewed and you are still handsome. Plus,
you have a rangy cowboy style. I like it.
Sell Twitter? Get some many billions for a phone service?
They wants to cash out and buy PM.

October 18, 2016 10:17 pm

Well it didn’t go well for Garry Trudeau. I am sure that all of that free press will be glad to keep publishing the most beloved funny of all time, after Doonesbury of course.

October 19, 2016 2:56 pm

Political cartoons have ended political careers more than once in our history…

Stacey Reiman
Stacey Reiman
October 19, 2016 3:00 pm

I just got shadow banned (again) by Twitter, for posting pro Trump graphics/memes. Mine are original and not photos, so I’m not sure they are technically “memes” – but I’ve been getting thousands of views a day, and show up in the Photos tab for trending topics and Hillary searches a lot of the time. I didn’t over hashtag, over @, or over post. I’m a programmer. So I know there is NO way I tripped an algorithm designed to prevent spam or abuse. This was manual. Now it could just be Hillary’s people objecting to my stuff. But to be sneakily shadow banned, rather than receive a flash message that they’ve had complaints about me or something – is really insidious and seems really corrupt on Twitter’s part. If they are simply allowing Hillary’s people to silence us – they are still guilty of not protecting free speech at a time when this stuff MATTERS. Shame on them. And shame on YOU, Jack Dorsey.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  Stacey Reiman
October 19, 2016 3:28 pm


Very nice work!

You should get in touch with Francis Marion. The regular contributor on this site he is looking for someone with your skills.