Mass Democrat Voter Fraud – Part 2

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Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
October 18, 2016 4:17 pm

Netflix created the show House of Cards as a play on all the stupidity of our politics. But our current political situation makes House of Cards look as benign as West Wing.

Maybe for next season Netflix can create a more accurate US political saga called House of Bananas.

  Trapped in Portlandia
October 18, 2016 5:04 pm

I’ve not watched House of Cards or the West Wing, but I watched a show called Braindead. It does a good job explaining DC. The folks there have alien bugs in their brains.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 18, 2016 5:46 pm

Time for multiple RICO prosecutions! DNC, all these contractors who bring illegal voters in to vote multiple times, anyone who was voted into office as a result of these illegal voters ….
It’s either the prison or the bullet box time.

October 18, 2016 5:56 pm

The only way the house will get cleaned is Trump is elected and that may not do it.

October 18, 2016 9:24 pm

the video made me feel sick

Captain America
Captain America
October 18, 2016 11:34 pm

Discussed the great reporting at Project Veritas and the Wikileaks/Podesta e-mails with a colleague at work. She smiled at me, acknowledged how awful it was, and then told me she wanted a “female President.” I countered with, “even a female monster?” “Yes, better than a sexist.”

Near as I can tell, her nominal IQ as measured on multiple Stanford-Binet and WAIS tests is 162. 3 solid z-scores or more above the norm, and dumb as a box of rocks.

Had an argument at lunch today, with my superior. It concerned the nude Hillary statue, and the women in NYC who defaced it and sat on it. I suggested that they did the same to Trump. His response? “Trump is a bigot.”

The psyops/brainwashing/dumbing down/narrative control is near absolute. America is over. My contingency is Ecuador, but not before I do the same thing I did as an elite soldier in 1977, kill Communists. Except this time it is not in Angola, it will be here. Oh, I will not fire the first shots. But, I will fire many. And where I live, I almost can’t miss.

Broken arrow ladies and gentleman. Khrushchev was right, they not only buried us from within, they adopted our Capitalism as they injected their virus in to us.

It is going to be bad. Hillary will steal this election, and no amount of facts will assuage the vaginas and manginas.

  Captain America
October 19, 2016 4:20 am

Yep, your vote matters!

This fuck stick Foval has already invalidated the tRump vote of every TBP tRumpeteer here several times over.

I’m going to contact my local county election office after the election to find out if I cast a ballot in this election. I’ll bet that the minute I cancelled my voter registration, my name was sent straight to Foval and his ilk. I’ll bet I’m a registered Demoncrat right now and I didn’t even get a Hitlary sticker out of the deal!

Vote early, vote often! FORWARD!!——>with The Great Regression!