Building Bridges and Perhaps Some Walls?

 Mr. Trump, if you want to win the election, please read this. | Watchmans Cry

(Attention Readers, If anyone has the ability, please get this letter to Donald Trump ASAP)

Dear Mr. Trump, if you want to win the election, please read this.

I am a citizen of the United States. I am a Christian, and I am a father with a wife and children. I want a future for my kids, just like the rest of the country. If Hillary Clinton becomes president, this country will be over. She is corrupt. She has been bought off by special interests, and she is going to bring World War III.

I do not want this.

So it looks like you are the only other viable choice to stop her madness. Thus far, I am not impressed with you. You are egotistic, bombastic, narcissistic. You struggle with telling the truth. And you appear to have a lot of anger. That being said, you are the only candidate who has a chance at stopping Hillary.

But right now you’re in trouble. You are struggling in the polls, and a lot of people are not sure about you, including me. They are perched on the fence trying to decide if you are the “real deal.” Time is running out. If you are going to change the opinion of those who doubt you, you must do it quickly.

Time is running out, Mr. Trump.

I don’t know whose advice you are following to try to expand your support, but it is failing. Your rallies may be fun and energetic, but most of those attending are from your primary base of support. You need to expand and gather the undecided. And one of the largest pool of potential voters are the evangelicals, and women.

The Evangelical Vote

If you desire to become president, you need the evangelical vote. I am an evangelical Christian. I believe in the Bible, in morals, and in God’s principles. Therefore, you need my vote. And you need the vote of my brethren who are doubting you.

The Tape

When the 2005 tape was released about you and Billy Bush, you lost a lot of supporters. A portion of the evangelicals have terminated their support of you.

So have a lot of women.

Mr. Trump, you cannot win the election without the support of women or the evangelicals. Therefore, if you want to win, you need to turn this around.

I do not know where you received the counsel on the apology that you tweeted and later videotaped, but the strategy was terrible.  The apology lacked sincerity and included elements that should have been left out. It did not impress. Instead, it caused you more harm and resulted in a mass exodus of support from your campaign.

However, you can fix this. But it has to be done quickly and correctly.

A few months ago, you formed an evangelical committee of advisers made up of preachers and spiritual leaders. Did any of them advise you about how to deal with the tape? Was your apology scripted by one of them? If it was, it was poorly done, because your method of apology failed to stop the exodus, and lacked the contrite fundamentals that evangelicals understand and that Americans wanted to see.

Also, if any committee members did advise you, they need to be replaced, because the method failed. And it appears that they are spiritual yes-men instead of representatives of the Gospel. A true representative would have explained repentance to you, and encouraged a better apology. Perhaps if you win, you can deal with replacing some of the charlatans on the evangelical committee. They are embarrassing as representatives of the Gospel

Conclusion, you need to do something different to win the election and it needs to be compelling. But it also has to be genuine to win back the support from the evangelicals and women who are on the fence.

So here it is. And I need to stress, if you want to win, this must be done.

If you choose to ignore this admonition, you may lose the election. If you consider this counsel and act on it, your odds of winning will greatly increase.

Number one – the Language of the Evangelicals

Mr. Trump, Christians have a language. It is a part of our culture. At our core, we believe in forgiveness and redemption. But obtaining redemption requires a fulfillment of fundamental guidelines.

If the guidelines are followed, then redemption and reconciliation takes place. If they are not followed, then self-destruction takes place.

The Bible narrates many accounts of people finding redemption. But it also reveals that those who did not follow the guidelines perished.

Judas Iscariot is an example of a person who did not find redemption. He was regretful. He was embarrassed. But he did not deal with his betrayal of Jesus correctly, and thus he perished through self-destruction.

Peter denied Jesus, but dealt with his downfall with tears and repentance. He was humble. He was not only embarrassed about it, but it broke his heart, because he realized that his failure hurt somebody else. The Bible tells us that he wept bitterly.

Mr. Trump, repentance requires humbleness and responsibility. It does not make excuses. It doesn’t shift blame. It doesn’t point the finger to someone else.

True repentance involves, “owning it.”

When you sent your tweet to apologize about the tape, you made excuses. You did not, “own it.” You blamed Bill Clinton. Later that night, you released another video that did the same thing, and your face showed defiance. That was a mistake. Because it resulted in an exodus of women and evangelicals who could have placed you in the White House. The reason for the exodus was your inability to show evangelicals that you understand our language.

Christians want to trust you. They also want to be confident that you understand redemption. They want to see you as a man of integrity and as one they can trust.

Mr. Trump, please try to understand this, the best example of integrity and character, is a person who is able to show responsibility and humbleness.

As Christians, our lifestyle includes forgiveness and forgiving. However, we are also taught by Jesus that we will know an imposter by their behavior or “fruit.” Therefore, we are instructed by God to be cautious of those among us. This includes you, Mr. Trump. American evangelicals and women want to trust you. But so far, your behavior is making that difficult.

Sir, be that man that we are looking for. Show us that you understand humbleness and meekness. You stated in your video that traveling around the country has humbled you. That’s nice. But true humbleness occurs through action. Not just words.

You stated in the debate, that the tape was, “just words.” But sir, those words have caused millions of people to doubt you. Also, one of the reasons that many women have abandoned you, is because the tape hinted that you have sexually assaulted women in the past.

Here’s the uncomfortable truth. Millions of women have been molested and raped in America. This has also happened to boys. When your tape came out, it brought back a lot of memories to those victims.

In your first two apologies, the pain of sexual assault was minimized and reduced to, “locker room talk.” Unfortunately, the survivors of sexual assault feel differently. And your sidestepping method made light of their pain.

Number two – Apologize to the World. This time No Excuses

Show us where the buck stops. Prove to us that you are a different man.

I counsel you to speak to the American voters with a sincere video and apologize correctly. Tell the women who were reminded about assault that you are sorry that your Access Hollywood tape brought pain to them.

Admit that it was wrong. Do not say, “IF” I offended anyone.

Admit that it “WAS” offensive.

Make a public statement about sexual assault and molestation. Validate the pain of millions out there who are dealing with this.

Be that man Mr. Trump. Be the man of character. Be the man that understands what true repentance is.

If you look to the polls, you may be getting worried. You should be. It should be humbling to you. It should let you know, that you are not perfect, but guess what Mr. Trump. We already know that, because as Christians, we understand that none of us are.

But the good news is that America is based on Christian principles. And American citizens understand forgiveness. We will forgive you. Women will forgive you. But show us that you want it, and show us you are capable of humbly seeking it.

Time is running out, Sir. But a miracle can still happen.

It’s up to you, Mr. Trump.

And I believe that I speak for millions of evangelicals, who want to go into the voting booth and choose Donald Trump for president with confidence. In order for that to happen, you need to do take this advice and apply it quickly. In so doing, you will settle a lot of hearts and if it is God’s will, you will find yourself pleasantly surprised.

Nathan Leal
Watchman’s Cry Ministries


(I find the discussion groups at Leal’s site to be high quality Biblical and cultural scholars.  There are a few kooks, but take a look in the mirror.)


Source: Mr. Trump, if you want to win the election, please read this. | Watchmans Cry

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November 1, 2016 6:23 am

I dunno I think he’s already winning the landslide.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 1, 2016 6:26 am

IMO, this is BULLSHIT.
I will not vote for a candidate that gets on his knees to apologize to the liberal media, cuz that is how it would play out.

Some special snowflakes are offended; Boo-Hoo; go find a Safe Space, preferably in an ISIS controlled location.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 1, 2016 6:27 am

comment image

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 1, 2016 7:08 am

Don’t see it happening.
This country is now divided politically like no other time in my life. It is vicious and even to hatred.

There is no reaching out.

Now, why are Moore and Matthews doing a 180? Don’t know. Very, very strange. People like that aren’t about to change their ideology – more suspicion for me.

November 1, 2016 11:05 am

Been busy with my parents … plus, I’m doing concrete work. Just posted a quickie answer for ya below.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 1, 2016 7:26 am

The letter kind of sums up why I know longer attend church. The levels of hypocrisy embedded in it undermine it’s legitimacy.

Let’s see if I can do this succinctly-

1) You don’t offer apologies to people you don’t know for offenses that were not committed against them. That’s nonsensical.

2) He accuses Trump of being dishonest because he doesn’t recognize the truth. Trump does speak candidly and that freaks people out. Clearly. The Billy Bush comment was not about Trump’s behavior, but about women’s behavior- granted not all, but a lot. Women are attracted to power, money and celebrity and will allow themselves to be denigrated if it means they can spend time in that sphere. Unless this guy is claiming that women have no agency of their own (and that would offend far more women if he owned up to that position), Trump’s bragging about what women will ALLOW is hardly damning of him, beyond the fact that he’s so crass about it.

3) Evangelicals would rather have a President who brags about supporting partial birth abortion than a man who says “grab them by the pussy”? Talk about screwed up priorities. Which act is more offensive and demeaning? Which is the greater sin? Because NOT voting for him is a vote for her and you get exactly what you deserve.

4) It’s “humility”, not “humbleness” you semi-literate moron.

I’m interested in the outcome of this not to see my vision of the future of America come true, my opinions don’t count outside of my house. I am interested in what the majority of Americans have as a vision because that allows me to prepare for the future in a prudent and calculated manner. I have a pretty good idea of how I think it will turn out, but that is yet to be seen. Perhaps we’ve turned a corner that prevents ever turning back and if comments like this one from a guy who definitely sees himself as part of the fabric of what makes America unique are any indication, that’s probably the case. No real awareness of how to discern what’s important to him versus what’s crucial to everyone. This is a standing on the deck of the Titanic moment deciding whether it’s women and children first or the family bible and grandmother’s settee that goes into the lifeboat. Nathan Leal is busy hustling furniture around while his kids look up in confusion.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 1, 2016 8:51 am

Dang HSF… you said exactly what I was thinking.

Trump reached out to the evangelicals in the 3rd debate with the abortion discussion. Anyway, history has shown that the evangelicals are the least reliable voting demographic in history. The liberals can rely on support from the blacks, the muslim immigrants, the jews and the majority of anyone with a vagina. The conservatives can rely on …. well, fucking nobody as the evangelicals look for any little excuse to stay home on election day.

November 1, 2016 7:47 am

As a newbie and respectful of Maggie’s status here, I must disagree with her premise. The challenges facing the world are so vile and dark, that no amount of high-toned, morally outraged, religious pearl clutching will make a dent in it. You think the rest of the world will be respectful of a guy who bends a knee to morally outraged clique of believers, when they would gladly behead these same believers? Please. We need a rough, uncouth, bombastic bully, who I may say plays these sleazeballs like a stradaverious, so please stop with the pearl clutching. The fight requires blunt, aggressive talk, lest it escalates. This is business in the real world where pearl clutching is derided. So if you believe in what I sense is Trumps heartfelt desire to rid the world of this vileness(oh yes, this crap will spread far beyond our shores), if his goals are sound, please if you find his methods making you squemish, avert your eyes, cause it’s gonna get ugly. Let Trump pound away on those we all know need pounding on, let God sort it out. Pray harsh words of truth can rid of this cancer from us, and I want someone practiced at that unholy art if that’s what it takes,

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
November 1, 2016 4:11 pm

Lead, follow or get out of the way. Mr. Leal has quite an inflated opinion of himself, if he thinks he is the one leading. Hey Leal, ted cruz lost, get over it. I can’t find anything more to say that hardscrabble already hasn’t.

November 1, 2016 7:49 am

I would simply say get the beam out of your own eye first. That way you can see clearly.

Americans, and man in general, keep trying to find heaven on earth. People like to say we have a “Christian” heritage, but it is also true we have a “Puritan” heritage. The puritans came to set up a Theocracy. They were NOT LIBERTARIAN in any way, though many of the founding fathers were. The problem with a theocracy is whose God are we going to follow? Whose rules?

That is the basis of natural law. It strips away all the BS and gets down to brass tacks. Who did Donald Trump harm exactly with his pussy statement? A bunch of puritans (on the left and right) got butt hurt, but where was the harm?

HRC and her ilk (on the left and right) have clearly harmed people and infringed on there rights for years. Where is the outrage?

November 1, 2016 8:21 am

Donald Trump is a man of the world not of the spirit. Donald Trump has put his faith in mammon not God. Anything not of faith is sin. No man of faith seeks the kingdom of gold but the Kingdom of God.

Evangelicals have stood by for decades while the anti-Christ’s have decimated the rule of law, morality, tradition, culture and the true meaning of the Spirit of the Living God. Evangelicals are no better than the Left which has relied on the government to change the character of the American Nation. The Evangelicals gleefully accepted their tax exempt status to stay silent.

Now they want the government with the help of Donald Trump to change the direction of the nation. They want to rely on ‘man’ to solve the ills of the nation. It is the believer that must go to the “utmost corners of the earth to proclaim the saving grace of Jesus”. It is not the governments job to bring salvation to the nation. There is nowhere in the New Testament that calls on the ‘government’ to bring forth the ‘living waters’ to the masses.

Let us not forget it was the Evangelicals that banged ever so loudly the drums of war under George W. Bush. Let us remember that Evangelicals have been worshipping Israel for so many years. They have placed Israel’s needs above that of the American nation.

Look into the mirror and get your own house in order instead of expecting Donald Trump to do it for you.

I am voting for Donald Trump knowing full well he is just a ‘man’. He is not a messiah nor a servant of God. Expect little from Trump, expect more from yourself.

November 1, 2016 9:32 am

How do you know where Donald Trump has put his faith?

November 2, 2016 4:58 am

Real Christians don’t need government. Real Christians don’t need police. If you are a Christian, you act in a way that doesn’t require either. And real Christians don’t put their trust in any man to save them. Only God saves. Put your trust only in God. Govern yourselves through your family. Parents, have large families that will help fill the world with Christians. Homeschool your kids. Never allow them to attend secular government schools.

If you expect to achieve a Christian nation by using government force, the most corrupt people on the planet, you are barking up the wrong tree.

The Christian belief of using government to further Christian’s ends became prevalent in the U.S. during the “Awakening” that occurred prior to the Civil War. See what that got them!

Using government was a mistake also made by the Puritans, using their “Christian” government to enforce Christian values on all of the community, and forcing community kids to attend their schools, so kids would grow up with the “right” beliefs, which the secular government later appropriated. Christianity should never be pursued through force (unlike Islam). It is a decision a person makes based on faith.

In my opinion, Puritans were an odd sect of Christianity, not true Christianity. These are the same people who, while still in England, put the King of England, Charles I, to death, when they could have just removed him from power, even though God said, “Do not murder.” They also put the so-called Christian Oliver Cromwell in power in England, who became practically a dictator, a ruthless man who enforced taxes never even attempted by the king, taxing the everyday people, rather than getting loans from businesses and the rich, as was previously done by the king, therefore, requiring their support for whatever actions were planned. And through him, the government become involved in controlling everyday people’s personal activity by restricting normal actions, such as dancing around the maypole, no laughing on Sunday, telling you whether you could grow a garden, telling you whether you could travel on a certain road or not, etc., unlike any king in history.
(Cromwell also brought the Jews back into England because of the money they could supply to him. Before this time, Jews were considered the killers of Christ, right or wrong, and were shunned by all Christians. They had been expelled by most European monarchs, until, that is, the monarchs found out Jews could provide money to their regimes.)

As I said, Christianity doesn’t need any government to enforce Christian actions and values. We have God, and that’s all that is needed. Govern yourselves accordingly.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 1, 2016 8:51 am

A truce doesn’t start with a list of demands.

November 1, 2016 8:56 am

The evangelical Christian takeover of the Republican party in the 70’s/80’s is what did them in. Mitt Romney the billionaire Mormon? Who thought running a candidate like that was a good idea? Independents like me would never have voted for a candidate like that. (so I didn’t vote at all)

I DO NOT support evangelical anything. Fucking leave me alone.

All of you evangelicals from whatever color of religion you’re pushing, east to west, Hindu to Hail Mary, if I smell one fking whiff of evangelical anything I’m writing your ass off the ballot.

Has it occurred to you religious pushers that one of the reasons Donald Trump as a Republican has done as well as he has so far – – is because he isn’t spouting religious shit all over the place? He’s talking about running a business. The business of government. And that’s just what we want him to do.

If we want religion we can find it. We elect a president to conduct business for the country.

November 2, 2016 5:10 am

No true Christian, in my opinion, would run for a government office. They have no need for it. Their only government is God. They govern themselves through the family, following God. Nothing else is needed.

November 1, 2016 9:19 am

The election is for the President, not the Messiah.

Christians need to start understanding that.

Let me ask, which of the two is more likely to let you live in accord with your Christian beliefs in all that you do, both public and private, without demanding you violate them and honor first a false god of one kind or another, Trump or Hillary?

An honest answer to that should make the decision for you.

November 1, 2016 10:11 am

Somebody (Maggie?) downvoted my assertion that citizens elect a president to run the business of the country, as opposed to promoting religious agendas.

Because religious agendas have worked out so well for the countries which have embraced them as theocracies…… (where has that gone well, ever?) Pffft

But at least she did find her confirmation bias in the responses somewhere here that made her happy. Bless.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 1, 2016 10:25 am

I don’t agree. I don’t care if Trump has Christian appeal and I didn’t care about locker room comments he made 10 years ago.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 2, 2016 5:23 am

I’m a Christian, but I have have to admit, I was never offended by the comments made by Trump in the “Access Hollywood” video. I’ve heard talk like that from men and boys in the area where I live all of my life. It’s just the type of thing you expect from men, when they are among men.

But has anyone noticed that type of talk stopped as soon as the woman came into the picture? I’ve heard nobody report on that. That in itself is a show of respect towards women.

But one thing to keep in mind, Trump became a Christian years after that video was made (although he’s apparently still working on his huge ego problem). He was also running around with the Hollywood crowd at that time, and we all know how decadent that crowd is.

And I agree with a previous poster that women do allow these liberties to be taken by men because they want to be part of that “scene,” and they apparently have no self respect.

All of this “dirty talk” makes me think of a saying I was taught by my parents when I was a little kid, “Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

Maybe some news agencies should pay attention to that saying.

November 1, 2016 10:28 am

We don’t need a zealot as President. That’s what this person wants.
We have 4 choices for President. None are perfect or even near perfect; but that’s always the case.

Vote Hillary and this country is done- over- put a fork in it.

Hold your nose and vote Trump!!!

November 2, 2016 5:50 am

The fact that a so-called Christian could be on the fence and actually thinking of voting for Hillary Clinton is mystifying to me. Is this person only eight years old? Where was he during the Clinton White House and all those scandals? Does the fact of all those investigations during the White House years, and now investigations while Hillary was secretary of state, make no difference? Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. The source of the blaze just hasn’t been found yet. Use your common-freaking-sense.
The abortion support alone of Clinton should be enough to make her unpalatable to any Christian.
And this guy is still on the fence?
I have an idea for this guy. Don’t vote. Period.

November 1, 2016 11:04 am

“And I believe that I speak for millions of evangelicals, ..”

Arrogant prick! You died and made you king?


” …. you need to do take this advice and apply it quickly.”

You need to just shut the fuck up. If Donald took your advice he would lose 2 or 3 votes for every “evangelical” gained.


“… and if it is God’s will …”

If it is GOD’S WILL then all your stupid advice is totally meaningless one way or another. Unless, of course, you believe “God’s will” can ONLY be accomplished if YOUR will is followed.

There’s my “expert” theological opinion. I wouldn’t piss on this guy if he was on fire.

larry morris
larry morris
November 1, 2016 11:33 am

A long time ago I learn that GOD don’t give a shit. After one war both side say I believe in him bull crap. I will vote for trump and men in a locker room are mean and nasty talking so girls get over it. Been in too many fights GOD did not help me and with out a mean SOB in the white house in stead of a crook you cry baby people you can EAT A SANDWICH OF SHIT

November 1, 2016 1:06 pm

The comments uplifted my spirit.

Lust for control and non-respect for others’ free will is EXACTLY what led us here.

More of the same won’t save us.

Darkness, no matter how pretty it is dressed, and how holy it feels to some, will NEVER bring forth the light.

Control over others is the darkness we have been fighting since before the time of Christ. America just perfected it.

November 1, 2016 1:49 pm

When the great re-assertion of authority happens Evangelicals will all be sent back to Sunday School in the ghetto so they can develop some perspective.

Evangelicals voting AT ALL are already apostates and heretics as far as I’m concerned. A vote is a vote for Satan.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Satan to rule you openly.
A vote for Trump is a vote for making Satan still have to work for a living.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 1, 2016 2:24 pm

Maybe this election is God’s referendum on the republic, and the result decides the consequences?
You don’t even need religion for that idea, though. If Hillary wins we all lose. If Trump wins the liberals / SJWs / MIC (to some extent) / globalists lose.
Choose accordingly, religious or not.

larry morris
larry morris
November 1, 2016 6:46 pm

I like what you write, People just don’t want to hear thing that may make there ears ring. This is a bad time and will only get worse, for most say not my problem.We can pray all we want, but you have too help your self.
We tell our kids not to lie or steal yet Hillary is ok to do it. Do I like every thing about Trump well no but think about this ny wife makes me mad so what.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 1, 2016 7:18 pm

Maggie- You are a good person with many, many talents.

There is a dark side to the real world and the evangelicals will embrace it with gusto proclaiming it is good. I would not/do not support a candidate by means of support from the church crowd. The vast majority of the candidates embraced by this group have sold us out.

It has been a very long time since I have supported anyone for the presidency and my choice then was a joke. I learned my lesson.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 2, 2016 8:10 am

Maggie- Are you under the impression that Trump is a Christian? His friends indicate something quite different.

This whole thread is almost laughable if you look into the real person.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 2, 2016 11:01 am

Maggie- The Donald is really much more of a mirror image of his grandfather than his father (who also has a very jaded past). His grandfather made a vast fortune as a pimp running a whorehouse in the Yukon during the gold rush. He prolly coined the phrase, “grab ’em in the pussy”. Yeah, the tRUMPS have always been big bible thumpers LOL.