Gender Bender

Facts and science really fucks with people’s minds

Below is a post we shared on last week. It set the pants on fire for many “triggered” assholes across the interwebs. I believe it even made the front page of that useless site Reddit as well. I don’t care. It was a simple biological observation that this “new” generation of mentally-enslaved morons took offense to.

We even got death threats and other “hate speech” style emails. Most people call that “scary,” we call that “comedic gold!”

Anyway – this was just a simple post about nature – and how species survive, really. Well – not entirely. I was a bit profane and probably contributed to the triggering. Because it sounded authoritative and all that. Nowadays, it appears that most people are “offended” by those who have firm beliefs that go against theirs. Whatever!

Thanks Jim for allowing us in! Hope you like.

Male or female – what were your born as?

Really, really fucking stupid - it burns!
Really, really fucking stupid – it burns!

I’m sure I don’t have to re-iterate the narrative that has suddenly overcome the American society. But it’s the whole ridiculous “gender” issue. It’s ridiculous purely because people are fucking morons. You are born MALE or FEMALE. That is it. That is your ONE hand at the blackjack table of life.

If you choose to “become” the opposite gender because of some dopey (elective) surgery – well – fuck you, you’re an idiot.

If you “identify” as something else. Well, perhaps you should see a psychiatrist – because if you can’t identify with WHO YOU FUCKING ARE – then you have mental problems. FACT.

Fact-check that, you suckers!

Reality has been removed from (reality)

In all seriousness. Think about “reality TV” for a minute. Pretty much 100% of it is fake, scripted, and nonsensical.

So what is to say the majority of the populous today can’t be one of the above? They’re most likely “nonsensical,” because they lack the ability to CRITICALLY THINK or solve simple problems – but whatever. “It is what it is,” as they say.

But as hordes of literally useless people start “banding together” for whatever manufactured cause they’ve been coerced into believing grow – it indeed causes problems for those who know better.

Because as “we” just focus on good things, hard work, real knowledge, and an honest lifestyle – certain “sects” grow larger and start becoming “influential” to some degree. And certainly by design (and financed by) nefarious personalities in our corrupt world.

One or the other. The science is settled.
One or the other. The science is settled.

Stopping the narrative

One way to help put this truly absurd “trend” to rest – is to stop promoting it. While the biggest proponents of this are the “mainstream” media – as well as corrupt political bodies and church organizations worldwide, there is still ways to knock this insane movement out for the count.

    • Stop “liking” or forwarding anything to do with this stuff. Block or unsubscribe to any organization that touts it.


    • Never attend any meetup or promotion that benefits these types. Ignore them, boycott them, starve them.


    • Turn off your television sets. Or at least don’t watch any medium that parrots the message.


    • Same with mainstream publications (papers, magazines, etc.)


They’re promoting these things to weaken us as a body of people. Also to redirect money to them. These are unnecessary and false distractions to “divide and conquer.”

I do have some sympathy for those who’ve been caught up in this mess. It’s scary that people are so easily influenced by such obvious garbage. The people that “get it,” should band together and figure out how to stop insane societal persuasions like this in the future, too.

But how do you reform mentally-enslaved morons? Who has the time?


About Hoboken411

We’ve been “blogging” as Hoboken411 since before Twatter and Fakebook infected the masses. Back in 2005, it was all about politics and other bullshit in and around Hoboken, New Jersey (and the tri-state NYC area in general). But since those social media “apps” have amazingly coerced the majority of the populous to “blog for free” (to make Fuckerberg insanely wealthy) we’ve taken a slightly different approach. We talk about whatever the fuck we feel like talking about (including some things in Hoboken). But our main objective is to slap the “mentally-enslaved morons” (as Mark Dice eloquently says) upside the face with a dose of reality. We know full well that most people won’t be receptive to our ideas all the time. But feathers get ruffled to this day still – which means (as they say in the medical industry): “It’s working!”

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November 2, 2016 9:29 am

Hoboken 411,

Enjoyed this and think your website is cool. Nice work. Never stop.

November 2, 2016 9:31 am

argumentation rarely changes minds if it’s fact based. for most people, appeal to their emotional response, rather than logic, to persuade them.

November 2, 2016 10:09 am

@ Credit – which proves that most human beans are idiots.

November 2, 2016 11:39 am

Some of those dip shits identify as beans. Coyote identifies as a beaner.

November 2, 2016 10:23 am

The AAMVA – another bureaucracy, dedicated to specifying what is on the back of your drivers license, (that funny barcode) has changed how they encode the Sex field, as of 2016. The spec has been around since about 2000, and that field has always specified 1 of 2 possible values:
M or F.

In 2016, you can now specify X, which means “not specified”

So, you can look forwards to this new paradigm, as our gutless govt. is indeed promoting a world where it is ok to be “outrageous”

I wonder how you return to M or F after establishing a history as X.
cause it is all getting recorded for future use.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 2, 2016 11:11 am

“Her name is Bruce!” – Drunk Uncle

November 2, 2016 11:14 am

Conceptually I am with you. There are nuances I cannot answer and would like to see what the author and others think.

Specifically, I saw the counter argument portraying a woman who had undergone surgery and clearly was talking testosterone supplements. You could not identify her as a woman. Full beard, large muscles, masculine haircut and clothing. If she walked into the women’s room, all hell would break loose. So where does this person go? Seems to me the easier thing is to let her into the boy’s since no one would know differently there, and as I said if she went to the girl’s it would be engender a catastrophic response. What are you thoughts on this?

November 2, 2016 11:41 am

Insane asylum would be a good place for her.

November 2, 2016 11:26 am

Pathetic, unattractive, and often overweight people sign on to this
transgender business as a means to relevance and attention
seeking. I like the suggestion to boycott and ignore outlets that
promote this garbage. Do not forget gov is heavy into this BS as
evidenced by selectively prosecuting people snared into choosing
not to bake a cake for a ‘gay’ wedding eg. Those cases might be
entirely fake however, don’t forget that. Propaganda.

Nice to meet you, Hoboken411, good job.


November 2, 2016 11:30 am

Confused- No amount of surgery, makeup, clothing, hormones, or will power will change your genetic code from XX to XY, in every cell of your physical being.
That said, forcing the confused to use the appropriate facilities will provide a public spectacle of their Mental Disorder, and it is a mental disorder, as clarified by arguably Americas top shrink:

November 2, 2016 11:56 am

good article to read in tandem with this one!

November 2, 2016 12:46 pm

Science isnt even settled on gender, let alone global warming

November 2, 2016 1:18 pm

Kant warned about science becoming the new religion. Unfortunately I feel for this young generation that is being propagandized at younger and younger ages through the Public school system. With LGBT clubs, Gender bender days, and “no tolerance” political correctness policies these young kids who are developing their individual identities are very vulnerable!

They want to feel special like most of us; and by jumping on board the artificially constructed gender bandwagon that is being promoted through megabillion dollar corporations like the NFL and NBA and federal dept of education these vulnerable kids are being confused at the very least!

Anyone who believes that there are two genders, male or female; will be demonized as ignorant, old-dogs who refuse to learn new tricks or even worse, religious fanatics who believe that God created man and woman!

November 2, 2016 1:35 pm

When gender is looked through from a social standpoint we must remember that societies and cultures assign social roles for individuals to play that might be considered more feminine or masculine. Yes, some men look more feminine than masculine, yes some women enjoy activities that men enjoy and vice versa. We’ve even come up with names like tomboy, tomgirl, to classify and catalog the similarities and differences between the sexes. However, these are artificial constructs created by humans and not aspects of the natural world. Yes, there are hermaphrodidic frogs and humans born with varying degrees of genitalia but ultimately the majority of nature and the human race are born with a penis or a vagina.

Just look at these socially constructed gender identity types:

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TGhen you have the celebrity influence on these impressionable teens when Hannah Montana errr Miley Cyrus comes out and says she is PANSEXUAL. It’s a lot for the youngsters to deal with!

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November 2, 2016 1:46 pm

Let me tell you a personal story about my experience at the Social Security Office a few months back. I was taken to the back to be interviewed so I could get a replacement SS card for my son. I sat across the aisle from another individual I will refer to as “person A”. Half way through my interview the SS worker who was helping me but eavesdropping on the conversation across the aisle between her co-worker and person A stopped helping me and began discussing the issue of changing person A’s name and gender on person A’s social security card. Person A was moving back East andwanted to change their name and gender on their birth certificate.
Person A had a short butch hair cut , many tattoos on their arms were visible from the wife-beater they was wearing and spoke in a feminine tone so if I had to guess I would say they were born with female genitalia….Person A stopped the conversation with her worker after the worker referenced her as a “she” pronoun and was scolded to use the proper pronoun of “he” since she was changing her name to a more commonly used male name.

The conversation turned awkward after the worker referred to her as a she again….it stifled any further discussion and made all who could hear feel very awkward. I would say that this is all by design to help usher in the new step in human evolution that some of these futurists like Ray Kurzweil have written about called TRANSHUMANISM. If you think this shit is bad take a look into the global movement for transhumanism! The merger of implantable devices and human beings; the next “logical” step in human evolution….NOT!!!

November 2, 2016 1:48 pm

I tell young people every chance I get….On your tombstone what do you want it to say? How do you want people to remember you? By your sexual identity or by the things you accomplished; the people you lent a hand while you were here?

November 2, 2016 2:02 pm

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I’m sure Kindergarten Cop will be banned in the future! It is so insensitive and teaches “hate” !! HAHAHA

November 2, 2016 7:43 pm

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November 2, 2016 8:11 pm

Thanks Walt, the chart is wonderful. It looks like something the National Lampoon might have published in 1978…as a sick joke, natch.

November 2, 2016 7:48 pm

Professor Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto is facing legal action in his defence of free speech. He refuses to use the ‘preferred pronouns’ of the mentally ill.