“History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war – class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil – its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured.” The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe -1997

As we enter the final stretch of this vitriolic, deplorable, venomous, propaganda saturated, deceitful, rigged presidential election spectacle, it becomes painfully obvious this Fourth Turning is careening toward bloodshed, bedlam, confrontation, and civil war. The linear fixated establishment, who fancy themselves intellectually superior to the irredemables, are too blinded by their sociopathic, increasingly audacious subversion of the Constitution, to grasp the level of rage and disillusionment of a white working class that has been screwed over for decades.

As the Wall Street shysters frantically accelerate their embezzlement of what remains of middle class wealth, with the Fed and the corporate media propagandists as their wing-men, the country devolves into a corporate fascist state. The disposition of the nation grows dark like the sky before an approaching deadly blizzard. As passions boil over and violence portends, this Fourth Turning hastens towards a bloody decade ahead with an uncertain climax.

If you think this is just hyperbole, you either haven’t studied history or your cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias prevent you from seeing the unavoidable societal altering clashes, which occur like clockwork on an eighty year cycle, when the portents are right in front of your eyes. Historian Arnold Toynbee’s great war cycle that arise every 80 years or so, aligns perfectly with the Fourth Turning generational theory. Great wars occur when the generation that doesn’t remember the last catastrophic war ascends to leadership of the country.

We are eight years into a Crisis period which won’t end until the mid-2020s. As this bitterly vicious presidential campaign accelerates towards a finale which will leave the country divided and irate, the hostile opposing forces will be seeking revenge, retribution, and retaliation no matter the outcome. There is no doubt the regeneracy is well under way.

“The next Fourth Turning is due to begin shortly after the new millennium, midway through the Oh-Oh decade. Around the year 2005, a sudden spark will catalyze a Crisis mood. Remnants of the old social order will disintegrate. Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning 

It was five years ago I spent a couple fascinating hours with Neil Howe, co-author of the Fourth Turning, during the Occupy Wall Street protests. He thought the protests were all passion and no depth, engineered by anarchist Boomers. He was right. I thought OWS might be the start of the regeneracy, but it flamed out quickly. It was only a foreshadowing of what was to come. Whatever event or movement created the regeneracy, it would be driven by the toxic combination of debt, civic decay, and global disorder.

Neil was particularly worried about the Federal Reserve zero interest rate policy and how it was ruining our economic system, creating disincentives to saving and encouraging warped, debt driven speculation. And that was in 2011. The Fed keeping interest rates near zero on behalf of a corrupt establishment for the last eight years has been the primary factor in creating the anger, disillusionment and revolutionary spirit driving the regeneracy.

No critical thinking human being can deny this tumultuous presidential election and its equally turbulent primaries have been fueled by the dreadful self-serving response of the establishment to the 2008 Wall Street created financial collapse; the geopolitical anarchy created by U.S. interventionism in the Middle East; the civic decay created by a failing government educational system; rampant debt financed materialism enabled and encouraged by the financial/media complex; and racial division facilitated by the president and his social justice warrior brethren.

The rescue of Wall Street and destruction of Main Street by the Fed, Wall Street and the captured politicians of both parties in Washington D.C. has created the angry, acrimonious, throw the bums out mood boiling over in flyover America. The widening Grand Canyon gap in wealth between the haves and the have nots, produced by solutions from sociopaths in suits has reached the pitchfork and torch level.

The linear thinking ruling class has been in denial since this Crisis catalyzed in September 2008. Their looting, pillaging and ransacking campaign, designed to enrich and empower a small cadre of shadowy, powerful, wealthy men, had been successful for decades. When you control the currency and interest rates; rig the financial markets; buy the politicians; write the laws and regulations; own the corporate propaganda machines known as the mainstream media; operate a high tech surveillance state; create a dumbed down populace through government school indoctrination; and distract the masses with iGadgets, reality TV, hero worship, professional sports, social media, irrelevant cultural issues, and literally thousands of other modern day bread and circuses; you become arrogant and careless.

These sociopaths are so consumed with their ravenous fleecing of the middle class, waging wars for profit, and shredding the Constitution, they failed to recognize 2008 for the seismic earth shattering event that will change everything. The mood of the country shifted like tectonic plates beneath the nation. The mood continues to grow dimmer, as the peasants grow poorer and the modern day aristocracy (Wall Street bankers, corporate executives, corrupt politicians, shadowy billionaires) accumulate obscene ill-gotten wealth through their complete capture of the system. This perverted, degenerative, criminal degradation of our society is powerfully summed up by Jesse from Jesse’s Café Americain:

“Not all sociopaths wield knives and knotted cords. Some wear suits, and are exceptionally intelligent and articulate, obsessively driven, and are able to use and undermine the law and the rules for their advantage, like weapons.  It is never about the win, never about the money.  It is about the kill, the expression of their hatred, about elevating themselves with the suffering of others. Bind, torture, kill.  Not only with ropes and knives, but also with power and money, and the subversion of law.  Lawlessness is their addiction, their will to power.

When societies become lax and complacent, these sociopaths can possess great political power through great amounts of unprincipled money.  And over time they become almost anti-human, destroyers of all that is good, all that is life, all that offends their insatiable sickness with its goodness.  They twist the public against itself, and turn a broad sweep of society into their killing grounds. This is the undeniable lesson of the last century.  There are monsters, and they walk among us.”

Neil Howe has noted in previous articles the catalyst, climax and resolution of Fourth Turnings can be specifically dated. But the regeneracy is more of an era than a date. With only three previous American Fourth Turnings, I imagined the regeneracy to be a specific event where the American people, faced with growing peril and danger, put aside their differences and rallied around a strong leader to build something new. Boy was I wrong.

In retrospect, the American people were numbed by the Great Depression and the bloody initial battles of the Civil War. They just let FDR and Lincoln do whatever they needed to do. The regeneracy marks a growth in centralized authority and resolute governance at a time of great risk and urgency. I believe this era of regeneracy began at the outset of the presidential primaries early in 2016.

Based upon the reaction of the citizens in the last ten months, the dire problem facing the nation, perceived as the largest threat to our future, happens to be the Deep State establishment currently ruling the country. The captured mainstream media and grey beards running both political parties were completely stunned, horrified, and irate at the unprecedented success achieved by the two anti-establishment candidates, Trump and Sanders.

This election was supposed to follow the script as planned and coordinated by the establishment, with Hillary Clinton defeating Jeb Bush and continuing the corrupt status quo policies agreed to by the bought off leaders of both parties. They badly miscalculated the mood of the country and the whirlwind of change seeking to sweep away the stubborn remnants of a crooked, decrepit, putrid, existing social order. This collective middle finger to the establishment could only happen during a Fourth Turning.

This regeneracy is well under way and is poised to transform and replace the very foundation of this crumbling empire of debt, delusions, and denial. The unanswered question is what happens next. I posed that question to Neil Howe five years ago and he said the specific events of a Fourth Turning are unknowable, but the reaction to those events by the generational cohorts is consistent over time.

We are seeing the reaction of critical thinking Americans as they come to the realization the system is rigged against them. A revolutionary spirit is once again rising among the deplorables. I also asked Neil about the theory Fourth Turnings alternate between external conflicts and internal conflicts. He found the subject fascinating, but didn’t think there were enough data points to make a determination.

Based on the current path of this Fourth Turning, I’m now convinced of this alternating sequence between advancement cycles and atonement cycles. The advancement cycles can be seen as establishing, whereas atonement cycles are disestablishing. It is apparent each Fourth Turning alternates between an external struggle and an internal struggle. The American Revolution was a struggle against an external oppressor – Great Britain.

The Civil War was an internal struggle between the industrial North and the agrarian South. The Depression/World War II struggle was mainly against an external threat – Germany, Japan, and Italy. The American Revolution established our country. There was optimism and elation as a new republic, forged under an enlightened Constitution and led by judicious intelligent men, was born. It was clearly an advancement cycle.

The Civil War disestablished states’ rights, slavery, agrarian society and Constitutional rights. It was an atonement cycle for our actual and implicit sins. There was no glorious high. The resolution felt more like defeat, with the country exhausted, bitter and angry. The country had exhausted itself, spilling the blood of over one million men. The new High after an atonement cycle is like a cold miserable rainy dark Spring.

The Great Depression/World War II Fourth Turning established a new world order led by the United States. As the only major country left unscathed by the ravages of global war, the U.S. became the producer for the world, whose dollar was unquestioned as the currency of global trade. The new High was unleashed with fanfare and adulation. It was like a delightfully warm Spring, with flowers blooming and children frolicking.

All signs point toward this Fourth Turning being a life or death struggle between the ruling class of sociopathic bankers, corporate elites, and sleazy politicians versus the oppressed and infuriated middle class. The lying, deceit, rigging, deception, theft and other crimes perpetrated by the ruling elites will be atoned for. The heroic patriotic revelations from Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Bradley (Chelsea) Manning proving the government and politicians to be lying, corrupt, immoral, sociopathic traitors to the Constitution have undermined the last vestiges of trust in the system and the establishment. The alignment of generational dynamics will provoke the responses to events moving forward. We have been badly led. A silent coup by Deep State perpetrators has led to the complete capture of our economic, financial, judicial and political systems.

A vast swath of the populace has been lured into living beyond their means. The existing system is unsustainable. The Boomer generation does not want to yield on their perceived entitlements. The Millennial generation is saddled with un-payable debts, living in their parents’ basements, working the night shift at Ruby Tuesday. Generation X is trapped in the middle of this generational struggle. The huge economic imbalances, created by politicians buying votes and engineering wealth inequality to benefit the few, have built up over decades like flood waters behind a weakening levee. When the levee breaks the morally bankrupt criminal social order will be swept away in the raging torrent to follow.

Winter will eventually turn into Spring, but it might be a bitter, gloomy, austere Spring. Every Fourth Turning brings on forecasts of imminent doom, but that is also a trait of Prophet (Trump, Clinton) Generations. It’s how they feel about the prospects of their imminent die off; they expect the entire world to go with them. The 2008 financial crisis was horrific, scary and an eye opener for those who blindly believed what they were told by their establishment zoo keepers. The regeneracy has begun; trust in the system has further disintegrated; this presidential election has further deepened this distrust of the entrenched establishment; and the coming bust for stocks, bonds, and real estate will knock out the supports for the dwindling remaining trust in this crooked system.

“This might result in a Great Devaluation, a severe drop in the market price of most financial and real assets. This devaluation could be a short but horrific panic, a free-falling price in a market with no buyers. Or it could be a series of downward ratchets linked to political events that sequentially knock the supports out from under the residual popular trust in the system. As assets devalue, trust will further disintegrate, which will cause assets to devalue further, and so on.”

Eventually, all of America’s lesser problems will combine into one giant problem. The very survival of the society will feel at stake, as leaders lead and people follow. The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride. Or it may be something unspeakably worse. The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.” Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

The next ten or so years will be atonement for decades of bad choices, corrupt leadership, living beyond our means, waging wars of choice across the globe, believing blatant falsehoods, exhibiting willful ignorance, ignoring facts, and failing to uphold the Constitution. Don’t think you can escape the consequences of this Fourth Turning. It doesn’t matter whether you lived according to a moral code, avoided debt, worked hard, paid taxes, and generally lived an upstanding honorable life.

The death and destruction headed our way will engulf the innocent as well as the guilty. I’m reminded of the penultimate scene in Clint Eastwood’s dark, brooding, vengeful western Unforgiven when Little Bill Daggett laments to “killer of women and children” William Munny that he doesn’t deserve to die this way. Munny responds, “deserves got nothin’ to do with it.” Then he pulls the trigger. This is the kind of future we will be dealing with, whether we like it or not.

In Part Two of this article I will use recent polling data to assess where the most likely sparks will arise to start the civil war conflagration which will accelerate the crumbling of the American Empire. To reinforce the obvious, Fourth Turnings NEVER de-intensify. They end after the spilling of much blood, incomprehensible destruction and the total defeat of the vanquished.

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Old Guy
Old Guy
November 3, 2016 5:19 pm

Remain inconspicuous as possible. Avoid crowds.

Big Dick
Big Dick
  Old Guy
November 3, 2016 5:39 pm

I think I gave that same basic suggestion a few months ago telling people to hunker down and protect what you have.

Ari Duhoki
Ari Duhoki
  Old Guy
November 6, 2016 11:03 pm

Old Guy–Excellent advice, my friend. This war is not ours to fight.

  Ari Duhoki
November 10, 2016 10:51 am

“This war is not ours to fight.”

That’s true, at least in the beginning, but I believe that liberal weakness, will draw the aggression of the terminated EBT animal flash mob, and after devouring their substance, and leaving a trail of destruction in their path, they will progressively move in our direction, angry, hungry, and desperate, they will make their way toward rural America.

Get prepared, reinforce an area to make your stand, and get rested, and when the time comes to fight, take no prisoners…

November 3, 2016 5:34 pm

That was great. Can’t wait for part two.

Big Dick
Big Dick
November 3, 2016 5:40 pm

While the writing is great the future is bleak and too few even have a clue.

Mario C
Mario C
November 3, 2016 5:40 pm

Another good reason not to vote. Voting for the captain of the post iceberg Titanic doesn’t make much sense and it takes your eye off of what you might do to actually survive the debacle.

  Mario C
November 3, 2016 5:53 pm

We aren’t “post iceberg” yet, that’s why we need a captain that recognizes the danger and does something to avoid it before we are.

There are many things that can be done to avoid sinking even if they aren’t going to be easy and will upset a lot of people in the process.

But they will save the ship.

You don’t vote, I have no sympathy for you when it catches up and you go down with the ship you refuse to try to save.

November 4, 2016 2:37 am

anonymous – you are well post iceberg, you are already listing- Ron Paul was the last pre-iceberg captain candidate – you’ll fucked up and voted for the mongrel sodomite – now enjoy the icy waters.

November 4, 2016 4:55 am

id say there’s a subset clearly already swimming in the rising ice water.

holy shit they lettin it slip.. hope this doesn’t get edited out..
right as the vid starts, bernie puts his hand on Her shoulder.. waves with a genuine smile… then she mouths what sure looks like GIT YER HAND OFF ME … Bernie visibly flinches, pulls away.. takes a dejected step.

Jon B
Jon B
November 4, 2016 8:01 pm

THIS link is NOT the video you are referencing…you have link??

laura ann
laura ann
November 4, 2016 12:53 pm

danubian,: anon. and many others just cannot see it, I have tried to inform older people some with businesses, they just can’t grasp truth. In some cases could be youth and lack of globalist agenda studying like I have for forty years (I am retired). As long as we stay in the UN my elders said fifty years ago, we are doomed which is where we are at now. Smart thing me and several friends did was to be childfree, and I suggest it now. America has no future except zero way deep in icy waters. People don’t polish brass on a sinking ship.

  laura ann
November 4, 2016 4:14 pm

White people shouldn’t be having children.

The future belongs to blacks and browns.

Something those who had no children should agree with since they aided it.

It’s evolution, the superior of the species outbreeds and extinguishes the inferior.

Jon B
Jon B
November 4, 2016 7:58 pm

Well, we ARE, so…EAT IT.

November 4, 2016 9:27 pm

Except that blacks are universally recognized as inferior in all cultures, and their IQ scores back that up. Rather, blacks will be eliminated in white countries. If you can’t see that you’re being led to the slaughterhouse by your idiot leaders, then you don’t have my sympathy. Slavery is too good for you. Eradication is the only future for the negroid, who has overstayed his welcome in the superior white cultural homelands.

November 7, 2016 12:43 pm

so here come all the stupid racist comments. Really, isn’t this about our country and debt? Also, why is it that everyone loves to blame the government when they are almost always to blame for their own situation. Education, saving money, and not being stupid go a long way!

November 7, 2016 12:59 pm

Where the heck did that come from? I reread the article and sure didn’t see it.

Claudia Green
Claudia Green
November 5, 2016 9:27 am

Maybe it isn’t “the superior” but “the older genes”…
I’ve read that humans today have all but a very small fraction of humanity’s “original” genes; i.e. that evolution is so slow as to be nearly non-existent.
“Younger” genes may over long periods of time, prove to have lesser qualities required for survival long term (think millions of years, not ten or twenty).
Life (nature) evolves in minuscule steps.
Seems elegant to me.

November 5, 2016 9:46 am

In a civilized society, married couples have only as many children as they can afford to support. In an uncivilized society, people selfishly mate and have more children than they can support. It’s basically the same as a pig having a large litter and not being able to feed all the piglets. The small weak ones will starve to death. The main difference is the pig does not consciously have more offspring than it can support. Whereas, animals in our society are consciously, even willfully, bearing more children than they can support.

In the US we have both societies. The civilized are forced (by it’s government) to support the uncivilized who breed like animals with no concern about family values or economics. When the animals offspring have run out of teats to suckle, they turn to the government and the government forces the working class to disrobe and let the animal suckle.

Not only is this rape, but it takes resources away from the ones who are already having fewer children because they are responsibly living within their means. The superior are being forced to feed the inferior. If not for this fact, the inferior would starve to death and disappear.

If we were really talking about a natural order, (lets pretend we are talking about dogs instead of people.) the blacks and browns would be killed for even attempting to suckle on the whites. There is nothing “superior” about having more children than can be supported. In fact, only animals mate with no concern about being able to support their offspring.

Africa is a good example of this. If blacks and browns were the perfect (superior) race as you suggest, Africa would be the model the world aspired to emulate. I don’t know about you but in my opinion, feudal warlordism, millions of children starving to death, the surviving children being forced into becoming child soldiers, customary genital mutilation on infant females and a plethora of other backwards social practices is in no way superior to anything.

November 5, 2016 10:55 am

You’re right on one point: To our way of thinking, African “culture” is hopelessly backward and even disgusting. Our way is superior. But in their way, in an evolutionary sense, they are perfect. Think about it: Despite being hopelessly backward, they are thriving and flourishing. Remember the worry over AIDS wiping out entire swaths of the African populace? Never happened. Yes AIDS and a holy host of even more disgusting diseases run rampant, but they continue to breed apace. Why do they flourish? Because we superior white, Western peoples subsidize them. We take resources from our own people and give it to these wastrels. We import them and their vicious tendencies into our midst. We make excuses for them and redouble the handouts when the inevitable happens. So who’s superior?

November 6, 2016 11:19 am

If, as you say ,the future belongs to blacks and browns, one only has to look at the way they solve problems and deal with adversity among themselves to see what that future will be… Mass murders among themselves.. corruption, drug addiction,.. sounds like a future any white person with an ounce of self preservation would want to avoid.. Whites don’t call that evolution.. we call that regression…

November 10, 2016 10:22 am

Superior blacks? Who were never slaves may still be upset about the KKK/Freemasons from years gone by, but burning down the town you live in, is not superior behavior. One would think they would have burned down the lodges, but it never happened…

richard feibel
richard feibel
  laura ann
November 5, 2016 10:25 am

i would disagree with the assumption that the public will wake up and stand up and actually revolt.that assumption is based on history from a time when people had not been socialized by well fare and many other give me programs and technology was not at the point of propaganda 24/7 as it is now /at least you could read a newspaper and put it down and were done for the day now its in your face 24.7 an has created a dazed uneducated lazy moronic slobs.they would do shit if they had a gun to their head.along witht the multitude of sports sex movies vid games and just staring glazed eyed at their device.this public may seem to be reacting in a positive light ,but if you are waiting for them to actually do something other than riot ,you are kidding yourself and thats only the blacks that have done little whitey has run home to mommys basement.this the worst of times and not the best of times with more to come.

  laura ann
November 10, 2016 9:41 am

“Smart thing me and several friends did was to be childfree, and I suggest it now.”

I agree Laura Ann, we would only be watching our children starve to death, or be forced to serve as UN peace keepers. In fact once TPTB are done programming them, they very likely might come back and haul their own parents off to a FEMA camp, without one drop of remorse.

I was once a member of the Oath Keepers, but I fear they have also been infiltrated by a very familiar secret society.

I believe TPTB are purposely destroying our faith in the system, then when it collapses, and after they allow a huge kill off, they will promise to fix the system. But of course that only means they intend to create more opportunity for themselves, by forcing the economy to go cashless.

Good luck to you and yours, I wish I had a good woman like you to talk to while the enemy is trying to destroy our freedom, for now I guess my dog will have to listen to my complaints about all this unnecessary nonsense we will have to endure…

November 4, 2016 1:48 pm

those who think just politically voting once every 4 years are deluded into thinking they are having an effect.
Sure, vote federally every election, but become educated and involved in the issues and help spread the truth to the clueless masses every day in between elections. Also do the same thing in state and county/civic elections.
Then finally maybe firstly, vote with your dollars. Dont buy/support their big banks, corparate food, movies, cable tv, degenerate music culture, clothes, cars, houses you cant afford without massive debts. Support local, grow your own food, become self sufficent, use credit unions, protect your privacy online and cellphones too.

  Mario C
November 4, 2016 1:09 pm

The adage says “Martial law is not necessarily a bad thing – it all depends on who is the Marshall.”

van Ghoye
van Ghoye
  Mario C
November 5, 2016 7:29 am

Stop being cucks and get out and vote Trump!

  Mario C
November 7, 2016 12:07 pm

Possibly the vote could determine whether the Titanic sinks right now, or stays afloat for a few more years.[imgcomment image[/img]

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
November 3, 2016 5:48 pm

Stock up on essentials, reexamine your portfolio and rearrange as required, and be bold and strong. Storms though they come, they cannot and do not last permanently.

I cannot believe (almost, anyway) that there are patriots who are fighting back against the demonic, psychopathic, cruel, murderous, bloodthirsty, criminal, and depraved machine known as the Clinton Foundation. That the CF may be only a mechanism or a pawn of the deep state, of the powers that be, or whatever one may wish to call them is a frightening thought – but that there are real Americans fighting back gives me hope.

Keep your eyes open, fellas. I wouldn’t be surprised if 1 or 2 days before the election, there is a huge game-changer event/revelation (Wikileaks) that makes it all but impossible for Hillary to remain unscathed. And if there’s a false flag, just like the several mini-false flags against Donald Trump (such as that by former Playboy model turned porn star, Jessica Drake), keep your eyes doubly open. They want you to be distracted.

And if you have not yet done so, increase your stash of projectiles. You never know when you will need to utilize your fire@rm$ to protect self, family, home, and property.

Stay true, stay strong, stay fearless, and stay free.

  The Modern Chronicler
November 3, 2016 5:58 pm

AT this point it would take a game changer large enough to create a Trump landslide across the board to give him a very narrow victory.

I say narrow victory because all kinds of assorted fraud will eat up most of that landslide leaving only a small official victory.

IMO anything less than a landslide victory for Trump will be a win for Hillary, but maybe, hopefully, I’m going to be wrong about that since I don’t see a landslide in the making at this point.

November 4, 2016 2:34 am

anonymous – you are well post iceberg, you are already listing- Ron Paul was the last pre-iceberg captain candidate – you’ll fucked up and voted for the mongrel sodomite – now enjoy the icy waters.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
November 4, 2016 9:25 am

Hey danubian! “Ron Paul was the last pre-iceberg captain candidate”

I feel the same way about Paul; he was the last candidate who (judged by actions, not by words) actually supported the Constitution. I sent him money and wrote him in. That said, even though he had large popularity, it was not large enough. Had he had fair media coverage he might have been elected, but the fact is, most people bought in to the “Ron Paul is your crazy uncle” propaganda. Why did they accept that narrative? Because they placed so little value on the principles of natural law and liberty. Sadly, hard times are about the only way for people to relearn just how important freedom is.

November 4, 2016 9:32 am

This is post iceberg:

If you think the early iceberg warning signs we are seeing now are post iceberg you are among those spoiled snowflakes who think moderate discomfort is the dire straights and are not going to be among those who survive the coming disaster after we actually hit it.

You think some inconvenience and minor hardship is the aftermath of an iceberg when massive death, hunger, desperation and deprivation of essentials for the majority of the population is what we will be seeing when it actually happens.

November 4, 2016 11:09 am

Well rebutted Anon–as BTO once sang, “You ain’t seen nothing yet”

laura ann
laura ann
  The Modern Chronicler
November 4, 2016 1:02 pm

Modern Chron: If we don’t have the military on our side incl. top brass that Obama forced into retirement recently, we are doomed. Law enforcement and Oath keepers must join in fighting back. Saw this info on : article recently and give him credit saying military is our only hope; they have the high tech “stuff”, otherwise we have rag tag militia groups running in every direction (my words) . We must do all we can to protect family, we must choose friends wisely that share our views and for bartering and watch groups. Not a time for shallow folks with no direction, who waste our time.

  laura ann
November 6, 2016 1:16 am

Don’t fall for the “gizmo despair” ploy. All that “high-tech stuff” requires highly trained personnel to operate & maintain them. Those personnel are very difficult (if not impossible) to replace. Kill them off, and the stuff gathers dust — or better yet, falls into our hands. Planes & drones don’t fly for long without ground support troops, and don’t fly at all without pilots. And in case you haven’t noticed, the Iraqi and Afghan resistance have done a good job of kicking the US military’s ass despite being vastly out-equipped.

The USAF has a huge shortage of drone pilots, due to the crushing op-tempo burning them out and causing them to get out (despite huge re-up bonus offers). The brass decided to address the issue by forcing regular pilots into drone duty (which they hate). The result: now regular pilots are leaving in droves! They are just as much a loss to the service as if they had been killed.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
November 3, 2016 6:00 pm

No quarter. None asked, none given.

November 3, 2016 6:17 pm

First Eric Peters.

Now, Admin.

I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.

I can’t wait for Part 2 … where these sparks might start.

I hope the 4th T. helps kneegrows grow a brain. Will they stop the Gimme act and Butthurt routine, and realize we’ve ALL been fucked? I don’t want to see a niggah-cracka war. It’s the 1%ers and elite who need to die.

harry p
harry p
November 3, 2016 7:47 pm


They won’t grow a brain but hopefully when the feral rampage ensues they will each take some bankers down with them.

I hope trump wins bc that gives us a slight chance that the scrape against the iceberg is less fatal but after answering the QOTD about which is better, hrc goin to prison or trump winning im not optimistic about the future.
I think conflict is inevitable no matter who wins bc half the people will see the result as unacceptable no matter what. I think the hrc people will more likely turn to violence in a loss but in victory will also ratchet up control and lead to division. If she wins she will take the title of most divisive prez from obama and its not even close.

Makes me wonder if this is what the election pre-Civil War felt like.

November 3, 2016 6:21 pm

What’s needed is for someone to start capping these bastards. I hope if Hitlery ‘wins’ the election she’s first.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 3, 2016 7:06 pm

Terrific writeup! I’ve read “The Fourth Turning” but didn’t pick up on these establishment/advancing and destablishing/atonement cycles. But it makes perfect sense.

Some of you may have seen this video from Steve Pieczenik because it was linked off Drudge in the last few days. It fits the atonement cycle theory. Here is a portion of his bio from Wikepedia:

“Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker.[3] His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare.[7] He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.[8]

In 1974, Pieczenik joined the United States Department of State as a consultant to help in the restructuring of its Office for the Prevention of Terrorism.[2]

In 1976, Pieczenik was made Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for management.

Pieczenik was born in Cuba of Jewish parents from Russia and Poland and was raised in France.[2] His father, a doctor from Dombrovicz who studied and worked in Toulouse, France,[3] fled Poland before World War II. His mother, a Russian Jew from Białystok, Poland,[3] fled Europe after many of her family members were killed. The couple met in Portugal, where both had fled ahead of the Nazi invaders.[3] Pieczenik was born in Cuba in 1943.[3][4] After living in Toulouse for six years, Pieczenik’s family migrated to the United States, where they settled in the Harlem area[3] of New York City, New York.[5] Steve Pieczenik was eight years old when his parents received their entry visa to the the United States.[3]

As recently as October 6, 2012, Pieczenik was listed as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).[21] According to Internet Archive, his name was removed from the CFR roster sometime between October 6 and November 18, 2012.[22] Publicly, Pieczenik no longer appears as a member of the CFR”.

Is this guy a patriot? I’d never heard of him until this video surfaced. But if this is for real, it aligns with Admin’s article here in that atonement is underway.

  Rise Up
November 4, 2016 12:51 am

Here’s the other video of Steve Pieczenik talking about Bill and Hillary Clinton having sex with children, courtesy of Jeffrey Epstein on his “Lolita Express” airplane and his private island in the Bahamas.

Supposedly, New York Police Department leakers say, while investigating Weiner’s laptop on his sexting a teenage girl, the department discovered evidence of pedophilia involving Huma, Hillary and Bill. And the NYPD chief (not commissioner, but the guy right under him) said they kept copies of everything NYPD turned over to the FBI, and if the FBI doesn’t indict Hillary soon, he will go public, and blow the whole thing wide open, either with a press conference or, if necessary, through WikiLeaks. He supposedly said, “I have children, and what we found on that laptop makes me sick.”

November 4, 2016 1:11 am

By the way, within 20 minutes of Pieczenik posting his coup video, his web site was taken down.

November 4, 2016 2:45 am

yep I noticed this. it definitely loaded the first two times I visited the site…
then super quick generic shittxt html homepage WIPEOUT

November 4, 2016 7:54 pm

Not sure about the timing of this but his site is up now. I’ve visited it several times in the last couple of days and never seen it down.

Ed Rankin
Ed Rankin
  Rise Up
November 6, 2016 8:47 am

Pieczenik has made frequent appearances on Alex Jones’ radio show for years.

RT Rider
RT Rider
November 3, 2016 7:09 pm

If what Anonymous says is true about what they intend to reveal on Saturday, then we’ll see a real game changer – for more than just the election I suspect. (Big emphasis on “IF” as I’m not very familiar with the past veracity of Anonymous).

Rise Up
Rise Up
  RT Rider
November 3, 2016 7:54 pm

RT, personally, I don’t trust or believe much of what the Anonymous YouTube channel puts out.

Link, please, to “what they intend to reveal”? (Or just summarize for us here.)

RT Rider
RT Rider
  Rise Up
November 3, 2016 8:41 pm

They’re saying they have video evidence of Bill’s Lolita Express trips – Hillary, as well – in flagrante delicto.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  RT Rider
November 3, 2016 10:21 pm

Unless there is video of Hellary going down on a 10 year old, it won’t stick. This type of stuff we’re seeing from Wikileaks so far may have hit a wall, since we’re so close to election day.

OTOH, the FBI is probably gathering lots of stuff on the Clinton Foundation sufficient to nail her to the wall for good. Too bad Deputy FBI Chief McCabe sat on the latest findings from the Weiner investigation for 3 weeks before Comey finally got to see that there was fire under the smoke. But perhaps the timing will actually turn out to be just right, re: that letter to Congress last Friday.

  RT Rider
November 4, 2016 12:12 pm

It’s my understanding they have video of Bill raping a 13-year-old girl that they plan to leak.
If anybody could vote for Hitlery after that, there’s no hope.

If nothing comes out on the pedophilia, she’ll still be around, and probably POTUS. Nobody could honestly still vote for her knowing and having proof of it.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
November 3, 2016 7:26 pm

no mention of serious outside conflict nor infiltrators making contributions to the chaos. the neocons demand war, just as the economy implodes. the perfect storm. look forward to part 2 and appreciate your time invested to better inform me.

November 3, 2016 7:29 pm

Is it just me or do a lot of people hate Hillary?

/sarcasm off

November 4, 2016 10:00 am

Oh, it’s not you my friend, most anyone who has an IQ above ten will be able to see, she is beyond corrupt, she gives corrupt a bad name, she is just plain evil.

November 4, 2016 12:23 pm

Fuckin eh!!! How audacious, brazen and arrogant does one need to be to elicit some hate from you?

Just think about the past 20+ years of American Politics for a second….We have had either a Bush, Clinton or Obama as President?! Gotta love the diversity right? Although they may look different from the outside looking in; anyone with half a brain cell can see how they are not different parties but two sides to the same coin! All of Obama’s political advisers in his first term were the same fuckers from the good ol’ “Decider’s” term as president not to mention daddy Bush was the top spook in the country under Ford back in the 70s!!

C’mon man!

I read a book awhile back called “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” which was written back during the Vietnam War era….in which the author markedly points out that the “conspiracy” is SOOO GRAND and we have been so brainwashed and dumbed down that when told the truth, the typical American immediately dismisses it!

November 4, 2016 8:00 pm

Yes but not enough. There are currently four, low IQ Hillary supporters voting down a comment by Jack Lovett over on this thread:

Question of the Day, Nov 4

November 3, 2016 7:40 pm

This mind of writing is why I come here….

November 3, 2016 7:50 pm

I tend to believe you are spot on. Things have grown much more dire since 2008. When Obama won the Presidency, his approval rating was about 70%, as I recall. A lot of people felt good that, after all, we were a country where a black man could be elected to the highest office in the land. I don’t see that happening now. Whoever gets elected, there will be no honeymoon period for them. Too many people have noticed that they still have less income today than 8 years ago, no matter what blather is spread around about a “recovery.” Too many people just saw their health insurance rates skyrocket. The disparity between rich and poor have widened, and every day their are new revelations about how that came to be. It’s going to get rocky, and fast.

November 3, 2016 7:57 pm

Thanks Admin. We need a periodic Fourth Turning Review to help us keep our perspective on the big picture.

It seems to me the Gray Champion has arrived on schedule.

RCW, a deplorable
RCW, a deplorable
November 3, 2016 8:25 pm

For those interested and who see parallels between now and the late 1850’s, book 1 of Bruce Catton’s Civil War trilogy, “The Coming Fury”, gives a pretty even handed account of that period.

I think an important question now to consider is what portion of today’s Praetorian guard, aka the police & the National Guard, will be willing to attack a group of unarmed proletariat?

  RCW, a deplorable
November 3, 2016 9:33 pm

They certainly will. Look at what’s happening now to the unarmed protesters in N. Dakota.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 3, 2016 8:31 pm


You’re writing like a man possessed of a vision these days.

Sadly, I don’t think you are far off the mark if at all. At this stage I think it is all just a matter of timing…

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 3, 2016 8:39 pm

Reading your stuff is like watching a blacksmith hammer red hot iron.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

One stroke after another, each one landing true, sparks shooting out with every strike.

Wow. Best one yet and that’s saying a lot.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
  hardscrabble farmer
November 3, 2016 11:38 pm


‘Bang, bang, bang’.

Nicely said.

November 3, 2016 8:39 pm

A possible spark?

Hillary “wins” the election. She can’t even take *California* without resorting to massive voter fraud: There is no way she can possibly win the election nationally, without an incomprehensible level of voter fraud taking place.

She literally can not win any other way.

Should Hillary “win” the election, to paraphrase Frank Herbert, the blood must flow.

November 4, 2016 1:25 pm

I read that they are blaming a computer error type of problem, but how does a computer get stuck with multiple people’s names at the same address, presumably assigning the wrong address to the names, and not do the same with any other address?

Even with errors, computers tend to be remarkably consistent (in their errors).

And what are the real addresses of those who ended up with that single address listed for them?

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
November 3, 2016 8:41 pm

Soooooooo many happy thoughts in this article.
Please Jesus, pretty please… let it unfold!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 3, 2016 8:44 pm

Well done! Just add in the fact that “The Hidden Hand” stirs the events that bring about the turnings and has done so long before 1776. Would there be the violence if they did not pit group against group? Would the economy crash if they did not pull the plug after (they) wrecked it?

Why do we keep labeling ourselves and loudly voicing our inclusion into groups instead of each person keeping their opinion very quiet so the owners could not read the mood of the sheep. Turnings are skillfully crafted and executed. Technology makes it easy for us to watch them bus in the paid agitators to whip up a mini riot or skyscrapers falling into their own footprints from (wink-wink) flying terrorists.

November 3, 2016 8:55 pm

The impending destruction of the Clinton Crime Family is at hand. It doesn’t matter if she “wins” or loses. The curtain has been pulled back and millions have seen the monsters lurking behind it. They will be unveiled as pure rank traitors. They will fight like mad dogs but they will eventually fall.
The biggest problems I see are those millions of people who have allied themselves with the traitors. They too will fight for their progressive (communist) views, and eventually they will be considered as traitors as well. They too will have to be literally purged from our society as it fights for survival.

November 3, 2016 9:38 pm

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.


rhs jr
rhs jr
November 3, 2016 9:52 pm

The waiter up and called Trump a SOB to my face and I said I aught to firebomb this place but if she’s elected, her taxes will put you out of business. A Black man at the market ominously said I was wearing the wrong shirt; I said at least people don’t drop dead all around him. Some people shake their heads at me and I shake mine right back because Useful Idiots, Racist, Abortionist, Fags, Socialist, druggies, traitors etc deserve no more mercy. I’m sick of anti-White male racism from the top to bottom of government, business and liberals; of five decades of stupid leftist public schools, media etc. Conservative dogs are truly tired of being constantly kicked. There is a universal growl of pent up anger. The next time the Elite steal another election, burn down another full church, “pull” three skyscrapers and murder 3,000 citizens, come for our guns, etc, it will probably be “the Balloon Going Up”.

steve K
steve K
November 3, 2016 10:46 pm

I just wrote and mailed a 50 dolla check.

thx Jim

  steve K
November 4, 2016 7:23 am

If we just had another dozen or so like you, steve K, this platform could have a glitter ball for the dance floor.

Muck About
Muck About
November 3, 2016 11:20 pm

Wouldn’t it be fun the day before (or the day of), the Internet Crashed.. Not just a buggy one – but crashed. No news, now comm, no TV except local.. Shit, we’ve been getting rehearsals got months.

Stack that on top of the Richter 10 BS that has been floating around (especially Comey’s last minute grenade) and stands a better than even chance of getting his ass fired by blowing DOJ “tradition”
we are in a bowl of boiling excrement the like we – in our lifetime – have never seen (unless you count Nixon which was fart in a windstorm by comparison).

The next weekend and week will be one to pull it all the wy in, make yourself scarce and watch.


ps: Admin: Family illness is killing my output – sorry..

  Muck About
November 4, 2016 7:22 am

Miss your input, but sending hopes to heaven that illnesses are healed and problems are resolved.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
November 4, 2016 1:20 am

I don’t think the left is going to put up much of a fight. Cut off the free money and they become weak almost instantly. Let law enforcement do it’s job, and they go back to being the cowards they always were. la raza or black lives matter are fun when there is a paycheck involved, as soon as those assholes have to earn a living they will have no time or energy for hell raising. The left is bankrupt, intellectually, morally, and soon to be financially. Three leftist presidents in a row have conditioned lots of people to think the current state is normal, and that ‘they’ outnumber ‘us’. Big surprise coming Tuesday. Putting a thousand of the right assholes in prison for 20 years shouldn’t be hard. Tends to chill the rest. Taking away the regulatory power of the federal agencies can be done without congress, and again, heads rolling will chill the rest. I’ve always liked your fourth turning theories, Jim. I just believe the timing is accelerated. Yes, people who put their faith in undeliverable promises are about to be dissapointed. So what. Get ready to work. If you are willing to work, this will turn out fine.

November 4, 2016 2:55 am

I am sure the mass of citizens in these United States mean well, and I firmly believe they will always act well, whenever they can obtain a right understanding of matters.-George Washington

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.-Thomas Jefferson

The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.-George Washington

November 4, 2016 7:20 am

I am ready for what comes next. I just want to say “Bring It” and let’s get on with what needs doing.

November 4, 2016 8:39 am

“Their looting, pillaging and ransacking campaign, designed to enrich and empower a small cadre of shadowy, powerful, wealthy men, had been successful for decades. When you control the currency and interest rates; rig the financial markets; buy the politicians; write the laws and regulations; own the corporate propaganda machines known as the mainstream media; operate a high tech surveillance state; create a dumbed down populace through government school indoctrination; and distract the masses with iGadgets, reality TV, hero worship, professional sports, social media,”

authors like ADMIN are cowed into not naming who these people are (can’t say i blame him.) we know who overwhelmingly runs the banks, tech, the Fed, Treasury, DOJ, Clinton campaign, media companies from newspapers to movies, law schools, sports teams, social media, hedge funds, SCOTUS, unions, etc., but writers of this genre are forced to NOT name names or be scavenged from further discourse and even livelihood. so the truth remains further subdued.

November 4, 2016 9:04 am

otherwise, good job… and as i said, i don’t blame you. you have good company – matt taibbi, for example.

November 7, 2016 12:52 pm

Don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 4, 2016 11:20 am

No Credit: Naming the institutions and corporations are more important than naming individuals. The human faces of corruption and deceit change but not their associated entities. Get it?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 4, 2016 9:03 am

Credit- They are crafting this epic and we are watching and SEEING their hand in pushing the levers yet for some reason people bumble on acting as if it were all happenstance.

THEY should be tried for the crime of warmongering and the death of so many when it is all said and done. We are powerless to stop the coming turbulence in our country because of the fact that the fourth estate will not be truthful as to who is at fault.

A race war is surely on the horizon which could be stirred into a CWII and all that because people fall for shills on the idiot box. Imagine a million dead Americans and yet we will still be pushed into the NWO as that is the goal.

  Bea Lever
November 4, 2016 12:14 pm


BRAVO! Idol worship and what I refer to as the “Waiting for Superman complex” where people have been conditioned to actively participate in their own subjugation by electing “rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them!” (Thanks George Carlin for that priceless and extremely relevant quote)!

November 4, 2016 9:25 am

Much like the pot of heating water on a stove, where the actual boiling point is usually dependent upon the degree of heat being applied, the impending political conflagration leading to a civil war cannot be precisely determined.

However, as the Admin points out in his excellent summation of where we are at this moment according to the Fourth Turning, we are eight years into a Crisis period which won’t end until the mid-2020s. And thus the current unknowing of future events.

The regeneracy, which is what the Admin calls this bringing into new renewed life our institutions which govern us, is indeed as yet unknowable. But one thing is abundantly clear, we have been badly led by all those who profess to be our supposed betters. And a time of reckoning is well upon us.

November 4, 2016 9:48 am

Open another bottle of Tequila!

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
November 4, 2016 10:02 am

You’re going to shed PC Jim? You? I’m heading for my safe space

November 4, 2016 11:19 am

I so appreciated your excellent analysis and the
promise of part 2. Thank you so much.

November 4, 2016 9:43 am

“…The captured mainstream media and grey beards running both political parties were completely stunned, horrified, and irate at the unprecedented success achieved by the two anti-establishment candidates, Trump and Sanders….”

Great article, but it doesnt go for enough with respect to the reach of the Deep State. No controlling shadowy grey beards were horrified or irate, because they knew that anyone reaching the first round of party candidacy was going to be vetted and going to play the game to some degree. If you are a candidate fighting for your party’s nomination, you have already been blessed by the grey beards in order to reach that first stage. The ‘stunned horror’ is part of the grand hoax that purports that real choice is possible beyond their seedy clutches of control. It isnt. Bernie Sanders** was by far the most Communitarian candidate of any party, a typical Third Way charlatan just like Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Barack Obama. Donald Trump spent his entire existence with celebrities and the hyper-wealthy, and a not a single day of it championing the lower classes. So whilst on the surface Bernie and Trump look diametrically opposed, the result would have been the same: a hollowing out of the middle classes and instantiation of a global, technocractic Corporatocracy. The inclusion of the “anti-establishment” candidates was always part of the Deep State’s Hegelian plot.

(** if anyone imagines that Sanders was going to save the middle classes and punish bankers, pls read up on Communitarianism and how it works:

November 4, 2016 12:44 pm

Just so you know, it recently came out that Donald Trump sent $10,000 to the family of Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini to help them out while Abedini was in prison in Iran, who was recently released with “Washington Post” reporter, Jason Rezaian. Nobody knew until a recent interview with Abedini. I’ve read that Trump does a lot of things like that but people just don’t know about it. And that’s the way you’re supposed to help others, without taking credit for it. Trump may have a huge ego, but he appears to be modest about this type of thing.

Claudia Green
Claudia Green
November 5, 2016 9:39 am

“…they knew that anyone reaching the first round of party candidacy was going to be vetted and going to play the game to some degree. If you are a candidate fighting for your party’s nomination, you have already been blessed by the grey beards in order to reach that first stage.”

YES! When someone is chosen in home voting districts to be on ballots, it’s because they’re already part of the special interests, or serves special interests, who put him/her on the ballot to continue to serve special interests. It became obvious to me several years ago when I was asked to run for office. Silly me! It was my friends and neighbors who thought enough of me to ask, but the very lefty League of Women voters, frightened at the thought of a reform outsider, began the dirty tricks.
I got lots of votes but their candidate (who got the help of the local “news” paper and D. party $$$)
got more. Not saying it was corrupt, but just that the system protects itself and anyone having “straighter” ideas is a threat, and will be rejected. In the two-party-only system, outsiders have no backing to assist them. It is what it is.

November 4, 2016 9:48 am

A little retribution is in order. By the mid 2020’s I will be in my middle 80’s and won’t be able to dish out much. to bad but I will do the best I can.

November 4, 2016 10:06 am

Thanks admin. Wonderful article, the type I like to share with friends who have not read 4th turning.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 4, 2016 10:40 am

Admin- Did you just dip your toe into the water or did you stick your whole foot in the non-pc pond? If you went all in, I will be counting the minutes til part II.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 4, 2016 11:05 am

Dang Admin……I’m your biggest fan. Who else would let us be so COMPLETELY non-pc?

Come on in………the water is fine.

November 4, 2016 10:49 am

prophecy memes preclude a Trump WH + Administration unless he does a 360 and stand behind IS, war on Russia & become a Hillary clone himself.

Hillary has her Dark Angel of the Abyss/bottomless-pit. Huma (Abaddon) Abedin as her side kick…Hillary (bill & the rest of the Foundation cadre) all understand ‘dark sentences’ and exude the worldview of destruction/death/entropy as their own ‘progressive’ mantra

Just a name
Just a name
November 4, 2016 1:33 pm

And about 70% of the people in the USA do not have $1000.00 in savings.

November 4, 2016 1:41 pm

Excellent piece, Jim! You’ve outdone yourself. Permission please to guest-post this on my pathetic blog with full attribution to you and TBP of course.

Listen up, people. I hate to rain on your parade, but you do NOT directly vote for the President. The 538 members of the Electoral College vote for the POTUS and the VP. Although most have pledged to abide by the majority vote, they are not legally bound to do so and several times in the past have voted against the majority when they thought it was in the best interests of the nation.

The Founding Fathers were concerned that a popular President (Democracy = mob-rule) might be dangerous to the American Republic. The Electors might see it this way: a win by the Hildebeast, while angering Trump supporters, won’t tear the country apart immediately whereas a win by Trump will promptly cause civil disobedience, riots and Civil War. The Electors might hold their noses and vote for Hitlery in the hopes it will keep the country together a little longer before it goes to shit in the long run.

I can hardly wait for Part 2.

November 4, 2016 3:22 pm

Gerold, while you are correct on the facts about the electoral college, I anticipate the opposite reaction from the masses in the U.S. after the election. SJWs tend to be pussies, so they may have a few crybaby sit-ins if Trump wins, they will not riot to the point of civil war. The Trumpeteers, on the other hand, just might go ballistic (literally!) if the Hildebeast wins that way.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 4, 2016 4:28 pm

peaknic, you’ve got it backwards. Trump supporters will keep their powder dry, even if rampant voter fraud is exposed. They aren’t fools.

More likely is that the rising tide of Clinton misdeeds will lead to her resignation (should she be indicted after assuming the presidency if elected). Then her supporters will go batshit nuts and Soros will unleash the FSA army to the streets. All bets are off after that.

“Wait until you see the whites in their eyes.”

November 4, 2016 1:46 pm


November 4, 2016 2:55 pm

Once the SHTF it goes back to kin. tribes, and clans. The Right are better armed, and know how to shoot. Niggas and liberals stacked up in neat little piles.

November 4, 2016 3:28 pm

Here it is, Folks, the whole sick story:
Erik Prince, who used to own the military contractor Blackwater, is friends with a guy very high up in the NYPD. Prince did an interview with Breitbart this morning.

According to Prince’s friend, Bill and Hillary Clinton were involved in child sex, among other things, along with their friends and Democratic members of Congress. That’s what was found on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Obama and his attorney general are trying to cover it up, even making threats to New York police.

Tell your friends, share this link, get it out there, far and wide, people! Bring her down!!!

It’s time to arrest these sick psychos. And Obama, Lynch and Comey need to be arrested for obstruction of justice.

November 4, 2016 7:21 pm

Soon I’ll have 4 mos of Mountain House and 60 days of agua for 4 — just in case…

GM Deplorable lol
GM Deplorable lol
November 4, 2016 9:38 pm

I try very hard to only post when TBP is linked to other sites . Such is the case now.
Lets begin , shall we?
Great article Mr. Admin.
I think that if there is going to be some exceptional 4th turning event, that the POCB’s , manufacturing companies ,etc, would indeed be drawing down their productivity . All of them with very few exceptions are pushing the perpetual growth meme . Which is actually not possible on a Finite world.
Is everything screwed up ? Absolutely !!
Wheels within Wheels .
For example .. if there was going to be an issue with global commerce pertaining to a 4th turning , would car manufactures be competing with each other for market share? Or any other corporate entity? For any market they are pursuing?
If they are still trying for a growth model ,in a finite world , and they are, and they are owned by the same TPTB,
and they are , the only expectation is localized , balkanized , 4th turning issues. For the express purpose of control of the deplorable masses ! lol .
WTF do I know lol just a cook .
Although , I would pay close attention to who is consolidating who .
There is at least a partial thought of current events as I see them .
Theatre ,Theatre,Theatre.

November 5, 2016 3:01 am

Why do people here think America was at its peak somewhere around 1830’s? It’s as if to say “in the good ol’ days society was made up of small, homogenous and self-sufficient towns. People lived their within the same area of their birth and rarely married outsiders. Government had no real power as people took care of themselves especially as there was no formal police force nor real national currencies as people defended themselves and used precious metals as currency.”

So the author they’ll have no choice but to declare an act of secession should the Clinton Administration take power or, even, if the Trump Administration can’t/won’t significantly the status quo? He hopes for something similar to the Ukraine where a relatively normal society suddenly descended (or ascended for people here?) into fighting factions? The thrill you can start living your life the way you want to and can use force against anyone who disagrees?

November 5, 2016 8:47 am

Pretty much on target, but too much vitriol is given to “corporate” instead of “government”.
It isn’t corporations that want to spy on us, it’s our government.
It isn’t corporations that want us silenced & misled by TV lies, it’s our government.
It isn’t corporations that want us disarmed, it’s our government (note; corporations want to sell us guns and ammo).
It’s isn’t corporations that lie to us from state department & white house speeches, it’s our government.
When your door is kicked in by goons wearing similar costumes for mandatory gun grabs or transport to FEMA camps, it won’t be at the behest of corporations, it will be by your government.
It isn’t corporations who are confiscating your withholding taxes each week, along with property taxes each year, it’s your government.
It isn’t corporations dumbing down your kids in schools, it’s government teachers unions.
Our founders didn’t fear corporations, they rightly feared government.
Let’s not allow writers like this misdirect us to the biggest threats to our lives & liberties.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 5, 2016 9:46 am

Dave, you are a fucking idiot. Who is in bed with the guv in the picture below, enabling the surveillance? (This is from the leaked Snowden NSA documents.)

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Rise Up
November 6, 2016 2:44 am

Very interesting & informative graphic. Thank you for posting it.

Now how many of those businesses would be on those lists if not for the Patriot Act, CALEA, and many other coercive laws? I suspect very few. When the FBI ordered Apple to create a malware OS to unlock the California terrorists’ iPhone (which the FBI’s stupidity had locked!), CALEA was the club they employed. Otherwise Apple could have told them — and many other LE agencies waiting in the wings — to go pound sand.

We can refuse to do business with companies we dislike (or at least severely reduce our dealings), but no one can refuse to do business with the government. When the 4th Turning is over and government reduced to a shadow if its current self, that will change.

kokor hekkus
kokor hekkus
November 5, 2016 12:59 pm

Actually, I think that all of the Turnings, including the Revolutionary War, were substantially rebellions against the international banking and corporate elites which seek to turn everyone outside their ranks into serfs on tax farms like Ireland was until the 20th century.

November 5, 2016 1:34 pm


The limited liability corporation is a prominent example of the corruption through which commerce and much of society have been rigged to concentrate wealth and power into the hands of very few people. The institution itself is the problem. Of course, it remains true that corporations’ existence is declared by governments, but this is at the behest of greedy, irresponsible private persons who would otherwise have to be satisfied with smaller concentations of wealth and, hence, of commercial power. Also, without ltd liability incorporation, those go-getters would have to bear a greater share of the business risk that is properly theirs by virtue of their own choices.

So, it is disingenuous of you to demand that we disregard the institution of incorporation and its motives. Furthermore, if it’s true that “Our founders didn’t fear corporations”, it’s because corporations were not the overwhelmingly dominant form of business organization which they have become since the late 1700’s.

Great IMPROVEMENT can be conceived and it is possible. Be on the right side of history and of “our lives & liberties” when a plan of radical social transformation is ready for action against the institution and criminals with whom you sympathize.

November 6, 2016 8:53 am


Your predictions of a yet another bust before the next boom is exactly the outcome that the ruling elite have intentionally set up. The reason that this is coming to a head now is because the elites have effectively harvested the vast majority of money and wealth from the masses and the effort to steal the rest simply isn’t worth it for them. The masses are now slowly being reduced to something akin to indentured servants as they sell their remaining hard assets back to the ruling elites and their minions. Naturally it is the masses not the elites suffering through the fall as society unwittingly pays for their own demise.

If at all possible the elites are going to make sure that the frogs stay on boil rather than risk the kettle overturning and putting out the fire on the stove. So when the masses do finally snap out of their stupor , it will be too late to bring back the light. The trick of course is to make sure the masses don’t wake up too soon and take it all back…….

November 6, 2016 9:53 am

I’m curious about what you think of the speed of information on this cycle. I’ve hypothesized that the increasing speed of information is changing how these cycles work, witness the times between the large shifts–Roman Republic to Magna Carta, to Consitution, to today. Later changes would occur even faster, but the exponential function means we’ve never seen a revolution happen this fast.

Faster information means it’s harder to dumb down populations, witness the Donald. Despite the main stream media’s attempts, the Internet has allowed people to bypass these so called gatekeepers, keeping focus on the issues they see as important, and less on the scandals. It also means it would take less time after a revolution to sniff out deep state style manipulations, accelerating social and political cycles all over.

I’ve a paper on it somewhere, but that’s the gist, we’ve been trending towards more freedom for the better part of a millenium, and it will only go faster despite attempts to the contrary.

John Prewett
John Prewett
November 6, 2016 9:32 pm

For years, Globalist minion Barack Hussein Obama has been revealing his admiration of Islam.
Which translates into admiration for such as deception enabling entrapment of the targeted entity. We have witnessed Obama’s chief contenders [and MSMedia] being discredited [rightly or wrongly] in the eyes of most of the nation and big portion of the rest of the world.
Obama is not at all devoted to the Constitution …nor to the ideal of “sovereign” America.
Islam that Barack so admires demands “infidels” be conquered. Be killed or enslaved.
To Barack, the kind of Americans that favor Trump are modern “infidels” ….
and the kind of Americans that favor Hillary are equally disgusting.
Barack has had nearly 8 years to prepare for and incite the “perfect storm” that he and his Globalist masters will bring upon “sovereign” USA.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
November 7, 2016 2:28 pm

Anarchy does not mean chaos; it simply means ‘without rulers’. Otherwise, minus the naive pining for the authoritarian Constitution, a great article.

  Slayer of Sacred Cows
November 7, 2016 3:14 pm

If there is a war, it won’t be started be our oppressive government. They are too P.C. To get out of their own way. That isn’t to say there won’t be conflicts, they will always go after the individual that stands up for his or her rights. A war will be started by the liberals as a tantrum and finished by conservatives that are fed up with their crap.