The Hillbots Will Need Some Reprogramming…

It makes me want to barf knowing I am posting a “thought” piece by Lena Dunham on TBP. But I plead to the high court of the platform to have mercy on me so Lena’s voice can be heard!!

Because she’s a useful idiot with the maturity level of a 13 year old. The celebrity Hillbots are completely irrational and have a severely distorted view of the world. This is worst than Britney Spear’s head shaving meltdown in 2007. 

**Trigger Warning*** People who aren’t crazy might find this article disturbing. SO, instead of adding a photo at the top of Lena Dunham or Hillary Clinton I thought it’d be best to start off this article with a picture of my adorable deplorable puppy. Anytime you *feel* one of those bad *feels* just scroll up very quickly and look at the puppy. It’ll be ok… 


A Message to Our Lennys:

“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”

—Audre Lorde

I woke up on Election Day like a bride: rosy, thrilled, a little controlling about just how MY perfect day would be spent. After working on the Clinton campaign for eighteen months, I was ready to celebrate, and sure that by nightfall I’d be knocking back glasses of champagne and creating a story to tell my unborn children. Maybe I’d even get close enough to Hillary Clinton to hug her, to whisper “Thank you.” I had dreamed about it every night for the last two weeks.

So on Tuesday — Jesus, it’s almost embarrassing to remember — I smugly selected a baby-blue sweater with a not-so-subtle pussy motif and headed to vote with my boyfriend, smiling at the elderly socialists on my block like it was Sesame Street. I packed my HRC 2016 memorabilia into a brown box with my I VOTED sticker smacked on top. I spent the afternoon phone-banking with friends, and it felt more like icing on the cake than urgent business. Because as horrifying as I found Donald Trump’s rhetoric, as hideous as I found his racism and xenophobia, as threatening to basic decency as I found his demagogue persona, I never truly believed he could win.

I’d been traveling the country for the last few weeks, in swing states like North Carolina and Colorado. While I’d dealt with a few irritating email questions (those fucking emails, as if they were a worthy corollary to fraud and sexual assault), the resolve and passion of students, many of whom had made their way over from the Bernie Sanders campaign, gave me a sense of hope that got me downright high. I didn’t see how with faces this bright, diverse, wise, and passionate anything but the best — the only — result could prevail.

“In a society in which equality is a fact, not merely a word, words of racial or sexual assault and humiliation will be nonsense syllables.” —Catherine MacKinnon

The three hours I spent at the Javits Center Tuesday night, surrounded by campaign staffers and fellow surrogates for Hillary Clinton, are blurred and spotty. At a certain point it became clear something had gone horribly wrong. Celebrants’ faces turned. The modeling had been incorrect. Watching the numbers in Florida, I touched my face and realized I was crying. “Can we please go home?” I said to my boyfriend. I could tell he was having trouble breathing, and I could feel my chin breaking into hives. Another woman showed me her matching hive, hidden by fresh concealer.

I hugged the women I had spent eighteen months with, laughing and plotting and spreading our love for Hillary Clinton and her message. My party dress felt tight and itchy.

By the time we’d made it over the bridge, a friend called. “It’s over,” she said. “I love you.” I was frozen. We stopped at the diner. No one was speaking as they ate, no one in the whole place.

At home I got in the shower and began to cry even harder. My boyfriend, who had already wept, watched me as I mumbled incoherently, clutching myself. “It wasn’t supposed to go this way. It was supposed to be her job. She worked her whole life for the job. It’s her job.”

“Truth is powerful and it prevails.” —Sojourner Truth

Over the year and a half I worked on the campaign, I received threats and abuse at a level I could not have imagined. My Twitter mentions went from rude to downright violent. My phone was hacked, and I was sent images of aborted fetuses, weapons. I was called a fat whore, a retard, told I should be killed in front of everyone who knew me. My experience mimics that of so many women who organized for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump, most of them not celebrities. We wanted a female president. We wanted guaranteed control over our own bodies. We wanted equal pay. That made us nasty. That made us targets.

But we kept going, thinking these were the dying moans of the dragon known as the patriarchy being stabbed again and again in the stomach. We believed that on November 9, they’d be licking their wounds while we celebrated. It is painful on a cellular level knowing those men got what they wanted, just as it’s painful to know you are hated for daring to ask for what is yours. It’s painful to know that white women, so unable to see the unity of female identity, so unable to look past their violent privilege, and so inoculated with hate for themselves, showed up to the polls for him, too. My voice was literally lost when I woke up, squeaky and raw, and I ached in the places that make me a woman, the places where I’ve been grabbed so carelessly, the places we are struggling to call our own.

It’s a privilege to be heartbroken by the system for the first time at age 30. So many people — those in the prison system, those with undocumented American relatives, those who are trans, who are queer, who are people of color, who are Muslim, who are trying to prosecute their abusers — have felt the crushing failure of the system over and over again. This is just another dark week. This isn’t surreal like a death or a bad diagnosis. This is their life.

“Don’t agonize, organize.” —Florynce Kennedy

Millennials overwhelmingly voted against Trump. Our generation says no, as do first-time voters, to what this man and his presidency represent. We reject, wholesale, his brand — any brand — of hatred and bigotry. We are the generation with the strongest and most vast understanding of identity politics yet. We recognize intersections and contradictions and want to make room for them in people and in government. Our hearts are open, but our resolve is strong. We want to create a different kind of America than has ever existed. America will not be great until it fulfills its promise of liberty and justice for all.

“You’ve got to rattle your cage door. You’ve got to let them know that you’re in there, and that you want out. Make noise. Cause trouble. You may not win right away, but you’ll sure have a lot more fun.” —Florynce Kennedy

Wednesday was a day of mourning. Thursday, too. Hell, I’m giving us till Sunday. But then we fight. Now, more than ever, our power is in numbers and in our refusal to accept the idea that our leaders intrinsically know what’s best for us, better than the people we meet every day. In the last few days I have watched a little girl cry, wondering if her mother would be deported. I have listened to a black man ask how to explain this to his sons. “You tell them, over and over again, not to be a bully or a bigot, to respect women, to be kind, that’s how you get ahead. And now a bully is the president. How do you explain that?” I see two teenage girls, one Latina, one white, in belly shirts holding hands as they pretend to go the wrong way on an escalator. They’re laughing and smiling and I wonder if they know that together they’re a tiny revolution.

“I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.” —Audre Lorde

In this new reality, we have all been radicalized. It’s no longer a word for those living on the fringes. It’s a word for everyone who walks in pain with the results of this election, who feels their identity being crushed under the weight of the half of the country who voted for a man who denounces and denies the basic rights of women, the queer community, immigrants, Muslims, people of color and the differently abled. We’ve been radicalized and therefore we’ve been deputized to do our parts. What that means will become clearer over the coming months, and we will all have to use the tools we have to speak for ourselves, but moreover speak for the voiceless, the people who can’t demand change for fear of very real and violent losses. Those who are gagged by the system Donald Trump proposes.

“Dignity does not come from avenging insults, especially from violence that can never be justified. It comes from taking responsibility and advancing our common humanity.” —Hillary Rodham Clinton

A lot of people have been talking about how we need to try to understand how this happened and what’s going on in the minds of the people who voted for Donald Trump. Maybe. Maybe. But maybe let’s leave that to the strategists, to the men in offices who need to run the numbers. It should not be the job of women, of people of color, of queer and trans Americans, to understand who does not consider them human and why, just as it’s not the job of the abused to understand their abuser. It’s quite enough work to know about and bear the hatred of so many. It’s quite enough work to go on living.

“I am not going to die, I’m going home like a shooting star.” —Sojourner Truth

It’s hard to feel it this week. It may be hard to feel it next week. But the work of this election, the promise of Bernie Sanders’s and Hillary Clinton’s campaigns, the dream of changing the face of the White House, is only just beginning.

Thank you, Hillary, for bravely taking every shot and standing tall, for weathering assaults from every direction, for telling us that no, this wasn’t politics as we know it, and no, you were not going to let a chronic interrupter with a limited vocabulary of catchphrases stop you from speaking coherently about your dreams for this country. Thank you for 30 years of public service. Thank you for showing our daughters something beautiful to aspire to. Thank you for reminding us what we are capable of when we are focused and ferocious. Thank you for 30 years of that. Thank you for not abandoning us now.

So no, the work isn’t done. It is only beginning. We will stun ourselves with what we are capable of. We will laugh with surprise like kids who finally threw a punch back at the schoolyard bully. We will watch our friends in awe as they step forward and demand more, as they recognize and wield their politicized identities. We will not be governed by fear. We will show our children a different way. We will go home like shooting stars.

I’m proud of you,


Notify of
November 12, 2016 6:55 pm

These imbeciles make me want to vomit. Totally ignorant of Hilary’s many crimes, totally clueless, gullible, self absorbed. I wish they’d jump off tall buildings in protest, a quick way to ‘make America great again’.

November 12, 2016 10:31 pm

ill just leave these here.
I think you guys will appreciate them 😉

and here, for a little… background we’ll say.

Seriously, what are Carroll Dunham’s paintings about?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 12, 2016 7:13 pm

Look, you’ve got an odd looking woman with a pretty sad body for her age, made worse by her poor choices in diet and indelible adornment who has grown up in a home where the values and morals are somewhat sketchy living in an urban area, out of contact with nature and physical labor. Add to that the distorting effects of being a quasi celebrity, her culpability in at least one admitted infanticide and sibling molestation for which she has never been accountable, her drug and alcohol abuse issues and- have I missed anything?

What are we to expect from her? She’s damaged, likely beyond repair by her history, her choices, her inability to function in a sober state in the real world. Entertainment is at best a distraction, it certainly isn’t productive, it adds nothing of lasting value to the world, and in sphere is predicated upon nihilism and snarky cynicism.

People are born with certain gifts and disabilities, but at some point we have to make our own choices and decisions about the trajectory of our life. Clearly she has made those choices and is now doubling down. I suppose there’s a degree of schadenfreude to be enjoyed watching it implode publicly, but overall it’s like cutting logs and then leaving them to rot through negligence. There’s some value in terms of decay and carbon, but there will never be any warmth or light derived from the effort.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 12, 2016 10:59 pm

Good points, Steph. I am going to have to show your stuff to my son one day soon. He graduates next December, only has 3 classes that semester, so is hopeful the Dean will let him do them “distanced” so he can graduate in the spring and go to work and live where there is real Wi-Fi instead of this dish network thing we get 10 Gig monthly and have to buy it by the 1 GB increment after that. Poor young millenial… lost without his gadget. But, he is good at that which he has chosen to do and should have no problem getting paid to do it.

Fortunately, after about 12 hours after an EMP makes all his gadgets stop working, his “original” factory programming will reboot and he will get in touch with me and figure out how to get home and help make cheese and granola.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 12, 2016 11:45 pm

Stephanie, we left the comfortable lifestyle of military industrial contracting mercenaries for hire to settle in the Ozarks of Missouri, where we raise chickens, rabbits and two enormous dogs who are number 2 and 3 sons. Number 1 is of course finishing up his computer engineering/science/electrical engineering degree.

He was in on the plan to wait to go to Missouri Science and Tech until after I became a resident because it made sense to save over half the tuition, even to a millennial. The fact that it made his projected graduation date a bit of a gamble with some classes NOT being the prerequisites he thought they were. Engineers will appreciate his dismay, having taken Advanced Mathematics courses since scoring perfect on his end of year scholastic test in all math and science related exams, he discovered that at S&T, there is another level of Calculus beyond that he’d tested out of prior to our move here. “Calculus for Believers.”

So, since you need Calculus II in your hip pocket before you can take Physics for Engineers at what was once UMR but is now Missouri S&T as they have tried to cast off their hick origins, he was forced to “fall back” two semesters in order to align the classes he needed AFTER the all important Calculus II for “Believers”.

By the way, he is glad he took the class again. He is a Believer now.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 12, 2016 7:24 pm

*winces* I have nothing to add. HSF just eviscerated this B-lister.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  hardscrabble farmer
November 13, 2016 7:49 am


You have a way with words. Bravo! Logs neglected in woods is a much more palatable image then that tattooed oaf of a woman.

[imgcomment image[/img]

What I find most repulsive about these regressives is the reliance on identity. They point an accusing finger at right yet seem obsessed with all those things they supposedly are fighting against. The Progressive Stack nothing more then a bully pulpit for moral bleachings. Those opposed are accused of all sorts of racism and phobias. She even quotes Catherine Mackinnon. A truly vile man-hating lesbian. In doing so she exposes the true colours of hives she speaks of lurking just out of sight.

There can be no negotiations with these people when their starting point is that anyone opposed to them is with the rapists, the mysogynists and the patriarchy.

This election was about more than identity. It was about corruption shown via emails. It was about the loss of good jobs. But for me at least it was about the vast swaths of America tired of people like Lena Dunham trying to impose their twisted moral code on them.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Lena the election was a big middle finger. You lost. Deal with it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 7:26 pm

KaD the killer, whose attitude towards illegal immigrants is “Just die already” let’s us know how repulsed and revulsed she is by a certain type of American. Maybe she’d be happy if liberals, progressives, charitable Christians and Mormons, puppy lovers and anybody who ever cracked a smile in the morning before their first shot of whiskey or snort of cocaine – those people – if they’d just fucking die already and leave America to people like KaD and I-S.

  EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 9:40 pm

You’re a smug asshole.. and a proud graduate of the school of drama, aren’t you? you always have been..congrats…now pack sand, bitch…

  EL Coyote
November 13, 2016 12:13 am

My attitude towards illegals is go home and fix your own damn country like we’re trying to do here. I don’t care about progressives or libtards, they can be as much a bunch of freaks as they want as long as they don’t expect to force it on everyone else. I’m fine with REAL Christians, I just don’t find many of them. Mormons-religion is like body odor, it should be kept to oneself.

November 12, 2016 7:26 pm

Call me out of it or just dumb. But who is this Len Dunham anyway?

I know who Barbara Streisand is and that other Jew Bruce Springstein. But who is Lena Dunham?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 7:36 pm

Exactly, Mark.

November 12, 2016 7:40 pm

I have no idea either. I think she was one of the ‘celebrities’ who promised to leave the country if Trump won, but is now reneging.

Is there a single Hillary supporter that has any grasp of facts and logic? It seems that every single one of them operate only by feelings and emotion.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 12, 2016 10:07 pm

And every time she opens her stupid mouth, ask “Why are you still here?”

November 12, 2016 11:32 pm

Dude, That’s exactly what I was thinking. Who the f*** is Lena Dunham? But, never mind. After starting to read just a part of her whining, I don’t even want to know.

November 13, 2016 3:40 am

It’s Springsteen, not Springstein, and he’s not Jewish. He’s still a putz, however.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
November 13, 2016 8:15 am

Mark Ms. Dunham is a star on a show I have never watched. A real class act…

Stay classy Lena.. but please stay put. We don’t need anymore regressives in Canoodlestan..

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
  RiNS the deplorable
November 13, 2016 8:26 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 12, 2016 7:32 pm

I read that and felt like I was staring at an insect under a magnifying glass while trying to determine not only what the insect was thinking, but why it was thinking whatever it might have been thinking. And then I remembered that I really don’t need to understand the thoughts of the insect. I just need to observe what it does and whether or not I should stomp on it with my shoe or give it a tan with sunlight through the magnifying glass. This was a real Jack Handey moment for me.

November 12, 2016 8:12 pm

She’s not thinking. She just feels and has developed the barest minimum mechanism to convert feeling into an assembly of words that other people, if they are also just feeling, can create a feedback loop of feelings by chirping.

It’s basically animal level communication, but with a facade of English on top of it. They are meeping and mooing and all the other animals have emotional reactions to the meeps and moos and react accordingly to keep the herd moving in a generally unified direction. Their entire mind is feel = SOUND, sound = FEEL, me = Herd = UNITY

Scientific and social acceptance of leftism as permanent childhood and mental retardation in the literal sense of the word will happen (again).

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 12, 2016 10:25 pm

Man, Razzle and HSF and Steph are on their game tonight. Not only is Dunham’s writing turbid, she actually uses the wrong words. “Corollary” – I don’t think that word means what you think it does. She’s a horrible writer.

November 12, 2016 7:34 pm

She claims early on above that Clinton had worked for the presidency, an that it is “her job”.

The sense of entitlement knows no bounds.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 12, 2016 10:29 pm

One of the own reasons Clinton lost is that they kept goading us for eight years that after Obama they were going stick us with Hillary, and there wasn’t a goddamn thing we could do about it – because Mexicans. Yeah, well fuck that.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 7:35 pm

TV is shit, actors are queer.
Scripts are recycled vomit.
Riots are stupid, an opportunity to steal a TV.

Celebrities are deranged.
But we love them.
We vote for actors.
We vote for reality TV stars.

I can’t wait to cast a vote for Kanye.
The rule book has been forgotten.
Give me liberty or give me ass on my widescreen TV.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 9:34 pm

I’m on the shit list with Admin again so in case I get thrown out, I would like to say you are a fine fellow and a most excellent commenter.
I read that the “wall” has been changed to a fence with (some) wall which may soothe your feelings….just wanted you to know.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
November 12, 2016 10:05 pm

Bea, I have no idea what is approved or unapproved comments. I react. If something sounds like bullshit or ticks me off for some reason that I can’t overlook out of the kindness of my heart, then I hit it. I’ve often thought that I’ve stepped on too many toes to have much time left here but for some reason I’m still here.

I was in a church once where I was subtly dis-invited after I stopped tithing. Before then, I could do no wrong. Admin hasn’t asked me to tithe or told me what things to say. If I’m in a bad mood, somebody is going to pay. If I’m in a good mood, I will have nothing but nice things to say.

Anyway, I left that church. And I came here. I was looking for a place to congregate and Stucky was talking about church things. So I stayed.

I believe God has a purpose for us all. If I didn’t stay over there, I had to come here.

If you don’t stay here, it’s because you have work to do elsewhere. But I wish you’d stay, somebody has to shake some sense into true believers at times. You are a great correspondent, you don’t flip out when faced with dissent. Journalism needs that quiet voice asking the question that wasn’t asked; the impertinent and inconvenient doubt that leads to entirely new revelations. Journalism needs people like you.

  EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 11:05 pm

Bea… Admin does not ban people for being wrong about a few things. He only bans people for being pretentious assholes who think they can waltz in here and start hurling a few nasty insults at TBP readers’ kids, as if doing so makes their itty bitty penis bigger.

I think you are safe.

November 12, 2016 7:35 pm

“In a society in which equality is a fact, not merely a word,”
gave up after that, perhaps she should read “animal farm” and understand some are more equal than others…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 12, 2016 10:33 pm

Equality? We need more midgets in the NBA!!

November 12, 2016 7:43 pm

“Tranceformation_america” by Cathy O’Brien, available free online. You can’t make this stuff up. If you can’t stomach the entire book, do a word search for “Hillary”. Tell me I was wrong to vote against her.

November 12, 2016 8:16 pm

That’s when the full meltdown will begin, when Satan finally pulls up the skirt and shows what it really means to “Be With Her”.

November 12, 2016 7:48 pm

Not a single word about policy, about what it was that gutted this country and made people vote Trump. Its all just SJW mental masturbation. These people live in this dreamworld where the only thing that matters is that gays can happily walk down the street holding hands. Meanwhile, there is a real world where livelihoods are traded for golden parachutes. Where wars are contrived for weapons contracts. Where democratic regimes are secretly overthrown to enrich the United Fruit Companies of the world. Where science is bought so that corporations can profit from selling poisons as being good for your teeth or your lungs. They literally dont care about any of that. They are like children who never grew up.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 8:06 pm

Icono, policy ain’t shit when there’s nothing left to conquer. Then the empire collapses and eats its own.

I said before that even if they managed to deport every brown and kill every black, soon people like KaD would become dissatisfied with nice folks and want to kill them too. That’s the human condition; murder.

“The Future”
Give me back my broken night my mirrored room, my secret life it’s lonely here, there’s no one left to torture Give me absolute control over every living soul And lie beside me, baby, that’s an order! Give me crack and anal sex Take the only tree that’s left and stuff it up the hole in your culture Give me back the Berlin wall give me Stalin and St Paul I’ve seen the future, brother: it is murder.
Things are going to slide, slide in all directions Won’t be nothing Nothing you can measure anymore The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and it has overturned the order of the soul
When they said REPENT REPENT I wonder what they meant When they said REPENT REPENTI wonder what they meant When they said REPENT REPENT I wonder what they meant
You don’t know me from the wind you never will, you never did I’m the little jew who wrote the Bible I’ve seen the nations rise and fall I’ve heard their stories, heard them all but love’s the only engine of survival Your servant here, he has been told to say it clear, to say it cold: It’s over, it ain’t going any further
And now the wheels of heaven stop you feel the devil’s riding crop Get ready for the future: it is murder Things are going to slide …
There’ll be the breaking of the ancient western code Your private life will suddenly explode There’ll be phantoms There’ll be fires on the road and the white man dancing You’ll see a woman hanging upside down her features covered by her fallen gown and all the lousy little poets coming round tryin’ to sound like Charlie Manson and the white man dancin’
Give me back the Berlin wall Give me Stalin and St Paul Give me Christ or give me Hiroshima Destroy another fetus now We don’t like children anyhow I’ve seen the future, baby: it is murder
Things are going to slide …
When they said REPENT REPENT …

BTW, Leonard Cohen died only a couple of days after it was confirmed that Trump won the election. Again, I say, Trump is not the problem but the sign of things to come. That is the reason for this selection. Repent.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 10:47 pm

Christ, EC, you’re overwrought. I’m sorry it had to come to this. If the Luis Gutierrez’s hadn’t stopped us from sealing the border in exchange for – and, vitally, in advance of – regularizing many of the illegals, we wouldn’t have needed Trump. Chuck Grassley had a perfectly reasonable amendment to the Gang of Eight bill in 2013 that would have delayed regularization until certification by supermajority of both houses of congress that the border had been secured. But Noooooo – the Dems and the slithering GOP snakes like Rubio wanted legalization first and a sealed border never.

What’s that saying? Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. Yeah, well those who made a sealed border impossible made Trump necessary.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Iska Waran
November 12, 2016 11:41 pm

Iska, I may want to hide and not come out from under the bed for a few minutes after posting a horrible comment but I don’t get overwrought. Look, the immigrant thing doesn’t bother me except when I read some asshole’s self-satisfied comment about immigrants like they are fucking coming out of the woodwork to come here. They are not. The people coming here have no other recourse and have no idea what they believe is false anyway. They are coming here to work their ass off for little pay. Fuck ’em.

I replied to KaD’s post because she said in an earlier post something like that she hoped or wished that they would die before breaching our hallowed border. That’s sounds like genocide to me. It’s always something with this troubled individual, Now she wants to puke because the snowflakes are suffering. I never want to puke, I hate puking.

I posted that song, not because of the wall but because the mood is turning very dark. Whoever is instigating the protests is looking for blood on the streets. The snowflakes are hurt but it isn’t the time to pour salt on their wounds. Yes, tell them that is the way the cookie crumbles but no, don’t tell them to fuck off and die already. They are Americans. They will remember how the media lulled them into a false confidence and blinded them with false polls and fake support. The snowflakes got royally fucked.

We have a pro-boomer president, Yay. The millenials will remember this betrayal. The establishment fucked them out of Uncle Bernie and gave them a fucking loser candidate.
And after they learned that the media orchestrated the whole charade, folks want to fuck with them even more by blaming them that Hillary lost. They got fucked. And they will remember.

That is why I support Bea and have said that I am on his team. Bea said several times that Trump was the establishment candidate and Hillary was the feint, the fake candidate. I said I wanted to see a Trump vs Bernie match and lost interest when Hillary hogged the spotlight. It been done before so it doesn’t surprise me but let’s not call Trump lucky or accidental, I’d rather consider ‘the optics’ – it looks fishy after the fact.

  EL Coyote
November 13, 2016 12:12 am

EC – I try to focus on the cultural and personal development we are being giving an excellent opportunity to work on going on under the hood in the context of the narrative playing out because that sort development goes on (even after death) for the person while presidents and nations come and go for the person.

While we’ve been organizing and educating each other and ourselves, we’ve also been providing incredible Deep State marketing material.

  EL Coyote
November 12, 2016 11:15 pm


November 12, 2016 7:51 pm

Thanks for the post. I could not read every word but got the gist of it. This is another example of how we all have our own perceptions of reality. People I know, with above average intelligence, find no problem with Bubba’s various rape episodes going back to his time as a Fulbright scholar in England. Nor do they believe that his wife actively attacked the credibility of his accusers. In their mental constructs all the evidence of malfeasance is false or unproven. They actually refuse to accept as possibility anything which might disrupt their personal reality and force them to rethink their belief systems. It is so much easier to move along with the flock and let someone else chose the path.

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
November 12, 2016 8:07 pm

The self pity was both disturbing and astonishing. Oh, the sacrifices to be a celebrity and dare, dare I remind you, to work in the campaign of Hillary Clinton. Forget the band of brothers dislodging the Nazis from their positions on the beach at Normandy, forget the firemen and simple bystanders who risked their lives to save those of others on 9-11. No, they are pikers. Lena Dunham had to put up with mean tweets, mean I tell you, from outsiders while doing the utterly politically correct thing in an utterly politically correct career venue. My god. This is courage.

November 12, 2016 8:09 pm

For a more reasonable virwpoint from someone who does not align politically with Trump, watch this.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Stephanie Shepard
November 12, 2016 11:08 pm

No wonder Russell Brand couldn’t stand her. In that video, Brand tries to not be condescending, but he fails. People with his viewpoint should be happy that the warmonger lost. Brand is probably against TTIP, since it could make Europe take in our GMO food. He should be happy that Trump’s victory killed TTIP. These libs have things about Trump about which they should be happy, but they’re too stupid to realize it. Because he called a guy a Mexican.

  Stephanie Shepard
November 13, 2016 7:51 am

That is funny. I didn’t know, or forgot that they were married. I only posted it because I think he is an intelligent person and his response has some thought and reasoning behind it. He is a counterpoint to what I posted above about all supporters of the left operate on feelings and emotion and not logic or reasoning. I don’t know his politics, but I suspect he would fall more on the libertarian left side of things and not a Trumpeteer. Not that it matters much since he is a brit and his opinion and vote do not really count for anything over here.

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
November 12, 2016 8:23 pm

Just read it again. The delusional quality is really quite startling even a second time. The thing that stayed with me this time was her utterly fabricated, wishful declaration that Hillary wasn’t going to let a bad person (please hear this in a gasping, unsteady tone of voice) stop her from speaking about her dreams for this country.

What a contrived load of shit.

Grasping, greedy, power lusting Hillary Clinton might be the single politician in our lifetimes most bereft of anything approaching an expression of dreams for this country. As Michael Tracey noted, at the end of the third debate, given a chance to make a summation statement, this person who had either been running for or planning to run for the office of president since 2006 could come up with nothing more than Trump bad as an expression of why she should be president.

Why do people do this?! I understand if you’re a kid, if you don’t really understand the game and how deeply cynically you should regard it. But my ****ing lord! This is a woman who is, what, 30 years old. I don’t know exactly. No doubt she arbitrarily projected these same stupid things onto Obama and since then watched him betray any half sensible thing he proposed. Did she not learn ANYthing from that?! Did she just think that it meant she needed to lose focus harder?

  Fred Hayek
November 12, 2016 9:53 pm

I’m gonna be hammering this home for a while.

She IS a child. Take everything she’s doing, put it in a 9-13 year old girl’s body. She mentally and emotionally stopped there. She learned more words, but not more meanings. Her entire sense of meaning is frozen as a tween but probably with an editor to clean up the diary entries and decipher the blurred ink from the tear drops.

But again… look past the adult body. The mind is a child and we are going to eventually socially and scientifically accept this… like most people have for most of human history because they didn’t have time for that shit.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
November 13, 2016 10:13 am

I think you are perhaps being unkind to the potentiality of a 9 yo. child. My experience has shown me that they are capable of far more insight and critical faculty, better expression even, than Mzzz. Lena and her peers.
Hell, toddlers can do a better job as they can grasp and respond to the meaning of the word “no” at least if given the appropriate tutoring.

Of course, this is something that must be nurtured; just like Mzzz. Dunham’s malignant narcissism has been nurtured.

  Jenny R.
November 13, 2016 12:12 pm

Yup but right now we have to hammer home that leftism is the worst of childhood stunted, bubble wrapped, and carried into adulthood.

Everyone knows that well taught/challenged kids can exceed adults and if we constantly qualify ourselves in hammering this home we’ll fall into the same cucked traps that prevented anyone from hearing what we’re saying. Establish that leftism is the stunting of a 9 year old… not that 9 year old is leftism.

To see an example of kids who make look like a fool jump to 5:25 for the kid vs adult exchange that will make you well… cringe.

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
November 12, 2016 8:30 pm

Oh, and a quote from Hillary Clinton about taking responsibility! Why not one from Pol Pot about the joy of city life?

November 12, 2016 9:03 pm

The fact of Lena Dunham being a celebrity indicates there is something very wrong with our country at a very basic level.

November 12, 2016 9:57 pm

Dogs can be celebrities. The fact that we give them voices outside of their performances is where we go really really wrong.

Wanna guess that when the final accounting is done it turns out her entire career and protection exists because someone knew she would be an easy political mouthpiece? So give her boosts and when the time is right make sure she says what she was hired to say in the first place.

November 12, 2016 9:23 pm

Thanks Steph, i knew it was out there, two things stand out in these initial reactions, fighting vernacular, and hatered for white males.

November 12, 2016 10:17 pm

She has no foundation in reality. She’s truly insane.

Miles Long
Miles Long
November 12, 2016 10:26 pm

Seeing the name Lena Dunham I was gonna skip over this one. I know, I know, contempt prior to investigation… guilty… but when I saw the number of responses thought it might be worthwhile. About 3 or 4 paragraphs in I started scanning, then skimming, then skipped right to the comments. What a self-absorbed twat this sorry Dunham creature is. Hardscrabble Farmer nailed it. The rest was mostly icing on the proverbial cake.

Oh, I doubt Trump had anything to do with Leonard Cohen’s death. He was pretty old & shit happens.

November 13, 2016 1:20 am

Liberalism in 2016…

November 13, 2016 4:08 am

I dont think she and her friend had hives on their chin and mouth, more probably herpes. That self delusional rant shows shes every bit as ugly on the inside as outside.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
November 13, 2016 9:53 am

Everything that is wrong with our educational system (yeah, I’m sort of a one trick pony, but go with what you know) displayed here.
Lack of critical thinking skills, or even the ability to reflect at a very basic level — check
Overwrought and shallow rhetoric which relies overmuch on opinion/feelings — check
No grasp whatsoever for composition and rhetoric — check
Complete subservience to one’s own opinions with excessive adherence to confirmation bias (which of course leads cognitive dissonance) — check

I tend to blame the people within my own branch for this (although please take heart, there is still a small minority of people within the liberal arts who actually pine for a day that their stranglehold on our fields is broken…but it is a small and rapidly dwindling populations): it wasn’t how they wrote about what they wrote about, it became all about their “authenticity” and “original voice” (aka. don’t worry about such insignificant things as research, finding support (both in other’s work and objective observation of the real world), creating a valid exposition/argument of one’s thoughts…just “express yourself because your voice is important”…authentically or some such). As one can see, it has led to what I like to call “theatrical hysteria” in the expressed thoughts and actions of many of our young people (aka. they are drama llamas and divas of the highest, most insipid, and most banal of orders — both female and male, witness her boyfriend). Also, their “authentic voices” are hardly that, as they have been programmed to only have voices which authentically echo everything a lot of the “leading” lights in critical theory and liberal arts education tell them to have. In short, teacher’s dandy little pet parrots, who of course get participation trophies and all manner of treats from teacher.

And our society giving silly bints like this some sort of celebrity status because of her “authentic voice” or whatever (because they were prettily perfect pet parrots)…a woman who admits to having sexually assaulted her younger sister, which used to mean a person with no moral or intellectual standing thus to capture the attention of anyone.

  Jenny R.
November 14, 2016 7:22 am

Love the comments, Jenny. I want to let the formatting snobs know that I recognize why your paragraph structure is what it is (we are going to define “is” when we have the constitutional convention in 2020, Jenny. We will call it the “Clintonian Definition of Terms” appendix.

I believe Jenny types most of her stuff into “templates” provided to her by an instructional materials publishing company. Or, she provides it to them and they re-format it into training materials.

I worked for one of the big companies and learned how to take teachers/instructor’s generally correctly spell and grammatically correct writing and “fix” the paragraph issues.

Perhaps it is the classroom full of students competing for their attention that causes their paragraph structure to be less than what we like to see?

Great thoughts though Jenny.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 13, 2016 5:48 pm

“Drama llama” – thanks, learned a new meme today!

harry p.
harry p.
November 14, 2016 6:03 am

The most offensive part of this article:
The realization that Lena Dunham has a boyfriend…