CNN Dem Strategist Mocks White Trump Supporter Beaten In Chicago – “Oh My Goodness, Poor White People”

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Over the past week we have written a couple of times about a shocking scene caught on tape in Chicago in which a 49-year old white man, David Wilcox, was beaten by a group of angry black men as onlookers shouted “you voted Trump? you gonna pay for that sh*t,” “beat his ass,” and “don’t vote Trump.

Despite numerous acts of violence perpetrated by protesters in Portland, New York, Oakland and Philadelphia over the past week, neither Obama, Hillary or any other democratic leader has come forward to denounce the rioters. To make matters worse, Symone Sanders, a democratic strategist, went on CNN this morning and, when asked about the Wilcox situation, responded by openly mocking him, saying: “Oh my goodness, poor white people!  Please!”

Sanders:  “The audacity of privileged white people to sit on national television and question if hate crimes are happening, to just flippantly say ‘stop it, it’s not okay,’ and not put any action behind those words, it’s appalling to me. It’s actually appalling.”


“I’m sorry, hate crimes and protesting are not the same things…A hate crime is a crime that is committed against somebody because of their religion, because of what they look like, because of their sexual orientation. That’s not the same thing as protesting.”


Higbie:  “What do you say to the people who dragged a poor white guy out of a car and beat him?”


Sanders:  “Oh my goodness, poor white people! Please!  Oh my– stop. Stop, Carl.”


Higbie:  “That’s not protesting!  Dragging someone out of their car are beating them is not protesting.

Apparently, an angry black mob attacking an old white guy in the middle of a street is a considered a “protest” by the left but the reverse is a “hate crime” that should be denounced.


* * *

Below are the original videos of David Wilcox being beaten in the middle of the street on Chicago’s west side.

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson, originally posted at,

Shocking video out of Chicago shows a mob of young black men viciously beating an older white man because he voted for Donald Trump, dragging him through the streets as he hangs out of the back of his car.

The clip shows the thugs repeatedly screaming, “you voted Donald Trump” as they assault the victim from every angle while others steal his belongings.

“You voted Trump,” the mob screams, “You gonna pay for that sh*t.”

Another woman shouts “beat his ass,” while another man is heard laughing before remarking, “Don’t vote Trump.”

A second video of the incident which is dubbed with the “F**k Donald Trump” song, a phrase now being chanted by “protesters” across the country, shows one of the attackers driving away in the man’s vehicle while his hand is still stuck in the window as the car drags him down the street.

“The scene is frankly reminiscent of a lynching,” remarks Chris Menahan.

It is not even clear if the victim was a Trump supporter. Presumably, the mob used that as an excuse to beat and rob him.

YouTube quickly deleted the video, but it has been mirrored on numerous different websites.

If the roles had been reversed, and Trump supporters had been caught on tape viciously beating a black Hillary voter, this would be a national news story right now.

As it is, you won’t see this on CNN any time soon.

Finally, here is’s Mac Slavo with his typically eloquent perspective on this deplorable behavior

Violence and retribution for the election of Trump has proven to be the result of a media-driven attack on his character. For months now, the pundits and columnists have done nothing but tell the population that Trump supporters are racists, etc. and now racially-motivated beatings are taking place in the street without any other pretext or provocation.


Are they proud of themselves yet? And how far will this violence spread?


read more here…


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Old Guy
Old Guy
November 14, 2016 3:12 pm

After Trump takes the oath of office, watch the blowback from this. My Guess? Lists are being made.
Names and addresses are being recorded.

November 14, 2016 3:17 pm

If they don’t reign this shit in soon they are going to end up pissing off the wrong set of farmboys.

Once it hits a tipping point we are in for a wild ride.

“Gradually, then suddenly.” – Ernest Hemingway

Persnickety MAGA MAGA
Persnickety MAGA MAGA
November 14, 2016 9:16 pm

FF to 1:58:

tampa red
tampa red
November 15, 2016 8:01 am

I would not want to be a cop if this stuff does not stop soon.As bad as these thugs are they are not that dangerous to the cops.If this becomes widespread then whites will start retaliating & the cops will have to legally try to stop whites.Whites will have guns & know how to use them.Let’s pray it does not happen.

  tampa red
November 15, 2016 11:02 am

If this gets to the point where whites are retaliating, I think the cops will have an epidemic of blue flu, and those still on duty will be coughing and “didn’t see nothing” at certain times.

The useful idiots on the left have no idea how stupid this plan is. Soros does and doesn’t care if bunches get killed – in fact that works in his favor – but the people being bused in and paid $12/hour or whatever don’t realize their lives aren’t worth shit to Soros and his henchmen.

November 14, 2016 3:18 pm

Niggers are real brave with 3 against one.

November 14, 2016 3:40 pm

Dutchman – always have been.

November 14, 2016 4:02 pm

And that nigger is on TV, why?

harry p.
harry p.
November 14, 2016 4:17 pm

some degree in blah-blah Studies with a minor in Nonsense along wtih Affirmative Action.

November 14, 2016 4:17 pm

Too bad the one wasn’t armed.

Miles Long
Miles Long
November 15, 2016 4:37 pm

It’s Chicago Jake.

noname the deplorable
noname the deplorable
November 14, 2016 5:03 pm

I hate to disagree with you Dutchman but I grew up in a predominantly black city and High School. Blacks around here are cowards and 3 to 1 is considered a fair fight. They are not confident until it is 5 to 1. I personally know someone who was jumped 5 to 1. After he knocked the first guy out cold with one punch the other four took off running.

November 14, 2016 3:32 pm

The unabashed and perverted hypocrisy of left wing, SJWs, minority crunts such as Symone Sanders would be knee-slapping hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetically racist and venomous. One can only hope that this fat and disgusting lump of shit reaps what she sows. What. A. Freaking. Bitch.

November 14, 2016 3:34 pm

Paybacks a bitch.

November 14, 2016 4:20 pm

To the Left, violence directed against white people is legitimate protest. A hate crime is only when the white recipients of that violence attempt to defend themselves.

They are planning some serious shit – nation wide – for Inauguration Day (Friday, January 20, 2017), so that weekend might well mark the start of Civil War II. You damn well better be prepared for the worst.

November 15, 2016 12:14 am

For the 1st time in my life I bought a handgun H&K VP9 and will conceal carry. Since I live in a rural area I expect no problems but seriously feel the world is getting so crazy and messed up exhibit A this video that I am arming myself from now on. I do not advocate violence but feel its best to be prepared in times like these.

November 15, 2016 12:02 pm

Just make sure you train with your new handgun and know how to use it. I’m all for self defense but hurting the wrong people cause you aren’t trained will not have a good outcome. That being said, lock and load!

November 14, 2016 4:55 pm

I really wonder just how many viewers (outside of the captive airport audiences) really watch this drivel? Or is George Soros and the rest of the failed financiers paying for all this drivel and dreck? It does not take any intelligence to be commentator there from the looks of this collection of clowns…….

November 14, 2016 5:26 pm

I’m ALWAYS working on my roof and stuff. That’s why I have a HAMMER in my car at all times (and some nails too).

November 14, 2016 6:32 pm

The Dem/Lib leaders from O to street level have absolutely no HONOR.
None, zero, zip, nada. Therefore, we can expect this to continue until
they burn out. O has the duty (as do others) to speak to the public on
the TV eg and refute/rebuke this street violence. By keeping silent,
they endorse it. At least in my book. Sad really. More people will
be taught to avoid Blacks, distrust them in general. The woman on TV
taunting whites? Shame on her. When SHTF no one will want to give
help or consideration to people that behaved this way.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 14, 2016 6:51 pm

“Apparently, an angry black mob attacking an old white guy in the middle of a street is a considered a “protest”…”
Well, I have a counter to your “protest”. She’s black and her name is Glock.

  Rise Up
November 15, 2016 3:43 am

If this guy doesn’t have a gun already, bet he gets one and carries it.

November 14, 2016 7:53 pm

If a bunch of ‘protesting’ white guys dragged a black guy out of his car and beat him, I’m betting they would be federally charged with a hate crime. If that is the case then yes, a bunch of black guys dragging a white guy out of his car and beating him (usually while yelling racial slurs) IS a hate crime. Hopefully once Ovomit is gone and Trump is in office both cases will be treated equally under the law.

November 14, 2016 9:09 pm

The anger that is building in white hearts will explode – and when it does there will be whole lot of dead colored people. It’s coming.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 14, 2016 11:23 pm

You know what a thousand battered women have in common? None of them would shut the fu*ck up.
I don’t care what color a person is. If you’re screaming at me, you need an ass whoopin’. And this bitch be needin’ an ass whoopin.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 15, 2016 2:40 pm

I’m not into battering women – if they are impolite, leave them to stew in their own juices.
If they pursue you, however, intent on “correcting” your behavior and understandings of how to interact with others – you are allowed to defend yourself. Try not to involve innocent bystanders, they may not care for her behavior either.
If a mob mentality develops – well, leave no doubt that they have crossed the line, and the losers will not need medical treatment.

Miles Long
Miles Long
November 15, 2016 4:46 pm

Wondering why this kind of stuff mostly happens in cities with strict gun control policies? Well… not really wondering.