What Now?

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Not to put too fine a point on it, America coughed up Hillary Clinton like a hairball last week — the catch being it then had to swallow the Cheeto-colored bolus called Donald Trump. It was worth it to see the fog of Hillary-smuggery lift across the cable TV networks since the “I’m With Her / It’s Her Turn” fog was a cover for the looting operation that the permanent Washington DC establishment had turned into, including the Clinton Foundation.

Obviously, the nation is reeling from this emetic, struggling to process the meaning of it all. The big “tell” for me came at a moment in last week’s Slate Political Gabfest, a leftish-oriented podcast, when moderator David Plotz asked his sidekicks John Dickerson (of CBS News) and Emily Bazelon (of The NY Times) what the Democratic Party might do to regain legitimacy after this electoral disaster. Dead silence on the air. Nothing came to mind.

Something came to my mind as a long-time disaffected (registered) Democrat: jettison the stupid identity politics and get back to reality. Alas, that may be too much to ask. For now, the party lies in ruins without a single figure of stature to represent a coherent set of ideas other than boosting the self-esteem of its favor-seeking constituent groups. Here’s my idea: how about forming a credible opposition to the so-called Deep State, the matrix of racketeering and empire-building that has drained the life out of this polity. That was impossible with the racketeer-in-chief leading the blue electoral ticket, but now the dynamic stands naked and obvious, answering the question: what to do next?

Another catch, of course, is that opposing the Deep State of Rackets is pretty much what Mr. Trump has promised to do, if “draining the swamp” means anything. He never quite articulated it clearly beyond that metaphor, but you can bet that’s what the DC establishment is so alarmed about. Trump’s behavior on the campaign trail is now being hailed in the media as a kind of genius. To me, it still seems oafish to an extreme, and it remains to be seen how such a blunderer might finesse our escape from the empire of rackets and the racket of empire. He begins to look like a man in a tunnel staring down the harsh light of the onrushing gravy train.

Mr. Trump might not know it yet, but his chief task will be managing contraction. It would appear to be problematic, since his chief promise — “to make America great again” — is based on restarting the epic expansions of the 19th and 20th centuries. Well, things have changed. This is no longer a virgin continent filled with motherlodes, untapped oil bonanzas, and fabulous soils begging to be exploited. In fact, we’re close to being played out where those resources are concerned. And the techno-industrial economy engineered out of those assets is wobbling badly.

There is a Great Wish that this system might be replaced just-in-time with some as-yet-unrealized Green Alt Economy of solar-charged driverless electric cars — but, of course, the unchallenged pathetic idiocy of the assumed car dependence at the center of this fantasy ought to tell you how exactly unreal it is. The contraction we face has mandates of its own, and it doesn’t include the continuation of Happy Motoring on any terms. I’m quite certain that the Trump forces haven’t even imagined it.

I would propose three meta-matters in consideration of how America might survive the disorders of the Long Emergency: the financialization of the economy, the burdens of empire, and the fiasco of our suburban living arrangement.

The financialization of the economy is already playing into its disastrous climax as I write, with bond markets tanking all over the planet. What this means is that the long-ignored chickens of risk associated with debt are coming home to roost. As they do, they are going to shit over everything on the financial landscape. Industrial societies have been borrowing from the future to a grotesque degree for decades, pretending that these debts were assets rather than liabilities. That perception is about to change, and with it an enormous amount of presumed notional wealth is going to disappear. That will manifest in rising bond yields (and falling bond values), cratering currencies, panicked capital flows, banking emergencies, and weird action in markets. If that seems too metaphysical, you can also think of it as contracting economies and the withering of global trade relations. There’s also the chance it will express itself in kinetic conflict, i.e. war.

My sense of things is that this meta-predicament alone could overwhelm the Trump government from the very start. We could have problems with money orders of magnitude worse than anything FDR faced in 1933, with bank closures, the seizing of accounts, and the paralysis of everyday business. That would easily lead to civil disorders, a breakdown in law, and the immiseration of most Americans. It could also lead to previously-unimagined political outcomes, such as a discontinuity of government. This is connected with the second meta-problem, the burdens of empire.

The USA is squandering its vitality trying to maintain a half-assed global empire of supposed interests, economic, ideological, and existential. Lately, this hapless project has only resulted in wars with no end in places we don’t belong. It includes reckless experiments such as the promotion of regime change (Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Egypt, Syria), and senseless, provocative exercises such as the use of NATO forces to run war games near Russia’s border. The monetary cost of all this is off the hook, of course, redounding to the financial mess. Reigning in these imperial impulses could be on the Trump agenda, but his own gold-plated imperial pretensions suggest that he might actually make the situation worse by conflating a reduction of our empire with a loss of the very “greatness” he wants to reclaim. As it happens, America may be forced by economic circumstances to yield the burdens of empire. The world is about to become a bigger place again as globalism winds down and the larger nations establish more realistic spheres of influence. We better get with the program.

Thirdly comes the question of how Americans inhabit the terrain: the suburban fiasco and all its accessories and furnishings. You can just stick a fork in that. The great project awaiting this country is how we might redistribute our people into re-scaled walkable communities with re-localized economies, including re-scaled agriculture. It’s going to happen whether we like it or not. It’s only a matter of how disorderly the process may be. Obviously all the suburban crapola out there also represents a tremendous load of presumed wealth. The vested “value” in suburban houses alone is the underlayment of structured finance. There is almost no conscious political awareness in any party — including the Greens — as to how we might attempt to work this out.

But, for example, and for a start, Mr. Trump might consider the effect that national chain “Big Box” shopping has had on Main Street America. It literally destroyed local commercial economies all over the land, and with it numberless vocational niches and social roles in communities. He can’t sign an edict against the Big Box empire, but his people might start imagining the process of rebuilding local networks of commerce and actively de-incentivizing the Big Box business model. That model has many other ways to fail, incidentally, and already is failing to some degree between the impoverishment of its customers and the growing problems with global supply lines. But anything that might lubricate the transition would be better than the stark collapse of the current arrangement.

The chatter this week has been all about the upcoming “infrastructure” orgy that Trump will undertake. That depends first of all on how badly the financial sector cracks up. I hope we do not squander more of our dwindling capital on the accessories of car dependence, because that addiction is on the way out. One thing Mr. Trump might get behind is restoring the passenger railroads of America so that we can at least get around the continental nation when the Happy Motoring fiesta grinds to a halt. It would put an awful lot of people to work on something with real long-term benefit — it ties into the restoration of Main Street towns and their economies — and it is a do-able project that might give us the needed encouragement to get on with the many other necessary projects awaiting our attention.

In case you were wondering, I was not jumping up and down cheering the Trump victory, amazing as it was. I figured the good news was that Hillary lost and the bad news was that Trump won. Now, we just have to roll with it.

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November 14, 2016 10:13 am

“My sense of things is that this meta-predicament alone could overwhelm the Trump government from the very start. We could have problems with money orders of magnitude worse than anything FDR faced in 1933, ”

Here we go – a guy – Trump – get’s elected with a plan to get things done – and immediately shitheads like Kunts-ler are all over him telling us why it won’t work.

Then his favorite topic the suburbs: “But, for example, and for a start, Mr. Trump might consider the effect that national chain “Big Box” shopping has had on Main Street America.”

Well Mr Kunstler did you ever try to buy lumber, windows at a lumber yard pre-Big Box (about 1985)? What a bunch of pricks those folks were. You couldn’t look at the merchandise yourself, they were slow, weren’t customer / service oriented. The prices were ridiculous. I recall buying lumber. Some of it was mishandled (stored in their yard) – I immediately said they had to bring more – cause I wasn’t taking that. They as much told me I had to take it or leave it – the shit.

Now I go to Home Depot – the lumber is stored inside – dry, warm, air conditioned. Pick what you like, they help you load it. You can even rent a truck for about $20 for 75 minutes. Yes, most of the clerks are useless, but not much different than the ‘ole lumber yard’ (which almost all are out of business).

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 14, 2016 11:21 am

He lost me at Cheetos. I have a low tolerance for cliches.

November 14, 2016 11:24 am

Look at this frickin swamp thing:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Gee if it isnt obvious where their self interests lie.

November 14, 2016 11:26 am

Idiot! The Democratic party loves the Deep State.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 14, 2016 11:32 am

End racial gerrymandering and out go more Communist.

Persnickety MAGA MAGA
Persnickety MAGA MAGA
November 14, 2016 12:02 pm

His proposed solutions for the Demon-rat party are for them to reject the exact things they are based upon – bullshit identity politics and covert service to the deep state.

Good fucking luck with that.

November 14, 2016 12:05 pm

What should the Democratic Party do, Mr. Kunstler? How about doing what the voters want instead of cursing them for not doing what you want? Basic democratic politics. If the party of the ‘Democrats’ was not run by and for oligarchs and autocrats they might find that easier to understand and implement, but they find the actual ‘demos’ deplorable and disgusting, so no radical change is to be expected.

Pete H
Pete H
November 14, 2016 12:28 pm

The suburbs won’t go away; too many people are making WAY too much money on suburban housing. Cities will always have suburbs, which will then be absorbed by the cities, forcing the suburbs further out. It’s been that way as long as there have been cities.

Cars won’t go away; too many people are making WAY too much money on cars. Look at Kalifornia. There are NO viable passenger railroads; I’m talking about roads that can carry people from, say Palm Springs to L.A, or between ANY of the far-flung metro areas in the state. Why? The oil companies are making oodles on gasoline. Carmakers are making oodles selling cars. Insurance companies are making oodles insuring those cars. Lawyers are making oodles when those cars collide. Then there are the mechanics, body shops, tire stores, auto parts stores, etc. And the government? Gas taxes, sales taxes on the sales of cars, for as many times as they’re sold, registration “fees” and taxes, smog check fees, taxes collected, ostensibly to maintain the “infrastructure,” but which end up going into union pockets and pensions… the list goes on… How would the government of the Peoples’ Repulbilk of Kalifornia pay for the coddling of all those illegal aliens without all of that money rolling in?

Big-box stores won’t go away either, so long as people can get a widget for $5.00 less than what the mom & pop store charges for it.

And military spending; it WON’T go away; not as long as we need things like oil from places like the Middle East. Face it, Mr. Kunstler; you don’t want to pay $9.00/liter for gasoline any more than I do, and if we don’t maintain some kind of presence over there, surely China will.

Trump may or may not be able to do anything about the troubling conditions in the United States. One thing’s for sure though Hildebeast WOULDN’T have done anything about them…

November 14, 2016 12:29 pm

The funny thing that Jim K never acknowledges is that the Deep State owns both sides . Politics these days is nothing but a Push-Me-Pull You of Dr. Doolittle fame .

Let’s hope that the Ghost of Vince Foster has gone to the Hildabeast and told her he’s been waiting on her ….for a long time.

November 14, 2016 12:33 pm

“…we’re close to being played out where those resources are concerned …” I beg to differ. We have a huge amount of resources locked away on the BLM lands. Why do you think they are harassing ranchers and other people that are essentially land locked by BLM and sitting on precious resources the big Uncle wants. Why arm these people that are “managing” the peoples lands?

“The great project awaiting this country is how we might redistribute our people into re-scaled walkable communities with re-localized economies…” This is just an advancement of the Agenda 21 project. It’s always redistribute something that isn’t even theirs to redistribute with these people.

Green Alt Economy… yep, just more Climate change, carbon credit BS.

November 14, 2016 4:16 pm

That fat fuck!

November 14, 2016 2:10 pm

One can argue whether the United States should spend as much as we do on the military ( now about 4% of GDP ) but to say we can’t afford it shows real historical ignorance. In 1960 Defense spending was 50% of the Federal budget and about 10% of GDP. It was peacetime too. With a population of 180 million we had over 3 million MEN under arms.

Guys like Kunstler should invest a few dollars in an old almanac and look at our European allies defense budgets and force levels were back then and nobody claimed we or they were ‘broke’. The UK had serious forces. Aircraft carriers, intercontinental bombers an army group on the Rhine. West Germany had 500,000 men under arms as did France.

Today the only major nation that spends anything like what was normal back then is Russia. They have to because their economy is so puny spending 2 to 4% of their GDP on their military would cause them to slide right off the UN Security Council and give them a Putin sized voice in international affairs.

November 14, 2016 4:02 pm

Unit472 – you dolt. And what does your Almanac say was entitlement spending back then? You do know (probably not, by the sound of it) that entitlement spend makes up the vast amount of the budget, right? And that entitlement spending alone amounts to more than the entire fed tax take?

So, we cannot afford a damn thing.

November 14, 2016 10:54 pm

That post is stupid for even more reasons. I have yet to hear a good reason why america can’t defend itself while spending something around the still bloated amount GWB spend the first year he was in office.

November 14, 2016 3:48 pm

As usual, this guy makes some very good points, like it or not he is correct about a lot of this. I, for one, actually feel optimistic about this country’s prospects for the first time in a long time. Just the simple fact that enough people overcame the insane amount of propaganda and misinformation coming at them from literally everywhere is enough to make me feel like there actually is hope for a much larger % of our population than I would have thought.

As for his advice for the DNC, they are too far gone on identity politics to do otherwise. Its literally all they have. They learned a tough lesson last week – gotta have a black guy on the ticket. Trump didn’t get a significantly larger number of votes in most key states than romney did in 2012, but he won because $hillary didn’t even come close to obama’s level of voter enthusiasm. Most states are red outside of their larger cities. Those states are on by dems if they can get enough urban blacks to show up and vote to overcome the overwhelmingly conservative rural white vote. That happened for obama, but not for hilligula. These people aren’t stupid, there WILL be a black guy running for president next time, or at least the VP pick will be black, and they will probably win. Thats right, folks, urban blacks who probably don’t work are going to pick your next president, just like they gave us obama.

November 14, 2016 4:18 pm

Probably a Muslim, crippled, queer, Neegrow.

November 14, 2016 7:57 pm

I think you’re wrong about the Black president or veep. America has been there, done that, and it didn’t work so well, did it?

November 14, 2016 4:04 pm


November 14, 2016 6:17 pm

What exactly is a suburb these days? The ones I am used to are contiguous
with the city, a separate community within the county.
I wonder if Mr. K refers to those isolated assorted houses of ticky-tacky
built by one “developer?” Everyone loathes those.
Beyond those there are actual communities, granted big boxes reside there,
and perhaps if people work in “the city” 30-40″ away there is a commute.
Next there are the near rural communities. Then there are the far rural
communities. Finally the far away rural communities, with their townships,
10 miles away…and a smaller city an hour away.

I do not want to live in a city of high rises and dense housing. I can find most
everything I want/need in the far away rural community. It is crowded enough
around here.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 15, 2016 7:08 am

You know what’s JHK’s problem is? He doesn’t work. People who do no labor in life are- in general- constantly whining, finding problems, dissatisfied, unhappy. It’s the body’s reaction to sloth.

I have read a whole lot of JHK over the years and there is a huge gaping hole where optimistic,upbeat, refreshing, positive messages should be. Is there nothing to be found in the world that makes this guy feel good about the world? A criminal behemoth was just brought to heel, can we be thankful for a single week about that?

I was listening to the guy who will likely be the head of the DNC a black, muslim who had, as his only advice going forward for his party, to find a way to tap in to people’s fears to get them to vote.