Memo to millennials, that awful feeling you’ve got is called losing

Guest Post by Piers Morgan

Cheer up, American millennials!

I mean, seriously, CHEER THE **** UP!

Oh, I know you’ve had a rough week ever since Donald Trump won the election.

But it’s time to get a grip.

STOP crying.

STOP taking personal days off work to ‘process’ what happened.

Millenials need to get a grip. Stop whinging and crying and complaining how unfair life is because Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote to Donald Trump

Millenials need to get a grip. Stop whinging and crying and complaining how unfair life is because Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote to Donald Trump

STOP huddling with your equally distraught buddies in Starbucks over your Venti Iced White Chocolate Mocha.

STOP howling away on social media about how unfair life is and how it’s the end of the planet as we know it.

STOP updating the exact number Hillary won the popular vote by, because it doesn’t bloody matter.

STOP marching around screaming your fury at the result when many of you couldn’t even bothered to vote.

STOP retweeting all your favourite celebrities’ own outbursts of pique, rage and anguish.

STOP demanding the Electoral College reverse the decision in December.

In short, STOP being such a faux-tormented bunch of absolutely deluded cretins.

Want to know why Trump is going to be your next president?

It’s because he is what’s called a ‘winner’.

Trump is going to be your next president because he is what’s called a ‘winner’. I know it’s not ‘cool’ to be a winner these days and it’s an ugly, dirty word in your PC-crazed universe

I know it’s not ‘cool’ to be a winner these days.

It’s become an ugly, dirty word in your PC-crazed universe.

Far better, the social media millennial mob cries, to be a gallant loser who tries their best but comes up short – like Bernie, or now Hillary.

To which I say: bulls**t.

Winning is what life’s really about – whether in sport, politics, or simply producing the best decorated pumpkin in your town’s Thanksgiving parade.

If you don’t strive to be the very best at whatever you do, however big or small, then what’s the point in doing it, or frankly even being alive?

Why wallow in self-induced mediocrity?

Yet that is precisely where so many of America’s 80 million millennials enjoy wallowing, and as a result they have become the most pampered, privileged and selfish members of the human race in history.

America’s 80 million millennials  have become the most pampered, privileged and selfish members of the human race. The NIH reported that 40% of millennials believe they should be promoted every two years regardless of performance. 77% of millenials can’t even name a senator from their home state. Here are University of Chicago students protesting on Tuesday

America’s 80 million millennials have become the most pampered, privileged and selfish members of the human race. The NIH reported that 40% of millennials believe they should be promoted every two years regardless of performance. 77% of millenials can’t even name a senator from their home state.

Where’s my evidence for such a shocking assertion?

Try the National Institutes of Health, which reported that 40% of millennials believe they should be promoted every two years regardless of performance, and are so fame obsessed that three times as many middle school girls now want to grow up to be the PA to a talentless celebrity like Kim Kardashian as want to be a senator.

(Hardly surprising therefore that 77% of millennials can’t even name a senator from their home state…)

Oh, and 80% of millennials say they’ll be richer than their parents, yet more of them live with their parents than with a spouse, still take cash off their parents, and work half as hard.

The tragic truth is that America’s millennials are a bunch of phone-addicted, selfie-obsessed, hashtagging, snapchatting, kale-munching, twerking, lazy, whining, ill-informed, politically correct, cossetted narcissists who find absolutely everything mortally offensive and believe there are 165 ways to sexually identify.

They don’t understand the concept of ‘losing’ because they’ve never had to experience it.

At school, to avoid any ‘low self-esteem issues’, they were all given endless ‘Participation Prizes’.

It’s hard to think of a more ridiculous, insidious ‘honour’.

What possible pleasure can there be in ‘winning’ a prize for just turning up? What incentive is there to compete in anything if you’re going to ‘win’ anyway?

Participation prizes converted a whole new generation into people with no understanding of what genuine competition actually means.

This, coupled with the advent of social media technology that allowed them to post relentless ‘filtered’ images of themselves, led to staggeringly self-absorbed figments of their own perfection.

The combined effect of these two things has been to create a deep-rooted sense of entitlement that manifested itself in a breakdown of biblical proportions when Trump triumphed last Wednesday.

Well, welcome to the real world, my delicate little Instagrammed snowflakes.

Millenials don’t understand the concept of ‘losing’ because they’ve never had to experience it. They were all given endless ‘Participation Prizes’ at school. This, coupled with the advent of social media that allowed them to post relentless ‘filtered’ images of themselves, has led to a deep sense of entitlement. Here are some DC protesting students Tuesday

Millenials don’t understand the concept of ‘losing’ because they’ve never had to experience it. They were all given endless ‘Participation Prizes’ at school. This, coupled with the advent of social media that allowed them to post relentless ‘filtered’ images of themselves, has led to a deep sense of entitlement. Here are some DC protesting students Tuesday

This is how democracy works…

You all have a chance to vote…

Someone wins, someone loses…

To the winner of a US presidential election goes all the spoils of being the most powerful person on earth…

To the loser, no gold stars for effort.

Winners like Trump don’t believe in ‘participation prizes.’ They believe you either win or lose.

Winners like Trump don’t weep and wail when they lose. They vow to win next time.

Winners like Trump don’t take days off to ‘process’ their loss. They dust themselves down and get on with life.

Winners like Trump don’t assume they’ll win. They do what it takes to win.

Winners like Trump don’t leave anything in the field of competition. They give it 100%.

‘Winning,’ said the great NFL coach Vince Lombardi, ‘is not a sometime thing, it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit.’

Lombardi further clarified: ‘Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.’

That’s Trump’s life mantra too. It’s why he’s now heading to the White House, and also why he may now surprise people and turn out to be a rather effective president.

The millennials can’t handle it because it wasn’t supposed to be this way.

The millenials can't handle Trump's win as Hillary Clinton was their anointed one, their heroine, their pick for first female president - thought she was a dull, humourless, uninspiring candidate mired in Wall Street greed, Washington dogma, and her dodgy server

The millenials can’t handle Trump’s win as Hillary Clinton was their anointed one, their heroine, their pick for first female president – thought she was a dull, humourless, uninspiring candidate mired in Wall Street greed, Washington dogma, and her dodgy server

Hillary Clinton was their anointed one, their heroine, their pick for first female president.

No matter that she was a dull, humourless, uninspiring candidate mired in Wall Street greed, Washington dogma, and dodgy email servers.

Trump won because he didn’t even bother trying to conform to this new world order of eggshell-hopping me-me-me millennials who infest places like New York and California.

Instead, he invested his time and effort in America’s rust belt states where such idealistic, sugar-coated nonsense is complete anathema.

The reaction to Trump’s win has been absurdly, dangerously over-the-top.

A San Diego based cyber-security firm founder and CEO millennial named Mark Harrigan resigned this week after posting the following on Facebook:

‘I’m going to kill the president elect. Getting a sniper rifle and perching myself where it counts. Find a bedroom in the whitehouse that suits you motherf***er. I’ll find you. In no uncertain terms, f*** you America. Seriously. F*** off.’

Hardly the personification of ‘#LoveTrumpsHates’ is it?

Winners like Trump don’t assume they’ll win and do what it takes and don’t leave anything in the field of competition. They give it 100%. Trump won, fair and square. The moaning millenials may not like it but refusing to accept the result is un-American. Suck it up

Winners like Trump don’t assume they’ll win and do what it takes and don’t leave anything in the field of competition. They give it 100%. Trump won, fair and square. The moaning millenials may not like it but refusing to accept the result is un-American. Suck it up

Today, it emerged that 200 students from a Manhattan high school were allowed to skip lessons to join the protests outside Trump Tower.

Can you imagine the furore if Trump-supporting students had demanded the right to do that if Hillary had become President?

It’s all so pathetic.

The simple fact is that Trump won, fair and square.

The moaning millennials may not like it but refusing to accept the result is not just undemocratic, it’s un-American.

Nobody rioted when Obama won, twice – though feelings ran just as high against him from those who voted for the other side.

As Trump’s rally song by the Rolling Stones so perfectly summed it up: ‘You can’t always get what you want.’

So suck it up you squealing softies, get back to work or college, and if you want to win next time, get a candidate who’s a winner not a loser.

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Dick Jones
Dick Jones
November 17, 2016 7:08 pm

I think the 4th Turning must be nigh, when mopes like Piers Morgan start talking sense.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 17, 2016 7:22 pm

Did Piers Morgan hit his head?

November 17, 2016 7:54 pm

OK, who murdered Piers Morgan, hid his body deep in a peat bog, and is pretending to be him?

November 17, 2016 7:57 pm

I can’t believe this is even a conversation. Millennials are millennials because they didn’t have… PARENTS. Gen X get your act together!

November 17, 2016 8:05 pm

Too late. I said just the other day that X’ers opted to be their children’s best friends first and parents seco………..uh……dead last. I saw it every week while I was pouring concrete at their homes for over a decade. That worked out GREAT! The current crop of snowflakes graduating from college today are Gen Z or the Zero’s……..raised by millenials. We are well and truly fucked. That’s why I refer to the whole freak show as The Great Regression.

November 17, 2016 9:31 pm

As a Gen X parent myself: fuck you.
You didn’t even have kids, so go eat a bag of dicks.

November 17, 2016 10:06 pm

I’m pretty sure they were speaking in generalities…much like the article. Why don’t we all chill out and stop assuming EVERYTHING is a personal insult.

November 17, 2016 10:27 pm

Well he did say “X’ers…” Not “some”, or “many”.
You fling shit, expect to get some on you; myself included.
Besides, IS generally has a pretty high opinion of himself and is a smug bastard, so I like to take a shot every now and then. It’s TBP after all.

November 17, 2016 11:08 pm

It makes perfect sense to assume that when talking about X’ers, Boomers, Minnies or Zero’s that every statement automatically applies to 110% of that group.

Tell me why I shouldn’t have a high opinion of myself? I’m reasonably intelligent, observant, aware, I live well below my means, my net worth has grown every year of my adult life and accelerated starting in 2006. I’ve never been arrested or jailed (in the US anyway) Been married to one woman for 28 years and neither my feet or farts stink. Hell, I’m even willing to fight AND die to end the fed so that your little cherubs and grandcherubs don’t end up as cannon fodder. What’s not to like about me?

I’ve EARNED the right to be a bit smug but I’m no bastard. I know my father and he is the ONLY hero I’ve ever had or needed.

November 17, 2016 10:53 pm

LOL! Damn right I don’t have kids……a conscious decision and a situation I grow happier with every day. Jealous much?

I worked for a small concrete company that specialized in residential concrete work in established neighborhoods. The majority of our customers were my age….I’m an X’er….going deeper in debt daily to keep up with the Jones (which is why I was there) and I can tell you for certain that it was extremely rare for me to see well behaved (well parented) millenial generation kids. Disciplining the little cherubs consisted of begging, pleading, bribing, lying, subterfuge etc. On a rare occasion a kid might have been given a time out which actually translated to the parents retreating to their safe space for a time out of their own while the little cherubs continued to do whatever it was that irritated the parents in the first place. I saw it day in and day out.

The only reason for you to get butthurt is if the shoe fits……..enjoy!

November 18, 2016 12:04 am

Shoe fits not at all.
Not jealous; my son is the best thing that ever happened to me. You will never be able to understand the joy of parenthood. Nobody will give a flying fuck when you are on your deathbed; no matter how much your net worth has grown year over year.
I actually do like you, but you are an arrogant, know-it-all prick. Enjoy!

November 18, 2016 12:32 am

I’m not expecting anyone to give a fuck about me when I die. Approximately 18 billion people, counting those alive now, have lived on this earth. How many of those do you give a fuck about or remember? I’ve already made arrangements for my dead carcass to be taken to The Body Farm sans funeral or memorial by my own request. I’m not special and never thought for a minute that I was. Arrogant? Absotively! You should meet me in real life. 🙂 Know-it-all? Not yet but I’m working on it! I do enjoy it too. Cheers!

EDIT: Actually I’ve always considered it “confidence bordering on arrogance” but I’m good with arrogant too.

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
November 18, 2016 4:40 am


I have 3 sons that don’t fit the characterization that was laid out by IS. No need to worry about him as he is doing his best to save the world. And a damned fine job if I do say.

January 14, 2017 3:36 am

The last thing I want to do is have someone depressed and crying that i am dying and that they will never see me again in my life time. My credo: It is immoral of parents to ever bury a child, it is immoral for children to bury parents; it is immoral for a spouse to bury a spouse. I did marry and have 2 kids. My wife died 3 years ago. If I would do it all again, I would rather suffer the loneliness of never marrying or having children than the loss of being a surviving spouse and having children that don’t have a mother and I dread the day if I go first that they will be broken hearted over my death.

November 18, 2016 3:09 pm

Just a little clarification on how generations are raised and who raised them. The second cohort of the GI and the first cohort of the Silent raised the boomers. The second cohort of the silent and the first Boomer cohort raised the 13ers. The second cohort Boomer and first cohort 13er raised the millennials. Second cohort 13ers and first cohort Millennials are rising the homeland generation.

The second cohort of a generation sets the educational and emotional agendas for their parallel generation. That is why the generations are opposites or mirror images of each other.

November 17, 2016 8:09 pm

Is this the same Piers Morgan that was on CNN?

November 17, 2016 8:32 pm

Just think these Metros who can’t even afford rent , not only pour Schultz $8 Coffees but many of them are his best customers as well!

November 17, 2016 8:52 pm

I am a father.
To be called by my child as his/her ‘best friend’ is an insult.
I have taught my children that his/her ‘best friends’ will come and go throughout life, but I will remain for them, always.
I am, and always will be, on this earth or in the next world, his/her father.
For eternity.
And that is why my children love me.
‘Best friend’….brutal.

November 17, 2016 8:52 pm

echoing many of you……..

what happened to the Piers Morgan who was a complete asshat?

November 17, 2016 8:54 pm

Millennials better get used to losing. There will be a lot more of it.

November 17, 2016 9:08 pm


I’d like to think of myself as a winner but like all men I have aged and men that are a bit long in the tooth have to work hard to maintain their edge.

Luckily for me, the millennials are such a pathetic bunch that I do not have to worry as much as the previous generations. Millennials are poorly educated and can not think outside the box and many are so lazy that I can still run circles around them.

This, of course, isn’t true for all of them and if I were a young man, I’d be looking around at all the Beta-marxists-fag-parade males around me and think, “I’ve got it made.”

November 17, 2016 9:54 pm

The top and headline picture brings Tears to my Eyes.
Tears of laughter.
I have never been so happy witnessing the pain of others in my life.
Thanks Donald. Your victory has already improved my living standard.

November 17, 2016 10:33 pm

“Now you now how we felt when Obama was elected – especially for a 2nd term.” – Conservatives.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
November 18, 2016 2:18 am

You have a short memory. A Snake is always a SNAKE.

Beware of media talking heads, especially cowardly 2-face pussies in kneepads looking for Redemption.

Cheer Up talking heads, your days are short and your future dark, with many, many clouds in the forecast. You’ll have to look UP just to see whaleshit before this thing is over.

“There are never enough seats on the last train out of the station”*

*Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

November 18, 2016 6:53 am

They have always been losers, their whole life. And they knew it all along, but didn’t want to face it. This rubbed their faces in it, and made them face it.

November 18, 2016 9:16 am

Mad Dog Meathead /Tinker Bell….. Indent Service said he is willing to die in order to end the Federal Reserve so your children can have a future.( I don’t believe it but that’s what he said).Are your children willing to die in order to save Social security?( Probably not). What we now have is a nation full of cowards and liars.Right ?At least indent Service blessed us with not adding anymore to the mix.Think about it Mad Dog.?