On The Razor’s Edge

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It is good that Hillary lost – obviously.

But it may prove to be the worst thing that could have happened.

Depending on what Trump does as president.

If he governs as a Republican, it is time to pack bags. Because the clock is ticking. We will have – at best – four years before something far worse than Hillary returns, with a vengeance.

Bernie Sanders, for instance. Or Michelle Obama.

Or – probably – something far worse than either.

If Trump screws it up, the blowback will be epic. An outright socialist will be the next president. Or perhaps something even more outright. Remember: We got Obama (and Obamacare) both of which had been inconceivable before George W. Bush because of the disaster that was George W. Bush. He did to the Republican brand what the diesel “cheating” debacle has done to VW.

Without him, Obama would have been impossible.

In the same way, Bernie (or Michelle or much worse) will be made inevitable by a failed Trump presidency.

Even those who supported Trump will be hardpressed to do so four years hence if he proves to be another Republican. Keep in mind the 90-plus percent approval enjoyed (briefly) by our “war president” and Great Decider. And what happened later. A war does distract the boobs for a time – makes it easier to pick their pockets and take away their freedoms in the name of protecting them. Wave the flag, talk about how “great” America is.

But they eventually notice that their pockets are empty and that they have become more like feudal serfs than citizens of a free republic.

Hillary lost not because Trump was a great candidate. She lost because she was transparently the tool of the War and Wall Street interests that own the country. She could not enthuse her own side. Trump won as the backlash candidate; a vote for him was a vote against the system – which Hillary embodied.

Not a vote for him.

Even Bill acknowledges this.

If Trump proves to be what Hillary certainly would have been – it’s over. And this time, it’ll be for good. There will not be another chance. The Free Shit Army will have its day. And a long night will descend.

So, what must Trump do to prevent this?

He must not govern like a Republican.

Which means, no Mittens Romney-ish “repeal and replace” Obamacare. He must repeal it. Stomp it into the earth until it no longer twitches.

Above all, the mandate has got to go. If the federal government has the power to force people to buy health insurance, then it has the right to force people to buy life and gun insurance, too (if they are even allowed to buy guns at all). And if our “health” is now a public concern, then nothing about our lives will ever be private again. What we eat, how much we weigh, whether we exercise, how we recreate … these and more will be matters of public policy.

Enforceable at gunpoint.

It is not an exaggeration at all to state that Obamacare is a greater threat to whatever liberty remains to us than the income tax. Because Obamacare encompasses everything and is inescapable.

Trump must end it.

He could and should immediately fire the current EPA and NHTSA administrators – and replace them with reasonable people who understand that cost is an object and that it is not the proper business of the federal government to decree “safety” to free people.

If people want air bags, let them buy them.

But no more forcing them to.

Let the market – not federal bureaucrats – determine the balance between “safety” and fuel economy.

No more subsidizing crony capitalists like Elon Musk. Let electric cars compete (and succeed or fail) on their merits.

No more regulations – and fines – based on conjecture. If a company (car or otherwise) does something that causes demonstrable harm to real people, be all means hold them accountable. They should make amends. But if they haven’t caused any harm to anyone except the Federal Register and the wounded egos of power-tripping EPA and NHTSA Ayatollahs… ?

Say the words, Donald.

You’re fired! 



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kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 18, 2016 7:09 am

Anybody know why he picked Romney?

  kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 18, 2016 7:18 am

On his next Apprentice Show, Mr. Trump wants to market Romney’s Magic Underwear.

  kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 18, 2016 7:25 am

When did he pick him?

Other than NBC sources claiming he is “considering” him I haven’t heard much about it other than he is talking to Romney (which should be expected considering Romney’s position and influence).

Isn’t NBC (all of them) among the sources that give false and misleading news with a track record to prove it?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 8:40 am

Anon- Drudge ran that as a main headline all afternoon yesterday. The news/financial channels also ran the story.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 8:57 am

Trump has offered Jeff Sessions the position as AG as reported by the (Fake??) news outlets. From the grin on his (Sessions) face as he left Trump Tower yesterday, he may take the job.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 9:07 am

Trump Picks Mike Pompeo as CIA director_____Drudge Report.

That choice makes sense and is a good choice IMO.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 9:55 am

Admin- One can hope………..

Did my eagle land?

  Bea Lever
November 18, 2016 9:56 am


One that says Romney has been appointed?

Surely you can find one, but all I can find is news service speculation about his talking to him.

Show me any article anywhere that says Romney has been appointed to anything by Trump.

Eagerly waiting (but I suggest you read the article before posting it).

Rise Up
Rise Up
  kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 18, 2016 10:41 am

Trump hasn’t picked Romney yet. Meeting with him today.

November 18, 2016 7:24 am

EP brought up “air bags”? Really??

I’m getting tired of this shit … from him, and others.

One reason I haven’t commented since Saturday is because I went to Grandson Andrew’s two-year birthday party. Must have eaten some bad food. I spent all day Sunday vomiting and crapping. Then two more days just eating soup. I’m just today feeling back to my happy, spunky self.

The other reason is I’m getting tired of this second guessing shit. FOR FUCK-SAKE LET THE GUY ACTUALLY SERVE IN OFFICE FOR A COUPLE MONTHS BEFORE YOU HAMMER AT HIM!!!

November 19, 2016 4:34 am

Stucky, hope you feel better soon.

November 18, 2016 7:45 am

Stucky. Airbags are what’s wrong with the country. End the airbag mandate, and you’ve pretty much fixed america. Oh, yeah, and no more speed limits. The term ‘limited perspective’ comes to mind.

November 18, 2016 8:27 am

Well, I agree with this article. If Trump doesn’t do these things and more like them, we continue the path to serfdom.

We hired a guy who used to work for the state department. We talked about government for about an hour. I realized he voted for Hillary when he said people want to feel taken care of and that’s why most people get government jobs.

So, to me, it seems more and more you only have two choices. 1) work for the government and be taken care of or 2) work in the private sector and try to achieve independence. Good luck if you decide #2 since everything government does in undermine freedom, achievement and independence.

Wow, what a country!!!!

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
November 18, 2016 8:35 am

Hey Eric! “It is not an exaggeration at all to state that Obamacare is a greater threat to whatever liberty remains to us than the income tax. Because Obamacare encompasses everything and is inescapable.”

Good point. The Supreme Court claimed that Obamacare was legal under the authority of the US Feds to tax income. We were told that NOT buying something is income, and therefore, we may be taxed because we did NOT buy something. And remember, not paying a tax means that men with guns will kill or kidnap you. If not buying health insurance from a private business is now income, then not buying anything from anyone may be penalized, solely at the whim of the Federal government. If this principle is accepted by the courts, is there any reason to suppose that States and municipalities may not claim the same authority to tax what is not done?

“We the Feds proclaim that distribution and possession of birth control pharmaceuticals is a public good. Anyone who does not buy birth control drugs will be fined. Yes, we realize that some 80 year old, Catholic, widowers may be inconvenienced and fined, but overall this will help more people than it will harm. ALL citizens must buy birth control… for the children!”

“Studies have proven that in-home security systems save lives. A camera in every room, tied to centralized observation stations, have allowed over twenty senior citizens to survive otherwise disastrous slip and fall accidents. Cameras save lives!”

Grow your own garden? Live off grid? Mend your own socks? Refuse to visit the cinema? Cut off your TV cable? Vacuum your own carpet? Not anymore, not if you are ordered otherwise. Any product, any service, that may be purchased (and that list can be made to cover any conceivable human action, perhaps even up to and including moving your own bowels) may now be mandated.

Think of the most ignorant, fantastical command conceivable from our Great Leaders. No matter how crazy, if you can punish people for what they do NOT do, all those things are perfectly legal now. Not lawful, not in any ethical sense, but very, very legal.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Jason Calley
November 18, 2016 9:22 am

“that list can be made to cover any conceivable human action, perhaps even up to and including moving your own bowels”

It just dawned on me that various governmental agencies already offer the service of moving your bowels for you. They charge you a bunch of money and then come kick the s&*t out of you.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 18, 2016 8:40 am

Eliminate speedometers and eliminate speeding. Simple.

November 18, 2016 9:07 am

Give him a minute, Trump isn’t even president yet. Give him a chance. He deserves some time to prove his worth or sink himself. Wait.

And then if he doesn’t come through, vote his ass into oblivion. We can do that because the American people just carpet bombed both the democratic and republican party structures. Both Trump and Sanders [front runners] were independents.

Give the man a chance.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 18, 2016 10:38 am

A huge weight is being lifted off the shoulders of the Producers. At birth, the umbilical cord must be cut to restore the mother’s Liberty and allow the infant greater Growth. Redistribution of Individual Responsibility to a much greater number of FSA Takers is Justice. All the cry babies wanting more free shit instead of working need to grow up.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 18, 2016 10:47 am

So we’re going to second guess the Trump presidency, even before he takes office?

Are we gonna do this for 4 years and 2 months? Count me out.

Let the 4th Turning roll. Trump or anyone else can’t control that. We’ll be lucky if he can even minimize it (maybe just by getting elected, he already has).

November 18, 2016 11:34 am

Trouble is that people were so busy supporting Trump they had no time to consider what might happen if he actually got (s)elected. They’re afraid that if they don’t like their new president they have to keep him. As the great Nancy Pelosi once said: “You have to vote for your president before you get to find out what’s in your president” or something like that.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
November 18, 2016 12:53 pm

Get rid of / Stop posting Peters’ ‘articles’ – so called.

The guy is a distraction, no more, plain and simple. If you’re looking to fill white space put the weather report for Bangladesh or the ‘found’ dog column from Keokuk, IA. or maybe the 100 year tide charts from Antarctica…

We here (most, anyway) at TBP are Serious people on a Serious Mission and we don’t need jagoff Peter’s bullshit gumming up the machinery causing excess noise. We have access to sophisticated tools, but we need to concentrate fully to use for maximum efficiency. Like a Norden bombsight in WWII or the voting booth on Nov 8.

Veni Vidi Vici Get Rid of/Drop Peters. Do it Now.

Thank You for your Support.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Alter Boyz
November 18, 2016 9:51 pm

Simple Alter. If you dont like it skip to the comments or move along to the next article. Win/win for everybody.

November 18, 2016 1:21 pm

As long as it’s our guy in office , Red Team progressives are O.K.
Blue Team progressives are still icky.