Lost in Translation – Why Civil War is Inevitable

Guest Post by NickelthroweR

My mother is from Northern Italy and as a child I had the good fortune to travel with her several times as she returned home to visit with friends and family. She was raised near the great cities of Venice, Padua, Verona and Florence and together we could take day trips to see the cathedrals, museums, parks and monuments that cover that part of Italy. These works of art are not silent monoliths but are peppered with inscriptions in Latin, French and Italian. Whether to honor God, the Republic of Veneto, a great victory or a great man, the creators of these treasures very much wanted to preserve that voice through time so they carved their messages in stone or found a way to make it part of the art itself.

Often times I would ask my mother to translate an inscription if I saw something that my young eyes found interesting and many times, to my disappointment, my mother would tell me that the statement didn’t translate into English. As a child, I just accepted that this was the way languages work but as I became a man it became very clear to me that when something did not translate it meant that there were ideas and concepts that other people could have but that I could not have because I did not possess the key to unlock it. I had to come to terms with the fact that part of the lesson that there was to be learned from some art was beyond my reach and always would be so.

One. . .Few. . .Many

Before I get to why I think this will lead to Civil War, I want to look at one last example of this problem and that would be with the Indians of N. America. Imagine how difficult it would be to try to plan a future trade deal with someone who could only number the world around them with either one, few or many. How could you say, “bring me 50 beaver pelts and I will give you a horse” to someone that has no understanding of the concept of 50? Even if both parties want the same thing it may be difficult to pull off because many and 50 are mutually exclusive. Think about how angry a young Indian man might feel when he brought his “many” pelts in for trade only to be told that it wasn’t enough or, perhaps, he brought more than 50 and was taken advantage of. Bad business deals can lead to hurt feelings and often to war.

Now, once a month I open my art studio to the public for our First Friday’s Art Walk. Instead of talking about the 100 plus albums I’ve done, the 20 or so films, tours or media work I’ve done for at least half of the Fortune 500, I instead show people my humble electronics workshop. I point out to them how most of the items in my shop were discarded by someone else. I tell them about the tools I used to educate myself. I tell them what it is like to live on a $1 a day for food while sleeping in my car (yeah, I’ve had to do that too).

I finish by showing them photos of the workers assembling my products, the sales team that sells my products and I explain that hundreds of millions of people each and every day enjoy media made on my products. I tell my visitors that I’ve done nothing special and that they, with their young minds, are capable of doing so much more. I tell them that self actualization comes from building things and the satisfaction that comes from being a maker surpasses that of being an observer. I tell them to go out and “get busy”.

Anyone can do anything!

Lets pause for just a moment. I’ve had two previous professions that instilled in me a belief that anyone is capable of doing anything. As an Officer in the United States Army, I was taught to never ever ever ever underestimate my opponent. After all, history is but a list of people underestimating the opposition. Next, for a short time I was a high school teacher and I must say that the only thing that got me through the day was that belief that anyone is capable of doing anything if they want it bad enough. My job was to provide assistance to the ones that wanted it and entertain the ones that didn’t.

So, I was recently approached by several millennials that told me that my belief that anyone can do anything was “racist” and “smacked of privileged”. I did my best to try to make sense of the argument and I believe it went something like this: Of course a white male would believe that anyone can do anything because it is only true for white males. Telling a person of color that they, too, can achieve their goals is racist.

I want you to let that sink in a bit. Just like the Latin inscription on some arch extolling the virtue or necessity of some event doesn’t really translate 2000 years to a non-Latin speaker, “anyone can do anything” is now interpreted as a racist bigoted rant. I’ve also had to come to the conclusion that other words do not translate as well. Words like competition, struggle, victory, wealth & success seem to be getting lost in translation. These words may sound identical when used by both parties but have different meanings as I get the impression that when I say the word “competition” to a millennial they get the mental image of “fascism” in their heads. Competition, as well, is pure Evil.

People that can not communicate with one another have only war available to them to settle their grievances. This is why Civil War is inevitable as it is no longer possible to talk our way through our differences. If you do not believe me then go find a purple haired lesbian feminist and go have a conversation with her. She will quickly become puzzled and frustrated that her words make no sense to you and you will feel likewise. Common ground can never be achieved as what was once common isn’t anymore.

In the end, we think in words and it isn’t possible for you to think about concepts that you do not have words for. It is how we are hardwired. Going forward, it may be more productive to just scream into the wind as the two sides in this struggle can never come to any agreement and I am convinced that our war of words will soon become a very real war. I suspect, though, that everyone is about to understand what war is so at least we’ll have that in common.

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November 19, 2016 8:49 pm

I just had needed cold water thrown in my face. Thank you, not that I enjoy the realities of this day, but we should be aware.

November 19, 2016 9:09 pm

Brainwashed citizens know only their own narratives. Don’t expect them to accommodate differences of opinion. They are not capable of changing, chaos is inevitable, steel yourselves!

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 19, 2016 9:29 pm

It’s so simple a fifth grader knows that the coming Civil War is because ever increasing numbers of public educated or illegal scofflaws will try to take whatever they want via the Democrat Party or illegal guns and millions of US will fight back. One side or the other must be wiped out.

  rhs jr
November 19, 2016 11:26 pm

And spare none or it will start all over again.

November 21, 2016 1:24 pm

WTF did I just watch???

Neil Dunn
Neil Dunn
November 19, 2016 9:32 pm

When someone does not understand me, I most often have great difficulty further trying to translate English into English.

November 19, 2016 10:50 pm

A British politician by the name of Tony Benn once said:

“All war represents a failure of diplomacy.”

Really good essay and perspectives, Nickel. A lot to consider therein.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 19, 2016 11:43 pm

Another guy said that war is a part of diplomacy. I think he worked for the MIC.

  EL Coyote
November 20, 2016 12:48 pm

Would it be hopeless to think that the light of truth might push these cockroaches back into the dark recesses from which they issued? I don’t know, but things seem to be getting brighter,naw, think I’ll go do a rain dance instead. Keep the faith peeps.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  EL Coyote
November 20, 2016 5:51 pm

Do you mean von Clausewitz’s “War is the continuation of politics by other means” ?

November 19, 2016 11:52 pm

Nickels,the problem is we have moved so far away from the nation’s Christian foundation upon which Western Civilization was built.Most in the West still speak the same language but we as a nation have become vain , arrogant and prideful .We have plenty of food,clean water and a roof over our heads.Most in the country no longer come from humble beginnings.We have grown accustomed to the ” good life ” with no need for other people.

November 19, 2016 11:56 pm

I enjoyed your interesting essay so thank you.
I think the thinking and language changed because of the politics of victimization that have been preached for the past half century. Under the Obama presidency, the narrative intensified with the undergirding of the popular culture and public education. Blacks are victims, women are victims, the Millenials are victims, homosexuals and transgendered are victims, addicts are victims, Muslims are victims, and Latino and other illegal immigrants are victims. Oddly, Asians and aborted babies are not victims. Anyway, all of these oppressed are owed favors by everyone else. Funding for special accommodation is only the beginning, for attitudes and words from others must align with the narrative. Trying to exhort these oppressed victims that “they can do anything” suggests that they might be accountable for their own lives, and thus they react with words that invariably end in -phobe and -ist. The exchange of ideas is not something they are interested in.
We are already in a civil war, it just hasn’t reached the shooting stage.

November 20, 2016 3:44 am

Good point… the war has begun in many ways.

November 19, 2016 11:59 pm

For many people it is my way or no way.I do believe eventually we will become so hateful towards each other the country will break into different parts followed by regional wars .Maybe genocide in some areas.I now have 6 rifles,2 shotguns,6 pistols and bow and arrow set.I am planning for something.You should write more often.?

November 20, 2016 12:06 am

Giving woman the right to vote is where alot of this shit got started. Gayle,you should stick to cleaning house and washing clothes.This conversation is for men folks ?

November 20, 2016 10:35 am


I think you are giving me a hard time.

The laundry is done but the cleaning isn’t finished. I guess I got carried away reading internet postings for five hours yesterday.

I think you are jealous ’cause there ‘s no little woman to do your laundry and clean your house.

November 20, 2016 2:39 am

When the forest is sick and laden with dry underbrush, you know FOR SURE that the fire is coming. It’s a preordained natural order of things, and it applies equally to the human society as well. Some violent resolution must be on its way. For without it there cannot be renewal, and such a prospect would be even more horrifying.

November 20, 2016 7:28 am

Very interesting (and valid) article.

Saw the current movie “The Arrival” yesterday. The entire premise of that sci-fi movie is — if Aliens arrived how would we communicate with them?

Do they have verbs, subject, adjectives, etc etc.? Well, why would they? They’re not human. They wouldn’t think like us at all, so how could they/we communicate? Can we communicate with a worm?

And what about the written symbols of language? In the movie, this is how the aliens “write”;

[imgcomment image[/img]

Good luck “interpreting” that!! It’s impossible. And, that’s where the movie falls apart for me at the end. The lady scientist actually does discover how to interpret the alien writings. Huh. Whatever.

BTW, the alien writing in the pic above says “Blow me Hillary.”

November 20, 2016 1:41 pm

thank for the laugh i so didn’t that

November 20, 2016 7:35 am

I had a conversation with a 30 something friend. She does not have purple hair, but otherwise fits the bill that NickelthroweR said to go talk to. She was scared to use a public restroom in NC when she was here visting because of the ‘scary bathroom law’ we have. That’s the law that says use the bathroom that aligns with the sex your were born with. She is a woman. She is in no way feminie looking and figured someone would see her going into the ladies room and think she was a man and either attack or arrest her. She also buys in to the concept of white privilege. She is white. We had some interesting discussions including why she feels entitled to take some of the fruits of my labor. In short, we talked for a bit on various topics and really came no closer to understanding each other’s point of view. There is definitely a large gulf separating people in this country. I think NickelthroweR is on to something by saying a civil war of some flavor is inevitable.

Think of the gaps between us and an average Syrian, Somali, Chinese or Russian. At least with them, as long as we stop importing them into our country (or stop invading/occupying theirs as applicable) we only have to interact by choice. We are forced to interact with those around us to some extent and that is where the friction develops.

November 20, 2016 3:14 pm

Russians are not to your taste? Natalie Woods is too inferior? Yul Brynner? Igor Sikorsky (chopper inventor)? You bunched these folks together with Somalis? LOL.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 20, 2016 9:21 am

I have always been interested in talking to people without regard to their appearance, origin, opinions or status-that’s just my natural impulse and it hasn’t changed as my own particular beliefs became integrated into the person I view myself as-in other words we don’t have to agree with or be similar to me for me to want to engage in a conversation with you.

Lately I have found that in order to have any kind of deep or meaningful communication with someone who is ideologically opposite, regardless of how similar we may be in terms of age, intelligence, race or region, I must first come to some sort of agreement on the definition of the words we are using. That’s never happened before, with the sole exception of non-English speaking people and then the disagreements about the words have always been quickly remedied.

Not so any longer. As a result I find that it is increasingly difficult to discuss even the simplest of concepts with someone who is an opponent in terms of politics or ideology. I also sense an almost brittle and tenuous truce of sorts at the outset of every interaction, even with people I have previously gotten along quite well with in the past and it is not based at all on our previous interactions or history, but with this new antipathy that the recent election has brought into such stark contrast.

The divisions are deep, they are- especially on the most important issues- not something that can be compromised for either side satisfactorily and lead to increasing friction and animosity.

It will be cirious to see exactly how this plays out over time.

Excellent piece, I sensed you had a military background from previous comments you’ve made, this confirmed it for me.

November 20, 2016 9:51 am

Outstanding essay, NickelthroweR.

Even words such as “liberty” and “freedom” no longer carry the same connotation that they once did. The usurpation of the language is a chapter in the Marxist playbook.

Again, an excellent essay. Thanks

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 20, 2016 12:27 pm

The Koran says it is permissible to lie to the infidels in order to advance the cause of Islam.
I think the leftists have chosen the same path. Hillary has “a public position and a private position” on various issues, one to hold personally and the other to _tell_ the rubes and great unwashed, so that minimal friction is encountered on the way to implementation of the “private” position as policy.
“Spiritual Cooking” is another great example of this.
How do you negotiate with someone who will lie to advance their interests? If you want $45 and I only offer $40, we can settle on $42.50, give up and walk away, throw in a miniature of Jack Daniels or whatever to reach an agreement.
How do you deal with someone who wants your blood for “spiritual cooking” purposes when you are trying to buy an apple? And won’t tell you the truth?
It must get uglier; I am not trying to change Hillary’s supporters, they can do (to each other) whatever they want. They definitely ARE trying to change me, into an image I don’t want to become.
The parasites are about to encounter a purgative.

November 20, 2016 1:54 pm

Nice job. It’s coming, all right. But it won’t really be a fight. I have yet to meet a leftist who, when faced with the fact they didn’t control the terms of engagement, didn’t fold like a cheap suit. Living in deep blue Broward, I have had to become the master of the implied threat. An actual threat might put me in hot water, but I’ve learned to make my hostile intentions crystal clear, yet ambiguous. It’s all a bluff, I’m not about to do anything stupid, but I can sell it, and it works wonders. They have no game. This is going to be easier than you think.

November 20, 2016 3:19 pm

Careful star……..don’t forget this universally wise advice from the article:

“As an Officer in the United States Army, I was taught to never ever ever ever underestimate my opponent. After all, history is but a list of people underestimating the opposition.”

Always assume every opponent is superior to you in every way and act accordingly otherwise you’ll end up like Gene Hackman in Unforgiven with a cap in your ass muttering about how you don’t deserve it.

November 20, 2016 2:00 pm

Us low life and dumb ass turds saw what was wrong before the ones that know every thing, I for a short time believe there crap and drank at the holy water. After 10 yrs in the army and saw how even they had reformed and one wakes up looks around and says what the hell happen. He is right it is going to be hell on wheels. the collage kids today are nuts and only a deep river will save them. America was stole years ago all for a dime more on a pair of pant, I can’t hire kids they can’t read do chance, call in sick then get mad when there payck is so little. I want Trump to do good we will see.

November 20, 2016 3:13 pm

Great observation! The dumbing down of our education system was/is intentional and is yet another method to deepen the divide in this country. Common Core is set to deepen the divide. America’s modern youth were never given the basic tools they need to read, write, do math, think or reason. Instead, they have been programmed to react in predictable/desired ways upon hearing certain words and phrases.

Robbing or omitting these skills from people is worse than what Hitler, Stalin & Mao did to their own people. We hear and see constantly how these young adults can’t reliably carry out the most basic tasks required by employers. I hear about it everyday from my wife who works in the biggest hospital in town. Many of the jobs are part time/on call. They are guaranteed 29 hours per week and are required to be on call for two days. They continually bitch about not getting enough hours yet they call in sick, don’t show up and refuse to answer the phone when on call but they never seem to grasp the concept that that these behaviors result in “not enough hours”. If they just showed up when scheduled and answered the phone when called (they ALWAYS call) they’d be working 50-60 hours per week. It’s the perfect corollary to Indians having no concept of difference between many and 50. It works out great for my wife though because she can absolutely count on the on call crowd not working so she picks up all the extra hours she wants.

We are well into raising our second generation of barely useful idiots. The future will be very difficult for them. They are almost too stupid to live. The picture below illustrates Nickelthrowers point perfectly.

Rdawg Disclaimer: None of the ideas or comments in my comment are directed at you or your cherubs.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 20, 2016 4:55 pm

Civil War is not inevitable.

Armies focus on the enemies choke points. The choke point the Stalinist or Democrat party has is the State of Illonois.

They will continue to double and triple down with taxes inorder to pay for their unfounded pensions. The tax base is on the move. Too boot the dummy mayor just said he will keep Chicago a sanctuary city!

More Demcrats moving in and more Repulican tax payers moving out.

Trump needs to void any earmarks for any infrastructure projects in this state. Use the sanctuary city status as an excuse . Even though the real reason is to expedite Illonois toward total bankruptcy and make Illonois the Detrot of States.

This massive failure should awaken some dim wits.

November 21, 2016 1:31 pm


It was very kind of the administrator to post this rant of mine. I am not a professional writer so this was a good exercise to see whether I could get my point across in two pages or less. Finally, I appreciate your feedback and have enjoyed throwing poo around with the other monkeys here on TBP.