Boo Hoo

He gives me an atta boy at the end for my Grey Champion articles.

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

America didn’t get what it expected, but perhaps it got what it deserved, good and hard. Daddy’s in the house and he busted straight into the nursery and now the little ones are squalling in horror. Mommy was discovered to be a grifting old jade who ran the household into a slum and she’s been turned out to solemnly await the judgment of the courts, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The kids on campus have gone temporarily insane over this domestic situation and some wonder if they’ll ever get over it.

Trump as The USA’s Daddy? Well, yeah. Might he turn out to be a good daddy? A lot of people worry that he can’t be. Look how he behaved on the campaign trail: no behavioral boundaries… uccchhh. He even lurches as he walks, like Frankenstein. Not very reassuring — though it appears that somehow he raised up a litter of high-functioning kids of his own. Not a tattoo or an earplug among them. No apparent gender confusion. All holding rather responsible positions in the family business. Go figure….

Judging from the internal recriminations among Democratic Party partisans playing out in the newspapers, it’s as if they all woke up simultaneously from a hypnotic trance realizing what an absolute dud they put up for election in Hillary Clinton — and even beyond that obvious matter, how deeply absurd Democratic ideology had become with its annoying victimology narrative, the incessant yammer about “diversity” and “inclusion,” as if pixie dust were the sovereign remedy for a national nervous breakdown. But can they move on from there? I’m not so sure.

For all practical purposes, both traditional parties have blown themselves up. The Democratic Party morphed from the party of thinking people to the party of the thought police, and for that alone they deserve to be flushed down the soil pipe of history where the feckless Whigs went before them. The Republicans have floundered in their own Special Olympics of the Mind for decades, too, so it’s understandable that they have fallen hostage to such a rank outsider as Trump, so cavalier with the party’s dumb-ass shibboleths. It remains to be seen whether the party becomes a vengeful, hybrid monster with an orange head, or a bridge back to reality. I give the latter outcome a low percentage chance.

Mommy is all about feelings and Daddy’s role is action and that is another reason that Hillary lost and Trump won. We’ve heard enough about people’s feelings and it just doesn’t matter anymore. You’re offended? Suck an egg. Someone appropriated your culture? Go shit in your sombrero. What matters is how we’re going to contend with the winding down of Modernity — the techno-industrial orgy that is losing its resource and money mojo. The politics of sacred victimhood has got to yield to the politics of staying alive.

President-elect Trump may not know it yet, but events are now in charge, not personalities, not even his super-sized persona. Global trade and economic activity have been winding down all year and it’s finally affecting financial markets kept aloft on borrowed money, sending a strong signal through bonds that the borrowed money may never be paid down, and that additional borrowing will cost a whole lot more — so much more that it will bankrupt the nations that issue it.

That alone will make it difficult for a President Trump to scare up the ready cash for the infrastructure-rebuilding fiesta so many expect. And if he does manage to flush the funding out of the banking thickets, it is liable to carry an inflationary bird flu that will end up killing money all around the world. We won’t be worrying about Trans Pacific Partnerships anymore because letters-of-credit will be unavailable to move large shipments of anything from Point A to Point B. How long after that will it be before the supermarket shelves empty down? And in the event, what will the dollar buy?

It looks like the shit sandwich President Obama has carefully prepared and left in the White House pantry for his successor will take the form of inflation, the dying of your money — or, at least, paper currency. Or, if it doesn’t die outright, prepare for the possibility that you might not be able to get your hands on it, as money markets gate their exits and banks restrict cash withdrawals.

Though it’s clearly a loser strategy now, I suspect that the ragged remains of the Democratic Party will persist in amping up their sacred identity grievances to the point of civil strife without ever understanding the economic dynamics in motion. They don’t know what else to do. Plus, they are captives of the poverty policy racketeers. I also suspect that neither Mr. Obama or Mr. Trump will get around to pardoning Hillary Clinton for the racketeering operation of her foundation, of which the private email server was the least issue — rather, the arrant sale of influence and access to the State Department is the heart of the matter, and anyone paying attention knows it, including the incoming Attorney General. If that circus comes to town, Trump could benefit from the distraction it offers the public.

There’s a lot of talk on the Net about Strauss and Howe’s “Fourth Turning” taking stage now. That excellent book, published twenty years ago, posits the turbulent end of 80-year generational cycles in history. (Blogger Jim Quinn lays it out nicely this week at The Burning Platform). Previous Fourth Turning presidents Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt took the nation through epic bloodbaths and economic dislocation. Donald Trump in terms of demeanor is no Lincoln and no FDR. But he did raise up those children of his somehow, and that’s all we’ve got to go on for the moment.

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November 21, 2016 9:53 am

I’m glad he plugged your blog, Jim, but I don’t really feel like this article said much.

Maybe I’m missing the main point….

1. Trump is a man of action, people want an “actioner” to fix things.
2. His infrastructure plan will be difficult to implement.
3. Obama left behind inflation.

November 21, 2016 10:10 am

I liked this, “You’re offended? Suck an egg. Someone appropriated your culture? Go shit in your sombrero.”


November 21, 2016 12:15 pm

Funny how the people whining about ‘cultural appropriation’ never figure out they’re appropriating white culture every time they piss and moan on the radio, TV or internet, all inventions of white people.

November 21, 2016 10:37 am

“The Democratic Party morphed from the party of thinking people to the party of the thought police …………”

The Democrats have never been the party of thinking people, and have always tried to silence the opposition to their agendas.

November 21, 2016 10:42 am

Kunstler can really be a little bitch sometimes. His gripes are getting diluted as everyone starts complaining about the realities as folks wake up.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 21, 2016 10:42 am

“It remains to be seen whether the party becomes a vengeful, hybrid monster with an orange head, or a bridge back to reality. I give the latter outcome a low percentage chance.”

It’s official now, America will rebound and soar to it’s greatest heights ever.

Q: What do you call a guy who gets every prognostication wrong?
A: James Howard Kuntsler.

So many things in that one he will come to regret. I am C&P’ing the “go shit in your sombrero” line to every honcho in the Atzlan/La Raza/Hispanic Caucus database just ’cause I think Jimmy could use the incoming tweets.

“…it appears that somehow he raised up a litter of high-functioning kids of his own. Not a tattoo or an earplug among them. No apparent gender confusion. All holding rather responsible positions in the family business. Go figure….”

There’s a reason why the Bible has endured for as long as it has that rises above it’s divine origins and that’s it’s Earth level common sense observations of reality.

“Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”

Matthew 7:16-20

  hardscrabble farmer
November 21, 2016 11:32 am

The simple schtick that every phony prognosticator employs to keep people from noticing their fails is to just keep fresh ones coming! When delivered in such wonderful prose, people love it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  hardscrabble farmer
November 22, 2016 12:37 am

HF, I have quietly observed for many years that we adopt gringo things. I haven’t heard beaners complaining about having their culture appropriated. That sounds more like a black thang. Really.

We beaners are happy to see gringos adopt beaner stuff. We love it when you speak Spanish or even attempt to. We love that you adopted pinatas, tortillas, and our expressions – hasta la vista – it’s all good, bro.

Maybe you have proof otherwise. I’m out of touch. If anybody should be offended it should be you whites, we have appropriated your music, tv shows, traditions, infatuations, everything.

One thing I want to complain about is the obsession with La Raza. It is quite grating to hear folks keep repeating that Hispanics have La Raza, blah, blah..because that was a Mexican movement, it never included PRs or Cubans. It doesn’t include Central or South Americans. Please tell me what Hispanic movement includes all Hispanics and then I will believe you.

There are many Hispanic organizations but La Raza is outdated, it is more of a community assistance program. It is as passe’ as Chicanismo. After the 70’s, really after the Vietnam war, the brown movement died out. Its death was helped along by what they would have called sellouts back then, brown folks who valued assimilation. I would be called a sellout now if that movement was still alive. However, since we have all adopted gringo ways, the only people who despise us are Mexican nationals who consider us pocho scum.

The activists you see now are dreamers, kids caught in a problematic situation where they grew up thinking they are Americans and then finding out that they have no papers. Some of those kids were brought here by their parents, others were adopted and brought here by well-meaning foster parents.

The news of kids getting trapped across the border because they went to Mexico and found out at the border that they are not citizens. It’s a common story. It happened to my son’s friend, his young wife had to stay in Tijuana for 2 years while he arranged for her to come back.

But that’s off topic. I just wanted to say, this bullshit about cultural theft is not my concern. I’m more of the opinion like the accountant’s dad who said, I came to this country in a torn pair of jeans, subtract the jeans and the rest is profit.

November 21, 2016 10:45 am

Admin – I really dislike the pop-up ad’s at the bottom of the window.

November 21, 2016 11:52 am

I do too, but until I’m able to help the man defray costs I deal with it.

M. I. A.
M. I. A.
November 21, 2016 3:05 pm

I did too until the Admin and T4C recomended installing Ghostery an ad blocking program and the ad’s all magically disappeared!

November 21, 2016 11:17 am

I agree that we will see a contraction of sorts. Thomas Homer Dixon wrote a fairly good book years ago in regards to this. I still view much of what is going on as who get’s to be the Captain of the Titanic. Humanity has become a large bastion of folks that couldn’t have survived for more than 3 days during the 1800’s. We have so much built in fragility into the modern human condition that a large number of tipping points from the more exotic Class X-20+ solar flares to massive earthquakes, to water table depletion will cause a re-arrangement in how things get by. The bad news is no way humans can maintain this massive global population, the techno-utopians will be proven wrong, mother nature wins in the end.

Making “America great again” in my mind was about relocalization back to US first politics rather than globalism. Much of what I’ve read suggests that 3-4million jobs coming back home is possible. The 20million we lost, not going to happen, technology has destroyed too much labor.

But honestly I deal with younger folks that couldn’t begin to change their own tire, and get fatigued walking up stairs, despite being 18yrs old. No idea how these folks that have less “old school” skills than any generation are going to fill up the “dirty jobs” that remain in demand, nor how they will cope when Mommy/Daddy are the one’s that need taking care of, rather than helping to prop them up and allow them to tweet and instagram their days away. Trump oversold the hope, I do expect a much more scaled back version. But as Karl Denninger points out, Healthcare is the real beast, if that can’t be fixed, the math just doesn’t work. But how will healthcare even be stable when 90% of modern humans are sedentary and thus have a whole host of non-movement ailments? How do we cope with 10% of our aged population having Alzheimers which costs 350k/year typically? The sheer number of problems facing humanity are daunting. And the subcultures of thug personas, hipsters, slackers, and techno-addicts aren’t going to help much. In the end it boils down to water and food, and for anyone paying attention we have created an unsustainable system that has destroyed the soil via industrial farming and water as well. I’m just hoping for a slower contraction, whereas desperation perhaps gives people the opportunity to adapt and relearn skills to soften the blow. But I’m not sure that our modern culture will not just work against this until the very end as people seek to produce apps for phones, rather than food relocalization. CA is one massive earthquake away form 30-40% of all our food being stopped instantly. Anything big enough to wreck the highways would instantly cause massive problems. We have turned FL/CA into the real breadbasket of the US, yet they both are high risk for serious natural disasters, and CA has no solution for water.

November 21, 2016 12:07 pm

We can’t afford our ‘modern’ society.

What the real problem with health care – it costs too much. Unless you can reduce the cost, it will bankrupt us. Take for instance I recently saw a specialist a Physician Assistant. The bill was $268 for an office visit – it was knocked down to $165 by my insurance company. Figuring she can see 3 people an hour = 3 * 1500 billable hrs / yr * $165 visit = $742,500 a year! Now I was being generous: only 3 appointments an hour and only working 1500 hrs (there are 2100 hrs in a year). I know there is overhead but assuming she earns $140k a year (not really a doctor) that’s $600,000 for overhead?

Same with higher ed. Same with the cost of cars.

Unless we can reduce prices – we’re screwed. No amount of fancy programs will fix it.

November 21, 2016 11:20 pm

Bubbah it makes me sick to see neighbors bringing back their grass lawns here in SoCal. The water agencies started relaxing water restrictions instead of keeping them in place to build a surplus. Hell, no can’t have that…so people think it’s over because the water agency made the stupid move.

November 21, 2016 11:25 am

In this piece is JK disappointed? Cautiously optimistic? Resigned with a certain degree of fatalism? All of the above? Yeah. Methinks all of the above.

November 21, 2016 11:52 am

“We won’t be worrying about Trans Pacific Partnerships anymore because letters-of-credit will be unavailable to move large shipments of anything from Point A to Point B. How long after that will it be before the supermarket shelves empty down?”
This is an important quote. Credit markets are staggeringly huge compared to the average consumer. If there are no bills of credit(fiat) available to move the goods, it doesn’t matter how many trade deals you have. Period. If your currency is so badly inflated that it is worth nothing in a few days, (think Zimbabwe, Argentina et al) why would you ship your goods when they will be worthless in a few days.
Empty store shelf’s in a few days….. indeed!

November 21, 2016 11:56 am

Get ad-block. There are ads in the margin, but no pop-up ads.

So, on to JHK. Nice that he recognized JQ’s work!
I am thinking, (let’s get “feeling” out of the vocab.) JHK is saying,
regardless Trump’s best ideas, plans, “actions”…the SHTF will come, and
there isn’t much that can be done about it. Further, the question? Will the
Dems’ whining and complaining army of the disaffected burn themselves out?
Is the two party system destined for the dust bin?

Trump’s children…they seem intelligent, poised, and pleasant enough.
Not a vile rumor exists. That alone says legions about the love and care of
their Dad, and they appear to be united by his side. I like DT, and think it is silly
to debate all the minutia. He has not been inaugurated yet.

Fourth Turnings: The world may be bankrupt and implode upon the people.
The Central Banks have enabled this bankruptcy. The insiders have been well
rewarded for their complicity. The stoopid masses are awakening to the conspiracy.
So what will we do? Will we take this time of awakening to act against greed,
corruption, and evil? None of us will be saving the world, but we can help save our
families and our communities. All we need to do is act “right” and it will make a difference.

Thank you Jim Quinn, for doing your part so well. (and to the TBP contributors/commenters)

November 21, 2016 11:58 am

Yes those darn kids ruin the whole narrative. Trump must possess some core values that he taught and/or emulated, core values that about half the population prize and want their own children to acquire.

His great riches are another issue. He owes nobody anything and doesn’t need to compromise his integrity. For this the political class finds him useless for promoting the power of the oligarchy at the expense of the pesky commoners. He knows his life is thus at risk but moves forward anyway. Dare I suggest he is a courageous man, this Grey Champion?

People like Kunstler don’t like the way he talks. Could it be he reflects a culture in which language has been thoroughly debased, reduced to the syntax of texts and tweets and the titillation of sexually explicit comments, jokes, and lyrics? (After all, a nice soft-rock station in L.A., the type of station you have on the radio when kids are in the car, plays “I Like Your Sex” with great regularity – but that ‘s quite ok.) Despite his crude vocabulary and insensitive comments, there’s a possibility he might do some good things. This would be a refreshing change from the standard politician who always talks smoothly while twisting the knife in your back.

Another problem for the Trump opposition is that he is a builder. Successful builders take risks and believe in the future. They must trust the talents of others to get the job done, and they cannot make excuses for mistakes. They have be excellent planners and budgeters and time managers. Trump started in Manhattan by rebuilding a neglected old hotel into something magnificent, and I like to think that’s a metaphor for what he wants to do as President. He has taken on his ultimate building project. (Obama attempted to organize a community I guess.)

November 21, 2016 12:08 pm

Fourth Turning awareness is now mainstream-I just read a Time article today regarding the Fourth Turning and Steve Bannon and Generation Zero.

November 21, 2016 12:20 pm

Your article was very negativistic and sarcastic.

November 21, 2016 12:49 pm


I think that this is Kunstler’s way of recognizing that the alt-right was correct all along. The very fact that he references TBP and our administrator proves it.

If you read the comments on his post there are still socialists commenting on how Hillary really won the popular vote and other leftard idiocy.

Kunstler is in the business of giving his readers what they want and an optimistic message is not what they want to hear. Most want nothing more than Trump to fail.

M. I. A.
M. I. A.
November 21, 2016 1:18 pm

Shape em up or Ship them out Donald