The Washington Post: Useful-Idiot Shills For A Failed, Frantic Status Quo That Has Lost Control Of The Narrative

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Don’t you think it fair and reasonable that anyone accusing me of being a shill for Russian propaganda ought to read my ten books in their entirety and identify the sections that support their slanderous accusation?

I was amused to find my site listed on the now-infamous list of purportedly Russian-controlled propaganda sites cited by The Washington Post. I find it amusing because I invite anyone to search my 3,600-page archive of published material over the past decade (which includes some guest posts and poems) and identify a single pro-Russia or pro-Russian foreign policy entry.

If anything, my perspective is pro-US dollar, pro-liberty, pro-open markets, pro-local control, pro-free-press, pro-innovation, and pro-opportunities to rebuild America’s abandoned, decaying localized economies: in other words, the exact opposite of Russian propaganda.

My “crime” is a simple one: challenging the ruling elite’s narrative. Labeling all dissent “enemy propaganda” is of course the classic first phase of state-sponsored propaganda and the favorite tool of well-paid illiberal apologists for an illiberal regime.

Labeling everyone who dissents or questions the ruling elite’s narrative as tools of an enemy power is classic McCarthy-era witch-hunting, i.e. a broad-brush way of marginalizing and silencing critics with an accusation that is easy to fabricate but difficult to prove.

Such unsupported slander is a classic propaganda technique. It has more in common with Nazi propaganda than with real journalism.

The real useful-idiot shills are the editors and hacks paid by the Washington Post, who are busy penning articles such as “Why the electoral college should choose Hillary Clinton”. Isn’t this fundamentally a call to over-ride the Constitutional framework of the republic’s democracy?

In other words, the ruling elite’s candidate lost, so let’s subvert democracy to “right this terrible wrong” that was wrought by fed-up debt-serfs.

Substitution is a useful technique to reveal propaganda: if Trump had lost by a thin margin, would the The Washington Post publish an article “Why the electoral college should choose Donald Trump”?

Any site suggesting such an outlandish subversion of American democracy would of course by labeled Russian-controlled propaganda by The Washington Post. In other words, it’s OK for the organs of Imperial Propaganda to call for the subversion of the Constitution, but if someone else dares to do so, you know the drill: they’re labeled a tool of Russian propaganda.

Just as a reminder, this is the status quo / ruling elite’s handiwork The Washington Post shills/propagandists support: a status quo of institutionalized privilege, corruption and systemically soaring wealth and income inequality:

The institutionalized impoverishment of non-elite students:

The institutionalized impoverishment of the bottom 99.9%:

The institutionalized impoverishment of everyone below the protected technocrat-insider class of shills, apparatchiks and professionals:

This is what The Washington Post is pushing: a parasitic, predatory, exploitive, ruinously corrupt and venal ruling class and its army of apologists/lackeys/factotums.

The fundamental source of the Post’s hysterical accusations is the ruling elite has lost control of the narrative. This is the source of the mainstream media’s angst-tinged hysteria and frantic efforts to marginalize and discredit any dissenting narratives that undermine or question the power of a corrupted, self-serving ruling elite that has failed the nation and its citizens.

This is why Donald Trump was routinely labeled a Russian shill by the mainstream media during the campaign. Regardless of what you think of Trump or Clinton, what can we say about a supposedly responsible media that so cavalierly spews fact-free accusations of foreign control? This is the height of irresponsible propaganda being passed off as “journalism.”

Free speech implicitly carries the responsibility of the reader/listener/viewer to make a critical assessment of the content, its source and its aim: who benefits if we accept the narrative being pushed?

The delicious irony of The Washington Post‘s hysterical campaign to smear dissenters as tools of Russian propaganda is that it only serves to discredit the Post itself. For my part, I invite you to read all ten of my books and make your own critical assessment of the content and answer these questions:

1. Did you find even a single passage in the thousands of pages that favored Russian policies?

2. Did you find any passages that favored domestic resilience and self-reliance, localized economic development, and the promotion of innovations that favored the many rather than the few?

3. Don’t you think it fair and reasonable that anyone accusing me of being a shill for Russian propaganda ought to read my ten books in their entirety and identify the sections that support their slanderous accusation?

If they can’t support it, then isn’t their accusation the very propaganda they claim to be identifying?

Just as a reminder: here’s my chart of the Ministry of Propaganda (from 2007):

When Does “Managed Perception” Become Reality? (May 1, 2011)

*  *  *

Join me in seeking solutions by becoming a $1/month patron of my work via My new book is #8 on Kindle short reads -> politics and social science: Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform ($3.95 Kindle ebook, $8.95 print edition) For more, please visit the book’s website.


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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 27, 2016 7:09 am

Wait till they call him an alt-right neo-nazi. Can’t wait to read that response.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 27, 2016 4:30 pm

Evidently Charlie is very upset about being on “the list.”

Dear Charles,
I have read your books, well several, and I know/am pretty sure,
you are NOT a Russian agent.

We love you. Please chill.


November 27, 2016 7:47 am

This guy writes some interesting articles for sure.He was once liberal leaning in his world view until getting slapped by reality.I have never been a liberal but getting bitch slapped does sober you up.

November 27, 2016 8:29 am

The thing I find most shocking is that the western msm has been barking about Russia for some years now but has yet to produce a single piece of actual evidence to back up their argument. Obama assures us he has conclusive proof of Russian hacking yet shows us nothing and expects us to believe him. Unfortunately a scarily large number of numb-nuts do.

Not Sure
Not Sure
November 27, 2016 8:47 am

I am amazed at how fast yet how slow this countries freedoms are slipping away. The prepper waiting for SHTF has not broken into his emergency stores, but so many freedoms are being chipped away. Just a few years ago, it would have been laughable that the press would be going government mouthpiece, yet today it unashamedly parrots TPTB manifesto. It’s like watching a boulder gaining momentum as it rolls down a mountainside. Where will the bottom be? When will the supplies be opened? There are not many who pinpoint events in these forums, but I’m thinking Jan. 20th will be a day to watch.

  Not Sure
November 27, 2016 9:02 am

Only out of curiosity, but what do you imagine Jan 20 could be like, both at best and worst?

November 27, 2016 9:00 am

I wonder if there is any legal recourse the people on this list that are having slanderous statements made against them by the Washington Post?

If so, everyone that has them should use them to the fullest extent possible.

The Left makes constant and highly effective use of phony and fictitious legal actions against its opponents to shut them up or down, on every level they can be made, and the right needs to start doing the same thing.

Become the political version of Hulk Hogan in the Courts, it will keep them a little more honest and a little less slanderous if you do.

November 27, 2016 4:40 pm

Never mind a legal challenge. People are proud to be on the

Preppers: Please sit and rethink some of your food preps.
The fancy freeze dried stuff lasts, but it used to be camping
food. Think climbing Everest or portaging lake to lake.
You want the rice, beans, wheat and oatmeal, sugar and salt.
These are inexpensive. Reconsider canned food. There is shelf-life
to consider, whether you purchase or can your own. Yet,…how many
times do you want to eat chili-mac and mac&cheese or broccoli soup?
COSTCO is your friend. Get something good.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 27, 2016 9:29 am

Glenn Greenwald explains that the Washington Post is promoting the unsubstantiated allegations of a group of unnamed purported experts. Pathetic.

Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group

Their list of 200 sites looks like a good place to start if you’re looking for the truth.

November 27, 2016 9:57 am

I suspect Charles Smith is getting confused with Zerohedge because his daily posts appear at that good but pro Russian website. I seldom commented at Zerohedge because the comments are usually worthless spam by teenagers and gung ho Putinistas but after Zerohedge started blaming everyone but Putin’s militias for shooting down MH-17 and murdering 299 people I couldn’t contain myself. I said Zerohedge was compromising its credibility with its lunatic attempts to absolve Putin of his complicity in a mass murder. Tyler the Bulgarian promptly banned me though I had been among the first to register at his, then new, website.

That said, Charles Hugh Smith is a brilliant economic and social writer a must read along with Raul Illargi Meijer’s Automatic Earth. Interesting to have watched Meijer, despite his love for North African and Syrian migrants, have good things to say about Trump because, like Smith, the failure of the neoliberal left, has left the average man no alternative but the populist right to reform our political and economic system.

It has truly become perverted by a global financial system that gives outsized rewards to speculators, venture capitalists and private equity raiders to the point those with access to cheap Central Bank funding have hollowed out Western economies because more money can be made by trading financial assets than the production of goods.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
November 27, 2016 4:35 pm

“…its lunatic attempts to absolve Putin of his complicity in a mass murder….”

pure BS!

who benefiting from the shoot down of MH-17?
sure wasn’t the Russians
sure wasn’t the separatists
sure WAS the neo-Nazi government in Kiev

Fat chance.
Fat chance.
November 27, 2016 1:42 pm

Do I really have to subject myself to all TEN epitomes of drivel?

November 27, 2016 2:39 pm

Propornot looks to me like a Ukrainian-sponsored site.