Irrepressible Conflict

Guest Post by The Zman

This long, rambling post by Jonathan Haidt is interesting for a number of reasons. Haidt is one of the few mainstream intellectuals who takes the hate-thinker community seriously. He’s not an ally, but he does not dismiss, out of hand, the cultural and moral arguments coming from the Right. Recently he has been writing about the popular resistance to globalism popping up all over the West. He appears to be searching for a way to reconcile elite globalism with what I call national populism.

Given what is happening at the ballot box, the next big thing among public intellectuals will be crafting ways to repackage globalism in order to make it more palatable to a skeptical public. The political class is in a panic, as all their old tricks are suddenly not fooling anyone. As a result, there is a demand for new rhetoric and tactics, but also a demand for new polices that will appeal to the voters. One thing public intellectuals do not do is miss an opportunity to monetize a crisis.

The trouble they will run into, as they search around for ways to sound a more populist tone, is that the underpinnings of the managerial class are incompatible with national populism. In fact, a big reason for the populist rumblings is the otherness of the people in charge of our societies. Turn on a television and the news is full of smug experts dismissively discussing the “white working class” and the “uneducated males” as if they were describing a trip to the African bush. There’s no way to make that sound good.

It is not just a matter of aesthetics. Even if you can somehow knock the smug off these people and give them a respectful vocabulary, they are still left trying to reconcile the irreconcilable. For instance, patriotism and multiculturalism can never coexist. The former assumes a set of value judgments based on nationality and ethnicity. The latter explicitly rejects those values. In fact, multiculturalism is nothing more than the nullification of patriotism and nationalism. There’s no squaring that circle.

The bigger issue is that the prevailing morality of the managerial class rests upon a set of contradictions that can never be reconciled. For instance, we are forever lectured about the glories of diversity. In fact, “diverse” has become an abracadabra word for our betters. Cruise through the on-line job advertisements and you will find a phrase about how the firm celebrates diversity. Marketing firms go to ridiculous lengths to make sure their ads have lots of diversity, even when it has no value to the sales pitch.

Yet, if anyone dares notice diversity in public, the people in charge will land on him like Puritan witch hunters. One of the hilarious parts of reading crime stories is how the reporters go to great lengths to conceal the race of the criminal. We end up with stories about a “tall man with a red cap” being jailed for murder. The result of this absurd contradiction is that diversity has become synonymous with danger and the promotion of it erodes trust in the people promoting it.

Similarly, the ruling class makes a fetish of democracy and free speech. We’re constantly told that the end point of human society is one where all people have a say in government and can speak freely in public. Yet, we see the ruling class working to defeat the results of democracy and cripple the free exchange of ideas. The systemic rigging of the Democratic primary is one example. The shenanigans on the social media platforms to eliminate dissent reveals a deep distrust of free speech and the marketplace of ideas.

For the managerial class, democracy is just a bus to ride from one point to another. Once the destination is reached, they get off the bus. The votes on gay marriage are a good example. They kept having votes until the right answer was reached. When that failed, they just had the court reference the invisible amendments to declare gay marriage a time honored natural right. This happened in Europe with referendums on he EU. Voting became a meaningless exercise to keep up appearances.

The fact is, the meritocratic system that supports the managerial class is ruthlessly authoritarian. If you don’t check the right boxes, you cannot advance. This system is by design intended to boil off anything resembling dissent or innovation. It is why the Buckley Right locked shields with the Left in opposition to Trump. Their loyalty is to a system that has bestowed credentials and honors on them, along with a lifestyle they could never achieve outside in the dreaded private sector. Political ideology is just a decoration.

A system that cannot tolerate dissent and makes war on anything that challenges it, cannot be made compatible with popular resistance to its polices. The managerial class can search about for tactics and language to try and square this circle, but they are faced with an irrepressible conflict. We either have normal countries with popular governments, responsive to the will of the people, or, we have an authoritarian, technocratic managerial state. It’s one or the other, but not both.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
November 28, 2016 1:14 pm

We need to restart the Civil Service Exams.

November 28, 2016 1:38 pm

Nice but if the managerial could get the deversity class to equally participate in raising per capita income levels , along with paying their fair share of taxes, id be all for them.

The rub is they cant. Only the opposite is true.

November 28, 2016 2:18 pm

Along with that, we have be invaded by uneducated illegal aliens, and by migrants/asylum seekers being forced down our throats for over 20 years. One thing these people know how to do is get entitlements and breed.

It’s quite obvious that there are those activists / politicians that want to take the side of these creatures to gain political power.

China is for the Chinese, Japan is for the Japanese, India for the Indian’s – you don’t see this bullshit over there – I don’t see them taking in any Somali’s. Why can’t America (I’d think Europe too – but I don’t care) be for Anglo-Saxons?

It’s one thing to take in SOME refugees – but not 20,000,000. Someone is getting rich on this – hope Trump puts an end to it.

November 28, 2016 1:39 pm

This is a perfect article to pair with Jim’s up top. This is indeed the Trump effect, it’s all going to be bare on the table. Jim, you’ve got a tiger by the tail with this website. Excellent

November 28, 2016 1:45 pm

I’ve heard several reports about the government “Management 101” classes. First thing it seems in all of them, the class is divided into groups and given the problem to come up with criteria for selecting who would be let into THEIR life-raft when it wasn’t big enough for everyone. Number 1 Answer: Those who could be put to work rowing. If you didn’t get the correct answer, questioned morality or authority, you don’t get to take Management 102.

November 28, 2016 1:50 pm

Rowers and those willing to use their paddles to beat the deplorable hangers-on away.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 28, 2016 1:51 pm

We have civil service exams. Whites need not apply.

MN Steel
MN Steel
  Smoke Jensen
November 28, 2016 7:56 pm

If you’re a one-eyed eskimo disabled combat vet lesbian with horrible english skills, you’re golden…

kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 28, 2016 2:21 pm

“…reconcile elite globalism with what I call national populism.”
“…crafting ways to repackage globalism in order to make it more palatable to a skeptical public.”

Screw that. This is simply devising a means to ‘negotiate’ in order for the globalists to win. What good has ‘negotiation’ done between the two parties for the last 50 years. Whatever was good was watered down and thus ineffective.

This is a battle between Globalism (white genocide and serfdom to mega-corporations) vs Nation States.

November 28, 2016 10:12 pm

The 2nd Amendment is a beautiful thing, it is in the Constitution hoping that it would never be needed. It’s the only amendment that has kept government at bay. We are about to see citizens exercise their rights. The only good communist is a dead communist!

November 28, 2016 11:44 pm

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. F socialism / communism, and anyone who promotes it.