Guest Post by TPC

Millennial men are an interesting group, as the recent political winds favor their eradication almost entirely. Oh, the Left want your productivity, your strength of back, and your insights, but they want to keep this while changing everything else about you.

Still, in a post-Trumpening world, it appears that the sexless childlike minnie men are starting to slowly pull their heads out of the sand and look around to see what kind of world they are creating for themselves. These poor bastards are questioning everything they’ve ever been told, and don’t like the answers they find. Some dive face first into their shallow pools of cognitive dissonance, too afraid to face a reality so at odds with their own chosen paradigm. Some become outraged, and swing so far in the opposite direction that they embrace the most insane and illogical of conspiracies. However, the vast majority of them are rocked back on their heels, unsure of what to do next. They find the left end of the spectrum appalling, and the conspiracy-riddled far right to be pure lunacy. They are in a holding pattern, looking for a symbol of hope.

So what then for these?

Leadership. And not the faux leadership of the left, which claims that they have a divine mandate from the Hermaphrodite Gods of yore, nor the faux leadership of the far right, a world in which anarchy is frequently pushed.

I was at the bar the other day, and an elderly gentleman I had not seen before was there enjoying a Jim Beam on ice. I should have known I would like him based on drink choice alone, that’s my old man’s first, second, and third drink choice. My wife approached the bar to buy our table another bottle of wine, and she struck up conversation with the man, as she is wont to do with anyone with two ears and a generous helping of time. As they spoke eventually the man asked:

“So you are a millennial right?” To which my wife nodded, smirking.

“Well, you seem to have your head screwed on straight for someone your age! Tell me, I work with Millennials all the time, how in the world can I get them to work?”

Please let it be known that my wife looks like an utter creampuff. Long blonde hair, stylish glasses, pin-up style makeup, and a custom dress. So when she marched over to the book-shelf and pulled out the bar’s only copy of Strauss and Howe’s The Fourth Turning the man look truly stunned.

“You want to know about my generation?” she said, “Then read this! It will tell you everything you need to know about my generation, your generation, and the next one as well!”

The man looked shocked. My wife is a former hooter’s waitress, turned housewife. The last person you would expect to recommend a high-brow piece of work like 4T theory.

He perused the back cover and the interior, remarking on the pithy nature of the volume.

Again with that (sometimes infuriating) smirk, my wife replied, “Oh you will have to read it more than once. There is no way you can get through it once and still retain it all.”

So he goes back to flipping through the pages and then asked “Well, this is great at a generational level, but what about my current problems?”

My wife pointed in my direction, “For that you’ll need my husband. He is a Millennial who manages Millennials.”

I waved at the table, and the man called out to me “So what do you say then? How do you lead a Millennial?”

I hollered back, “Kick ’em in the ass early and often until they get moving. After that, only kick their asses a little.”

He barked a surprise laugh, “So the same as everyone else then?”

“Yup,” I confirmed, “the same as everyone else.”

The rules surrounding simple, effective leadership never change. These Millennial men rarely had fathers of the caliber needed to guide a young man into adulthood, and the focus on the state and later on globalism has completely destroyed the community of masculine leaders they would normally have been able to look up to. But now these kids are waking up and their frame of mind is ripe for some good ole fashioned leadership.

In a world made needlessly complex by technology and politicians some questions really do have the simplest of answers.

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November 28, 2016 10:47 am

TPC ,quit calling yourself and other millennials kids.You are grown adults and from what I can see most of you millennials are lazy.You expect mommy and daddy to give you a house,a car and a 401k with a million in it
You may be the exception but that’s because guys like me kick you ass all the time on this site.Now get back to work.(And you had better act like you enjoy it) The whole system depends on your labor.?

November 28, 2016 10:56 am

From a maturation standpoint, they are still kids. Still, I treat them the same way I do everyone else, and its worked out well for me.

As for me? I stopped being a kid a long time ago. A long time before I came to this site.

“The whole system depends on your labor.”

Thats the god’s honest truth. Fuckin’ A man. Fuckin’ A.

November 28, 2016 11:46 am

@ BB

Although your comment is directed at TPC, I feel like I must interject. I have made a point to say this many times to the “old dogs” on this site that the environment that Millenials have been raised in is much different than the Great Generation’s or the Baby Boom generation. I like TPC’s advice, treat Millenials the same and eventually those of them who want to be honest with themselves will come around! Those who aren’t willing to look themselves honestly in the mirror and assess themselves critically, WON’T!!! The public school system, a major conditioning agent in Western civilization’s development of human beings, is a major culprit! Not to mention, moral decay and the economic realities that have afflicted the family unit for far too long, before these kids were even a twinkle in their parents’ eyes!
I’m not even a Millenial, being at the tail-end of Generation X; come from a divorced home, father went to prison multiple times in my childhood, domestic violence abuse with step-fathers and their alcohol and drug problems….So PLEASE PLEASE don’t make blanket-statements like WE want anything from our PARENTS! Other than what most everyone else wants, their love and attention!
The sense of entitlement that Millenials do have, often times come from the “spoiling” and showering of gifts from grandparents who feel guilt from how they raised their own children and how they turned out or to make the grandkid feel better; although this feeling is fleeting and over time can spoil the child. Not to mention, the schools, at least here in California provide the students with breakfast, lunch, supper, a pencil/paper whenever they need it and a slap on the hand or a making of an excuse for them when being disrespectful to staff or unprepared to “learn”.
Anyways! Attacking generational differences isn’t going to get us out of this massive cl@sterf#*k!!!
Only divide us more and make it easier to polarize us into opposing camps to be unleashed on one another when things get really bad!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 28, 2016 11:47 am

When I am looking for future leaders, I watch episodes of the “Simpsons” as they are right on the money (like D. Trump’s election). You can also look for clues to terror attacks while enjoying each installment.
Movies can also add clues for the minnies as to who would be leaders, remember the plethera of films featuring a black president before Oreo was (s)elected?

  Bea Lever
November 28, 2016 11:55 am

If The Simpson’s says it, you can believe it.

November 29, 2016 12:20 am

X-Files and the Simpsons predict 9-11
I am sure it is purely accident both times o;
There is a name for this phenomena any one know it ?

  Bea Lever
November 28, 2016 6:35 pm

Well TV and movies tried awfully hard and failed with their myriad of women presidents–from goldfish crackers to Madam Secretary, the push for Hillary was clear.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 28, 2016 11:53 am

Your wife was a Hooter’s waitress? I’m jealous!

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 28, 2016 12:10 pm

If I recall, TPC stands for The Pessimist Chemist. This is you, correct?

It seems Millennials are divided like every generation. On the one hand they get a bad rap for being lazy, brainwashed by TV programming, unable to think for themselves, no values, immoral, etc. Yet, on the other hand, they are considered Heroes according to Strauss and Howe.

In reading this post today, as well as your previous contributions (regarding Bernie Sanders supporters, etc), and judging by my own kids – I can see how Millennials are, as you say, “rocked back on their heels, unsure of what to do next” and “in a holding pattern, looking for a symbol of hope”.

The Millennial’s are inheriting societal problems not of their own making. They did not create the chaos but they sure as hell are going to have live through it. They may be looking for leadership now, but soon, they will have to take the helm on their own.

Call me an optimist, but I think they are up to the task. In the meantime, they are simply working things out. I can only hope they choose well. As for me, I have already made my decisions. The Millennials around me know this and are watching. We’ll see.

November 28, 2016 1:40 pm

Every generation inherits problems not of their own making.

That’s why it is called inheriting.

And every generation has to deal with them, all the while generating its own new set of problems to leave for the generation that follows them.

November 28, 2016 2:56 pm

Fourth Generations inherit more problems than others. This was my point. All inheritors are equal but some inheritors are more equal than others. And, how the problems are handled makes all the difference.

November 29, 2016 12:22 am


November 28, 2016 6:45 pm

I hope you are right, but I fear that you are wrong. Prior generations-which all had their own inherent problems ( hence the cycles being roughly a human life-span and not multi-generational)-these prior generations had lots of men with testosterone and no confusions about the most basic of issues like sexuality, biology ad gender.
The skinny jeans wearing, snowflake, cultural marxist, 2-thumb texting twats I see raving with their panties in a bunch because their first female president lost–these effete millennial whiners don’t strike me as the type to rise up and reclaim their culture and heritage. I expect that they are more likely to embolden the muslim and latino invaders than risk their lives defending the blue-haired, multi-pierced, tattooed, screaming feminists they call classmates.

November 28, 2016 9:39 pm

Some, maybe even the majority. But there are many others out there like TPC.

I know, because I raised some. If you knew them, you would see it too.

Guts, eloquence, brains and old school, bad assness. Not all millennials grew up pampered.

November 29, 2016 12:24 am

I have been told that a lot of kids are bi now due to the propaganda and brainwashing in schools and colleges.

November 28, 2016 12:47 pm

I’ve read Howe & Strauss’s The Fourth Turning and, remarkable as the book is as well as numerous posts on TBP, I wish the authors had devised more descriptive generational names than Nomad, Hero, Artist and Prophet none of which make a lick of sense. If anyone can explain what these terms mean (if anything), feel free to enlighten me.

November 28, 2016 1:29 pm

Phpogggodhhos , OK I get your points but TPC provokes me.He is probably 25 years younger and lives in a different world.From the time I was 18 to now at age 55 I have had some type of employment.There has been small periods of unemployment but not many.I have always been able to find work.I have no one else to pay my bills .Alot of young people expect life to be easy , fair and free from pain.My life has never been like that.Sometimes I just want to say shut the fuck up and go to work like most people.Nobody is going to give you anything.

November 28, 2016 2:10 pm

Farm-boy from age 7-16.

Got up at 4:30AM. Chores done by 6AM. Half-hour to shower and eat breakfast, then I got on the school bus. Got off school bus at 7:45AM. School from 8AM until 3PM. School bus dropped me off at home ~4:40PM. Chores until 6:30PM. Ate dinner while watching Wheel of Fortune. Dinner ends at about 7PM.

Then I helped with housework until 21:00 or did homework. It was supposed to be lights out at 9 sharp, but I’ve always been a night owl, so I would wait until my brother fell asleep and then read books by flashlight under my covers until 11 or midnight. Weekends I slept in until 05:30 to do chores. Did farm work all day Saturday. Half day on sunday.

This isn’t a “oh woe is me” speech, my upbringing is a gigantic part of who I am today.

I could go on. I’ve laid brick, built fence, dug trenches, stacked lumber, driven a forklift and many other things to make my living. I’ve been continuously employed since we left the farm. Been with the same gal over 10 years, married for 8 of them. Undergrad and Masters in Chemistry and tangle with PhDs on a daily basis on equal footing.

At 30 years old I speak from experience outside the Millennial norm. If I’m “triggering” you with my anti-commie, liberty lovin’, gun totin’ ways, then go find another website to piss and moan on, because this isn’t the place for you.

PS: I hate the student loan debt because it ballooned while I was in college. The only help I would have wanted from my parents was not to get divorced in the first place. Mostly because I dearly loved my family. Its a shame it couldn’t continue.

But thats life. Shit happens and we learn and move on.

November 28, 2016 2:20 pm

Good for you TPC .I said you were the exception.So I was speaking about millennials in general .You still come across a little butt hurt.I guess that’s life . Now go back to work.You got a lot of taxes to pay.

November 28, 2016 2:23 pm

“You still come across a little butt hurt.”

Aye, I guess I do at that. Probably because I miss the good ole days when I thought this was a Constitutional Republic.

“You got a lot of taxes to pay.”

At least they will rise less quickly under the next administration.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 28, 2016 2:29 pm

Chemist- Did you remarry? I remember you complaining that your wife was a liberal and makes you meet socially with her pinko univershitty friends. She must have had an epiphany in the last year or two.

  Bea Lever
November 28, 2016 2:35 pm

@Bea – No, my wife isn’t a pinko, but she does have univershitty friends. Its interesting, since The Don got elected she has “come out” to them and now her talks with them are fielding the questions from the curious. They have always known I was a Ron Paul supporter.

Most of them were Sanders supporters, at least until he sold out. Now they are rudderless. We work on them each week, and for the most part its good progress.

Honestly she’s more on the Trump Train than I.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 28, 2016 3:00 pm

That is outstanding Chemist, tell her to carry on.

November 28, 2016 4:40 pm

Loved this TPC! Thank you for sharing.

BB you are one of the most butthurt, resentful, finger pointers on this site. Probably why you are the first to point fingers and accuse.

And for Cripe’s sake, you Silents and Boomers should be happy so many in your fellow generations screwed the pooch on raising these kids.

If they had courage, perseverance and the ability to critically think they would have already risen up and buried you all.

We have fucked these kids, and even their grandkids too, now we blame them for becoming exactly what we raised them to be.

Opinionated, chemically brain damaged, entitled.

And then there is TPC, Stephanie and my son. Exceptions proving the rule.

November 28, 2016 10:06 pm

Hey long time no see! Hope all is going well/better!

November 28, 2016 6:55 pm

TE ,blow me?

November 29, 2016 12:32 am

This is certainly an interesting website, passion unrestrained 😮
Its refreshing to see humans express themselves.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 29, 2016 3:26 am

Just wait until you see your first shitfest – usually provoked by some ignorant know-it-all coming around to tell Admin how to run his site.
We haven’t had a big one for several months, so one is probably do. “Unrestrained” is a major understatement when six or seven of us decide to pile on at once!