Guest Post by TPC

Millennial men are an interesting group, as the recent political winds favor their eradication almost entirely. Oh, the Left want your productivity, your strength of back, and your insights, but they want to keep this while changing everything else about you.

Still, in a post-Trumpening world, it appears that the sexless childlike minnie men are starting to slowly pull their heads out of the sand and look around to see what kind of world they are creating for themselves. These poor bastards are questioning everything they’ve ever been told, and don’t like the answers they find. Some dive face first into their shallow pools of cognitive dissonance, too afraid to face a reality so at odds with their own chosen paradigm. Some become outraged, and swing so far in the opposite direction that they embrace the most insane and illogical of conspiracies. However, the vast majority of them are rocked back on their heels, unsure of what to do next. They find the left end of the spectrum appalling, and the conspiracy-riddled far right to be pure lunacy. They are in a holding pattern, looking for a symbol of hope.

So what then for these?



Guest Post by TPC

Well, my wife and I went and voted. She voted for Trump, on the basis that he is better than Cruz, and I voted for “Uncommitted” because no candidate on that list is worth selecting.

We grabbed a bite to eat, and went to swing by our favorite bar in town on the way back home. We knew heading there that the same Berniebabies as last time would be present, they had been advertising a victory party all week to be hosted there when Bernie “inevitably” won by a landslide.

I’m a little under the weather and really didn’t feel like communicating with anyone, so I grabbed my drink and positioned myself at the other end of the bar, as physically removed from their festivities as possible while still being in eyeshot of the bartender.

As I nursed my drink, I found my attention continuously roving away from my Calvin and Hobbes book, and towards the gathered Cult of Bernie-ality. Ticker tape festooned the walls, and Bernie sanders T-shirts, and other apparel were everywhere. As were a large number of empty drinks.

What was missing was any of the triumphant jubilation one would normally assign a victory party. Instead, they sat there with slumped shoulders, and dejected looks on their faces. An obvious ring-leader was trying to force enthusiasm, but the rest could only nod mutely along.



Comment by TPC the was so good it deserved to be a post


I was at the bar last night with my wife, having a few drinks with friends before heading home for the evening. As our friends cleared out, my wife and I were “accosted” by some Bernie-bots.

“ARE YOU FEELING THE BERN?” one gleefully cheered as he went to stick a campaign sticker on my shoulder.

I adroitly dodged it with a mildly bemused expression on my face. I’ve dealt with this sort of idiocy before and just wanted to pay my tab and get the fuck out of dodge. My darling wife, however, wears her heart on her sleeve, and couldn’t keep a good old fashioned “fuck no” from being smeared across her pretty face. There was also a “go fuck yourself” eye roll tucked in there as well, she’s talented that way.

Honestly, I wish you could have been there. My wife’s nonverbal communication can crush a man’s will to live in nanoseconds….not that I have experience in that arena….

Anyway, they immediately began to shout “BOOO” at her, and asking “DON’T YOU WANT TO FIX AMERICA? DON’T YOU WANT A PRESIDENT THAT WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR?”

My wife kind of shunted to the side with the two followers and began walking them (patiently) through our views, repeatedly having to say “Yes, Trump is a bad candidate, but we aren’t talking about him right now.”

I was tasked with tackling the head Bernie-bot, a young man from Arizona who has only ever done volunteer work for a living, and has attended (but not finished) education at University of Phoenix (physically attended). Not only that, but the man was actually a bought and paid for Bernie-supporter, traveling the nation a week ahead of a primary to put up flyers, organize groups, and gather support.

It was his first night in our town, if I believed in God I would say he was smiling down on me.

Continue reading “THEY FELT THE BERN”