Be There Or Be Square


March 24, 2017 at the National Press Club, Washington, DC

Keynote Speakers

Hanan Ashrawi John Mearsheimer Ilan Pappé

Growing numbers of Americans question massive, automatic and unconditional U.S. support for Israel. The American Educational Trust, publisher of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy will host anhistoric fourth annual conference on March 24, 2017 at the National Press Club in Washiington, DC focusing on the key issues.

Expert keynote speakers and panelists will present their analysis of:

  • U.S. foreign aid, intelligence and diplomatic support to Israel. Since 1948, the U.S. has provided more foreign aid to Israel than to any other country. In 2016 the U.S. signed a new pledge to provide it $38 billion over 10 years. Is the aid unconditional? Will the U.S. provide it no matter how many illegal settlements Israel builds or what military actions it takes?

  • Israel as a U.S. ally. During the Cold War, many claimed Israel was America’s “cop on the beat” in the Middle East, squaring off against Soviet client states and protecting U.S. access to oil. Were these claims ever true? Does Israel currently serve any identifiable U.S. strategic interest, or is it in fact a liability?
  • Israel lobbying organizations have launched many programs in the U.S. They transfer billions of dollars in tax-deductible charitable contributions to support Jewish immigration to Israel (including from the former Soviet Union), and fund Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. Do these programs further harm American interests?

  • Israel affinity organizations and prominent neoconservatives have long demanded that the U.S. should militarily engage Israel’s rivals, including Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and Iraq. Is the list of targets growing? What future wars are these neocons currently agitating for? How likely is it the U.S. will comply?
  • The Israel-Palestine conflict is the longest running confrontation in the region. It generates terrorist attacks and other blowback against the United States. What are the latest views from the region about prospects for a viable Palestinian state vs. Israel’s continual territorial growth as a foreign-supported settler-colonial enterprise?
  • American public opinion is rapidly turning against unqualified support for Israel. How do Americans really feel about U.S. aid to Israel, Israel’s huge influence with U.S. elites, and its treatment of Palestinians?
  • Beyond changing perceptions, increasing numbers of Americans are actively working against Israeli programs. What is currently being done at the grassroots level, in courtrooms and internationally to confront, expose and challenge Israel lobby initiatives?

The Israel Lobby and American Policy conference is solely sponsored by the American Educational Trust, publisher of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep). Attendees receive lunch and an invitation to a special post-conference attendee-speaker reception.

Through December 31 a limited quanity of partially tax-deductible $79 year-end discount tickets are available.  Register online today!



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December 19, 2016 3:31 pm

I have never supported US aid to Israel (nor to anywhere else for that matter, to my knowledge).

I am all for cutting them lose. I believe the result would be that Israel would whip the rest of the middle east into shape fast. I believe the aid is in effect a bribe meant to prevent Israel’s kicking ass and taking names – ie. we will give you $3.8 billion a year if you do not nuke the Saudis.

Israel is theirs if they can hold it. It makes no difference to me either way.

December 19, 2016 6:21 pm

Stop the aid and let’s see who is the last standing. Israel is a serious liability and backstabbing bunch of monsters controlling world politics and preventing peace in the area.

December 19, 2016 6:41 pm

Seriously, doob, Israel is preventing peace? Not ISIS, not Al Qaeda, not the Saudis, not Yemen, not Iran? Not the Taliban? Not Syria? Not the US? Not Russia? Really?

What a fucking dumbass. Israel is peaceful – if the rest of the middle east will leave them alone, and recognize their right to exist, there would be no issues with Israel.

But, as I said, I could not give a rat’s ass. Let them sort it out, or not. And certainly do not fund them.

By the way, Israel is not the only one’s funded:

Afghanistan $4.5 billion
Egypt $1.6 billion
Jordan $1.2 billion
Palestinians $1 billion
Iraq $444 million
Lebanon $376 million

Stop it all.

Israel has nukes. And will use them if need be. They will keep standing.

December 19, 2016 8:13 pm

llpoh – ‘ Israel is peaceful.’ If that’s the same definition of peaceful as is used to describe islam then I couldn’t agree more. After all, it is the current year, and we all know that war is peace, freedom is slavery, diversity is our strength, ignorance is bliss, truth is fake and gender is a social construct. Unfortunately it seems these aren’t the definitions you are using.
Methinks thou doth protest too much.. Something to confess, perhaps?

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December 19, 2016 11:51 pm

Widely known to be a hoax quote, but you knew that already and don’t care; it serves your narrative.

His name isn’t even spelled correctly for fuck’s sake. I mean if you’re going to do some joo bashing, at least get the name right you dirty goy.

John Little - OmegaShock
John Little - OmegaShock
December 20, 2016 4:43 pm

It’s always good to see the knee-jerk reactions like this.

The Arabs in Israel have done fantastic. I’ve seen it for myself. I lived around them for 15 years.

And the Palestinians?

They are suffering. Under their own corrupt government. But, they still do better than their brethren in Jordan.

And, if America hadn’t been supporting the Gulf Arabs, there wouldn’t be any need to support Israel. Stop corruption in Washington, that delivers piles of money to the Arabs. THAT is what you want to stop.