As the Coup Against Trump Fails, the Threat Against His Life Rises

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump the Republican presidential nomination failed.

The use of the presstitute media to deny Trump victory in the presidential election failed.

The vote recount failed.

The effort to sway the Electoral College failed.

But the effort continues.

The CIA report on Russia’s alleged interference in the US presidential election ordered by Obama is in process. Faked evidence is a hallmark of CIA operations.

In their determination to seal Trump’s ears against environmental concerns, a group of environmentalists plan to disrupt the inauguration. This in itself is of little consequence, but chaos presents opportunity for assassination.


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Trump himself seems to think he is in danger. According to MSNBC, Trump intends to supplement his Secret Service protection with private security. As there is evidence of CIA complicity in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (film shows Secret Service agents ordered away from JFK’s limo immediately prior to his assassination), Trump, who is clearly seen as a threat by the military/security complex, is not being paranoid. MSNBC implies that Trump’s private security is to suppress protesters, as if government security forces have shown any compunction about suppressing protesters.

This provides an indication of the threat that the CIA sees in Trump:

Global Research’s Michel Chossudovsky has explained that Trump’s peaceful approach to Russia aligns him with oligarchs, whose wealth benefits from business deals with Russia, and puts Trump at odds with the military/security oligarchs, who benefit from the one trillion dollar annual military/security budget. The latter group have been in control since President Eisenhower warned us about them and can muster deep state forces against a Trump presidency.

To take on a group like this requires a tough SOB. Anything less than Trump wouldn’t have a chance. Indeed, if Douglas Valentine’s just published book, The CIA As Organized Crime (Clarity Press, 2017) is even half true, Trump’s life is certainly at risk.

Donald Trump is clearly no saint. Given what we are up against—dangerous tensions between nuclear powers and the military/security complex’s stake in these tensions—a saint is not what the situation calls for.

The military/security complex has been entrenched since NATO’s formation on April 4, 1949, a provocation that preceded by six years the formation of the Warsaw Pact on May 14, 1955. Any president willing to confront this entrenched deep state superpower deserves the support of all of us.

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December 20, 2016 5:37 pm

Cross your fingers and your toes that no harm comes his way.

Old Guy
Old Guy
December 20, 2016 6:39 pm

@Westcoaster: I hear you friend. But you need to understand that many of us, especially old men like myself that are veterans have given it our last shot at the ballot box. We’ve been gathering weapons and ammo for years, we’ve been waiting for a guy like Trump for decades (think Ross Perot). If we get effed this time around, there is no next time. We’re at expectancy anyway. Think we’re gonna lie down? No sir. After the first one, the rest are free. Ya follow? And I would add this to close out. There are AT LEAST a hundred thousand that mirror my thoughts. SEMPER FI.

Old Guy
Old Guy
  Old Guy
December 20, 2016 7:38 pm

Addendum: For you millenials, go to You Tube and type in “Homecoming Sgt. Zachary Walters”.
Understand the price of Freedom.

  Old Guy
December 20, 2016 7:45 pm

I may be considered a senior, but I still have vim and vigor in my step…and ammo in the closet.
I intend to live for many more years…free…or end it with a bang.
I am not about to render unto Caesar everything with a whimper.

Old Guy
Old Guy
December 20, 2016 8:16 pm

I read you five by five.

Big Dick
Big Dick
December 20, 2016 8:22 pm


December 20, 2016 6:13 pm

If someone tries to disrupt the inauguration, they should have water cannons turned on them to drive them away and restore order.

There is no excuse for such behavior in our Constitutional Republic where they can work to win the next election with a candidate they prefer since their rather contemptible offering this time was rejected by the American people.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
December 20, 2016 6:26 pm

Why would Trump, living the dream, with a smoking hot wife and great kids, give it all up to run for the one office which pays little but demands so much? He’s either the patriot he claims to be or he’s devil in disguise. We won’t know until we see the fruits of his empowerment. Until then, I’m going to bask in the weeping and gnashing of the teeth by those who want to upend the world that I grew up in.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
  Smoke Jensen
December 20, 2016 6:30 pm

And pray for his safety.

  Smoke Jensen
December 21, 2016 1:44 am

I am going to be praying for a giant two-day blizzard to roll into DC the day before the inauguration. Two feet of snow and 25 degree temps ought to do the trick.

EL Coyote: trumpeteer snowflakes beware, anti-Trump commentary.
EL Coyote: trumpeteer snowflakes beware, anti-Trump commentary.
December 21, 2016 1:51 am

I kinda expect old Trump will choose something different. Perhaps he will walk down 5th Avenue with full ticker tape parade. He might take the oath of office in Trump Tower, maybe have Giuliani presiding. All hail the wizard of Oz.

December 21, 2016 8:45 pm

For the wussy liberals a hint of rain ought to suffice.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 20, 2016 6:51 pm

i am an old trooper like boat, we have nothing to lose or everything, both sentiments apply.

December 20, 2016 7:23 pm

If anything takes place similar to what happened many times in the past, there will probably be more than one shooter, maybe many more.

December 20, 2016 7:29 pm

Smoke Jensen says:
December 20, 2016 at 6:26 pm
Why would Trump, living the dream, with a smoking hot wife and great kids, give it all up to run for the one office which pays little but demands so much?
Why do billionaires still work 16 hr days, six days a week when they could kick back for the rest of their lives? For the challenge I suppose, and the love of the game, whatever that means for them. Trump is no different. There are very few people in his class who can just put on the brakes and relax.

Hollow man
Hollow man
December 20, 2016 7:56 pm

Nothing to loose. They already Stole the republic away.

  Hollow man
December 20, 2016 8:47 pm

my apologies in advance. The word is lose….I know it was a tight election, but come on…

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
December 20, 2016 8:27 pm

After reading “JFK and the Unspeakable”, Trump is a smart man having his own, non-government, security detail.

December 20, 2016 8:51 pm

Folks,keep hearing here the phrase” nothing to lose”.I would amend that to if things go wrong”We have nothing to lose and everything to gain”.

The problem with threats is that Trump has a young son,that is what could be used against him by powers that want to be threats,that said,a billionaire and potus,you really might find you are fucking with the wrong family!

December 20, 2016 9:43 pm

I don’t like that he is in a skyscraper. Bad news. An engineer knows that all the energy needed to take it down is already stored in it. I hope his time away from the White House is spent at Mar-a-Lago and not New York.

If, God forbid, he was assassinated, it would be the WORST possible thing that could happen for Lefties. They would truly need safe spaces then.

Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
December 20, 2016 11:03 pm

Trump would be well advised to be cautious. The MSM fed the 100M Democrats a constant barrage of propaganda the he is Hitler and must be stopped at any cost.

“Propaganda has been around since Adam and Eve, when the serpent convinced Eve that one taste of the forbidden fruit would give her the knowledge of God. It worked, Eve bit. And soon learned that great gardens don’t grow from green apples. And that’s the important thing to know about propaganda. Not whether or not it’s true, but whether it entices someone to act.” – Bill Moyers

December 20, 2016 11:52 pm

“Why do billionaires still work 16 hr days, six days a week when they could kick back for the rest of their lives? For the challenge I suppose, and the love of the game, whatever that means for them. Trump is no different. There are very few people in his class who can just put on the brakes and relax.”

Correct. Totally. The billionaire kingpins of the Cali Cartel fit that description. I’m not comparing Trump to drug lords, I’m just saying that some uber wealthy people never give up the habits that made them wealthy.

Trump’s habits will prove beneficial to our country. Book it.

EL Coyote: trumpeteer snowflakes beware, anti-Trump commentary.
EL Coyote: trumpeteer snowflakes beware, anti-Trump commentary.
December 21, 2016 1:24 am

You know why I come here? Because I don’t believe MSM bullshit, they like to piss on you and tell you it’s raining. I didn’t start out to be so cynical, it crept up on me.

I was quite marveled to go to church one day and heard the good news of salvation. [I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”] Then they hit you with the fear of losing said salvation and then your pedaling hard to keep up with the demands of a controlling church; tithe, submission, obedience, service, avoid sinners, avoid tv, newspapers, dancing, drinking, loose women… They have answers for every possible out, you can’t criticize, you can’t judge, you can’t doubt, you can’t think… Really. You begin to experience brainlock. Then, one day, the bible speaks to you: Why were you set free to take up more chains? Cursed is he who puts his faith in a man. Many more verses convince you that you’ve been had; brainwashed by religion.

I say all this to explain that you fools are scaring yourselves. You’ve won. Trump is going to the White House. The wall will go up.

There was another Republican, a precursor to Trump; Arnold. He said to Hispanics: Mucho trabajo, poco dinero. He deliberately twisted the happy Mexican saying: Poco trabajo, mucho tequila. The truth is said in jest but it’s still the truth. Just wait. Republicans like Arnold and Donald are cut from the same cloth. Arnold really enjoyed being governor. He ran up the deficit but he was The Governator, after all, he could do no wrong. Trump may turn out like Arnold: all flash, no pan. Heh.

Trump may yet shoot somebody in front of Macy’s window and get away with it. Who’s going to demand recordings of meetings conducted in Trump Tower? Bill and Loretta met on the tarmac, there was no recording of that secret meeting.

Do you see where all this is going? Of course you don’t. You are falling for the old religious brainwashing – don’t think, don’t judge, don’t ask where the money goes, simply kneel in your bedroom and pray that Donald is OK no matter what he does to this country.

But here you are, scared to death that you’ll lose your Trumpian salvation. You buy into the hype that poor Donald might be assassinated. Billionaires don’t kill their own. He has nominated GS insiders. The CIA carries water for GS. If Donny is using his own goons it is because he intends to decimate the secret service, you know, the guys who hire Colombian escorts, those swinging dicks.

Bone head above says Trump intends to seriously decimate the CIA. That would mean he intends to pare it down to 90%. Wow. Brutal indeed.

Let us prey. – Thomas Nast


Wow _ Michelle was right – there is no hope for that kind of thought



Arnold is not the Donald, in the same way California is not the whole U.S. From the beginning of his primary campaign over a year ago, til now, all of his detractors have had to eat crow. You obviously like the taste of crow.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 21, 2016 9:18 pm

That’s mean, Vodka. You obviously meant to hurt my feelings.

  EL Coyote
December 21, 2016 9:44 pm

Forget him El Coyote, Vodka is on the rocks. He needs to be shaken not stirred.

  EL Coyote
December 21, 2016 11:25 pm

Hurt your feelings?? Imagine how the Don would feel if he knew you compared him to Arnold. The Don doesn’t bang the maid.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 22, 2016 12:26 am

Yeah, well she got her ticket punched. Maria was OK for the social status but when you have a sexy Latina keeping house for you, well, the flesh is weak sometimes. She got herself a free house and Arnold’s kid. He kept it well hid.

We don’t know if the Donald got some black poon somewhere, you know, like Donald Sterling. What’s money for if you can’t sow some wild oats? Poor Solomon had wives of all nations, a regular UN. Yet, somehow, in popular imagination, the Donald has lived like a Buddhist monk all his life. The guy has transmogrified into somebody wiser than Solomon overnight. I’m almost afraid to say anything bad about him; he’s more popular than Jesus.

  EL Coyote
December 22, 2016 12:41 am

Tom Arnold says he has a tape of Trump saying “nigger” from the Apprentice. That ought to bring him down a notch or two. But make some people like him even more.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 22, 2016 12:52 am

Thank goodness I have the propriety and manners to avoid using the N word around you niggers, you guys would try and have me deported.

December 22, 2016 4:13 am

@EC… if the pedocracy still stands cum February… we have good reason to be afraid.


james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 21, 2016 8:40 pm

Trump will try to be civil, and the left will be uncivil. He will try to be fair, and the left will take advantage unfairly wherever they can. He will try to reconcile and represent all Americans, while the left piously declaim “Not my President!” and “He lost the popular vote!”. He will start to build the wall, and they will cry “Racist!”. He will start to roll back environmental nonsense regulations and they will cry “Climate change denier!”. He will start to re-negotiate trade deals and they will cry, “The Senate must ratify!”. He will cancel the idiot Obama Executive Orders and they will cry, “Racist again! Destroying the legacy of the first black President!”
Then we will have our next Islamic terror attack and they will cry, “Xenophobic! Leave those refugees alone!”.
And he will say,
“You were wrong about me every time. You were wrong about my policies. You were wrong to adopt Obama’s policies. I no longer have to listen to your whining, pointless cries about me and the work I was elected to do. I am now President of you all, and I am doing this IN YOUR NAME, whether you agree with it or not. Because I am making America great again, instead of tearing it down like my predecessor did. And you will be better off from what I do, whether you like it or not!”
And the left’s brains will all implode when they realize HE IS RIGHT.