Los Angeles County Goes Full Psycho on Immigration

Guest Post by Kevin Lynn from Progressives For Immigration Reform

The ruling elite of Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles seem to have lost their collective minds as they prepare for Trump’s Inauguration on January 20th. Given the events of the past two weeks, one would almost come to envy the protections and privileges being foisted upon the County’s illegal immigrants.

At the December 6th meeting, Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda    Solis put forth a motion to protect illegal immigrants from deportation. In so doing she called for:

  • The creation of an office of Immigrant Affairs to serve and protect all immigrants of Los Angeles County,

    Hilda Solis

  • A strategy on how to handle a loss of federal dollars that could accompany the county’s refusal to implement federal immigration law,
  • County and City school officials to meet with immigrant rights groups and determine the impact of complying with federal immigration mandates,
  • The County’s Chief Information Officer to develop a plan to shield information from the federal government that could lead to the identification and deportation of illegal immigrants,
  • The County Counsel to conduct an analysis of the president’s legal authority to modify current laws and limit federal enforcement actions as well a analyze the penalties that could be legally imposed on the County for not complying.


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Regardless of where one stands on the immigration debate, two things come to mind when I read the transcript of the December 6th Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting. First, I’m no attorney. But isn’t what Supervisor Solis is proposing sound a lot like sedition? The definition of sedition is, “conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.” Now whether you like the nation’s immigration laws or not, I think we can agree they exist for some very good reasons. For instance, they exist to keep criminals and undesirables out of the country; protect wages and benefits of wage earners from being driven down by hordes of people only too eager to work for less money; and preserve a quality of life based on the understanding that the ecosystem becomes ever more imperiled by an increasing population of first world consumers. The folks at the County of Los Angeles seem to believe you can have infinite growth on a finite planet.

populationThe second thing that comes to mind is 30 years of essentially open borders caused by shoddy enforcement of our immigration laws is simply not working very well. 27% of California’s population is foreign born. That is roughly twice the countrywide percentage. Now, if immigration were working for the state, how is it that according to the Census Bureau, California has a higher poverty rate that any other state in the Union? Nearly a quarter of Californians live below the poverty line. Moreover, nearly one-third (1/3) of Latinos, the state’s largest ethnic group, live in poverty.

In 2014, Colin Cameron, Professor of Economics at UC-Davis, stated that “a significant portion of California’s high poverty reflects the state’s large number of immigrants.” He went on to state that “although many immigrants are well educated and high-paid, there are also many immigrants who are low skilled and have poor English skills.”

I could go into a lot more than just those two, but I have been making the case against unbridled immigration and its consequences for years. To learn more, I encourage the reader to view PFIR’s archive.

Kathryn Barger

It would have been one thing if it were just a rogue Supervisor. But it was not. Supervisor Solis was joined in this madness by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas, Kuehl, and Hahn.   And of course the well-heeled non-profits of California (The Fifth Estate of government these days) were there in force to cheer on the dimwits. In fact, box lunches were arranged in the overflow rooms and parking paid for anyone willing to show up that morning. It wasn’t democracy in action on display. Rather, democracy in its death throws. For all intensive purposes the government of one of the country’s largest counties has been usurped by foreign nationals and non-government organizations.

The only supervisor to vote against the motion was Kathryn Barger. She stated, “we should not be at a local level, trying to figure out ways to circumvent the laws, and even undermine the constitution.”

But, not to be outdone, the City of Los Angeles found another creative way to express its contempt for the nation’s immigration laws and policies. According to an article in this week’s LA Times, the City will create a $10 million legal defense fund for immigrants facing deportation. The article stated the money for the fund would come from the City of Los Angeles, Los Angles County, and hereto unnamed “philanthropic groups.”

Photo from LA ABC News

I would invite anyone who believes the City and County have the money for a venture like this to take a drive around the town. You will witness as I have on many an underpass, semi-permanent homeless camps that are fast becoming as ubiquitous as fast food restaurants. You will notice that it is not just that maintenance has been deferred – rather it has been eliminated.   A couple years ago the City embarked on a “30 year” plan to fix its potholes. So with luck, I’ll get to drive pothole free in Los Angeles some time around my 85th birthday. I don’t know about you, but it makes me think the problems are growing and the money to fix them is shrinking. And I have yet to be convinced how adding more people to the mix is going to make things better.

Sadly, the response to dealing with immigration at the local level is not a fierce attempt to look reality in the face and engage in heroic action. Rather, it is simply to pile on more delusional thinking the likes of Supervisor Solis’ seriously flawed motion.

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December 26, 2016 10:59 am

charge traitors with treason

December 26, 2016 11:08 am

Funny how these people operate. When the right threatens to do this, citing the 10th amendment, they are met with howls of rage. Look at these people, fucking hypocrites. Maybe the western half of the state will fall into the ocean soon.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
December 26, 2016 11:23 am

For those who don’t remember, Hilda Solis was also Obama’s Secretary of Labor from 2009-13…

December 26, 2016 11:46 am

For all intensive purposes?????? Holy mackerel……

December 26, 2016 10:28 pm

Me too. Intents and purposes. Its just a symptom brother.

December 26, 2016 12:07 pm

Las Angeles County has been lost. What options do they have at this point? I think it can be reasonably argued that this was inevitable. LA County specifically and California itself, will have to be wrestled back or cut free. (Cutting them free is not even an option in my book, as that would amount to surrender of a huge chunk of our landmass). Trump’s election represents only a possibility of return to national pride and identity. Hard work, perseverance and determination are now the name of the game. Gird your loins and roll up your sleeves. Apathetic stupor created this entire national mess.

December 26, 2016 12:42 pm

Raven, LA and large parts of California are a lost cause. I say we not just let them go, we encourage them to go. Get rid of that boat anchor. Yes, it’s a large part of the land mass, but not necessarily that useful. Lots of agricultural, but almost all irrigated with water stolen from elsewhere.

December 26, 2016 9:16 pm

Not one inch!

December 26, 2016 10:09 pm

We’ll take/get it back from some place else. Some place with LOTS of hard working white people.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 26, 2016 11:34 pm

Gawd, I hate morons who sit in their grandmaws basement and opine blindly about California like they know a damn thing about the Golden State.

Your claiming the water is stolen from the lower Colorado project? They bought Mono lake fair and square, you dimwit. I wonder if old Annie snuck in under the IQ radar?

December 26, 2016 1:52 pm

Look at the electoral map. The only places like this are along the coast. Most of the landmass in California went for trump, just like the rest of the country. It was the important parts, too, as in most of the farmland. LA county is a barren wasteland without water being siphoned off from other areas and sent to them, too. Let them have it. I guarantee you most of the farmers, etc aren’t going to want to leave so they can be forced to produce food in exchange for nothing to staify their new communist government.

Cutting loose LA county and 3 or 4 others would not mean much landmass. All we would loose is a bunch of useless hollywood actors and a shitload of illegals and blacks. We will be just fine without those things.

December 26, 2016 9:18 pm

Let’s just build a wall around LA,Frisco & the other left wing hot spots & make them our Hong Kong but we retain title to the land.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 26, 2016 12:31 pm

We shouldn’t let California leave the union. We should expel them.

December 26, 2016 1:16 pm

Abandoning a portion of our landmass is equivalent to surrendering to an enemy intrusion imo, and should not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 26, 2016 3:37 pm

If we’re willing to use federal troops to enforce federal law in California, fine by me, but if we’re not, we shouldn’t let Cuckifornia allow in illegals who – along with their US citizen anchor babies – will move to the other 49 states and transform the entire US into Cuckifornia. If we’re not willing to refuse to put up with their bullshit, we’d be better off extending The Wall northward to keep us safe from it.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 26, 2016 3:08 pm

Grammar Nazi time:
death _throes_ ; for an obviously educated person this is an insult to the language.

Also, “shield information from the federal government” is a noble goal we should all pursue. It’s also damned unlikely they could prevent the NSA from sweeping their entire set of county databases five minutes after an order was given. The only way to keep info away from the Feds is to never collect it in the first place, which method “serving the underprivileged” cannot employ since you cannot be sure of “serving” those who you can’t identify, and who also have good reason (illegal presence in the country) to avoid all contact with the authorities.

  james the deplorable wanderer
December 26, 2016 3:33 pm

Thanks for point out that shortcoming!! KLL

December 26, 2016 7:32 pm

This is awesome. All these wetbacks and pedophiles will move to the west coast. Since I live on the east coast, I shall be free from the REAL deplorables. Sweet Jesus, I will finally be free.

December 26, 2016 10:36 pm

Cut off their water supply.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 26, 2016 11:41 pm

Fuck all y’all fucking retards. If it weren’t for California, you morons would go extinct from your incest and brokeback mountain ways.

Where do you think the gays emigrate from? That’s right, Montana and Minichoada. We welcome your efforts to build a wall and keep your queer asses out of Cali. Fucking cocksuckers.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
December 26, 2016 11:57 pm

EC- State your case as to how you think Cali can survive the loss of funds and the insanity that prevails within. Me….I think it is a lost cause.